International Conference “Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of


International Conference “Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of
Piata Independentei nr. 39
410067 ORADEA
Tel./ Fax: (00 40) 259 435 140
Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu nr. 1
Tel.: (00 40) 264 405 300
Fax: (00 40) 264 591 906;
(00 40) 264 595 051
Str. Universitatii nr. 1
410087 ORADEA
Tel.: (00 40) 259 408 113
Fax: (00 40) 259 432 789
B-dul Dacia nr. 1-3
410464 ORADEA
Tel.: (00 40) 259 412 725
Fax: (00 40) 259 479 918
International Conference “Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of Hungary
(1387-1437) and Bohemia (1419-1437), Emperor of the Holy Roman
Empire (1433-1437), and his Time”,
Oradea (Romania), December 5–9, 2007
General Program
Arrival (Wednesday, December 5)
16.00 The Reception of the participants at the Continental Hotel of Oradea
20.00 Welcome Dinner in Honour of the Guests (Continental Hotel)
Day I (Thursday, December 6)
08.00 Breakfast
09.30 Official opening of the Conference (City Hall of Oradea: The Great Hall)
10.00 The Fortress of Oradea (documentary movie)
10.30 In Memoriam Mircea Bentea and Teresa Ferro
12.00 City tour
14.00 Lunch (Taverna Restaurant)
16.00 Scientific session (the Fortress of Oradea)
19.30 Opening of the Sigismund of Luxemburg and his Time exhibition (the Fortress of Oradea)
Dinner (Gobe Restaurant)
Day II (Friday, December 7)
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Scientific sessions (the University of Oradea)
13.00 Doctor Honoris Causa ceremony for Gianfranco Giraudo (the Aula Magna of the University of Oradea)
14.30 Lunch (the Restaurant of the University of Oradea)
16.00 Scientific sessions (the University of Oradea)
20.00 Dinner (The Fishermen’s Inn, Saldabagiu de Munte)
Day III (Saturday, December 8)
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Scientific sessions (the Continental Hotel of Oradea)
14.00 Lunch (the Continental Hotel of Oradea)
16.00 Scientific session (the Continental Hotel of Oradea)
18.50 Closing arguments (the Continental Hotel of Oradea)
20.00 Farewell Dinner (the President Hotel, Baile Felix)
Day IV (Sunday, December 9)
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Te deum: Sigismund of Luxemburg (the Church of the Fortress of Oradea)
10.00 Trip (Chiscau, Beius)
14.00 Lunch (Europa Restaurant, Beius)
16.00 Trip (Bradet, Sînnicolau de Beius)
20.00 Dinner (the Continental Hotel of Oradea)
Departure (Monday, December 10)
The departure of the guests
Conference Program
From Luxemburg to Oradea
(Opening Session)
The Fortress of Oradea
The Imperial Hall
December 6
16.00 Camil Muresanu, Originea si istoria Ducatului de Luxemburg / On the Origin and the History of the Duchy
of Luxemburg / Sur l’origine et l’histoire du duché de Luxembourg
I. Politics and Law
16.20 János M. Bak, Sigismund of Hungary as Legislator
16.40 Ioan–Aurel Pop, Sigismund de Luxemburg si Tarile Române / Sigismund of Luxemburg and the Romanian
17.00 Serban Papacostea, La place de la Mer Noire dans la politique de Sigismond de Luxembourg/ The Black
Sea and Sigismund of Luxemburg’s Policy
17.20 Coffee Break
II. Society and Economy
17.40 Konrad G. Gündisch, Patriciatul orasului Sibiu în vremea regelui Sigismund / The Patriciate of the City of
Sibiu in King Sigismund’s Time / Das Patriziat von Hermannstadt zur Zeit Königs Sigismunds
18.00 Alberto Castaldini, La condizione degli ebrei nell'Europa Centro–Orientale al tempo di Sigismondo di
Lussemburgo / The Status of the Jews in East-Central Europe in the Time of Sigismund of Luxemburg
18.20 György Székely, Változások a Kárpát-medence agrárszerkezetében Luxemburgi Zsigmond korában /
Transformations of the Agricultural Structure of the Carpathian Basin in the Age of Sigismund of Luxemburg /
Wandlungen in der Agrarstruktur des Karpatenbeckens im Zeitelter Sigismunds von Luxemburg
18.40 Erno Marosi, Három Zsigmond-kori Szent László szobor Váradról / Three Statutes of St. Ladislas from
Oradea from Sigismund’s Age
A. Image and Impact:
The Faces of an Age
The University of Oradea
December 7
I. Historiography and History (Lecture Hall 1)
Chairman: Camil Muresanu
1. The Late Medieval Perspective
09.00 Renáta Skorka, Zsigmond életrajzírója, Eberhard Windecke / Ebehard Windeck on the Personality of King
Sigismund / Die Persönlichkeit König Sigismunds nach Eberhard Windecke
09.20 Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Sigismundus and Hungary in the 15 th Century French Literature
09.40 Szabolcs Marton, Thuróczy és Tinódi krónikáinak összehasonlítása Zsigmond (1387-1437) személyében /
The Perspectives of the Chroniclers Thuróczy and Tinódi on King Sigismund’s (1387-1437) Personality: A
10.00 Ovidiu Muresan, Personalitatea lui Sigismund de Luxemburg oglindita în opera istorica, memorialistica si
epistolara a lui Enea Silvio Piccolomini / Sigismund of Luxemburg’s Personality as reflected in the Aeneas Silvio
Piccolomini’s Historical Works, Memoirs and Letters
10.20 Coffee Break
2. Modern and Early Modern Points of View
10.40 Cristian Luca, Florina Ciure, Sigismondo di Lussemburgo in alcune opere della storiografia italiana
dell’età della Controriforma e del Barocco / Sigismund of Luxemburg in Italian Historical Writings from the Time of
the Counter-Reformation and the Baroque Age
11.00 Mihai Georgita, Informatii documentare referitore la mormântul lui Sigismund de Luxemburg in cetatea
Oradea / Documentary Informations regarding King Sigismund of Luxemburg’s Tomb in the Fortress Oradea /
Urkundliche Auszüge zur Geschichte der Grosswardeiner Grabstätte des Kaisers Sigismund von Luxemburg
11.20 Loránd Mádly, Personalitatea lui Sigismund de Luxemburg în istoriografia transilvana de limba germana în
secolul al XIX-lea / The Personality of Sigismund of Luxemburg in 19th Century Transylvanian Historiography of
German Language
11.40 Eniko Csukovits, Zsigmond megítélésének változásai / The Changing Image of King Sigismund
12.00 Discussions
II. Between the Churches (Lecture Hall 2)
Chairman: Cesare Alzati
1. Latin Christendom
09.00 Stefan Damian, L’imperatore e lo santo / The Emperor and the Saint
09.20 Ferenc Sebok, King Sigismund and His Efforts to End the Schism in 1415
09.40 Adrian Ion Magina, Structuri ecleziastice catolice în Banat în prima jumatate a secolului al XV-lea /
Catholic Ecclesiastical Structures in the Banat in the First Half of the 15 th Century
10.00 Mária Lupescu Makó, A Zsigmond-kor búcsúi / The Indulgences from Sigismund’s Age
10.20 Coffee Break
2. Greek Christendom
10.40 Vasile Rus, I documenti storici riguardanti il monasterio di Peri in Maramures. Un approccio storicofilologico / The Historic Documents regarding the Peri Monastery from the Maramures: A Historical-Philological
11.00 Iulian Mihai Damian, Sigismondo di Lussemburgo, l’Ordine francescano e la Tarda Crociata / Sigismund
of Luxemburg, the Franciscan Order and the Later Crusades
11.20 Ioan–Vasile Leb, Conciliul de la Constanta (1414-1418) si participarea unei delegatii ortodoxe la acesta /
The Participation of Orthodox Delegacies at the Council of Constance (1414-1418) / Die Teilnahme Orthodoxer
Delegationen am Konstanzer Konzil (1414-1418)
11.40 Dumitru Teicu, Manastirile ortodoxe din Banat la începutul secolului al XV-lea / Orthodox Monasteries
from the Banat at the Beginning of the 15th Century
12.00 Discussions
III. Image and Belief (Lecture Hall 3)
Chairman: Erno Marosi
1. Saints, Sinners and Instruments
09.00 Anca Nitoi, Piese de armament de secol XV ale breslelor sibiene aflate în colectia Muzeului Brukenthal
din Sibiu / Weaponry Items produced by the Guilds of Sibiu in the Arms and Armor Collection of the Brukenthal
Museum of Sibiu
09.20 Ciprian Firea, Partonajul lui Sigismund de Luxemburg si evolutia liturgica în Transilvania / Sigismund of
Luxemburg’s Partonage and the Liturgical Evolution in Transylvania
09.40 Emoke Nagy, Communication Strategies in the Middle Ages: The Figure of an Apocryphal Saint, Saint
Anne, in the Sermons of Pelbartus de Themeswar and in the Legends of the Teleki–Codex
10.00 Coffee Break
2. Heraldry, Cartography and Patterns
10.20 György Feiszt, Zsigmond király címeres levelei/ The Heraldic Charters of King Sigismond
10.40 Szidonia Weisz, The Price of Fidelity: Donations of Coats of Arms for Nobles from Transylvania during the
Reign of Sigismund of Luxemburg
11.00 László Gróf, Medieval Mapping of Transylvania: Cartography at the time of Sigismund of Luxemburg
11.20 Discussions
B. The Realm, its Monarch, his Subjects:
Structure and Exception
The University of Oradea
December 7
I. Rex, reguli et (Lecture Hall 1)
Chairman: György Székely
1. The Center and its Limits
16.00 Ioan Dragan, Les nobles et knezi Roumains pendant les combats du roi Sigismond pour la consolidation
de son règne (1387-1404) / Romanian Nobles and Knezi in the time of King Sigismund’s Fights for the
Strengthening of his Rule (1387-1404)
16.20 Géza Érszegi, Zsigmond király 1405. évi törvényeinek szöveghagyománya / The Transmission of King
Sigismund’s Decrees of 1405 / Die Überlieferung der Sigismunds Dekrete vom 1405
16.40 Zoltán Kordé, Les congregationes generales en Transylvanie sous le regne de Sigismond / The
Transylvanian General Congregations during the Reign of Sigismund
17.00 Tamás Pálosfalvi, Borbála királyné udvara / The Court of Queen Barbara
17.20 Coffee Break
2. Local Powers and Regional Ambitions
17.40 Szilárd Sütto, Köznemesi autonómia nyomai a XIV. század végi Erdélybo / Traces of a Transylvanian
Local Autonomy of the Lower Nobility at the end of the 14th Century / Spuren einer vom niederen Adel ausgeübten
Autonomie aus Siebenbürgen des ausgehenden XIV. Jahrhunderts
18.00 Tudor Salagean, Universitas Hungarorum et Valachorum. Nord–Vestul Transilvaniei în epoca rascoalei
„de la Bobâlna” (1437-1438) / Universitas Hungarorum et Valachorum: North–Western Transylvania at the Time of
the “Bobâlna Uprising” (1437-1438)
18.20 András W. Kovács, Doboka vármegye hatósága a középkorban / The Authorities of the Dabâca County in
the Middle Ages
18.40 Discussions
II. Society and Economics (Lecture Hall 2)
Chairman: Ioan Dragan
1. Charters and Profit
16.00 István Draskóczy, Németek és olaszok a magyar királyság bányászatában (Réztermelés a Zsigmondkorban) / Germans and Italians in the Mining System of the Hungarian Realm: Copper Extraction in the Age of
Sigismund / Die Deutschen und die Italiener in dem Bergbau des Königreichs Ungarn (Kupfergewinnung in der
16.20 Károly Vekov, A hitelelehelyek tevékenységének szabályozasa Zsigmond korában / The Regulation of the
Activity of the Loca Credibilia in Sigismund’s Age / Die Regelung der Tätigkeit der Glaubwürdigenorten im
Zeitalter Sigismunds
16.40 Pál Lovei, Sokpecsétes oklevelek a 14-15. századi Magyarországon / Charters with Multiple Seals in 14t h15th Century Hungary / Vielbesiegelte Urkunden in Ungarn in 14-15. Jahrhunderte
17.00 Coffee Break
2. Families and Followers
17.20 Cosmin Popa–Gorjanu, Court Nobility during King Sigismund’s Reign: The Himfi Family between 1380–
17.40 Eniko Rüsz–Fogarasi, A Sukiak és Zsigmond - egy vármegyei nemesi család felemelkedése / The Suky
Family and the Royal Court of Sigismund of Luxemburg
18.00 Norbert C. Tóth, Az örökös ispánságok Zsigmond korában / Hereditary Countships in the Age of
Sigismund of Luxemburg
18.20 Discussions
III. Royal Borderlands (Lecture Hall 3)
Chairman: Konrad G. Gündisch
1. Defense, Trade and their Consequences
16.00 István Petrovics, A Duna–Tisza–Maros köz Zsigmond király uralkodása idején / The Danube –Tisza–
Maros Region during the Reign of King Sigismund
16.20 Ioan Marian Tiplic, Fortificarea sudului Transilvaniei la sfârsitul secolului al XIV-lea si începutul secolului al
XV-lea / Fortifying Southern Transylvania (Late 1300–Early 1400)
16.40 Ioan Hategan, Renasterea si Umanismul italian la limita lor estica: Timisoara si Oradea. Rolul familiilor
Scolari si Buondelmont / The Italian Renaissance and Humanism at their Eastern Limit: Timisoara and Oradea.
The Role of the Families Scolari and Buondelmonti
17.00 Alexandru Ciocîltan, Sigismund de Luxemburg si Câmpulungul muntean / Sigismund of Luxemburg and
Walachian Câmpulung / Sigismund von Luxemburg und Langenau
17.20 Coffee Break
2. Duties and Freedoms
17.40 Maria–Emilia Crîngaci Tiplic, Privilegiile comerciale ale sasilor în timpul lui Sigismund de Luxemburg /
The Commercial Privileges of the Transylvanian Saxons in Sigismund of Luxemburg’s Time / Die
Handelsprivilegien der Siebenbürger Sachsen zur Zeit Sigismunds von Luxemburg
18.00 Zsolt Simon, Obligatiile fiscale ale sasilor din Transilvania în epoca lui Sigismund de Luxemburg / The Tax
Duties of the Transylvania Saxons in Sigismund of Luxemburg’s Age
18.20 Andrea Fara, Economia di guerra, economia di pace, economia di frontiera. La Transilvania di Sigismondo
di Lussemburgo (1387-1437) / War Economy–Peace Economy–Frontier Economy: Sigismund of Luxemburg’s
Transylvania (1387-1437)
18.40 Constantin Ittu, Sibiul si ducatul Amlasului la sfârsitul secolului al XIV-lea si în prima jumatate a secolului
al XV-lea / The City of Sibiu and the Duchy of Amlas (Late 1300–Early 1400)
19.00 Discussions
C. Crowns, Emperors and Kings:
Political Shapes and Military Forms
The Continental Hotel
December 8
I. Crusade and Diplomacy (Conference Room 1)
Chairman: Krysztof Bazckowski
1. Ottoman Affairs
09.00 Alexandru Simon, King Sigismund’s Early Ottoman Years (1387-1392)
09.20 Attila Bárány, King Sigismund and the passagium generale (1391-96)
09.40 Johannes Preiser–Kapeller, Denn der Krieg umschließt uns von allen Seiten. Vorboten und Nachwehen
der Schlacht von Nikopolis 1396 im Sprengel des Patriarchats von Konstantinopel / For the war encircles us from
all sides. The Prelude and Aftermath of the Battle of Nicopolis (1396) from the Point of View of the Ecumenical
Patriarchate of Constantinople
10.00 Ovidiu Cristea, Les controverses de la croisade de Nicopolis / The Controversies surrounding the Crusade
of Varna
10.20 Coffee Break
2. Frontiers
10.40 Viorel Achim, The Hungarian-Wallachian dispute over Severin and its settlement by King Sigismund of
Luxemburg and Voivode Mircea the Old
11.00 László Veszpremy, Zsigmond Galambócnál, 1428 / Sigismond at Golumbac, 1428
11.20 Daniela–Monica Mitea, Relatiile lui Vlad Dracul cu Transilvania si Ungaria lui Sigismund de Luxemburg.
Reevaluare si semnificatii / Vlad Dracul's Relations with Sigismund of Luxembourg's Transylvania and Hungary.
Revaluation and Meanings
11.40 Discussions
II. European and Regional Politics (Conference Room 2)
Chairman: Serban Papacostea
1. Supporters and Infidels
09.00 Constantin Rezachevici, Între Sigismund de Luxemburg si Mircea cel Batrân. Conditiile neobisnuite ale
încheierii tratatului de la Brasov din 7 martie 1395 / Between Sigismund of Luxemburg and Mircea the Old. The
Unusual Circumstances of the Conclusion of the Brasov Treaty (7 th of March 1395) / Entre Sigismond de
Luxembourg et Mircea le Vieux. Le conditions singuliers de la conclusion du traité de Brasov (Mars 7, 1395)
09.20 Franck Collard, D’Henri VII à Sigismond de Luxembourg: une dynastie impériale à l’épreuve du poison /
From Henry VII to Sigismund of Luxemburg: A Dinasty challenged by Poison
09.40 Mihailo Popovic, Der Drachenorden Sigismunds und der serbische Despot Stefan Lazarevic / Sigismund’s
Dragon Order and the Serbian Despot Stephen Lazarevic
10.00 Coffee Break
2. Allies and Enemies
10.20 Gianluca Masi, Sigismondo di Lussemburgo e la Toscana / Sigismund of Luxemburg and Toscany
10.40 Ekaterini Mitsiou, Eine Untersuchung ausgewählter byzantinischer rhetorischer Texten auf westliche
Herrscher vorwiegend anhand einer Begrüßungs-anspräche an den deutschen Kaiser Sigismund (1434) / A
Survey of selected Rethoric Texts addressed namely to Western Rulers, on the Basis of a Greeting Formula for
the German Emperor Sigismund (1434)
11.00 Dan–Ioan Muresan, Une histoire aux trois empereurs: Sigismond de Luxembourg, Manuel II et Jean VIII
Paléologue / A Tale of Three Emperors: Manuel II, John VII Palaeologus and Sigismund of Luxemburg
11.20 Discussions
III. Men and Means (Conference Room 3)
Chairman: János M. Bak
1. Aims, Claims and Opportunities
09.00 Ioan–Aurel Pop, Sigismund de Luxemburg si Patriarhia de Aquileia / Sigismund of Luxemburg and the
Patriarchate of Aquileia
09.20 Ligia Boldea, Veleitati si oportunitati ale nobilimii românesti banatene în vremea lui Sigismund de
Luxemburg / Ambitions and Opportunities: The Romanian Nobility of Banat in the Time of Sigismund of
Luxemburg / Ambitions et chances: La noblesse roumaine du Banat au temps de Sigismond de Luxembourg
09.40 Adriano Papo, Pier Paolo Vergerio il Vecchio, ‘referendario’ dell’ imperatore Sigismondo / Pier Paolo
Vergerio the Old, Emperor Sigismund’s referendarius
10.00 Gizella Nemeth, Filippo Scolari, un condottiero fiorentino al servizio di Sigismondo di Lussemburgo /
Filippo Scolari, a Florentine Mercenary in the Service of Sigismund of Luxemburg
10.20 Coffee Break
2. Concepts and Cities
10.40 Florian Dumitru Soporan, Imperium et natio: realitati ale epocii lui Sigismund de Luxemburg / Imperium et
natio: Realities of the Age of Sigismund of Luxemburg
11.00 Zrinka Pešorda Vardic, Rex et Respublica: King Sigismund of Luxemburg in Ragusa (Dubrovnik)
11.20 Zoran Ladic, Dalmatian Cities and King Sigismund of Luxemburg with the Particular Attention to the Case
of Zadar
11.40 Sorin Sipos, Despre vitejie, curaj si credinta în Tarile Române la sfârsitul secolului al XIV-lea si începutul
secolul al XV-lea / On Bravery, Courage and Loyalty in the Romanian Principalities (Late 1300–Early 1400)
12.00 Discussions
A Ruler’s Coordinates
(Closing Session)
The Continental Hotel
The Auditorium
December 8
16.00 Virgil Ciocîltan, Sigismund de Luxemburg: suveran la sfârsitul Evului Mediu sau la începutul epocii
moderne? / Sigismund of Luxemburg: Ruler at the End of the Middle Ages or at the Dawn of the Modern Age? /
Sigismund von Luxemburg: Herrscher an der Schwelle der Neuzeit oder am Ausgang des Mittelalters?
I. North and South
16.20 Kryzstof Baczkowski, Sigismund von Luxemburg in Annales seu Cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae von
Johann Dlugosz / Sigismund of Luxemburg in the Annales seu Cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae of Jan Dlugosz
16.40 Damir Karbic, Sigismund's followers and opponents (supporters of Ladislas of Naples) among Croatian
noblemen and Dalmatian urban nobility during the civil war
17.00 Coffee Break
II. East and West
17.20 Alexandru Simon, Nicopolis (1396), Lublau (1412) and Luck (1429): Three Perspectives on Sigismund of
Luxemburg’s Career
17.40 Gianfranco Giraudo, M. Marcella Ferraccioli, Il Privilegio di Sigismondo di Lussemburgo ad Andrea Donà
(1434) / Sigismund of Luxemburg’s Privilege for Andrea Donà (1434)
18.00 Iván Bertényi , A király orizetében lévo koronától a magyar rendek orizte Szent Koronái / From the Crown
in the Custody of the King to the Holy Crown in the Custody of the Hungarian Estates / Von der in der Verwahrung
des Königs befindlichen Krone zu den Heiligen Krone in der Verwahrung der ungarischen Orden
18.20 Discussions
18.50 Closing Arguments
Each title was given in Italics, except for the English translation of the title of the lecture, in case the abstract of the lecture is in a language
other than English. The first title is in the language in which, according to the lecturer, the paper will be delivered.