Fiction The Heretic And The Maid The Heretic And The Maid


Fiction The Heretic And The Maid The Heretic And The Maid
The Heretic And
The Maid
(Adults,Historical Fiction)
Petra Gabriel
Un romanzo con il
Concilio di Costanza
(1414-1418) come sfondo.
Tipress Deutschland GmbH
Literary Agency
Original publisher: Gmeiner Verlag
First publication: 2014
The Heretic And The Maid
Constance, 1414: Escaping a child snatcher, Ennlin and her
younger brother reach the city of Constance where kings,
chieftains and scholars from all over the known world are
trying to reform the clergy at the great council. Ennlin
finds friendship and meets a man that leaves her deeply
impressed – Jan Hus, the heretic from Bohemia. Stunned,
she has to watch as Jan becomes a pawn in the schemes
of the powerful. And soon, it is Ennlin herself who gets
into trouble with influential opponents and has to fear for
her life...…
pp. 400
Rights: sold: The Heretic And The
Maid - All other languages available
Petra Gabriel Petra
Gabriel conduce, per
scrivere i suoi romanzi,
numerose ricerche sia sul
luogo sia negli archivi
tedeschi. È stata per oltre
15 anni redattrice del
quotidiano Südkurier di
Costanza. Oggi lavora come giornalista
freelance ed è autrice di sei romanzi storici.
Vive a Laufenburg am Hochrhein e a Berlino.
Other titles by Petra Gabriel: Die Konkubine,
Die Gefangene des Kardinals, Kartograph,
Der, Waldos Lied, Zeit des Lavendels.
Tipress Deutschland GmbH - Literary Agency – Obertalstr. 20a, D-79295 Sulzburg – – [email protected]