Pubblicazioni degli afferenti


Pubblicazioni degli afferenti
Pubblicazioni degli afferenti al GABeC nel triennio 2011 - 2013
Aldovrandi A., Balzani M., Cagnini A., Censini G., De Luca D., Fratini F., Garzonio C.A.,
Giamello M., Hoyte J., Improta M.C., Mugnaini S., Porcinai S., Scala A., Sorella F.
(2011) La campagna diagnostica sul pulpito di Giovanni Pisano nella chiesa di
Sant’Andrea a Pistoia: una necessaria premessa al restauro conservativo. OPD Restauro,
23, 221-252.
Andaloro E., Belfiore C.M., De Francesco A.M., Jacobsen J.K., Mittica G.P. (2011) A
preliminary archaeometric study of pottery remains from the archaeological site of
Timpone della Motta, in the Sibaritide area (Calabria - southern Italy). Applied Clay
Science, 53, 445-453.
Antonelli F., Ermeti A.L., Lazzarini L., Verità M., Raffaelli G. (2013) An archaeometric
contribution to the characterization of Renaissance maiolica from Urbino and a
comparison with coeval maiolica from Pesaro (the Marches, central Italy). Archaeometry
(DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12045).
Antonelli F., Lazzarini L. (2013) The use of white marble in the Central and Upper Adriatic
between Greece and Rome: a case study of the Hellenistic stelae from the necropolis in
Ancona (Marche, Italy). Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 23, 149-162.
Ardau C., Frau F., Dore E., Lattanzi P. (2012) Molybdate sorption by Zn-Al sulphate
layered double hydroxides. Applied Clay Science, 65-66, 128-133.
Ardau C., Frau F., Lattanzi P. (2013) New data on arsenic sorption properties of Zn-Al
sulphate layered double hydroxides: Influence of competition with other anions. Applied
Clay Science, 80-81, 1-9.
Ardizzone M., Vizio C., Bozzetta E., Pezzolato M., Meistro S., Dondo A., Giorgi I.,
Seghesio A., Mirabelli D., Capella S., Vigliaturo R., Belluso E. (2014) The wild rat as
sentinel animal in the environmental risk assessment of asbestos pollution: a pilot study.
Science of the Total Environment, 479-480, 31-38.
Balassone G., Bellatreccia F., Mormone A., Biagioni C., Pasero M., Petti C., Mondillo N.,
Fameli G. (2012) Sodalite-group minerals from Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex,
Italy: a case study of K-feldspar-rich xenoliths. Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 191-212.
Balassone G., Scordari F., Lacalamita M., Schingaro E., Mormone A., Piochi M., Petti C.,
Mondillo N. (2013) Trioctahedral micas in xenolithic ejecta from recent volcanism of the
Somma-Vesuvius (Italy): Crystal chemistry and genetic inferences. Lithos, 160-161, 8497.
Baldanza A., Gioncada A., Lezzerini M. (2012). The Acquabona Limestones (Livornesi
Mountains, western Tuscany) and their use as a building material. Periodico di
Mineralogia, 81, 1-17.
Ballirano P., De Vito C., Mignardi S., Ferrini V. (2013) Phase transitions in the Mg-CO2H2O system and the thermal decomposition of dypingite, Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·5H2O:
Implications for geosequestration of carbon dioxide. Chemical Geology 340, 59-67.
Bardelli F., Barone G., Crupi V., Longo F., Majolino D., Mazzoleni P., Venuti V. (2011)
Combined non-destructive XRF and SR-XAS study of archaeological artefacts.
Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, 399, 3147-3153
Bardelli F., Benvenuti M., Costagliola P., Di Benedetto F., Lattanzi P., Meneghini C.,
Romanelli M., Valenzano L. (2011) Arsenic uptake by natural calcite: An XAS study.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 3011-3023.
Barone G., Crupi V., Longo F., Majolino D., Mazzoleni P., Raneri S., Venuti V. (2013) A
multi-technique approach for the characterization of decorative stones and nondestructive method for the discrimination of similar rocks. X Ray Spectrometry (DOI:
Barone G., Crupi V., Majolino D., Mazzoleni P., Teixeira J., Venuti V., Scandurra A.
(2011) Small Angle Neutron Scattering as fingerprinting of ancient potteries from Sicily
(Southern Italy). Applied Clay Science, 54, 40-46.
Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Ingoglia C., Vanaria M.G. (2011) Archaeometric evidences of the
4th - 2nd century b.C. amphorae productions in north eastern Sicily. Journal of
Archaeological Science, 38, 3060-3071.
Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Spagnolo G., Aquilia E. (2012) The Transport Amphorae of Gela:
A Multidisciplinary Study on Provenance and Technological Aspects. Journal of
Archaeological Sciences, 39, 11-22.
Basile B., Lazzarini L. (2012) The archaeometric identification of the marbles of the Greek
statuary and architectural elements of the “Paolo Orsi” museum in Syracuse. Marmora,
8, 11-32.
Beccaluva L., Bianchini G., Mameli P., Natali C. (2013) Miocene shoshonite volcanism in
Sardinia: implications for magma sources and geodynamic evolution of the centralwestern Mediterranean. Lithos, 180-181, 128-137.
Belfiore C.M., Barca D., Bonazza A., Comite V., La Russa M.F., Pezzino A., Ruffolo S.A.,
Sabbioni C. (2013) Application of spectrometric analysis to the identification of
pollution sources causing the cultural heritage damage. Environmental Science and
Pollution Research, 20, 8848-8859.
Belfiore C.M., La Russa M.F., Barca D., Galli G., Ruffolo S.A., Pezzino A., Viccaro M.,
Fichera G.V. (2014) A trace element study for the provenance attribution of ceramic
artefacts: the case of dressel 1 amphorae from a late-republican ship. Journal of
Archaeological Science, 43, 91-104.
Belfiore C.M., La Russa M.F., Randazzo L., Montana G., Pezzino A., Ruffolo S.A., Aloise
P., (2013) Laboratory tests addressed to realize customized restoration procedures of
underwater archaeological ceramic finds, Applied Physics A-Materials Science &
Processing (DOI: 10.1007/s00339-013-7878-x).
Beltrame C., Lazzarini L., Medaglia S. (2011) Underwater investigation on a marble cargo
wreck at Capo Bianco near Isola di Capo Rizzuto, Crotone, Italy. The International
Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 41, 3-16.
Benvenuti M., Dini A., D’Orazio M., Chiarantini L., Corretti A., Costagliola P. (2013) The
tungsten and tin signature of iron ores from Elba island (Italy): a tool for provenance
studies of iron production in the Mediterranean region. Archaeometry, 55, 479-506.
Bergamonti L., Alfieri I., Lorenzi A., Montenero A., Predieri G., Barone G., Mazzoleni P.,
Pasquale S., Lottici P.P. (2013) Nanocrystalline TiO2 by sol-gel: Characterisation and
photocatalytic activity on Modica and Comiso stones. Applied Surface Science, 282,
Bianchini G., Cremonini S., Di Giuseppe D., Vianello G., Vittori Antisari L. (2014)
Multiproxy investigation of a Holocene sedimentary sequence near Ferrara (Italy): clues
on the physiographic evolution of the eastern Padanian plain. Journal of Soils and
Sediments, 14, 230-242.
Bianchini G., Natali C., Di Giuseppe D., Beccaluva L. (2012) Heavy metals in soils and
sedimentary deposits of the Padanian Plain (Ferrara, Northern Italy): Characterisation
and biomonitoring. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 12, 1145-1153.
Bloise A., Belluso E., Catalano M., Barrese E., Miriello D., Apollaro C. (2012)
Hydrothermal Alteration of Glass to Chrysotile. Journal of the American Ceramic
Society, 95, 3050-3055.
Bollo E., Scaglione F.E., Tursi M., Schroder C., Degiorgi G., Belluso E., Capella S., Bellis
D. (2011) Malignant pleural mesotelioma in a female Lion (Panthera leo). Research in
Veterinary Science, 91, 116-118.
Boni M., Mondillo N., Balassone G. (2011) Zincian dolomite: A peculiar dedolomitization
case? Geology, 39, 183-186.
Boni M., Rollinson G., Mondillo N., Balassone G., Santoro L. (2013) Quantitative
mineralogical characterization of karst bauxite deposits in the southern Apennines, Italy.
Economic Geology, 108, 813-833.
Boni M., Terracciano R., Balassone G., Gleeson S.A., Matthews A.H. (2011) The
carbonate-hosted willemite prospects of the Zambezi Metamorphic Belt (Zambia).
Mineralium Deposita, 46, 707-729.
Bonifay M., Capelli C., avec la coll. de Franco C., Leitch V., Riccardi L., Berni Millet P.
(2013) Les Thermes du Levant à Leptis Magna: quatre contextes céramiques des IIIe et
IVe siècles. Antiquités Africaines, 49, 67 - 150.
Buonanno G., Stabile L., Avino P., Belluso E. (2011) Chemical, dimensional and
morphological ultrafine particle characterization from a waste-to-energy plant. Waste
Management, 31, 2253-2262.
Buondonno A., Grilli E., Capra G.F., Glorioso C., Langella A., Leone A.P., Leone N.,
Odierna P., Vacca S., Vigliotti R.C. (2013) Zeolitized tuffs in pedotechnique for the
reclamation of abandoned quarries. A case study in the Campania region (Italy). Journal
of Environmental Management, 122, 25-30.
Cantisani E., Pecchioni E., Fratini F., Garzonio C.A. (2013) A multi analytical approach to
discriminate the Italian colored marble “Portasanta” from Portasanta “Marmor Chium”
(Greece). Journal of Cultural Heritage (DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2013.10.007).
Capelli C., Leitch V. (2011). A Roman amphora production site near Lepcis Magna:
petrographic analyses of the fabrics. Libyan Studies, 42, 69-72.
Capelli C., Waksman S.Y., Cabella R., Gragueb S., Treglia J.C. (2011) Il contributo delle
analisi di laboratorio allo studio delle ceramiche nordafricane: l’esempio di Sabra
al-Mansûriya (dati preliminari). In: Cressier P., Fentress E. (Eds.) La céramique
maghrébine du haut Moyen Âge (VIIIe-Xe siècle). État des recherches, problèmes et
perspectives. Collection de l’École française de Rome 446, Rome, 221-232.
Carbone C., Marescotti P., Lucchetti G., Martinelli A., Basso R., Cauzid J. (2012) Migration
of selected elements of environmental concern from unaltered pyrite-rich mineralizations
to Fe-rich alteration crusts. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 114, 109-117.
Chiarantini L., Benvenuti M. (2013) Evolution of pre-Islamic South Arabian coinage:
metallurgical analysis of coins excavated in Sumhuram (Khor-Rori, Sultanate of Oman).
Archaeometry (DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12036).
Cappelletti P., Rapisardo G., de Gennaro B., Colella A., Langella A., Graziano S.F., Bish
D.L., de Gennaro M. (2011) Immobilization of Cs and Sr in aluminosilicate matrices
derived from natural zeolites. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 414, 451-457.
Castelli D., Giorza A., Rossetti P., Piana F., Clerico F. (2011) Le mineralizzazioni a siderite
e arseniuri di cobalto-ferro-nichel del vallone di Arnàs (Usseglio, valli di Lanzo). In: M.
Rossi, A. Gattiglia (Eds.), Terre rosse, pietre verdi e blu cobalto. Miniere a Usseglio Prima raccolta di studi, Museo Civico Alpino “Arnaldo Tazzetti”, Usseglio, pp. 21-36.
Cavari F., Droghini F., Giamello M., Lazzarini L., Mascione C. (2012) The white marble
quarries of Campiglia Marittima (Livorno, Italy) and the provenance of marble artefacts
from Populonia. In “Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone” - Proceedings of the
Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA IX)
Conference (Tarragona, 2009), 390-400.
Costagliola P., Bardelli F., Benvenuti M., Di Benedetto F., Lattanzi P., Romanelli M.,
Paolieri M., Rimondi V., Vaggelli G. (2013) Arsenic-Bearing Calcite in Natural
Travertines: Evidence from Sequential Extraction, XAS, and XRF. Environmental
Science & Technology, 47, 6231-6238.
De Bonis, A., Grifa, C., Cultrone G., De Vita P., Langella A., Morra V. (2013) Raw
Materials for Archaeological Pottery from the Campania Region of Italy: A
Petrophysical Characterization. Geoarchaeology, 28, 478-503.
De Caritat P., Reimann C., Bastrakov E., Bowbridge D., Boyle P., Briggs S., Brown D.,
Brown M., Brownlie K., Burrows P., Burton G., Byass J., de Caritat P., Chanthapanya
N., Cooper M., Cranfield L., Curtis S., Denaro T., Dhnaram C., Dhu T., Diprose G.,
Fabris A., Fairclough M., Fanning S., Fidler R., Fitzell M., Flitcroft P., Fricke C., Fulton
D., Furlonger J., Gordon G., Green A., Green G., Greenfield J., Harley J., Heawood S.,
Hegvold T., Henderson K., House E., Husain Z., Krsteska B., Lam J., Langford R.,
Lavigne T., Linehan B., Livingstone M., Lukss A., Maier R., Makuei A., McCabe L.,
McDonald P., McIlroy D., McIntyre D., Morris P., O’Connell G., Pappas B., Parsons J.,
Petrick C., Poignand B., Roberts R., Ryle J., Seymon A., Sherry K., Skinner J., Smith
M., Strickland C., Sutton S., Swindell R., Tait H., Tang J., Thomson A., Thun C., Uppill
B., Wall K., Watkins J., Watson T., Webber L., Whiting A., Wilford J., Wilson T.,
Wygralak A., Albanese S., Andersson M., Arnoldussen A., Baritz R., Batista M.J., Bellan A., Birke M., Cicchella D., Demetriades A., Dinelli E., DeVivo B., DeVos W., Duris
M., Dusza-Dobek A., Eggen O.A., Eklund M., Ernstsen V., Filzmoser P., Finne T.E.,
Flight D., Forrester S., Fuchs M., Fugedi U., Gilucis A., Gosar M., Gregorauskiene V.,
Gulan A., Halamic J., Haslinger E., Hayoz P., Hobiger G., Hoffmann R., Hoogewerff J.,
Hrvatovic H., Husnjak S., Janik L., Johnson C.C., Jordan G., Kirby J., Kivisilla J., Klos
V., Krone F., Kwecko P., Kuti L., Ladenberger A., Lima A., Locutura J., Lucivjansky P.,
Mackovych D., Malyuk B.I., Maquil R., McLaughlin M., Meuli R.G., Miosic N., Mol
G., Négrel P., O’Connor P., Oorts K., Ottesen R.T., Pasieczna A., Petersell V., Pfleiderer
S., Ponavic M., Prazeres C., Rauch U., Reimann C., Salpeteur I., Schedl A., Scheib A.,
Schoeters I., Sefcik P., Sellersjö E., Skopljak F., Slaninka I., Šorša A., Srvkota R.,
Stafilov T., Tarvainen T., Trendavilov V., Valera P., Verougstraete V., Vidojevic D.,
Zissimos A.M., Zomeni Z. (2012) Comparing results from two continental geochemical
surveys to world soil composition and deriving Predicted Empirical Global Soil (PEGS2)
reference values. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 319-320, 269-276.
De Francesco A.M., Andaloro E., Jacobsen J. (2012) Undulating Band Style and Fringe
Style Matt-Painted Pottery from the Sanctuary on the Timpone della Motta in the
Sibaritide Area (CS) Calabria - southern Italy. Periodico di Mineralogia, 81, 145-162.
De Francesco A.M., Scarpelli R. (2013) Analysis of early medieval glass from excavations
at “Piazza Bovio”, Naples (Italy). Archaeometry (DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12070).
de Gennaro M., Calcaterra D., Langella A. (Eds.) (2013) Le Pietre Storiche della Campania,
dall’oblio alla riscoperta. Luciano Editore (Napoli), ISBN 978-88-6026-182-3.
Di Benedetto F., Montegrossi G., Minissale A., Pardi L.A., Romanelli M., Tassi F.,
Delgado Huertas A., Pampin E.M., Vaselli O., Borrini D. (2011) Biotic and inorganic
control on travertine deposition at Bullicame 3 spring (Viterbo, Italy): A
multidisciplinary approach. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 4441-4455.
Di Giuseppe D., Bianchini G., Vittori Antisari L., Martucci A., Natali C., Beccaluva L.
(2014) Geochemical characterization and biomonitoring of reclaimed soils in the Po
River Delta (Northern Italy): implications for the agricultural activities. Environmental
Monitoring and Assessment (DOI: 10.1007/s10661-013-3590-8).
Di Leo P., Pizzigallo M.D.R., Ancona V., Di Benedetto F., Mesto E., Schingaro E., Ventruti
G. (2012) Mechanochemical transformation of an organic ligand on mineral surfaces: the
efficiency of birnessite in catechol degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 201202, 148-154.
Eramo G., Aprile A., Muntoni I.M., Zerboni A. (2014) Textural and morphometric analysis
applied to Holocene pottery from Takarkori rock shelter (SW Libya, Central Sahara): a
quantitative sedimentological approach. Archaeometry (DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12043).
Eramo G., Giannossa L.C., Rocco A., Mangone A., Graziano S.F., Laviano R. (2014) Oil
Lamps from the catacombs of Canosa (Apulia, forth to sixth centuries AD): technological
features and typological imitation. Archaeometry (DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12016)
Ferrari M., Cabella R., Berriolo G., Montefalcone M. (2014) Gravel sediment bypass
between contiguous littoral cells in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Coastal
Research, 30, 183-191.
Ferrini V., De Vito C., Mignardi S., Fucinese D.M. (2012) Archaeological carved slabs of
the Langobard art in churches of Peligna Valley and Spoleto (Italy): provenance of the
stones. Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 3505-3515.
Fratini F., Pecchioni E., Rovero L., Tonietti U. (2011) The earth in the architecture of the
historical centre of Lamezia Terme (Italy): Characterization for restoration Applied Clay
Science, 53, 519-516.
Frau F., Cidu R., Ardau C. (2012) Short-term changes in water chemistry in the Baccu Locci
stream (Sardinia, Italy) affected by past mining. Applied Geochemistry, 27, 1844-1853.
Freyria F., Barrera G., Tiberto P., Belluso E., Levy D., Saracco G., Allia P., Garrone E.,
Bonelli B. (2013) Eu-doped α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles with modified magnetic properties.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 201, 302-311
Fuentes-Alventosa J.M., Introzzi L., Santo N., Cerri G., Brundu A., Farris S. (2013). Selfassembled nanostructured biohybrid coatings by an integrated 'sol-gel - intercalation'
approach. RSC Advances, 3, 25086-25096.
Gallo F., Silvestri A. (2012) Medieval glass from Rocca di Asolo (Northern Italy): an
archaeometric study. Archaeometry, 54, 1023- 1039.
Gallo F., Silvestri A., Molin G. (2013) Glass from the Archaeological Museum of Adria
(North-East Italy): new insights into Early Roman production technologies. Journal of
Archaeological Science, 40, 2589- 2605.
Garofalo P.S., Forti P., Günther D. (2013) Determining gypsum growth temperatures using
monophase fluid inclusions - Application to the giant gypsum crystals of Naica, Mexico.
Geology, e305 (DOI: 10.1130/G34517C.1).
Garofalo P.S., Fricker, M.B. Günther D., Bersani D., Lottici P.P. (2014) Physical-chemical
properties and metal budget of Au-transporting hydrothermal fluids in orogenic deposits.
In: Garofalo P.S., Ridley J.R. (eds) Gold-transporting hydrothermal fluids in the Earth’s
crust, vol. 402. The Geological Society Special Publications. The Geological Society,
London (DOI:10.1144/SP402.8).
Garofalo P.S. (2012) The composition of Alpine marine sediments (Bündnerschiefer
Formation, W Alps) and the mobility of their chemical components during orogenic
metamorphism. Lithos, 128-131, 55-72.
Gatta G.D., Lotti P., Merlini M., Liermann H.-P., Fisch M. (2013) High-pressure behavior
and phase stability of Al5BO9, a mullite-type ceramic material. Journal of American
Ceramic Society, 96, 2583-2592.
Gatta G.D., Merlini M., Lotti P., Lausi A., Rieder M. (2012) Phase stability and thermoelastic behavior of CsAlSiO4 (ABW): A potential nuclear waste disposal material.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 163, 147-152.
Gatta G.D., Vignola P., Meven M., Rinaldi R. (2013) Neutron diffraction in gemology:
Single-crystal diffraction study of brazilianite, NaAl3(PO4)2(OH)4. American
Mineralogist, 98, 1624-1630.
Gavini E., Spada G., Rassu G., Cerri G., Brundu A., Cossu M., Sorrenti M., Giunchedi P.
(2011) Development of solid nanoparticles based on hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin
aimed for the colonic transmucosal delivery of diclofenac sodium. Journal of Pharmacy
and Pharmacology, Volume 63, 472-482.
Ghiglieri G., Pittalis D., Cerri G., Oggiano G. (2012) Hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry
of an alkaline volcanic area: the NE Mt. Meru slope (East African Rift - Northern
Tanzania). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 529-541.
Giannossa L.C., Loperfido S., Caggese M., De Benedetto G.E, Laviano R., Sabbatini L.,
Mangone A. (2013) A systematic characterization of fibulae from Italy: from chemical
composition to microstructure and corrosion processes. New Journal of Chemistry, 37,
Gioncada A., Leoni L., Lezzerini M., Miriello D. (2011) Relationships between mineralogical
and textural factors in respect to hydric dilatation of some sandstones and metasandstones from the Northern Apennine. Italian Journal of Geosciences, 130, 394-403.
Giorgis I., Bonetto S., Giustetto R., Lawane A., Pantet A., Rossetti P., Thomassin J.-H.,
Vinai R. (2013) The lateritic profile of Balkouin, Burkina Faso: Geochemistry,
mineralogy and genesis. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 90, 31-48.
Giustetto R., Berruto G., Diana E., Costa E. (2013). Decorated prehistoric pottery from
Castello di Annone (Piedmont, Italy): archaeometric study and pilot comparison with
coeval analogous finds. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 4249-4263.
Giustetto R., Seenivasan K., Bonino F., Ricchiardi G., Bordiga S., Chierotti M.R., Gobetto
R. (2011). Host/Guest Interactions in a Sepiolite-Based Maya Blue Pigment: A
Spectroscopic Study. J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 16764-16776.
Giustetto R., Seenivasan K., Pellerej D., Ricchiardi G., Bordiga S. (2012). Spectroscopic
characterization and photo/thermal resistance of a hybrid palygorskite/methyl red Mayan
pigment. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 155, 167-176.
Gliozzo E, Camporeale S, Damiani D, Papi E, Turbanti I. (2011). Building materials from
Thamusida (Rabat, Morocco): a diachronic local production from Roman to Islamic
period. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38, 1026-1036.
Gray J.E., Rimondi V., Costagliela P., Vaselli O., Lattanti P. (2014) Long-distance transport
of Hg, Sb, and As from a mined area, conversion of Hg to methyl-Hg, and uptake of Hg
by fish on the Tiber River basin, west-central Italy. Environmental Geochemistry and
Health, 36, 145-157.
Grieco G., Merlini A., Cazzaniga A. (2012). The tectonic significance of PGM-bearing
chromitite at Ranomena mine, Toamasina chromite district, Madagascar. Ore Geology
Reviews, 44, 70-81.
Grieco G., Merlini A., Pedrotti M., Moroni M., Randrianja R. (2014). The origin of
Madagascar chromitites. Ore Geology Reviews, 58, 55-67.
Grifa C., De Bonis A., Langella A., Mercurio M., Soricelli G., Morra V. (2013). A Late
Roman ceramic production from Pompei. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 810-826.
Gualtieri S., Starnini E., Cabella R., Capelli C., Fabbri B. (a cura di) (2011) La ceramica e il
Mare. Il contributo dell’archeometria allo studio della circolazione dei prodotti ceramici
nel Mediterraneo. Aracne Ed., 1-204.
Iezzi G., Mollo S., Torresi G., Ventura G., Cavallo A., Scarlato P. (2011) Experimental
solidification of an andesitic melt by cooling. Chemical Geology, 283, 261-273.
Iezzi G., Tribaudino M., Della Ventura G., Margigiolaki I. (2011) The high-temperature
P21/m → C2/m phase transitions in synthetic amphiboles along the richterite-(BMg)richterite join. American Mineralogist, 96, 353–363.
Labagnara D., Patrucco M., Rossetti P., Pellegrino V. (2013) Predictive assessment of the
asbestos content in the Western Italian Alps: an essential tool for an effective approach
to risk analysis and management in tunneling operations and muck reuse. Environmental
Earth Sciences, 70, 857-868.
Langella A., Bish D.L., Cappelletti P., Cerri G., Colella A., de Gennaro R., Graziano S.F.,
Perrotta A., Scarpati C., de Gennaro M. (2013) New insights into the mineralogical
facies distribution of Campanian Ignimbrite, a relevant Italian industrial material.
Applied Clay Science, 72, 55-73.
La Russa M.F., Belfiore C.M., Comite V., Barca D., Bonazza A., Ruffolo S.A., Crisci G.M.,
Pezzino A. (2013) Geochemical study of black crusts as a diagnostic tool in cultural
heritage, Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing, 113-4, 1151-1162.
Lazzarini L. (2012) I marmi e le pietre del pavimento marciano. In “Il manto di pietra della
basilica di San Marco a Venezia. Storia, restauri, geometrie del pavimento” (a cura di E.
Vio), Venezia, 51-107. ISBN 978-88-89632-37-6.
Leone N., Mercurio M., Grilli E., Leone P.A., Langella A., Buondonno A. (2011) Potential
of vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy for the mineralogical characterization of synthetic
gleys: a preliminary investigation. Periodico di Mineralogia, 80, 433-453.
Mameli P., Mongelli G., Oggiano G., Rovina D. (2013) First finding of early medieval iron
slags in Sardinia (Italy): Insights into ore provenance and work activity. A geochemicalmineralogical approach. Archaeometry (DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12019).
Mangone A., Caggiani M.C., Giannossa L.C., Eramo G., Redavid G.V., Laviano R. (2013)
Diversified production of red figured pottery in Apulia (Southern Italy) in the late period.
Journal of Cultural Heritage, 14, 82-88.
Mangone A., De Benedetto G.E., Fico D., Giannossa L.C., Laviano R., Sabbatini L., van
der Werf I., Traini A. (2011) Multianalytical study of archaeological faience from
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