Agenzia Servizi Editoriali


Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Italian Non-Fiction Rights List
Summer-Fall 2012
Errico Malatesta, vita straordinaria del rivoluzionario più
temuto da tutti i governi e le questure del regno
Eleuthera 2012
176 pp
Errico Malatesta, the extraordinary life of the most feared Italian revolutionary
A biographical narrative in memory of Errico Malatesta 80 years after his death
Rome November 10, 1931. In his apartment in via Andrea Doria in Rome's Trionfale
district an old man is under house arrest - an oxygen cylinder next to his bed, two
policemen outside his door. As he thinks back to his long and adventurous life of plots,
escapes, strikes and insurrections, he has neither nostalgia nor regrets. His memories
become a sort of theatre of memory, a political weapon. As a deceiving clock counts
away the hours, the man who was once acclaimed as the "Lenin of Italy" looks back at
his existence: when he lead his first insurrection attempt in the province of Benevento,
his subsequent imprisonment, his years of exile in London, his adventurous activism in
Argentina, his secret return to Italy and finally the factories occupation during the
Biennio rosso between 1919 and 1920. Sixty years of anarchism, revolts and revolutions
intertwine with the history of Italy and and the struggles of labor movement all over the
world. Though exausted and haunted by the fascists, the old man looks back at his past
and is at peace with himself. He never won, yet he does not feel vanquished nor has he
any intention to abandon the fight. He doesn't need to keep calm.
Vittorio Giacopini (1961) works at Radio Rai and is a contributor for the political and cultural magazine
“Lo Straniero”, directed by Goffredo Fofi. Always combining his scholarship in political science with literature
and social commitment, he has published Viaggiatori senza biglietto (L’Ancora, 2000), Una guerra di
carta. Il Kosovo e gli intellettuali (Eleuthera, 2000), Scrittori contro la politica (Bollati
Boringhieri, 1999). With Goffredo Fofi he has edited Prima e dopo il ’68, a collection of writings
from “Quaderni Piacentini”, published by minimum fax.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c – I-20099 Sesto San Giovanni
Tel. +39 022408204 - [email protected]
Lega, Celestini
Eleuthèra, forthcoming May 2012
ISBN 978-88-96904-15-2
144 pages. / euro 12,00
with original photos
When I tell something on the stage, I'm not writing a newspaper article. Nor am I telling something that
happened to me in a pizzeria. And I'm not even doing a job! Otherwise I may end up to behave like the
institutions who take the right to tell the truth, to say once and for all how things are going. The
institution that wants to take the absolute between humans seems awful to me. In short, you cannot
just tell a story because it is important that people know it: if it is only that, then write an article, write
an essay, not a show or a a song ... The subjetcs are not things to talk about, but they're just things,
objects, objects that I get on stage.
Ascanio Celestini
Along the thread of his own experience in a biographical narrative which is full of anecdotes,
provocations, idiosyncrasies, loves, jokes, Ascanio Celestini, great storyteller of our time, appears for
the first time in the open. This book - the result of his conversations with Alessio Lega, songwriter and
out-of-scheme intellectual - it's simply another show by Ascanio. As in all his books and in all his films,
Ascanio gives voice to plural, choral narration through a single voice. But this time the staged character
is just himself: Celestini Ascanio, the son of Nino and Piera Comin ... food, theater, anthropology,
fatherhood, writing, armed struggle, death, cinema, migrants, the asylum, the memory ... Ascanio
depicts with extraordinary human and intellectual rigor that made him the most popular comedian of
the younger generation, the playwright who is read as a novelist, the most respected TV star who never
watches television
Ascanio is a medieval preacher without doctrine but with many a knowledge, he is a multiple-voice
comedian. His speech hardly starts from an “I”. Ascanio is a Platonic dialogue rather than an essay by
Aristotle. He lives before writing and manages to live up written things. His responses are continuously
transformed into a staged show where hundreds of real and virtual characters materialize. If in his
speech there are more than three sentences, it is already a drama.
Alessio Lega
Ascanio Celestini (Rome, 1972) is the most pupular voice of narrative
theater, which comes from a non-academic training in anthropology on
orality, reinterpreted in very original formulas of popular literature and
history, offering highly innovative theater shows - based
on torrential narrative monologues. In less than twenty years Celestini
produced a dozen of shows, written and performed entirely by him, with a
huge public success and critical acclaim.
Alessio Lega (Lecce, 1972), "poet-singer", stubbornly convinced that
changing the world is always possible, even with music, wrote his first songs
in 1985.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c – I-20099 Sesto San Giovanni
Tel. +39 022408204 - [email protected]
Franco La Cecla, Piero Zanini
Una morale per la vita di tutti i giorni
ovvero l’arte di vivere
A moral for Everyday Life or The Art of Living
Eleuthera - Forthcoming: Fall 2012
120 pp. / 10,00 euro
Collection: caienna
In everyday life people must constantly make choices or express opinions, but they are
choices and judgments that normally do not have the dramatic pressure of an
ultimatum. The rules that individuals are given in everyday relationships, mostly refer to
what is called 'common sense', i.e. habits and customs that can sometimes become a
moral sense or moral judgment. In this field, anthropology has much to tell, especially if
it gets rid of a philosophy marked by a crystallized idea of humanity.
With its attention to the differences of customs and the importance of culture as a
shared horizon of meaning, anthropology better grasps the richness of different
approaches to the everyday life. The anthropological approach makes it possible to see
how individuals and communities, including the most remote and conservative tribes,
are constantly trying to transform their moral horizons. And even where it is dominated
by religious or political "big ethics", there is often a far more flexible ethic of everyday
life that takes into account the body's needs and mind's desires. In short, the
"everyday"moral looks more like an aesthetic that ethics, or rather an art of living in
which the whole is as important as its articulation.
Franco La Cecla (Palermo, 1950) thaught Cultural Anthropology at
Berkeley, Paris, Venice, Bologna and Milan. He is the author of several
essays about everyday culture – his previous books published by
Eleuthera are: Mente locale, Non è cosa, L’Ape, Saperci fare e Modi bruschi.
Piero Zanini (Trento, 1966), is researcher at the Laboratoire
d’Architecture, Paris–La–Villette. His works include, Il significato del
confine, Lo stretto indispensabile (with Franco La Cecla) and a very recent
essay on mountain culture -Rilievi alpini.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
An original research that explores for the first time an odd Italian geography by
tracking the sites of "builders of dreams and imagination"
Gabriele Mina (ed.)
Sulle tracce di architetture fantastiche e universi
irregolari in Italia
Elèuthera –
forthcoming – November 2011
A retired railroad worker who for fifty years has built on a hill in the Cinque Terre great
figures using recycled materials, and created a huge nativity scene illuminated by
thousands of bulbs. A builder from Messina, which transformed a shack in a dream
home, including mosaics and concrete elephants, then dismantled by strong economic
powers of his own town. A cathedral of rock, the result of forty years of research on
the bank of the Adige. A farmer and a fourty-five feet Sardinian woman made of plastic
and chicken-wire fences. A craftsman of the Marche that created a wooden globe with
thirty feet in circumference. These and others are the builders of Babel ...
Here, for the first time, there is an attempt to reconstruct a visionary geography: an
anarchist geography is always hovering between accumulation and collapse, driven by
self-taught artists who have devoted decades of their lives to a total work, although
often surrounded by indifference and hostility. The book includes
anthropological studies by researchers who describe little-known enterprises to give back
their full value, while questioning the fate of these fragile outside-the-rules worlds.
With essays by: Cristina Calicelli (irregular art – creative workshops in mental hospitals);
Luisa Del Giudice (anthropologist -director of the Italian Oral History Institute at the
University of California Los Angeles); Eva Di Stefano (professor of Contemporary
History of Art at the University of Palermo and director of Osservatorio Outsider
Art); Bruno Montpied (an expert of outside-of-rules sites in France); Daniela Rosi (coordinates the Outsider Art Centre for Accademia di Belle Arti, Verona); Bianca Tosatti
(a leading international expert of irregular art); Roberta Trapani (a founding member of
Art Brut collective).
Gabriele Mina, anthropology researcher and professor, has studied in particular the
ritual of Mediterranean tarantism, and the representation of the other.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Studio: via Adelaide Bono Cairoli, 37 . 20127 Milano
Tel. 0228510504 Fax.0287393515 - e-mail: [email protected]
Rossella Anitori
Vivere insieme. Dalle comuni agricole e
urbane agli ecovillaggi, e oltre
Living together. From country and urban communes
to eco-villages and beyond
DeriveApprodi 2012
160 pages
15,00 euro
The dream of a united and egalitarian community has always crossed the history of
The need to aggregate according to affinity, and invest in a common project of life, to a
universe of shared values, has brought more people, in different historical eras, to move
away from their social context and culture, from their original community, to found a
new one.
This book - using the tools of investigation on the ground - describes and analyzes the
contemporary comunitary movements, starting from the cultural revolution of the 1960s
in the United States, up to include the European experiences. In the following decades,
however, the geography of community life changed - the most radical experiences made
room for "eco-villages," a new type of experiment also based on
a clean break from the traditional patterns and models, but whose main source of
inspiration is represented by the codes of ecological culture.
In the new settlement areas, communities choose to use these values - conviviality and
a subsistence economy, capable of build relationships between individuals who are
leading the struggle on the so-called "common goods".
Rossella Anitori is sociologist, anthropologist and journalist.
She has directly lived the experience of community life.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Title: Pigs!
Subtitle: La crisi spiegata a tutti
Author: Paolo Ferrero
Series: FuoriFuoco
Pages: 180
Price: € 12,00
What bankers and
governments will never tell you
July 2012
Written by the leader of the hard-line Communist Party, this book challenges the
widespread commonplaces on the crisis and explains their groundlessness in a simple
and direct way. The aim is to give readers with a middle-level culture the instruments
to understand the content of what is said by economy experts who often sound twisted
and “esoteric”.
The thesis is that a gigantic mystifying action is taking place: this starts from the
assumption that masses cannot really understand what are the real reasons of the crisis.
The financial crisis is presented daily almost like a religious phenomenon, where
“markets”- like emotional and quick-tempered gods – get nervous, frightened,
worried, and cause people very serious damage which, neverthless, is constantly
justified as “objective”.
Thanks to this, the incomprehension of the real functioning of economy gives way to
governments to propose solutions which, far from solving the crisis, make it worse and
aim to reinforce the power and wellness of the richest classes.
The book is not an essay on alternative economy, but starts from statements used by
the media every day as “key words” that need explanation and demystification.
This central part of the book is linked to two analysis of the real dynamics of the crisis
and alternative ways to get out of it.
This book is a real handbook for the understanding of a crisis which is worsening life
conditions of thousands of men and women.
The author Paolo Ferrero was born in 1960 in Pomaretto (Turin). He has been a factory worker
and then “cassaintegrato” (redundancy payment recipient) at Fiat. He chose to be a conscientious
objector, he is Waldensian and has been national leader of the Waldensian Evangelical Youth
Federation. He has also been Minister in Prodi's government and is leader of the Hard-line
Communist Party. With Deriveapprodi he also published “Quel che il futuro dirà di noi” (2010).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/C, I-20099, S.S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I-20148, Milano (Mi),
tel. + 39 02 84962853 - [email protected]
Anna Spinelli
La cantina dei pirati
Fernandel 2012
Pagine : 144
Prezzo : 13,00 €
ISBN : 978-88-95865-62-1
The way to adventure passes through the throat
From beer to tea, from vodka to rum, this recipe book turns several times around the
world in pursuit of tastes and aromas of piracy. Hundreds of recipes to prepare
cocktails and cook dishes that come from the tradition of filibustering from all around
the world: from the classic caviar sandwich washed down with vodka, river fish soup
from Louisiana; from fruit salade with rum to beef marinade in beer. Ancient recipes
carefully reconstructed and easily achievable even at home, away from the Sargasso Sea.
The book comes with color photos and brief introductory texts that offer a simple view
of history and geography of drinks and foods.
Anna Spinelli, born in 1954, orientalist and writer, graduated in
Oriental Languages and Literatures in Venice, and is a specialist in
the history of communications. For Fernandel she published:
Tra l’inferno e il mare. Breve storia economica e sociale della pirateria
(2003); Dal mare di Alboran a Samarcanda. Diario dell'ambasciata
castigliana a Tamerlano (1403-1406) (2004); Arte islamica. La misura del
metafisico (2008), the novel Rum (2009), set among the pirates of the
Caribbean, and the recipe book La cucina dei pirati (2009). She has
taught History of Islamic Art at the University of Bologna.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c – I-20099 Sesto San Giovanni
Tel. +39 022408204 - [email protected]
Letizia Nucciotti
Dalla tavola alla favola 500 ricette raccontate
Stampa alternativa 2012
424 pages
22.00 euro
Chefs every day, at breakfast, mid morning, at lunch, in the whole afternoon, in the
evening as well as in the middle of the night. On television screens and on all glossy
pages. Chef alone, but more often in the company of dwarves and dancers, to tout their
recipes, "lobster with truffles" or "snails drowned in bacon."
Letizia Nucciotti makes a radical change – from the glossy pages and colourful TV
shows she goes back to the simple food, recipes of (real, not invented) grandmothers
and aunts and memories of a civilization - the peasant - that many would consider dead
and buried and that she recovers and suggests as a companion of daily life, living
memory, new resistance.
The nearly 500 extraordinarily simple recipes become a popular novel, interspersed as
they are from her childhood memories and stories of the strong, proud and imaginative
people from Amiata.
Letizia Nucciotti is the child of pioneers who - two generations ago - settled in the
slopes of Mount Amiata to bring the land into cultivation. Graduated in veterinary
medicine, she exercised for a few years but then, with her husband, decided to open the
first holiday farm in the area, twenty years ago. Her choise was to work in the kitchen
and meticulously, at every working day's end, has written her recipes, alternating them
with stories of her family and her people.
By the same author: Avanzi Popolo. l'Arte del reciclare tutto quello che avanza in cucina - storia, ricette, consigli
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Gianfranco Preverino
IL BARO AL POKER. Le tecniche e gli stratagemmi dei bari in
tutte le varianti del poker con un capitolo anche sul gioco on line
THE POCKER CHEAT. Cheating techniques and tricks cheaters in
all forms of poker with a chapter on online gaming
Stampa Alternativa 2012
232 pages
20,00 euro
Poker is an ancient game that never goes out of fashion. In recent years its popularity
has dramatically grown at a breakneck pace in Italy, involving millions of people of
all ages and backgrounds. Changing players, game variants, meeting places, but one
single figure remains unchanged in the poker: the cheat.
Who are the cheats and how do they work?
What is collusion and how you run?
How can you mark the cards?
You can ogle the cards?
How do you mix in a false and around the cut?
How do you serve the paper from the bottom of the pack?
What cards or pack exchanges?
Are there special strategies, even based on math, for each variant?
What can happen in Texas Hold'em tournaments?
Cheating on the Net
How transparent are virtual casinos?
These are just some of the questions that are answered in this book, which is the most
comprehensive and up to date on the subject.
Anyone who at least occasionally plays poker, should know what is explained, as the
essential information could save him a lot of money. The merely curious readers,
however, will discover a world they did not know, and will appreciate some of the
cheaters' psychological subtleties.
In any case, the book is intended to move the line of what you knew, or thought to
know knew, about the world of cheaters and their tricks.
Gianfranco Preverino is one of the most respected Italian conjurors and a leading world
expert on the techniques of cheaters, and is the author ofseveral studies on the subject - his
first book Il Re dei Bari has enjoyed great success with readers and critics.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Calciopoli, la vera storia
by Giuseppe Narducci
with a foreword by Marco Travaglio
Alegre 2012
272 pg,
15 euro,
The text describes the investigation that has changed the football system in
Italy, going back over the long indictment that the prosecutor Giuseppe
Narducci, and his colleague, Stefano Capuano, led to the conclusion of the
process of Naples. The thesis, accompanied by multiple evidence supports
the existence of a criminal organization that affected the Italian Professional
Football League in 2004-2005 and found traces of which already in the 19992000 season. Thesis upheld by the Court of First Instance.
Giuseppe Narducci is the prosecutor who has
discovered Calciopoli. He was the Security Councillor
of the City of Naples, led by Mayor Luigi De
Magistris, but is also involved with a network of
associations, in the battle for truth and justice for the
victims of State terrorism in Argentina.
Marco Travaglio is one of the most authoritative and well-known Italian
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Come abbiamo vinto il referendum
La storia del referendum sull'acqua vinto dai
by Marco Bersani
Foreword by Stefano Rodotà
How we won the referendum
The story won the referendum on the water
Alegre – October 2011
129 pages, € 12
With the referendums on 12 and 13 June 2011, on water, nuclear and lawful
impediment, Italian politics has deeply changed. After more than fifteen years, a
referendum had a majority of voters and gave expression to the desire for
change that often undercurrent animates the Italian society.
Marco Bersani, has a degree in philosophy and is director of municipal social
services. Founding member of ATTAC Italy and among the spokesmen of the
Genoa Social Forum in July 2001, is one of the main leaders of the Italian Forum
of movements for public water
Stefano Rodotà (Cosenza 1933) is an outstanding Italian jurist.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Capitalismo tossico
by Marco Bertorello and Danilo Corradi.
Afterword by Richard Bellofiore
Alegre – July 2011
192 pages,
€ 16
The "toxic assets", according to the explosion of the international economic crisis,
are just the tip of the iceberg of capitalism illness. Going beyond the prevailing
interpretations, which identify factors in superficial and contingent causes of the
crisis, the book by Bertorello & Corradi tries to reflect on the structural reasons,
with a critical review of many suggested solutions that result uneffective and the
role that various movements can play in the development of capitalism in crisis. A
book by two young authors, now in its third reprint and has been highly
appreciated by the best economists of the Italian left.
Marco Bertorello is a trade union leader and the author of Un nuovo movimento
operaio" (Alegre, 2004).
Danilo Corradi is a researcher in economic history at the Rome University “La
Riccardo Bellofiore teaches Monetary Economics and History of economic
thought at the university of Bergamo. His most recent study is Da Marx a
Marx? Un bilancio dei marxismi italiani del Novecento (Manifestolibri, 2007)
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Le relazioni pericolose
Matrimoni e divorzi tra marxismo e
by Cinzia Arruzza
Dangerous Relationships. Marriages and
divorces between Marxism and Feminism
Alegre - 2010
128 pages,
12 euro
Feminism has changed the modern societies allowing women to gain rights
and political engagement. Throughout its history it has been met and clashed
with the culture of the left starting from Marxism. The book analyzes the
marriages and divorces between these two divergent thoughts and responses
offered in the course of history by feminist theorists. The author proposes to
overcome the old dialectic of "priority", analyzing the transformation of
patriarchal logic under capitalism and identifying the interweaving
relationships of exploitation, domination and oppression.
Cinzia Arruzza is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the
New School for Social Research, New York. She is the editor
of Pensare con Marx, ripensare Marx. Teorie per il nostro tempo
(2008) and Cosa vogliamo? Vogliamo tutto. Il Sessantotto
quarant'anni dopo (2008), and translated some essays by
Slavoj Žižek and Daniel Bensaïd.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Scuola Diaz, vergogna di Stato
Il processo alla polizia per l'assalto al
G8 di Genova
by Checchino Antonini, Francesco Barilli,
Dario Rossi
Foreword by Massimo Carlotto
200 pages,
16 euro
Genoa, the night of July 21, 2001. While the trains carried away most of the
protesters, dozens of agents were operating a violent irruption into the base of
Genoa Social Forum, seriously injuring 93 and arresting 63 people for criminal
conspiracy. "The most serious suspension of democratic rights in a Western
country since the Second World War," according to Amnesty International.
In this book the meticulous reconstruction of the facts through the indictment of
Pm pronounced in the first trial will be concluded with the acquittal of the chain
of command and with light sentences for those responsible for this "Mexican
The Authors
Checchino Antonini, is a reporter of the daily Liberazione who was
correspondent at Genoa G8 in 2001.
Francesco Barilli, media activist, coordinates the site
Dario Rossi, counsel of Genoa Social Forum.
Massimo Carlotto, a well-known author of detective's stories.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Pippo Delbono – Giovanni Senzani
Barbés – forthcoming Spring 2013
250 pages, cm 14 x 21
Retail price: € 18,00
with 100 original photos
Pippo Delbono, director - poet – rebel - homosexual - Buddhist and Giovanni Senzani,
a former member of the Brigate Rosse, a life convict who gained his definite release in
2010, met at theatre by chance and since then their visions of the world got intermingled
even though they could not be more different from one another.
One is a non-violent, supporter of the Buddhist revolution, the other is a Marxist who
used to believe in armed revolution. This book is made of words and images and gathers
their looks, stories, and exchange of impressions on this world which seems lost,
unrecognisable, that seems to have lost its identity and values and is always run by a thin
line of blood.
But this book tries to look beyond - starting from the pain and blood of the living and
dying the authors try to go on relying on the faith in human beings.
The book, and the movie based on it that will be presented at Cannes Film Festival, is
divided into sections, among which:
Two personalities meet: one tries to understand the world through theatre making, the
other one tries to cope with his past and with freedom after being released from prison.
Dialogue on ideologies - Buddha and Che Guevara can have common points.
A world that has changed and is constantly changing, a moving reality we cannot
understand any more with conventional knowledge tools.
Life and death, pain perception when you live close to death. Poison can turn into
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Roberto Gramiccia
Slot Art Machine
DeriveApprodi 2012
224 pages
Retail price: € 16,00
“All of these writings wants to sound the alarm. If it rings, do
not turn it off right away. Otherwise you will fall asleep
Art is no more a free expression of a free research. It has turned into a product out of
which the system tries to make as much profit as possible. That is how the acquisition of
a piece of art by a famous author has become like a stock exchange investment.
Collectors become plungers and public is constantly brainwashed to believe in an art
which has become cold, repetitive, cynical. Business, technique, communication,
marketing have become the new protagonists of 21 st-century art and they are linked by
the common sub-culture of neo-liberism. Someone, though, still believes that art is a
common good. The author of this book is one of them.
The author
Roberto Gramiccia is a writer, journalist and art critic. He lives and works in
Rome. He has published “La medicina è malata” (1999), “La regola del
disordine” and “Renato Caccioppoli un matematico ribelle” (2004), “La
Nuova scuola Romana. I sei artisti di via degli Ausoni” (2005), “Fragili eroi”
and “Ritratti d’artista” (2009).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -