Apre Pinocchio, nuovo ristorante italiano


Apre Pinocchio, nuovo ristorante italiano
Apre Pinocchio, nuovo ristorante italiano
martedì 12 agosto 2008
Ultimo aggiornamento lunedì 24 novembre 2008
I nostri amici della Flavour of Italy aprono il loro ristorante dopo avere vinto il premio come azienda emergente del 2008.
Complimenti vivissimi per la loro attivita' e per i risultati che stanno avendo.
Potete visitare il sito del ristorante al seguente link:
L'inaugurazione del locale e' fissata per il 14 agosto dalle 11 di mattina in poi, fateci un salto se potete!!
About Pinocchio
----Pinocchio is a classic of children's literature. It was written by Tuscan writer Carlo Lorenzini under the pen name of C.
Collodi and was first published in Rome in 1881. All the children of the world are familiar with this little hero, the naughty
wooden puppet who walks and talks - and whose nose grows longer and longer every time he tells a lie.
The characters in "Pinocchio" are vivid and remain with us for along time. For instance, "Il grillo parlante" (in English
Jiminy Cricket) is the conscience of the puppet. The Blue Fairy is Collodi's mother. Geppetto is self-sacrificing father.
"Pinocchio" comprises a web of metaphors about the conditions of man. It also depicts class struggles and comments on
social injustice and on the contrast between poor and rich.
"Pinocchio" starts with the usual formula "C'era una volta" followed by an apostrophe to the author's little readers: "C'era
una volta... - Un re! - diranno subito i miei piccoli lettori. No, ragazzi, avete sbagliato. C'era una volta un pezzo di legno."
(Once upon a time there was… A king! My little readers will say. No, children. There was once a piece of wood.)
This piece of wood had inside it the character of Pinocchio, just as Michelangelo's David was contained in a strangely
shaped piece of marble every sculptor rejected. Collodi carved Pinocchio out of that piece of wood. Pinocchio is about
common people. The old master Mastro Ciliegia (Cherry) is a common carpenter. He lives very poorly. He finds a piece
of wood that he wants to carve on a cold night. "This wood was not valuable: it was only a common log like those that are
burnt in the winter in the stoves and the fireplaces to make a cheerful blaze and warm the room."
To create warmth and good feeling, that was the aim of the author. Mastro Ciliegia decides the fate of the piece of wood:
"It will do to make the leg of a little table." But the piece of wood has a life of his own, and starts speaking. "Do not strike
me so hard!" "You are tickling me all over!" And than thanks to Geppetto, Pinocchio is born.
In Dublin, Pinocchio's fathers are Maurizio, Marco and Marco...
The puppet has learned generosity and altruism, and the Blue Fairy keeps her promise -- that if Pinocchio will prove
himself worthy, he could become a "real" boy.
He does. It is a happy ending for all...
...and in Dublin Pinocchio is just born!
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Generata: 30 September, 2016, 00:38