CATS AND DOGS - Vimax Magazine


CATS AND DOGS - Vimax Magazine
Taking care of the pet’s coat means to improve the relationship with him
They are developed by professional groomers and dedicated to owners that want to take
special care of their pets: FURminator products are now available on the Italian market with
a broader offer, in order to meet every need. If customers are satisfied, it means that
FURminator high-quality products improve the relationship between pets and their owners.
Thanks to these products, grooming is now a pleasant moment. The exclusive range of
deShedding tools against hair loss, FURminator products for grooming, bath and hygiene
offer a broader choice, in order to take care of pets’ coat easily. With plenty of news.
Sono ideali per preservare l’animale dai
pericoli per la salute rappresentati da una
inadeguata cura delle unghie.
PROVATA EFFICACIA. Con la sua linea di prodotti per l’igiene, FURminator offre soluzioni
mirate anche per la riduzione della perdita
STEP 1 + 2. deShedding tools represent FURminator brand success: they guarantee the
reduction of dead hair loss up to 90%, they avoid the frustration connected with the
phenomenon for owners of pets living indoor, preserving the coat healthy and beautiful.
Professional groomers developed these professional tools for cats and dogs of all breeds,
size and hair length. They prevent matt coat and remove hairballs in cats and small pets.
Today, the range also offers specific deShedding tools for horses.
The latest innovation by FURminator is the new line of two steps FURminator grooming tools:
it is possible to choose the correct brush and comb according to the dog’s needs, in order
to preserve a healthy and shiny coat.
Step 1, “brushing”, is fundamental for grooming before and after bath: it disentangles fur,
which becomes smooth without irritating the skin. Step 2, “combing”, is perfect to smooth
fur, removing eventual remains, tangles and matting. According to the coat type (short,
medium, long, crisp, rough or silk) it is possible to choose among different types of
brushes: Dual Brush; Large/Small firm slicker brush and Large/Small soft slicker brush.
And combs: Large/Small finishing comb; Rake comb and Curry comb.
PERFECT MANICURE. FURminator has developed the safe and easy solution to take care of
nails, since it removes any uneasiness for both pets and owners.
Clippers and nail file offer elevated performance: they are light and handy. Moreover, they
guarantee an effective and painless care. They are perfect to protect pets against health
problems connected with bad nail care.
PROVEN EFFECTIVENESS.Thanks to its line of hygiene products, FURminator offers specific
solutions to reduce hair loss.The line has been developed by experts without parabens and
chemical colouring substances. Shampoo, conditioner, dry spray for the specific needs of
cats and dogs are the best solution for those who want to take care of their pet with highquality products. If combined with deShedding tools, they are more effective, for the best
WET DOG? NO PROBLEM. It might be frustrating for owners to deal with wet dogs. That is
why FURminator developed an easy and quick way to dry and calm the pet after bath, swim
or running under the rain or snow. This is also a simple way to protect the house and the car
from wet dogs. New FURdry line is based on the innovatory approach of FURminator brand:
the “bathrobe” for dogs is an extraordinary product: it dries and warms, protecting
furniture, carpets and car. Moreover, the modern microfiber technology absorbs dampness
and water from the dog’s coat, reducing the smell of wet dog. FURdry is available in two
colours (blue and violet) and 5 different sizes.
PARTNER OF EXCELLENCE FOR SPECIALIZED SHOPS. Following its leading position in the
sector of grooming, FURminator pays constant attention and innovation to merchandising.
Displays and support materials help increase the visibility of FURminator tools, as well as to
inform customers about the extraordinary effectiveness and quality of the products.
di pelo, senza parabeni e coloranti chimici, grazie a esperti nel settore
della cura del pelo degli animali domestici. Shampoo, balsamo, spray
a secco per le specifiche esigenze di ogni cane e gatto sono la risposta giusta per chi vuole prendersi cura del proprio amico a quattro zampe con prodotti di altissima qualità. Inoltre, se
usati in sinergia con gli strumenti deShedding, ne aumentano l’efficacia per risultati ottimali.
CANE BAGNATO? NESSUN PROBLEMA. Può essere frustrante per un proprietario
avere a che fare con un cane bagnato. Per questo, FURminator ha creato un
modo facile e veloce di asciugare e calmare l’animale dopo un bagno, una
nuotata o una corsa sotto la pioggia o nella neve. Senza contare che questo è
anche un metodo semplice per proteggere la
casa e l’auto dai cani bagnati. La nuovissima
linea FURdry è basata sull’approccio fortemente
innovativo che contraddistingue il marchio FURminator: l’”accappatoio per cani” è un prodotto
straordinario perché asciuga e riscalda, proteggendo mobili e tappeti e la tappezzeria dell’auto. Inoltre, la moderna tecnologia in microfibra assorbe umidità e acqua
dal manto del cane riducendo il tipico odore di cane bagnato. FURdry è disponibile
in due colori (blu e viola) in 5 diverse taglie.
PARTNER D’ECCELLENZA PER IL PETSHOP. Dalla sua posizione di primo piano nel mercato
della toelettatura, FURminator dedica alle soluzioni di merchandising una grande
attenzione e una costante innovazione. Gli espositori così come i materiali a supporto delle vendite contribuiscono a rendere visibili gli strumenti FURminator e informare i consumatori della straordinaria efficacia e qualità dei prodotti. (M.E.)