La Toscana è in cima alle liste delle mete predilette dai turisti


La Toscana è in cima alle liste delle mete predilette dai turisti
La Toscana è in cima alle liste delle mete predilette dai turisti stranieri ma le strategie per
moltiplicare gli arrivi sono in continuo rinnovo: un esempio è la serie di facilitazioni per i
viaggiatori cinesi, segnalata da China Daily. Percorso culturalmente meno comune, invece,
quello tracciato dal Jerusalem Post per esplorare Firenze, Pisa e Livorno.
Abstract of the article “Tuscany beckons Chinese tourists”
Written by Mei Jia
On China Daily, June 23rd 2011
“Breathtaking countryside scenes are one of the main reasons visitors flock to Tuscany”
“The Tuscany region of Italy, birthplace of the Renaissance, first-class wine and art masters,
is embracing Chinese tourists with a China Project to deal with the expected surge in visitors.
Launched on June 16 in Beijing, the project is a package of services customized for Chinesespeaking tourists, including a Chinese-Italian bilingual Tuscany Travel Passport, a free
iPhone application in Chinese, and a photo exhibition in four Chinese cities.” (…)
L’articolo è disponibile gratuitamente al seguente link:
Abstract of the article “An inspiring visit to Florence,
Pisa and Livorno”
Written by Arthur Wolak
On Jerusalem Post, June 26th 2011
“In 16th century Florence, the fate of the Jews was closely tied to the fate of the powerful
Medici family who had offered Jews protection during their rule”
“Florence, Pisa, and Livorno are among Tuscany’s most significant cities. Not only are they
influential and picturesque capitals of their respective Tuscan provinces, but each has little
known but important Jewish sites worthy of the attention of curious tourists.” (…)
“The Florentine Ghetto existed until 1848 when it was destroyed along with its two
synagogues (one for the Italian, or Italki, rite; the other Sephardi).” (…)
L’articolo è disponibile gratuitamente al seguente link: