3d candy - Loescher In English


3d candy - Loescher In English
Hefty price tag
Do you have money you don't know what to do with and need a gift idea for a sweet-toothed
friend who has everything?
ChefJet and ChefJet Pro are the latest 3D printers about to hit the market. Aptly named, the
printers print real, edible mouth-watering sweet treats.
They use a combination of water and sugar and can create candy, deserts, and sugar cubes in all
shapes and sizes.
The company responsible says they are: “the world’s first and only professionally-certified,
kitchen-ready 3D food printers.”
The price tag? A rather hefty five-thousand dollars - that is, if you are happy with the basic
model. But for the really cool stuff you’ll need to buy the ChefJet Pro, and for that you're looking
at a price tag of ten-thousand dollars.
ChefJet and ChefJet Pro will be available for purchase in the second half of the year.
Keywords: hefty, tag, edible, aptly, certified, mouth watering
Questa pagina può essere fotocopiata esclusivamente per uso didattico - © Loescher Editore
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1 a What is one of the possible disadvantages of these new appliances?
b Who does the author think this device will appeal to?
c What ingredients are used by the printers?
d What claim is made by the makers of the candy-makers?
2 a In small groups, discuss the ways in which your school could benefit from such a printer.
Write a letter to your school principal convincing him or her that it would indeed be a valuable
c Read your letter for the class.
Go to the following
Continuing in groups, decide which of these ideas for the use of 3D printers, is the way of the
future. Give three reasons for your decision.
c Share your ideas with your class mates.
4 a What would be the first thing you would print if you were to own such a machine? Discuss
b How do you think 3D printers will affect sweet/candy sales in the future? Discuss
Questa pagina può essere fotocopiata esclusivamente per uso didattico - © Loescher Editore
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