November 29, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT


November 29, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT
November 29, 2015
Knights of Columbus Ave Maria Council 9494
New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance
Thursday, Dec. 31, 2015 at 6:30 pm
Epiphany Parish Hall (Parish Fundraiser)
Cash Bar
& DJ
Menu /Per Table of 8
Hors d’oeuvres
Veal with veggies & potatoes;
Chicken Biryani (rice);
Salad; Fruit Tray; (2 bottles of red wine +1 white wine per table) water, ginger ale
11: 15 pm - Dolce with Coffee & Tea
Midnight: 1 Bottle of Bubbly/Table
Cost: ($90/person) or ($80/person for pre-purchased table of 8)
Tickets from Church Office (416-499-2196) or after weekend Masses.
Cheque Donations to be made out to Epiphany of Our Lord Parish.
Join us for a fantastic evening and invite your family and friends!
Do you have questions about
Parish Goal Parish Share Current Total
the Family of Faith campaign?
Find your answer here!
1) What is the campaign goal? What will the money go toward? The financial goal for The
Family of Faith campaign is $105 million. Money collected from the campaign will be allocated to six
areas: parish priorities, youth, young adult ministry and campus chaplaincies, developing leaders
through Catholic formation and engagement, the restoration of St. Michael’s Cathedral, building new
parish churches, and helping existing church properties.
2) How can I be sure that the money raised will be spent for the intended projects?
A separate account has been established for money collected in the Family of Faith campaign. Funds
will remain separate from other Archdiocesan funds and can be used only for the six purposes outlined
3) How are proceeds from parish campaigns allocated? Twenty-five per cent of funds raised,
up to the parish’s financial goal, are reserved for parish priorities. Seventy-five per cent of funds are
directed toward the Family of Faith campaign’s archdiocesan-wide priorities. When a parish surpasses
its goal, seventy-five per cent of funds above the goal are allocated for parish use. Most donations are
in the form of pledges paid over time. Funds are credited to parish accounts two times per year, as
pledges are fulfilled.
4) What will I be asked to give? How will I be contacted? While we do not know your unique
financial situation, please consider a pledge to the campaign that best complements your past sacrificial giving. A pledge allows you to consider a larger commitment than a one-time gift, and can be paid
over a period of five years. Every parishioner will be contacted either in person, by phone or by mail.
5) Why do I need to complete a pledge card? Each donor is asked to complete a pledge or commitment card, so that the gift is recorded and donors are reminded of subsequent payments on the
schedule they request. A pledge is a good faith commitment, but is not binding. If circumstances
change in the future, you can adjust your payment schedule or balance accordingly.
6) What about other priorities (eg. ShareLife) in my parish and in the archdiocese?
How will they be affected? Parishioners across the Archdiocese of Toronto are being encouraged to
commit to a sacrificial gift to the Family of Faith campaign. As the gift to the campaign is sacrificial,
parishioners are asked to maintain their commitment to other priorities, including ShareLife and their
weekly parish offertory collections. Large capital campaigns can have a short term impact on annual
fundraising campaigns like ShareLife and this will be monitored throughout the Family of Faith campaign. Stay in touch with the campaign at and follow on Twitter: @family_of_faith
Novembre 29 - Dicembre 7:
Tuesday, December 8
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Solemn bilingual (Italian/English)
Rosary 7:00 pm - Mass 7:30pm.
In our parish community, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is particularly celebrated
not only because it is the feast of our Heavenly
Mother, but also because it is the feast of the
priests who serve in our church community:
Fr. Antony, Fr. Shibil and Fr. Jimmy, members of the religious Congregation of the Sons
of the Immaculate Conception.
Ore 6:15 pm
Martedì , 8 Dicembre, festa dell'
Immacolata Concezione, sarà celebrata una
Messa solenne, bilingue, alle ore 7:00,
iniziando con il Santo Rosario, seguita dalla Messa.
Nella nostra parrocchia, la festa dell'
Immacolata Concezione è celebrata in modo
solenne non solo perché è la festa della
eleste Madre di tutti noi, ma anche perché è
la Patrona dei sacerdoti che officiano la
chiesa: P. Antony, P. Shibil e P. Jimmy, tutti
e tre membri Della Congregazione Religiosa
dei Figli dell' Immacolata Concezione.
The Jubilee of Mercy was announced by Pope Francis as a year to be lived intensely in each local Church
throughout the world, allowing every person to encounter the mercy of God. The most evident sign of this pastoral
care is the chance to open a Door of Mercy in every diocese. These doors, analogous to the Holy Doors of the
Papal Basilicas in Rome, will allow people who cannot travel to Rome to make a Jubilee pilgrimage. After the
solemn inauguration of the Holy Year – marked by the opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter's Basilica on
December 8, 2015 – all locally-designated Churches throughout the world will open their own Doors of Mercy in
communion with the Church of Rome as part of the Eucharistic celebration of the Third Sunday of Advent or
Gaudete Sunday. The Holy Father has asked that special indulgences be available for the Faithful throughout the Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016). The Holy Doors of Mercy in the Archdiocese
of Toronto open on Sunday, December 13, 2015. Designated churches in our area: St. Paul's Basilica
and St. Patrick's Parish, Toronto, St. Theresa's Parish, Scarborough.
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul would like to
appeal to your generosity for our 2015 Christmas
Food Voucher and Toy Drive for about 55 to 60
families in need in our area. We are encouraging
monetary donations toward the purchase of food
vouchers. St. Vincent de Paul envelopes are available
for tax receipts and place your monetary gift in the
St. Vincent de Paul poor box. For toys/ gifts, please
take an angel from the Angel Tree in the foyer from
Nov 28 to Dec 6th. If you prefer, please take an
angel with a suggested toy or gift written on
it. Please bring your monetary donations and gifts
next weekend or Dec. 12/13, or drop them off at the
office during the week. Thank you for your prayers
and generous support of this ministry now and
throughout the year. May the Spirit of Christmas
renew our Love for Jesus and for our neighbours.
La Società San Vincenzo de’ Paolo fa appello alla vostra
generosità per la prossima iniziativa di carità denominata
“BUONO ALIMENTARE E GIOCATTOLI PER IL NATALE 2015”, in favore delle 55/60 famiglie bisognose della nostra zona. Ci permettiamo di suggerire donazioni in
denaro piuttosto che in buono alimentare. Per favore, usate
le buste della S. Vincenzo de’ Paoli per la ricevuta delle
tasse e ponetele, con dentro la vostra donazione in denaro,
nella cassetta per i poveri della S. Vincenzo. Per i giocattoli in dono, staccate un angelo dall’albero esposto
nell’atrio tra il 29 Novembre e il 6 Dicembre, oppure, se lo
preferite, prendete un angelo con l’indicazione scritta del
giocattolo o del dono; portate in chiesa la vostra donazione
in denaro o il giocattolo nel fine settimana del 12/13
Dicembre, oppure in ufficio nei giorni feriali. Grazie delle
preghiere e del generoso sostegno a questo servizio sia ora che
durante tutto l’anno. La Spirito del Natale rinnovi il vostro amore
per Gesù e per il prossimo.
Knights of Columbus - St. Aiden’s council invites you to join in this Spiritual journey…
January 24 – February 2, 2016
$2,995.00 Canadian / Person 10 days tour to Holy Land
Spiritual Director – Fr. Antony Varghese, our Pastor
Tour coordinator: George Fernandes, phone 416-493-0016 Email: [email protected]
An amazing journey awaits you : visiting the most Biblical sites and walk the path that Jesus walked !
Itinerary and Registration forms available at lobby of Epiphany parish/or at the office !