Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data:
E-mail address:
[email protected]
Educational Background:
01/2004- 03/2007
PhD in “Social and Political Sciences: Political Thought and Political
University of Genoa (Italy)
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Title of PhD Dissertation: La “Repubblica Islamica” tra modello e realtà: il
progetto politico dell’Ayatollah Khomeini(The Islamic Republic between Model and
Reality: the Political Project of Ayatollah Khomeini)
Main Field of Research: Islamic Political Theories, Middle East and
International Politics
Tutor: Prof. Anna Maria Lazzarino del Grosso
Co-Tutor: Prof. Massimo Campanini
MA in International and Diplomatic Sciences
University of Genoa (Italy)
Department of International Relations
Main subjects: European Studies, International Relations, Politics
Title of MA Dissertation: Islam, politica e stato nell’esperienza costituzionale
(Islam, Politics and State in the Iranian Constitutional Experience)
Marks awarded: 110/110 cum laude and publication rights
University of Tampere (Finland)
Faculty: International School of Social Sciences
Exchange student
Liverpool John Moores University (United Kingdom)
Faculty: Political Science
Degree Programme: European Studies
High School of Shahid Mofatteh Tehran (Iran)
Subject: Experimental Sciences
Final Mark: 12.5/20
Academic Experience:
9/2009 - present
Adjunct professor in “History and Institutions of the Islamic Countries”
University of Genoa (Italy) – Department of Political Sciences
Graduate Teaching: One course of 25 lectures x 2 hours (8 ECTS)
12/2012 – present
Researcher in International Relations/Middle Eastern Studies
University of Genoa (Italy) – Department of Political Science
Winner of an international competition on research project
about “The Geopolitics of the Persian Gulf”
3/2012 – 5/2012
Adjunct Professor in History of Islam
John Cabot University – Department of History and the Humanities
Graduate Teaching: One course of 8 lectures x 2 hours
4/2011 – 6/2011
Adjunct Professor in Middle East Societies and Politics
International University of Tartu (Estonia) – Institute of Government
Graduate Teaching: One course of 16 lectures x 2 hours (6 ECTS)
9/2008 – 9/2009
Adjunct professor in International History and Politics of the Mediterranean Area
University of Genoa (Italy) – Faculty of Political Sciences
Graduate Teaching: One course of 25 lectures x 2 hours (8 ECTS
3/2008 – 7/2008
Lecturer in History of Early Islam
University of Genoa (Italy) – Faculty of Political Science
Undergraduate Teaching: One course of 6 lectures x 2 hours. (2 ECTS)
11/2005- 12/2006
Tutor for international students
University of Genoa (Italy) – Faculty of Political Science
Task Description: Assisting international students in the development of a
methodological approach to their study programmes by giving seminars and lectures.
Teacher of Persian Language and Culture
ENI Foundation: Cultural Centre of Enrico Mattei in Genova
Research Experience
3/2008 - present
11/2010 – 11/2011
Editor responsible for the section: “Iran and Shiites world”.
University of Florence (Italy)
Magazine of International Law and Global Politics “Jura Gentium”
Senior Researcher – area of research and analysis: Persian Gulf and Iran
Institute for Global Studies – Think Tank Independent Institute in Rome (Italy)
7/2007- 3/2008
Post-doctoral fellow in I saperi della politica (Political Doctrines)
University of Naples (Suor Orsola) - European Research Centre (CRIE)
Winner of scholarship financed by European Union.
Visiting PhD - Winner of DAAD-Scholarship
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Germany)
Institute für Politikswissenschaft
Other Professional Experience
6/2011 – present
Expert and analyst of international relations
4/2012 – present
Expert and analyst of Middle East
Il Secolo XIX – National Newspaper published in Genoa
1/2011 – present
Expert and analyst of Iran and Persian Gulf
LIMES - Italian Review of Geopolitics
Afarinesh (Newspaper in Iran)
Task Description: Special reporter in Italy for the Tehran newspaper Afarinesh,
writing articles about EU issues its relations with Middle Eastern Countries
Other Academic Titles
1/2013 – present
Full Member of Middle East Studies Association (MESA)
1/2013 – present
Member of the Editorial Board of ‘Futūḥ al-buldān’ series
on Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (organised
in cooperation between University of Cagliari and Naples in Italy)
7/2012 – 7/2012
3/2012 – 5/2012
Member of the teaching staff in the Summer School on Human Rights
Organised by UNICRI in cooperation with John Cabot University in Rome
Teaching subject: Dialogue between European and Islamic
Perspectives on Human Rights
Member of the teaching staff in the “International Master in
European and International Policies and Crisis Management”
at University of Sapienza in Rome.
Teaching subjects: “Introduction to the Islamic religion and political Islam
“Authoritarianism, struggle for democracy and the youth in North Africa,
the Levant and the Middle East”.
3/2012 – present
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Specialised Course on “Politics, Economy
and Societies of Middle East”. Organised by Institute for Global Studies in cooperation
With the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Genoa.
Teaching subjects: “The Geopolitics of the Persian Gulf”- The Islamic Republic
Evolution and Internal Struggle of Power”.
9/2011 –present
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Master in “Security Studies” in Rome
organised by the Institute for Global Studies and LIMES.
7/2008 - present
Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD course in “Political Sciences”University of Genoa: At this moment he is tutor of three Ph.d Candidates.
9/2007 - present
Junior Member of Associazione Italiana degli Storici delle Dottrine Politiche (AISDP)
Association of Historians of Political Doctrines). (
4/2007 - present
Mediterranean Area
Member of the Board of Examiners of History of Political Theories of the
and History of Political Thought at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of
Invited Lectures
November 2011 Iran and the “Arab Spring”, John Cabot University, Rome,
(invited by Prof Karim Mezran)
November 2011 The differences between Shiites and Sunni in the History of Islam
Luiss Guido Carli University (invited by Prof. Francesca Corrao)
December 2010 The Safavid dynasty of Persia and the Ottoman Empire
University of Naples l’Orientale (invited by Prof. Massimo Campanini)
November 2010 History and Politics of Contemporary Iran
Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced Study, Bologna
(invited by Prof. Karim Mezran)
November 2009 Islam and Politics: a confrontation between Turkey and Iran
University of Naples, l’Orientale (invited by Prof. Massimo Campanini)
September 2009 History, National Identity and Myths in the Iranian Contemporary Political Thought
St Andrews University – Centre for Iranian Studies (invited by Prof. Ali Ansari)
Mother tongue
Native speaker
List of Publications
A) Books
1. The Islamic Republic of Iran: The Political Thought of Ayatollah Khomeini, Genoa, De Ferrari
Editore, 2009, 264 pp. ISBN: 978 88 64 050478
B) Articles in Journals/ Edited Volumes
1. Iran: intervento militare, compromesso storico o rinascimento persiano?("Iran and U.S. relations:
military intervention, political compromise or Persian reneissance?, in Limesonline, (Italian Review
of Geopolitics, and the leading publication in Italy in international affairs), Roma, Gruppo Editoriale
Espresso, 10/2012, ISSN: 1124-9048.
2. Nel futuro dell’Iran potrebbe esserci un colpo di Stato (In the future of Iran could be a coup d’etat)
in Limesonline, (Italian Review of Geopolitics, and the leading publication in Italy in international
affairs), Roma, Gruppo Editoriale Espresso, 3/2012.
3. Revolt and Economic Crisis in the Middle East, in: “The Conference
Report of the Permanent Observatory on Southern Mediterranean Economies”. ECONOMIA
INTERNAZIONALE, vol. 65, p. 333-336, Erredi, ISSN: 0012-981X, Genova, 25.11.2011.
4. L'Iran contemporaneo: tra islamismo politico e laicità, Diritto e Religioni (The modern Iran:
between political Islam and secular trends), Catanzaro, Pellegrini Editore, 339-353.
5. A New Iran for a New Middle East in Middle East Policy Council , Washington, 7/2011.
6. La critica del potere religioso nel pensiero politico di Mirza Agha Khan Kermani (The criticque of
religious power in the political thought of Mirza Agha Khan Kermani), in “La religione nelle idee
politiche contemporanee” (The Role of Religion in the Contemporary Political Ideas), (ed. Alberto
de Sanctis), Firenze, Centro Editoriale Toscano, 2011, pp. 43-52.
7. La critica dell’autoritarismo religioso nel pensiero politico di Mirza Aqa Khan Kermani (The
Critique of Religious Authoritarism in the Political Thought of Mirza Aqa Khan Kermani), in “La
fede ribelle” (The Rebel Faith), (ed. Alberto de Sanctis), Bari, La Meridiana, 2011, pp. 71-80.
8. Il cilindro di Ciro: Ahmadi-Nejad vuole meno islam e più Persia (The Cyrus Cylinder; AhmadiNejad wants less Islam and more Persia) in Limes, (Italian Review of Geopolitics, and the leading
publication in Italy in international affairs), Roma, Gruppo Editoriale Espresso, 1/2011, pp. 185188.
Il Golfo Persico e le rivolte in Nord Africa (The Persian Gulf and the Nord African uprisings), In
Europa, Genova,vol. 1, p. 67-69, 2011, ISSN: 2239-561X.
10. E dal passato riemerge la minaccia del conflitto arabo-persiano (The Arab-Persian Conflicts are
arising from the past on the Persian Gulf Region), in ISPIonline (The Magazine of the Institute for
International Politics), Milano, 3/2011.
11. L'Iran e la Primavera Araba (Iran and the Arab Spring), in “Panorama 2012: Informazioni della
Difesa: periodico dello Stato Maggiore della Difesa” (Specialised Magazine of the Italian Ministry
of Defence), p. 129-137, Roma, G.A.N. editore, 12/2011, ISBN: 978-88-89640-23-4.
12. L’onda d’urto della crisi nordafricana nel golfo persico (The effects of the Nord African crisis on
the Persian Gulf), in Difesa e Interesse Nazionale; rivista di geopolitica dell’Institute for Global
Studies (Specialised Geopolitical Magazine of the Institute for Global Studies), Roma, IGS editions,
1/2011, pp. 12-14.
13. From the Green Movement to Ahmadinejad’s Second Government: prospective for a new secular
government in Iran, in “Panorama 2011: Informazioni della Difesa: periodico dello Stato Maggiore
della Difesa” (Specialised Magazine of the Italian Ministry of Defence), Roma, 12/2010, pp. 183190.
14. L’Islam sciita e la pena capitale (The Shiite Islam and Death Penalty), in “Il diritto di uccidere”,
(ed. Pietro Costa), Milano, Feltrinelli, 2010, pp. 155-173.
15. Il repubblicanesimo islamico dell’Ayatollah Khomeini (The Islamic Republicanism in Ayatollah
Khomeini’s Political Thought), Oriente Moderno, Roma, 2010, pp. 89-102.
16. I miti dell’antica Persia nel pensiero politico iraniano contemporaneo (Ancient Persian Myths in
Contemporary Iranian Political Thought), in “Myths and Metaphors in the History of Political
Thought”, (ed. Anna Maria Lazzarino del Grosso), Firenze, Centro Editoriale Toscano, 2009.
17. Il riequilibrio dei poteri in Iran? (The Rebalance of Power in Iran?), ADNKRONOS International,
Roma, 6/2009.
18. La crisi postelettorale in Iran: tra divisioni interne e relazioni internazionali (The Post-electoral
Crisis in Iran: Between Internal Divisions and International Relations) , in Jura Gentium: Journal of
Philosophy of International Law and Global Politics, Firenze, 2009.
19. Costituzionalismo e liberalismo nel pensiero politico contemporaneo iraniano (Constitutionalism
and liberalism in the Iranian Contemporary Political Thought) in “Libertà e democrazia nella storia
del pensiero politico” (Freedom and Democracy in the History of Political Thought ),Cosenza,
Rubbettino Editore, 2008, pp. 245 – 251.
20. Gli intellettuali islamici e la rivoluzione iraniana (The Islamic Intellectuals and the Iranian
Revolution), in Jura Gentium: Journal of Philosophy of International Law and Global Politics,
Firenze, 2008. (
21. l’Iran tra Reza Shah e Mosaddeq: modernizzazione, nazionalismo e colpo di stato (Iran between
Reza Shah and Mosaddeq: modernisation, nationalism and coup d’etat), in Eurasia: rivista di studi
geopolitici (Magazine of Geopolitical Studies), Parma, Edizioni all’insegna del vetro, 1/2008, pp.
22. Un'introduzione al mondo islamico sciita (An Introduction to the Shiite Islamic World), in Jura
Gentium: Journal of Philosophy of International Law and Global Politics, Firenze, 2008.
23. L’islam sciita: il dibattito politico sulle forme di governo nell’età contemporanea (The Shiite Islam:
the Political Discourse in the Contemporary Era) , in Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche, Roma, Il
Saggiatore – Luiss University Press, n. 2-3/2006, pp. 97-115.
24. La Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran: il principio della Guida Suprema (The Islamic Republic of Iran:
The Principle of the Supreme Guide), in Eurasia: rivista di studi geopolitici (Magazine of
Geopolitical Studies), Parma, Edizioni all’insegna del vetro, n. 3, October/December 2005, pp. 9-15.
C) Forthcoming publications: articles in journals/contributions to books
History, National Identity and Myths in the Iranian Contemporary Political Thought: Mirza
Fathali Akhundzadeh (1812-1878), Mirza Agha Khan Kermani (1853-1896) and Hassan
Taqizadeh (1878-1970), in “Perceptions of Iran: History, Myths and Nationalism from Medieval
Persia to the Islamic Republic ” (ed. Ali Ansari), London, I.B. Tauris, 2013, ISBN: 978-18-4885830-5.
2. Il pensiero politico di Mohammad Mosaddeq: costituzionalismo, patriottismo e democrazia (The
Political Thought of Mohammad Mosaddeq: constitutionalism, patriotism and democracy), in
“Sources for the study of Islamic societies” (‘Futūḥ al-buldān’ series), Rome, Aracneedritrice,
2013, ISBN: 978–88–548–5668–4