Booking Accommodation - State Examination Commission


Booking Accommodation - State Examination Commission
Role-play for 2005-2006
Prenotazione alloggio
Lei è appena arrivato/a alla stazione ferroviaria di Firenze, ma non ha prenotato l’alloggio. Va
all’ufficio turistico della stazione per avere informazioni sulla sistemazione in albergo.
1. Saluti l’impiegato/a al banco. Spieghi che è appena arrivato/a e che non ha prenotato l’alloggio. .
Lei cerca una stanza per tre notti ed è solo/a.
2. Ascolti che possibilità che Le vengono offerte. Chieda i prezzi. (La colazione è compresa? Ci
sono sconti per gli studenti? ecc. ) e altri particolari che Le interessano. Decida per la soluzione
migliore e poi comunichi all’impiegato la Sua decisione.
3. Chieda se c’è posto nella sistemazione che ha scelto e, in caso positivo, domandi se può prenotare
subito. Dica all’impiegato che desidera riservare la camera immediatamente.
4. .Risponda a tutte le domande che Le chiede l’impiegato: nome (come si scrive?), nazionalità,
data di nascita, ecc.
5. Lei non conosce la città. E’ possibile andare a piedi o deve prendere il treno o l’autobus per
arrivare all’alloggio che ha scelto? Chieda come andarci (orari, fermata, coincidenze, ecc.).
Ringrazi l’impiegato /a per il suo aiuto.
Booking Accommodation
You have just arrived at Florence railway station, but have not yet booked accommodation. You go
to the tourist information office in the station to enquire about somewhere to stay.
1. Greet the person at the desk. Explain that you have just arrived and have not booked any
accommodation in advance. Say that you are looking for a place to stay for three nights. You
are on your own.
2. Listen to the options that are outlined to you. Ask about prices (is breakfast included?
Discount for students? etc.) or other details that concern you. Decide which of the options
suits you best and tell the clerk.
3. Ask if there are places available and, if so, whether you can book now. Tell the clerk that you
would like to book.
4. Answer any questions you are asked: name(spelling), nationality, date of birth, etc.
5. You do not know the city and wonder if you can walk or if you will need to get a bus or train
to the accommodation you have chosen. Ask about getting there (directions, bus/train
connections, times, from where). Thank the clerk for being so helpful.
Role-play for 2005-2006
Intervista per un posto
Lei passa l’estate a Bari, presso una famiglia italiana, per migliorare la lingua.
Nella vetrina di un negozio di calzature Lei vede un cartello: Cercasi commesso. Lei pensa che un
lavoro per l’estate Le sarebbe utile, sia per l’italiano che per le Sue finanze, perciò decide di entrare e
fare domanda per il posto.
1. Saluti il proprietario/la proprietaria e dica che ha visto il cartello in vetrina e che il posto Le
2. Il proprietario/la proprietaria è sorpreso/a che uno straniero/una straniera sia interessato/a a fare
domanda per il posto e Le chiede se il Suo italiano è adeguato. Lei gli/le risponde che studia
l’italiano a scuola, che questa non è la prima volta che viene in Italia e che abita presso una
famiglia italiana. Lei pensa che il Suo italiano sia sufficiente per il posto ed inoltre, Lei è
disposto/a ad imparare. Infatti questa sarebbe un’ottima possibilità per Lei.
3. Veramente il proprietario/la proprietaria cercava un commesso/una commessa fisso/a e non
soltanto per l’estate. Lei deve spiegare che è disposto/a a rimanere fino a metà settembre e deve
cercare di persuaderlo/la ad assumerLa per un paio di mesi. Lei è disposto/a ad essere flessibile
riguardo a orari, ecc.
4. In risposta alle domande del proprietario/della proprietaria, descriva le Sue esperienze di lavoro
(lavori estivi in Irlanda, esperienza di lavoro nell’Anno di Transizione, lavoro di fine settimana,
5. Dia il Suo nome (lettera per lettera) ed altri particolari che Le chiede il proprietario/la
proprietaria. Si metta d’accordo su giorno e ora in cui iniziare il lavoro.
Job Interview
You are spending your Summer with a family in Bari to improve your Italian. You see a notice in the
window of a shoe shop: Cercasi commesso. You think that a summer job would be good for your
Italian and for your finances, so you go in to apply.
1. Greet the owner of the shop, and say that you saw the ad in the window and are interested in
applying for the job.
2. The owner expresses surprise that a foreigner has applied for the job, and asks if your Italian is
good enough. In answer, say how long you have been studying Italian in school, that this is not
your first time in Italy, and that you have been staying with an Italian family. You think your
Italian is good enough for the job, and you are willing to learn more. This would be a great
opportunity for you to do so.
3. The owner was really looking for a permanent sales assistant, not someone for the summer.
Explain that you will be able to stay until the middle of September, and try to persuade him/her to
take you on for a couple of months. You are prepared to be very flexible about hours, etc.
4. In response to the owner's questions, talk about your work experience to date (summer jobs at
home, Transition Year work experience, weekend work, etc.).
5. Give your name (spelling), and other details you are asked for. Agree a day and time for you to
start work.
Role-play for 2005-2006
Telefonata a un medico
Lei è in viaggio per l’Italia con un amico/un’amica. Ha un biglietto Eurorail. Attualmente Lei è
alloggiato/a presso un ostello della gioventù a Verona. Una sera il Suo amico/la Sua amica sta
veramente male. Lei è preoccupato/a e telefona a un medico del luogo, di cui ha trovato il numero
sulle pagine gialle.
1. Si presenti e dica chi è il paziente/la paziente. Spieghi la situazione, esprima la Sua
preoccupazione e la necessità di aiuto.
2. Rispondendo alle domande del medico, descriva i sintomi del Suo amico/della Sua amica: cioè
febbre, mal di testa, vomito, confusione, ecc.
3. Spieghi al medico quanto ha già fatto (misurato la febbre, dato pastiglie, ecc) e l’effetto di queste
4. Cerchi di persuadere il medico a venire a visitare il paziente/la paziente. Il Suo amico/la Sua
amica sta peggiorando, non può uscire, Lei non conosce la città ed è tardi.
5. Fornisca al medico tutti i particolari che Le chiede, cioè il Suo nome, il nome del Suo amico/
della Sua amica, l’indirizzo dell’ostello, ecc.
Phoning the Doctor
You are travelling around Italy on a Eurorail holiday with a friend. You are staying in a youth hostel
in Verona. One evening your friend becomes quite ill. You are worried and phone a local doctor
whose number you have found in the pagine gialle.
1. Say who you are and who the patient is. Explain the situation. Say you are very worried and need
2. In response to the doctor's questions, describe your friend's symptoms: (e.g. high temperature,
headache, vomiting, confused, etc.)
3. Tell the doctor what you have done so far (taken temperature, given tablets, etc), and what effect,
if any, this has had.
4. Try to persuade the doctor to make a house call: the patient is getting worse, cannot travel, you
are strangers in the city, it is late and you don't feel safe going out, etc.
5. Give the doctor the details he/she asks for: e.g. your name and that of your friend, location of the
youth hostel, etc.
Role-play for 2005-2006
In Treno
Ha passato due mesi a Bologna. Ora si trova in treno diretto/a a Roma. Un signore anziano/una
signora anziana entra nello scompartimento e iniziate a parlare.
Descriva il viaggio. Dove ha preso il treno? Qual è la Sua destinazione? Com’è stato il viaggio
Dica cosa sta facendo in Italia e spieghi perché va a Roma (per incontrare gli amici, per fare un
corso di lingua, per prendere il volo per ritornare a casa).
Dica da dove viene e parli della zona in cui abita in Irlanda.
4 Parli del Suo soggiorno in Italia: esprima la Sua opinione personale sul Paese e sulla gente, ciò
che La colpisce in confronto all’Irlanda, ecc.
Risponda ai commenti del signore/della signora sul Suo italiano.
On the train
You have spent the last two months in Bologna. Now you are on the train to Rome. An elderly
lady/gentleman gets into your compartment. You strike up a conversation.
1. Describe your journey so far. Where did you get on the train? Your destination? How has the
journey been?
2. Tell her/him what you are doing in Italy and explain why you are going to Rome (to visit friends,
to do a language course, to catch your flight home)
3. Tell her/him where you come from and explain a little about the part of Ireland you live in:
location, population, places of interest, climate…
4. Talk about your stay in Italy: your personal opinion about the country and people, what strikes
you in comparison to Ireland…
5. Respond to the remarks of the lady/gentleman about your knowledge of Italian.
Role-play for 2005-2006
L’Ostello della Gioventù
Lei è alloggiato in un ostello della gioventù dell’Italia Settentrionale. È’ un posto molto bello e Lei
desidera vedere molti luoghi d’interesse. Ci sono però alcuni poblemi e Lei ne parla con il portiere
1. Si presenti e dica da quanto tempo si trova nell’ostello e quanto tempo intende rimanere. Dica che
è contento/a della sistemazione, ma che ci sono alcuni problemi.
2. Esponga il primo problema: I bagni sono affollati la mattina e le docce sono sporche. Chieda se
ci sono altri bagni.
3. Spieghi perché vuole rimanere nella zona – ha pagato il deposito per l’ostello, ha preso a nolo
biciclette per tre giorni. Inoltre alcuni amici irlandesi arrivano questo fine-settimana.
4. Esponga il secondo problema: l’orario della cucina non è molto comodo (chiude troppo presto la
sera) ….. il cibo nel ristorante è troppo caro.
5. S’informi sulle carte telefoniche. Si possono comprare nell’ostello? Se no, dove?
In theYouth Hostel
You are staying in a youth hostel in Northern Italy. It is a beautiful place and you want to do a lot of
sightseeing in the area. However, there are some problems. You speak about these to the hostel
Say who you are and how long you have been/will be staying at the hostel. Say that you are
happy with the accommodation but that there are some problems.
State your first problem: washrooms crowded in the morning and the showers are dirty. Ask
if there are other washrooms.
Give reasons why you want to stay in the area: deposit paid for the hostel, bikes hired for
three days, and some Irish friends are arriving at the weekend.
State your second problem: opening times of the kitchen are not convenient (closes too early
in the evenings); the food in the restaurant is too expensive.
Ask about phone cards. Can you buy them at the hostel? If not, where?
In the Youth Hostel
You are staying in a youth hostel in Northern Italy. It is a beautiful place and you want to do a lot of
sightseeing in the area. However, there are some problems. You speak about these to the hostel
• Give your name and tell how long you intend to stay in the hostel.
Say that you like the hostel, but there are some problems.
• The first problem is that the bathrooms are very crowded in the
morning. They are also dirty. Ask whether there are other bathrooms.
• Say that you want to stay because you have already paid the deposit
for the hostel, you have hired bicycles and some Irish friends are
arriving at the weekend.
• Say that the opening times of the kitchen are not convenient and that
the food in the restaurant is too expensive.
• Ask about phone cards. Can you buy them at the hostel? If not,
• Thank the warden.
Phoning the doctor
You are travelling around Italy on a Eurorail holiday with a friend. You are staying in a youth
hostel in Verona. One evening your friend becomes quite ill. You are worried and phone a local
doctor whose number you have found in the pagine gialle.
• State who you are. Explain that your friend is sick, you are worried
and you would like the doctor to call.
• Say that he/she has a temperature/headache/is vomiting.
• Tell the doctor what you have done so far and ask the doctor to
visit your friend.
• Persuade the doctor to call. Say that the patient is getting worse,
you are strangers in the city, it is late.
• Give all the details you are asked and thank the doctor.
Job interview
You are spending your Summer with a family in Bari to improve your Italian. You see a
notice in the window of a shoe shop: Cercasi commesso. You think that a Summer job
would be good for your Italian and for your finances, so you go in to apply.
• Greet the owner of the shop and say that you are interested in
applying for the job, which is advertised in the window.
• In reply to the owner’s questions, say that you think your Italian
is good enough for the job.
You have been studying Italian in school, you have visited Italy
before and you are staying with an Italian family.
• Reply that you can stay until the middle of September. Persuade
him/her to employ you. State that you are prepared to work
flexible hours.
• Talk about your work experience to date.
• Give your name, address and age.
• Agree a day and time for you to start work.
Booking accomodation
You have just arrived at Florence railway station, but have not yet booked
accommodation. You go to the tourist information office in the station to enquire about
somewhere to stay.
• Greet the employee. Explain that you have just arrived and
that you are looking for a single room for three nights.
• Ask about prices and whether breakfast is included. Is there a
discount for students?
• State your preference.
• Ask whether there are places available and whether you can
book now.
• Tell the employee to book the accommodation you have
• Answer any questions you are asked by the employee: your
name, address and nationality.
• You do not know the city. Ask for directions to get to your
accommodation and whether you need to take a bus or train to
get there.
• Thank the clerk for his/her help.
On the train
You have spent the last two months in Bologna. Now you are on the train to Rome. An elderly
lady/gentleman gets into your compartment. You strike up a conversation.
• State that the seat is free.
• Reply that the train goes to Rome.
You are going to Rome to catch a flight to go back to Ireland,/ to meet
some friends/to do a course in Italian.
• Give your travelling companion some information about Ireland:
climate, places of interest, the area where you live, etc.
• State that you were in Bologna to improve your Italian.
• Talk about your stay in Italy, food, people etc.
• When complimented about your Italian, thank your travelling
companion and say that you like the language.