monographs September 2016


monographs September 2016
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
Abdullaev, K.: Buddhist iconography of northern Baktria. (New Delhi, Manohar, 2015)
Accardi, A.: Teoria e prassi del beneficium da Cicercone a Seneca. (Palermo, Palumbo,
2015), (Letteratura classica, 39)
Aegis. Essays in Mediterranean archaeology presented to Matti Egon by the scholars
of the Greek Archaeological Committee UK. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2015), ed.
Theodoropoulou Polychroniadis, Z.; Evely, D.
Angewandte Epistemologie in antiker Philosophie und Wissenschaft. (Trier,
Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2016), ed. Strobel, B.; Wöhrle, G., (AKANEinzelschriften. Arbeitskreis antike Naturwissenschaften und ihre Rezeption, 11)
Aphrodisias papers, 5. Excavation and research at Aphrodisias, 2006 - 2012.
(Portsmouth, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2016), ed. Smith, R.R.R.; Lenaghan, J.;
Sokolicek, A., (Journal of Roman Archaeology. Supplementary series, 103)
Archaeologists and the dead. Mortuary archaeology in contemporary society. (Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 2016), ed. Williams, H.; Giles, M.
Archeofoss. Free, libre and open source software e open format nei processi di ricerca
archeologica. Atti del IX Workshop (Verona, 19-20 giugno 2014). (Firenze,
All'insegna del giglio, 2016), ed. Basso, P.; Caravale, A.; Grossi, P., (Archeologia e
calcolatori. Supplemento, 8)
Archeologia classica e post-classica tra Italia e Mediterraneo. Scritti in ricordo di
Maria Pia Rossignani. (Milano, Vita e pensiero, 2016), ed. Lusuardi Siena, S.; Perassi,
C.; Sacchi, u.a.:, (Contributi di archeologia, 8)
Aspects of the design, production and use of textiles and clothing from the bronze age
to the early modern era. (Budapest, Archaeolingua alapítvány, 2015), ed. Grömer, K.;
Pritchard, R., (Archaeolingua, 33)
Augenti, D.: Gente dell'antica Ostia. Una ricerca epigrafica. (Roma, Arbor sapientiae,
2016), (Antichità romane, 20)
Back, C.: Die Witwen in der frühen Kirche. (Frankfurt a.M., Lang, 2015)
Bakker, F.A.: Epicurean meterology. Sources, method, scope and organization.
(Leiden, Brill, 2016), (Philosophia antiqua, 142)
Beck, S.R.: Ferrum est quod amant. Das Amphitheater in der lateinischen Literatur des
ersten und zweiten Jahrhunderts unter politischen und gesellschaftskritischen
Aspekten. [ ](Regensburg 2016) Diss.
Regensburg 2015,
Bergmeier, R.; Grabner-Haider, A.; Prenner, K.: Politik und Religion im Christentum
und im Islam. Eine kulturgeschichtliche Analyse. (Hamburg, Kovac, 2016), (Schriften
zur Kulturgeschichte, 39)
Bigger than Ben-Hur. The book, its adaptations, and their audiences. Television and
populat culture. (Syracuse (NY), Syracuse University Press, 2016), ed. Ryan, B.;
Shamir, M.
Blanshard, A.J.L.: Classical world. (London, Murray, 2015)
Bonacci, L.: La politica granaria di Roma imperiale. La Gallia come modello
metodologico. (Ariccia, Aracne, 2016)
Braccesi, L.: Livia. (Roma, Salerno, 2016), (Profili, 67)
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
Breeze, D.J.: Bearsden. A Roman fort on the Antonine Wall. (Edinburgh, Society of
Antiquaries of Scotland, 2016)
Bryce, T.; Birkett-Rees, J.: Atlas of the Ancient Near East. From prehistoric times to
the Roman imperial period. (London, Routledge, 2016)
Bubelis, W.S.: Hallowed stewards. Solon and the sacred treasures of ancient Athens.
(Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2016)
Buzzi, G.: Canne. La sconfitta che fece vincere Roma. (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016), (Il
Mulino. Intersezioni, 459)
Callieri, P.: Architecture et représentation dans l'Iran sassandide. (Paris 2014)
Caneva, S.G.: From Alexander to the Theoi Adelphoi. Foundation and legitimation of
a dynasty. (Leuven, Peeters, 2016), (Studia Hellenistica, 56)
Çatalhöyük Research Project, 9. Substantive technologies at Çatalhöyük. Reports from
the 2000 - 2008 season. (Los Angeles, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, 2013), ed.
Hodder, I., (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara. Monographs, 48)
Ceccarelli Morolli, D.: Il diritto dell'impero romano d'Oriente. Introduzione alle fonti e
ai protagonisti. ([Roma], Edizioni Orientalia Christiana, 2016), (Kanonika, 21)
Celts. Art and identity. (London, The British Museum, 2015) 304 S., Abb., ed. Farley,
J.; Hunter, F.
Centres de pouvoir et organisation de l'espace. Actes du X collque international sur
l'histoire et l'archéologie de l'Afrique du Nord, préhistorique, antique et médiévale.
(Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2014), ed. Briand-Ponsart, C.
Cignini, N.: Civita Castellana (VT). Indagini archeologiche di emergenza nel suburbio
di Falerii Veteres. -Fastionline 357 (2016) 1-10.
Cignini, N.: Civita Castellana (VT). Le emergenze archeologiche presenti nella valle
del Fosso dei Cappuccini. -Fastionline 345 (2015) 1-12.
Corippe. Un poète latin entre deux mondes. (Lyon 2015), ed. Goldlust, B., (Collection
du Centre d'études et de recherches sur l'Occident romain [de l'Université Lyon 3].
Nouvelle série, 50)
Cullen, T.; Talalay, L.E.; Keller, D.R. u.a.:The prehistory of the Paximadi Peninsula,
Euboea. (Philadelphia, Instap, 2013), (Prehistory monographs, 40)
Cunliffe, B.: By steppe, desert and ocean. The birth of Eurasia. (Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2015)
Czysz, W.: Römische und frühmittelalterliche Wassermühlen bei Dasing. Studien zur
Landwirtschaft des 1. Jahrtausends. (Kallmünz, Lassleben, 2016), (Materialhefte zur
bayerischen Archäologie, 103)
Dangerous perfection. Ancient funerary vases from Southern Italy. [Is publication is
issued on the occasion of the exhibition "Gefährliche Perfektion. Antike Grabvasen
aus Apulien", Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung June 17, 2016 to June
18, 2017. The exhibition war originally presented at the J. Paul Getty Museum at the
Getty Villa in Malibu from November 19, 2014 to May 11, 2014.](Los Angeles, J.
Paul Getty Trust Publication, 2016), ed. Kästner, U.; Saunders, D.
De Angelis, Franco: Archaic and classical Greek Sicily. A social and economic history.
(Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016)
De Domenico, C.: Lateres signati Graeci, 1. Athenae et Attica. (Athene, Pandemos,
2015), (Studi di archeologia e di topografia di Atene e dell'Attica. SATAA, 10)
Deep classics. Rethinking classical reception. (London, Bloomsburg Academic, 2016),
ed. Butler, S.
Degand, M.: Sénèque au risque du don. Une éthique oblative à la croisée des
disciplines. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2016), (Antiquité et sciènces humaines. La traversée
des frontiers, 2)
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
Di Giacomo, G.: Oro, pietre preziose e perle. Produzione e commercio a Roma.
(Roma, Quasar, 2016), (Arti e mestieri nel mondo romano antico, 9)
Di Guida, G.: Il ritratto di Decebalo e le statue dei Daci del Foro Traiano. (Roma,
Artecom, 2015)
Digital classics outside the Echo-Chamber. Teaching, knowledge exchange and public
engagement. [ ](London, Ubiquity Press, 2016), ed.
Bodard, G.; Romanello, M.
Dionysopoulos, C.D.: The battle of Marathon. A historical and topographical approach.
(Athens, Kapon editions, 2016)
Disturbing bodies. Perspectives on forensic anthropology. (Santa Fe, School for
Advanced Research Press, 2015), ed. Crossland, Z.; Joyce, R.A.
Documentary sources in ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman economic history.
(Oxford, Oxbow, 2014), ed. Baker, H.D.; Jursa, M.
Eberhardt, G.; Link, F.: Historical approaches to past archaeological research. (Berlin
2015), (Topoi. Berlin studies of the ancient world, 32)
Elmer, D.F.: The poetics of consent. Collective decision making in the "Iliad".
(Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013)
Emotion and persuasion in classical antiquity. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2016), ed. Sanders,
E.; Johncock, M.
Ensor, B.E.: The archaeology of kinship. Advancing interpretations and contributions
to theory. (Tucson, The University of Arizona Press, 2013)
Estudios sobre el Monte Testaccio (Roma), 6. (Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona,
2014), ed. Blázquez Martínez, J.M.; Remesal Rodríguez, J., (Colùlecció Instrumenta,
Evil in Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck,
2016), ed. Keith, C.; Stuckenbruck, L.T., (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum
Neuen Testament. Reihe 2, 417)
Fabbri, C.: Gli eterni affetti. Il sentimento dipinto tra Bisanzio e Ravenna. (Ravenna,
Longo, 2016)
Fargnoli, I.: Cibo e diritto in età romana. Antologia di fonti. Seconda edizione. (Torino,
Giappichelli, 2015)
Foucault, la sexualité, l'antiquité. (Paris, Editions Kimé, 2016), ed. Boehringer, S.;
Lorenzini, D.
Fragments d'érudition. Servius et le savoir antique. (Hildesheim, Olms, 2016), ed.
Garcea, A.; Lhommé, M.K.; Vallat, D., (Spudasmata, 168)
Franchini, L.: La recezione nel "ius civile" del "Iudicia bonae fidei". Questioni di
metodo e do merito. (Napoli, Jovene, 2015), (L'arte del diritto, 27)
Gainsford, P.: Early Greek hexameter poetry. (Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 2015), (Greece and Rome. New surveys in the classics, 43)
Galeotti, S.: Ricerche sulla nozione di damnum, 2. I criteri d'imputazione del danno tra
lex e interpretatio prudentium. (Napoli, Jovene, 2016)
García Merino, C.: La villa romana de Almenara de Adaja-Puras. A través de los
archivos del tiempo. (Valladolid, Diputación de Valladolid, 2015)
Gavrilovic, N.: Kult Herkula i Merkura u Gornjoj Meziji od I do IV veka n.e. The
cults of Hercules and Mercury in Moesia Superior from Ist to IVth century A. D.
(Beograd, Arheoloski institut, 2014), (Posebna izdanja, 56)
Geelhaar, T.: Christianitas. Eine Wortgeschichte von der Spätantike bis zum
Mittelalter. (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2015), (Historische Semantik, 24)
Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften. Frauenbild im Wandel. (Trier,
Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015), ed. Sterbenc Erker, D., (Iphis, 7)
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
Genovesi, S.; Megale, C.: The Roman settlement of Poggio del Molino. The Late
Republican fort and the early imperial farm. -Fastionline 347 (2016) 1-15.
Gentile Ortona, E.; Modolo, M.: Caylus e la riscoperta della pittura antica. Attraverso
gli acquarelli di Pietro Santi Bartoli per Luigi XIV. Genesi del primo libro di storia
dell'arte a colori. (Roma, De Luca, 2016), (Studi sulla cultura dell'antico, 10)
Gill, J.C.R.: Dakhleh Oasis and the western desert of Egypt under the Ptolemies.
(Oxford, Oxbow, 2016) Diss. Melbourne 2014, (Dakhleh Oasis Project. Monographs,
Gods and mortals at Olympus. Ancient Dion, city of Zeus. [Exhibition New York
March 24 - June 18, 2016.](New York, Alexander S. Onassis Foundation, 2016), ed.
Pandermalis, D.
Governare e riformare l'impero al momento della sua divisione. Oriente, Occidente,
Illirico. (Rome, Ecole française de Rome, 2016), ed. Roberto, U.; Mecella, L.,
(Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome, 507)
Graeco-Roman antiquity and the idea of nationalism in the 19th century. Case studies.
(Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016), ed. Fögen, T.; Warren, R.
Greppi, P.: Cantieri, maestranze e materiali nell'edilizia sacra a Milano dal IV al XII
secolo. Analisi di un processo di trasformazione. (Firenze, All'insegna del giglio,
2016), (Contributi di archeologia medievale, 12)
Guidetti, M.: Costantino e il suo secolo. L'"editto di Milano" e le religioni. (Milano,
Jaca Book, 2013)
Guilaine, J.: Les hypogées protohistorique de la Méditerranée. (Arles, Errance, 2015)
Guilaine, J.; Alibert, C.: Paul Tournal, fondateur de la préhistoire. (Paris, Jacob, 2016)
Haldon, J.: The empire that would not die. The paradox of eastern Roman survival,
640 - 740. (Cambridge, Harvard University, 2016)
Harding, D.: Death and burial in iron age Britain. (Oxford, Oxford University Press,
Hardy, G.; Totelin, L.: Ancient botany. (London, Routledge, 2016)
Harmansah, Ö.: Place, memory and healing. An archaeology of Anatolian Rock
monuments. (London, Routledge, 2015)
Hering, K.: Schatzhäuser in griechischen Heiligtümern. (Rahden, Leidorf, 2015),
(Tübinger archäologische Forschungen, 19)
Homeland of emperors. Roman rulers from the territory of modern Serbia. (Beograd,
Princip Pres, 2013), ed. Jovanovic, A.
Human development in sacred landscapes. Between ritual tradition, creativity and
emotionality. (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2015), ed. Käppel, L.; Pothou,
Identités et territoire dans le Maghreb antique. Actes du colloque international
organisé à Tunis, 29 - 30 novembre 2013. (Tunis, Université de Tunis, 2016), ed.
Belkahia, S.; Ben Abid, L.; Gharbi, M.
Ignatiadou, D.: Diaphanés úalos gia ten aristokratía tes archaía Makedonías.
Upourgeío politismoú kai athletismoú. (Thessalonike, Archaiologikó Institoúto
Makedonikón kai Thrakikón Spoudón, 2013), (Archaiologikó Institoúto Makedonikón
kai Thrakikón Spoudón, 13)
Il funerario in Friuli e nelle regioni contermini tra l'età del ferro e l'età tardoantica. Atti
del Convegno internazionale. San Vito al Tagliamento, 14 febbraio 2013. The
funerary in Friuli and surrounding regions between iron age and late antiquity.
(Oxford, Archaeopress, 2016), ed. Cividini, T.; Tasca, G., (British archaeological
reports. International series, 2795)
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
Imaging ancient cities in film. From Babylon to Cinecittà. (New York, Routledge,
2015), ed. García Morcillo, M.; Hanesworth, P., (Routledge studies in ancient history,
Insight from innovation. New light on archaeological ceramics. (o.O., The Highfield
Press, 2016), ed. Sibbesson, E.; Jervis, B.; Coxon, S.
Jackson, H.: Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, 4. The housing insula. (Sidney, Meditarch,
2014), (Mediterranean Archaeology supplements, 9)
Jacobus, H.R.: Zodiac calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls and their reception. Ancient
astronomy and astrology in early Judaism. (Leiden, Brill, 2015), (IJS studies in
Judaica, 14)
Johnson, S.F.: Literary territories. Cartographical thinking in late antiquity. (Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 2016)
Kaldellis, A.: Byzantine readings of ancient historians. Texts in translation with
introduction and notes. (Oxon, Routledge, 2013)
Kittler, F.: Musik und Mathematik, 1. Hellas, 1. Aphrodite. (München, Fink, 2006)
Kittler, F.: Musik und Mathematik, 1. Hellas, 2. Eros. (München, Fink, 2009)
Klynne, A.: Pyrrhos. Segraren som förtorade. (Stockholm, Norstedts Förlagsrupp
Prisma, 2016)
Knowing future time in and through Greek historiography. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016),
ed. Lianeri, A., (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, 32)
Krewet, M.: Die stoische Theorie der Gefühle. Ihre Aporien. Ihre Wirkmacht.
(Heidelberg, Winter, 2013), (Studien zur Literatur und Erkenntnis, 4)
La città inquieta. Selinunte tra lex sacra e defixiones. (Milano, Mimesis, 2015), ed.
Iannucci, A.; Muccioli, F.; Zaccarini, M., (Diádema, 2)
Labor in the ancient world, 5. A colloquium held at Hirschbach (Saxony), April 2005.
(Dresden, Islet, 2015), ed. Steinkeller, P.; Hudson, M.
Lafargue, P.: La bataille de Pylos. 425 av. J.-C. Athènes contre Sparte. (Paris, Alma
éditeur, 2015)
Lanzarini, O.; Martinis, R.: "Questo libro fu di Andrea Palladio". Il codice Destailleur
B dell'Ermitage. (Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2015)
Law and transaction costs in the ancient economy. [Proceedings of the conference
"Legal documents in ancient societies", 27.7.2009 - 29.7.2009 in Washington
D.C.](Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2015), ed. Kehoe, D.P.; Ratzan, D.M.;
Yiftach-Firanko, U.
Le necropoli della media tarda età imperiale (III - IV secolo d.C.) a Iulia Concordia e
nell'Arco altoadriatico. Organizzazione spaziale, aspetti monumentali e strutture
sociali. Atti del Convegno di studio, Concordia Sagittaria, 5-6 giugno 2014). (Rubano,
Fondazione A. Colluto, 2015), ed. Rinaldi, F.; Vigoni, A., (Archeologia (del) Veneto,
Le travail su savoir. Wissensbewältigung. Philosophie, science exactes et sciences
appliquées dans l'antiquité. (Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015), ed.
Gysembergh, V.; Schwab, A., (AKAN-Einzelschriften. Arbeitskreis antike
Naturwissenschaften und ihre Rezeption, 10)
Lenski, N.: Constantine and the cities. Imperial authority and civic politics. Empire
and after. (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016)
Ley, J.O.: Domitian. Auffassung und Ausübung der Herrscherrolle des letzten Flaviers.
(Berlin, Logos, 2016)
L'héritage bzyantin en Italie (VIIIe - XIIe siècle), 3. Décor monumental, objets,
tradition textuelle. (Rome, Ecole française de Rome, 2015), ed. Brodbeck, S.; Martin,
J.M.; Peters-Custot, u.a.:, (Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome, 510)
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
L'homme et ses passions. Actes du XVIIe Congrès international de l'Association
Guillaume Budé organisé à Lyon du 26 au 29 août 2013. (Paris, Les belles lettres,
2016), ed. Boehm, I.; Ferrary, J.L.; Franchet, S.
L'ombra degli Etruschi. Simboli di un popolo fra pianura e collina. (Firenze, Edifir,
2016) Mostra Prato 19.3. - 30.6.2016, ed. Perazzi, P.; Poggesi, G.; Sarti, S.
Lowe, D.: Monsters and monstrosity in Augustan poetry. (Ann Arbor, University of
Michigan Press, 2015)
Made in Roma. Marchi di produzione e di possesso nella società antica. [Mostra,
Mercati di Traiano - Museo dei Fori Imperiali, 13 maggio - 20 novembre 2016.](Roma,
Gangemi, 2016), ed. Parisi Presicce, C.; Ungaro, L.; Milella, u.a.:
Mannack, T.; Rodríguez Pérez, D.; Neagu, C.: Beazley and Christ Church. 250 years
of scholarship on Greek vases. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016)
Marrocchi, M.: Monaci scrittori. San Salvatore al monte Amiata tra Impero e Papato
(secoli VIII - XIII). (Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2014), (Reti medievali, e-book,
reading, 18)
Martin, J.P.; Chauvot, A.; Cébeillac-Gervasoni, M.: Histoire romaine. 4e édition.
(Paris, Colin, 2014)
Martinelli, M.C.; Mastelloni, M.A.: Archaeological Museum. Aeolian Islands.
[Regional Archaeological Museum, Luigi Bernabò Brea, Lipari](Palermo, Sicily
Region, 2015) 80 S., Abb.
Maspoli, A.Z.: Römische Militaria aus Wien. Die Funde aus dem Legionslager, den
canabae legionis und der Zivilsiedlung von Vindobona. (Wien, Museen der Stadt
Wien, 2014), (Monografien der Stadtarchäologie Wien, 8)
Master, J.: Provincial soldiers and imperial instability in the "Histories" of Tacitus.
(Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2016)
Materielle Kultur und Identität im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mediterraner Welt und
Mitteleuropa. Akten der Internationalen Tagung am Römisch Germanischen
Zentralmuseum Mainz, 22.-24. Oktober 2014. Material culture and identity between
the Mediterranean world and Central Europe. [Abschlusstagung des DFG-Projekts
"Metallfunde als Zeugnis für Interaktion zwischen Griechen und Indigenen auf
Sizilien zwischen dem 8. und 5. Jahrhundert v.Chr.". (Mainz, Verlag des RömischGermanischen Zentralmuseums, 2016), ed. Baitinger, H., (Römisch-Germanisches
Zentralmuseum. Tagungen, 27)
Matteoni, S.: Sul confine dell'Impero. Imprese militari e vita quotidiana dei soldati di
Roma. (Firenze, Giuffrè, 2016)
McGrail, S.: Early ships and seafaring. European water transport. (Barnsley, Pen and
Sword military, 2014)
McGregor, J.H.S.: Back to the garden. Nature and the Mediterranean world from
prehistory to the present. (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2015)
McLaughlin, M.: Leon Battista Alberti. La vita, l'umanesimo, le opere letterarie.
(Firenze, Olschki, 2016), (Biblioteca dell'"Archivum Romanicum". Serie 1. Storia,
letteratura, paleografia, 447)
Mielsch, H.: Häuser von Senatoren in Rom. Architektur und Leben. (Paderborn,
Schöningh, 2016), (Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Geisteswissenschaften. Vorträge, G 451)
Monticolo, A.: L'espressione del dolore nell'arte greca. (Roma, Arbor sapientiae, ),
(Ipazia. Collana di antichità classiche, 5)
Müller, F.: Menschen und Heroen. Ahnenkult in der Frühgeschichte Europas. (Berlin,
de Gruyter, 2016)
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
Nantet, E.: Phortia. Le tonnage des navires de commerce en Méditerranée. Du VIIIe
siècle av. l'ère chrétienne au VIIe siècle de l'ère chrétienne. (Rennes, Presses
universitaires de Rennes, 2016) Diss. Paris 2010,
Nas trilhas da antiguidade e idade média. (São Luís, Editora Uema, 2014), ed. Zierer,
A.; Bomfim Vieira, A.L.; Sousa Abrantes, E.
Newell, W.R.: Tyranny. A new interpretation. (New York, Cambridge University
Press, 2013)
Nicholls, M. u.a.:30-second ancient Rome. The 50 most important archievements of a
timeless civilization. Each explained in half a minute. (East Sussex, Ivy Press, 2014)
Nietzche. Les premiers textes sur les Grecs. (Reims, Epure, 2016), ed. Denat, C.;
Wotling, P., (Langages et pensée, 9)
Nutkowicz, H.: Destins de femmes au Ve siècle avant notre ère. (Paris, L'Harmattan,
Ojakangas, M.: On the Greek origins of biopolitics. A reinterpretation of the history of
biopower. (London, Routledge, 2016)
Oller Guzmán, J.: El territorio y poblamiento de la Layetania interior en época antigua
(siglos IV a.C. - I d.C.). (Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2015), (Colùlecció
Instrumenta, 51)
Overbeck, B.; Maier, F.: Neuses a.d. Regnitz. Ein spätkeltischer Münzschatz aus
oberfranken. (München, Archäologische Staatssammlung München, 2016),
(Abhandlungen und Bestandskataloge der Archäologischen Staatssammlung München,
Özdem, F.: Cultural heritage of Aydin. (Istanbul, Yapi kredi yayinlari, 2015), (Yapi
kredi yayinlari, 4529)
Paesaggi urbani tardoantichi. Casi a confronto. Atti delle Giornate gregoriane, VIII
edizione (29-30 novembre 2014). (Bari, Edipuglia, 2016), ed. Parello, M.C.; Rizzo,
M.S., (Bibliotheca archaeologica. Collana di archeologia, 39)
Palazzo Scapucci. Storia e restauro. (Roma, Gangemi, 2016), ed. Donadono, L.
Papi, E.; Bigi, L.: Oliva revixit. Oleifici, frantoi e torchi di Atene dall'antichitá al
periodo turco. (Paestum, Pandemos, 2015)
Paroles d'en haut. (Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2015), ed. Allorant, P.; Garrigues, J.;
Legoy, u.a.:, (POLEN. Pouvoirs, lettres, normes, 3)
Payne, A.; Wintjes, J.: Lords of Asia Minor. An introduction to the Lydians.
(Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2016), (Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche
Abhandlungen. Contributions to the study of ancient world cultures [former:
Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen ], 93)
Pettegrew, D.K.: The Isthmus of Corinth. Crossroads of the Mediterranean world.
(Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2016)
Philostorge et l'historiographie de l'antiquité tardive. Philostorg im Kontext der
spätantiken Geschichtsschreibung. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2011), ed. Meyer, D.,
(Collegium beatus Rhenanus, 3)
Phoenician bronzes in Mediterranean. (Madrid, Real academia de la historia, 2015), ed.
Jiménez Avila, J., (Bibliotheca archaeologica Hispana, 45)
Porter, J.I.: The sublime in antiquity. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016)
Portraits de Victor Bérard. Actes du colloque international organisé à l'Ecole française
d'Athènes (5-6 avril 2013). (Athènes, Ecole française d'Athènes, 2015), ed. Basch, S.,
(Ecole française d'Athènes. Mondes méditerranéens et balkaniques, 6)
Preinfalk, A.; Preinfalk, F.; Artner, G. u.a.:Trassenarchäologie, 2. Neue Grabungen im
nördlichen Weinviertel. (Wien, Bundesdenkmalamt, 2015), (Fundberichte aus
Österreich. Materialhefte. Reihe A, 23)
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
Pulcinelli, L.: L'etruria meridionale e Roma. Insediamenti e territorio tra IV e III
secolo a.C. (Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2016), (Studia archaeologica, 208)
Rabe, B.; Noeske, H.C. u.a.:A catalogue of the Roman provincial coins from the
Alexandrian mint in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria, 2. The issues from
Galba to Trajan (A.D. 68-117). (Bonn, Habelt, 2016), (Frankfurter archäologische
Schriften, 30)
Reitzammer, L.: The Athenian Adonia in context. The Adonis festival as cultural
practice. (Madison Wisc., The University of Wisconsin Press, 2016)
Renzi, N.: Seneca immorale? Storia emblematica di un filosofo in politica. (Bologna,
Bononia University Press, 2016)
Ritter, B.: Judeans in the Greek cities of the Roman empire. Rights, citizenship and
civil discord. (Leiden, Brill, 2015), (Supplements to the "Journal for the study of
Judaism", 170)
Robert Graves and the classical tradition. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015), ed.
Gibson, A.G.G.
Roberts, H.S.: Sukas, 11. The Attic pottery and comentary on the Greek inscriptions
found on Tall Sukas. (Copenhagen, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters,
2015), (Scientia Danica. Series H. Humanistica, 4, 3)
Roman literary cultures. Domestic politics, revolutionary poetics, civic spectacle.
(Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2016), ed. Keith, A.; Edmondson, J., (Phoenix.
Supplementary volumes, 55)
Römerort Bedaium. Archäologischer Rundweg durch die Gemeinde Seeon-Seebruck.
4000 Jahre Kulturgeschichte am Chiemsee. Rundwegbeschreibung, Zeitpanorama der
Vor- und Frühgeschichte. (Seebruck, Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Bedaium in
Seebruck e.V., 2007)
Rosen, K.: Attila. Der Schrecken der Welt. Eine Biographie. (München, Beck, 2016)
Rosenwein, B.H.: Generazioni di sentimenti. Una storia delle emozioni, 600 - 1700.
(Roma, Viella, 2016) Original: Generations of feeling. A history of emotions, 600 1700 (C,
Rubiera Cancelas, C.: La esclavitud femenina en la Roma antigua. Famulae, ancillae
et servae. (Oviedo, Trabe, 2014), (Coleccion Deméter, 5)
Rüpke, J.: Pantheon. Geschichte der antiken Religionen. (München, Beck, 2016)
Russo, F.: L'odium regni a Roma tra realtà politica e finzione storiografica. (Pisa, Pisa
University Press, 2015), (Nuova biblioteca di studi classici e orientali. Supplementi
alla rivista "Studi classici e orientali", 1)
Saba, G.: Scusi, dov'è l'Ade? Nuove ipotesi sulla storia antica della Sardegna.
(Montescaglioso, Amicolibro, 2016)
Salac, V.; Kubálek, T.; Salacová, H.: Laténská sidlistní keramika v severozápadních
Cechách. Die latènezeitliche Siedlungskeramik in Nordwestböhmen. (Praha,
Archeologicky ústav AV CR, 2015)
Sanctuaries and the power of consumption. Networking and the formation of elites in
the archaic western Mediterranean world. Proceedings of the International Conference
in Innsbruck, 20th - 23rd March 2012. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2015), ed. Kistler,
E.; Öhlinger, B.; Mohr, u.a.:, (Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen.
Contributions to the study of ancient world cultures [former: Philippika. Marburger
altertumskundliche Abhandlungen ], 92)
Santangelo, F.: Marius. Ancients in action. (London, Bloomsbury, 2016)
Schachter, A.: Boiotia in antiquity. Selected papers. (Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 2015)
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
Schalles, H.J.: ...rasten von ihrem unstäten Wandersleben. Zur Museumsgeschichte
des Niederrheinischen Altertumsvereins Xanten 1877 - 1953. (Duisburg, Mercator,
Schmidt-Colinet, A.; Hess, U.: Fouilles d'Apamée de Syrie, 4. Das Nymphäum von
Apamea in Syrien. (Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique, 2015)
Seng, H.: Un livre sacré de l'antquité tardive. Les oracles chaldaïques. (Turnhout,
Brépols, 2016), (Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes. Section des sciences
religieuses, 170)
Severi,S.: I mosaici a Roma. Dall'antichità al medioevo. (Roma, Edilazio, 2015),
(Studi e documenti, 43)
Silvestrelli, F.; Edlund-Berry, I.E.M.; Guizzi, F. u.a.:The chora of Metaponto, 6. A
Greek settlement at Sant'Angelo Vecchio. (Austin, University of Texas Press, 2016),
ed. Silvestrelli, F.; Edlund-Berry, I.E.M.
Sintes, C.: Les pirates contre Rome. (Paris, Les belles lettres, 2016)
Son of classics and comics. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016), ed. Kovács, G.;
Marshall, C.W.
Spaces in late antiquity. Cultural, theological and archaeological perspectives.
(London, Routledge, 2016), ed. Day, J.; Hakota, R.; Kahlos, u.a.:
Spal, A.: Poesie, Erotik, Witz. Humorvoll-spöttische Versinschriften zu Liebe und
Körperlichkeit in Pompeji und Umgebung. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016) Diss. Köln 2014,
(Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 122)
Spedicato, M.; Zacchino, V.: Graeci sumus. Et hoc nobis gloriae accedit. In memoria
di Amleto Pallara. (Lecce, Edizioni Grifo, 2016), (Quaderni del L'Idomeneo, 28)
Splendor marmoris. I colori del marmo, tra Roma e l'Europa da Paolo III a Napoleone
III. (Roma, De Luca, 2016), ed. Extermann, G.; Varela Braga, A.
Städte im lateinischen Westen und im griechischen Osten zwischen Spätantike und
Früher Neuzeit. Topographie, Recht, Religion. (Wien, Böhlau, 2016), ed. Gruber, E.;
Popovic, M.; Scheutz, u.a.:, (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische
Geschichtsforschung, 66)
Straumann, B.: Crisis and constitutionalism. Roman political thought from the fall of
the Republic to the age of revolution. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016)
Studi miscellanei di ceramografia greca, 1. (Catania, Ediarch, 2015), ed. Giada, G.
Sunken cities. Egypt's lost worlds. The BP exhibition. (London, British Museum Press,
2016) Exhibition London 19 May - 27 November 2016, ed. Goddio, F.; MassonBerghoff, A.
Tacoma, L.E.: Moving Romans. Migration to Rome in the principate. (Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2016)
The afterlife of Greek and Roman sculpture. Late antique responses and practices.
(Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2016), ed. Kristensen, T.M.; Stirling, L.
The archaeology of ancestors. Death, memory, and veneration. (Gainesville,
University Press of Florida, 2016), ed. Hill, E.; Hageman, J.B.
The circulation of astronomical knowledge in the ancient world. (Leiden, Brill, 2016),
ed. Steele, J.M., (Time, astronomy, and calendars, 6)
The concept of madness from Homer to Byzantium. Manifestations and aspects of
mental illness and disorder. (Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2016), ed. PerdicoyianniPaleologou, H., (Byzantinische Forschungen, 32)
The Danubian lands between the Black Aegean and Adriatic seas (7th century B.C. 10th century A.D.). Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Black Sea
antiquities (Belgrade, 17-21 September 2013). (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2015), ed.
Tsetskhladze, G.R.; Avram, A.; Hargrave, J.
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
The journey of Paul the Apostle to Rome led over the Croatian island of Mljet (Melita).
Proceedings of the academic conference held on Mljet (Melita) 15 October 2011. Put
apostola Pavla za Rim vodio je preko hrvatskog otoka Mljeta (Melite). Zbornik radova
znanstvenog skupa odrzanog na Mljetu (Meliti) 15. listopada 2011. (Zagreb, Udruga
apostola Pavia, 2015), ed. Pavetic, Z.
The past in the present. (København, The National Museum of Denmark, 2015), ed.
Bundgaard Rasmussen, B.
Thesprotia expedition, 3. Landscapes of nomadism and sedentism. (Helsinki, Suomen
Ateenan-instituutin säätiö, 2016), ed. Forsén, B.; Galanidou, N.; Tikkala, E., (Papers
and monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens, 22)
Thonis-Heracleion in context. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015), ed. Robinson,
D.; Goddio, F., (Oxford Center for Maritime Archaeology. Monograph, 8)
Tracy, S.V.: Athenian lettering of the fifth century B.C. The rise of the professional
letter cutter. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016)
Tradition and innovation in the Mycenaean palatial polities. Proceedings of an
International Symposium held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institut for
Oriental and European Archaeology, Aegean and Anatolia Department, Vienna, 1-2
March 2013. (Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
2015), ed. Weilhartner, J.; Ruppenstein, F., (Mykenische Studien, 34)
Trakadas, A.: Fish-salting in the northwest Maghreb in antiquity. A gazetteer of sites
and resources. (Oxford, Archaeopress, )
Tropper, A.: Rewriting ancient Jewish history. The history of the Jews in Roman times
and the new historical method. (London, Routledge, 2016)
Tschäpe, E.M.: Die Grossstadt als literarischer Raum in der römischen Dichtung.
(Göttingen, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2015)
Tumulus as Sema. Space, politics, culture and religion in the first millennium B.C.
[ ](Berlin, de Gruyter, 2016) 2 Bde., ed.
Henry, O.; Kelp, U., (Topoi. Berlin studies of the ancient world, 27)
Uggeri, G.: Archeologia e storia di Camarina. (Galatina, Congedo, 2016)
Urciuoli, L.: Gli agoni olimpici. Dalla Grecia antica a Roma. (Roma, Arbor sapientiae,
2016), (Ipazia. Collana di antichità classiche, 6)
Van Rossem, M.: Het einde van het Romeinse Rijk. (Amsterdam, Nieuw Amsterdam
Uitgevers, 2016)
Wallace, R.W.: Reconstructing Damon. Music, wisdom teaching, and politics in
Perikles'Athens. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015)
Webster, G.S.: The archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia. (London, Equinox, 2015),
(Monographs in Mediterranean archaeology, 13)
Weikert, C.: Von Jerusalem zu Aelia Capitolina. Die römische Politik gegenüber den
Juden von Vespasian bis Hadrian. (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2016) Diss.
Bamberg 2015, (Hypomnemata, 200)
West, M.L.: Hellenica. Selected papers on Greek literature and thought, 3. Philosophy,
music and metre, literary byways, varia. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013)
Westphalen, S.; Böhlendorf-Arslan, B.: Die Basilika am Kalekapi in Herakleia
Perinthos. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen von 1992-2010 am Kalekapg in Marmara
Ereglisi. (Tübingen, Wasmuth, 2016), (Istanbuler Forschungen, 55)
Zabel, C.: Polis und Politesse. Der Diskurs über das antike Athen in England und
Frankreich, 1630 - 1760. (Berlin 2016) Diss. Heidelberg 2013, (Ancien Régime.
Aufklärung und Revolution, 41)
Projekt Dyabola Archaeological Bibliography
New monographs September 2016
Zannis, A.G.: Le pays entre le Strymon et le Nestos. Géographie et histoire (VIIe - IVe
siècle avant J.-C.). (Athens, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2014),
(Meletémata, 71)