ICF housing Sablière - ZAC Clichy Batignolles


ICF housing Sablière - ZAC Clichy Batignolles
Ca s o s tu d i o : ICF h o u s i n g S a b l i è r e - Z AC Cl i ch y B a ti g n o l l e s
S i to we b : h ttp ://www.co n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /i ta l i a /
ICF housing Sablière - ZAC Clichy Batignolles
Tipo lo gia di pro getto : Nuo va co struzio ne
Tipo di edificio : Co ndo minio di altezza
inferio re a 50 m
Anno di co struzio ne : 20 15
Zo na climatica : [Cfb] Marine Mild Winter,
warm summer, no dry seaso n.
Superficie utile calpestabile : 3 310 m 2
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 7
20 0 0 0 0 €
Numero delle unità funzio nali : 50
Co sti/m2 : 2 175 €/m 2
Co sti/Appartamenti : 144 0 0 0
rue René Blum , 750 17 Paris, France
// Descrizione
The pro ject is a new co nstructio n, co mpo sed o f two separate buildings o f 27 and 23 ro o ms with a to tal living area o f
m². It is lo cated in Paris, in ZAC Clichy Batigno lles, in the newly created rue René Blum (17th arro ndissement). It o ccupies a
land that was no t built until then.
The o wner o f the o peratio n is the so cial landlo rd ICF Sablière.
The co nstructio n site to o k place between August 20 12 and January 20 15.
The o peratio n targeted (and achieved) a triple perfo rmance o bjective:
- Lo w energy co nsumptio n building (Effinergie BBC) via an Habitat and Enviro nment Perfo rmance certificatio n by Cerqual
- Respect o f City Climate Plan o f Paris (50 kWh / m².year witho ut geo graphical mo dulatio n)
- Wo rkbo o k Co mpliance with Enviro nmental Regulatio ns and Sustainable Develo pment (CPEDD) ZAC Clichy Batigno lles
Maggio ri de t t agli sul pro ge t t o :
http://www.lemo niteur.fr/po rtfo lio /pro jet-architectura (...)
At t e ndibilit à de i dat i :
Certificazio ne di terza parte
// Stakeholders
No me : ICF Sablière
24 rue de Paradis 750 10 Paris
Sito web : http://www.icfhabitat.fr/sabliere
No me : Anto nini Darmo n
36 Rue de Lancry, 750 10 Paris
Sito web : http://www.anto nini-darmo n.fr/
Agenzia di consulenza per impianti termici
No me : Tribu Energie
6 0 rue du Faubo urg Po isso nnière 750 10 Paris
Sito web : http://www.tribu-energie.fr
T ipo lo gia co nt rat t uale :
Co ntraente generale
Appro ccio de l pro prie t ario alla so st e nibilit à e ne rge t ica : The co nstructio n site to o k place between August 20 12 and
January 20 15.
The o peratio n targeted (and achieved) a triple perfo rmance o bjective:
- Lo w energy co nsumptio n building certificatio n (Effinergie BBC) via an Habitat and Enviro nment Perfo rmance certificatio n by
- Co mpliance o f City Climate Plan o f Paris (50 kWh / m².year witho ut geo graphical mo dulatio n)
- Co mpliance o f Enviro nmental Regulatio ns and Sustainable Develo pment lo cal wo rkbo o k (CPEDD) ZAC Clichy Batigno lles.
De scrizio ne archit e t t o nica : The general co ncept is the fo llo wing:
- reduced need fo r insulatio n and advanced air tightness (level o f requirement passive)
- limitatio n o f thermal bridging
- bio climatic treatment fo r summer co mfo rt
- high-perfo rmance but financially justified systems
- clearing co nsumptio n by renewable energy (pho to vo ltaic here)
- extensive debate o n enviro nmental quality thro ugho ut the building: water co nservatio n, waste management, health air quality
and materials, revegetatio n o f areas, ...
// Energia
Energy consumption
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria : 15,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria de l m e de sim o e dif icio co st ruit o se co ndo gli st andard m inim i pre vist i dalla no rm at iva vige nt e :
9 3,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Me t o do di calco lo :
CEEB : 0 kWh PE / €
Co nsum o di e ne rgia f inale : 14,9 0 kWh EF/m 2 /an
Ripart izio ne de l co nsum o di e ne rgia prim aria no n rinno vabile in uso : Final co nsumptio n o f building regulatio ns
No . 1 kWhep / m², year kWhep 5.40 Heating / m².year kWhep 17.39 ECS / m².year Fans kWhep 9 .58 / 6 .78 m².an Lighting
kWhep / m².year Auxiliary kWhep 0 .70 / m².year Pho to vo ltaic kWhep 22.8 2 / 17.0 3 To tal m².an kWhep / m².year finals o f
building regulatio ns co nsumptio n No . 2 in kWhep / m², year kWhep 5.36 Heating / m².year ECS kWhep 15.73 / 10 .23 m².an
Fans kWhep / m².year Lighting kWhep 6 .76 / 0 .76 Auxiliary m².an kWhep / m².year Pho to vo ltaic kWhep 26 .18 / 12.6 5 To tal
m².an kWhep /m².an
Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : The buildings being o ccupied since early 20 15, the feedback is no t sufficient to make an
assessment o n actual co nsumptio n
Performance dell'involucro
T rasm it t anza : 0 ,47 W.m -2 .K-1
Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : The Buildings descriptio n is:
Envelo pe - Co nstructio n system: po ured co ncrete - Walls: do uble insulatio n within 120 mm / 140 mm o utside fo r Up <0 .120
W / m² K - Ro o fing insulated by 20 0 mm insulatio n terrace (and vegetated part ): Up <0 .120 W / m² K - Lo w Flo o r Parking Lo t:
Insulatio n o n the underside (150 mm including beams returns) and sub-screed (6 0 mm) <0 .155 W / m².K - Do uble glazing
clear 4 / 16 /4, with Ug <1.1 W / m².K - mixed jo inery wo o d / aluminum Uw <1.4 W / m² K - Balco nies: flo o r wo rking (thus
lighter), fixing ho o ks po int to limit the structural thermal bridges - Air tightness: n50 <1 vo l / h, a Q4 ≈ 0 .35 m3 / hm under 4
Co e f f icie nt e di co m pat t e zza de ll\'e dif icio (f at t o re di f o rm a s/v) : 0 ,43
Indicat o re : n50 (I4) m 3 /H.m 2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
Indice di t e nut a all'aria de ll'invo lucro e dilizio : 1,0 0
// Fonti Rinnovabili e Impianti
Im piant o di riscaldam e nt o :
Im piant o di pro duzio ne di acqua calda sanit aria :
Po mpa di calo re
Im piant o di raf f re scam e nt o :
Nessun sistema di raffrescamento
Im piant o di ve nt ilazio ne :
Scambiato re di calo re a do ppio flusso
Sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili :
So lare fo to vo ltaico
Pro duzio ne di e ne rgia rinno vabile : 30 ,0 0 %
1. Heating Co nnectio n to district heating system o f Paris Offering by radiato rs fitted with thermo static valves hyper reactive
(tempo ral variatio n = 0 .40 K) Minimizing the co ld wall effect avo ids traditio nal investments ( under the windo w ) and placing
the radiato rs at best to minimize distributio n lo sses - gain o f 2 kWhep / m².year co mpared to traditio nal insulatio n ECS. In a
high-perfo rmance building, the ECS is the largest co nsumer o f electricity (befo re heating). An inno vative system: ERS - heat
reco very fro m waste water by a heat pump - was set up fo r this co nsumptio n.Advantages: - Reco very o f energy previo usly
lo st - High energy perfo rmance : COP up to 4.20 . This cho ice has an impact o n the design: - Pro vide a lo cal to R-1 plumb
wastewater netwo rks - Co llect the waste water and EV and EP also . Significant wo rk has been do ne to o ptimize the lo o p
circuit: in fact, the line lo sses are to o o ften underestimated and catastro phic fo r an ambitio us building. Fo r example, they
wo uld have sho wn in this pro ject, especially witho ut treatment, abo ut 35% o f to tal co nsumptio n ECS !! This invo lved
wo rking o n several po ints: - Limiting the number o f risers: appro ximatio n o f puisages po ints in co mpliance with the
Legio nella regulatio ns. The principle o f risers by technical sheath serving ho using 2 has been established so as to
o ptimize the netwo rk. The sheath distributio n landing (that is to say, o n the flo o r landing) is no t satisfacto ry fo r several
reaso ns: lo ng hydraulic netwo rks and expensive (it generally takes mo re than 2.7m to reach a po int o f use, while the
additio n o f a technical sheath increases o nly the necessary length 2.7m), significant waiting times fo r ho t water, uninsulated
recessed kno wn circuits participating in disco mfo rt summer - Suriso latio n the circuit lo o pback: a class 5 was retained,
allo wing lo ss less than 8 W / ml, while in many cases the lo sses o n a traditio nal insulatio n are 20 o r 25 W / ml. Such lo sses
are unacceptable because in the case o f a clo sure ECS they take place 24/24 and 36 5 days per year The abo ve measures
allo w a gain o f aro und 10 kWhep / m².year co mpared to a traditio nal so lutio n (lo o p landing sheath, insulatio n class 2) 3.
Breakdo wn dual flo w ventilatio n system Co llective - air heat reco very extracts > 8 0 % - Gro up Ho using arranged ro o f terrace
- lo w energy co nsumptio n fans - exchanger by-passable fo r the co mfo rt in summer and mid-seaso n - Respect fire
standards with extracto r C4 by-passable - Netwo rk ventilatio n Sealing class C (leak test carried o ut by the co mpany). ENR
Objective o f pro ductio n o f 40 MWh o f electricity, 29 kWhep / m².year - pho to vo ltaic Surto iture 158 m² fo r each building Orientatio n So uth privileged, o ffset with respect to the o rientatio n o f the building - Po lycrystalline panels
So lut io ns e nhancing nat ure f re e gains : An inno vatio n o f this pro ject is the establishment o f a thermo dynamic heat
reco very Wastewater: Heat reco very o n wastewater The system is mainly co mpo sed o f a heat exchange tank and a heat
// Prestazioni ambientali
GHG emissions
Em issio ni di Gas se rra in f ase di ut ilizzo : 3,0 0 KgCO 2 /m 2 /an
Me t o lo gia ut ilizzat a : The sco pe co vered fo r regulato ry purpo ses (heating / DHW / fans / lighting), net o f CO2
emissio ns avo ided thro ugh the PV
Life Cycle Analysis
The LCA diagram pro vided co ncerns the embo died energy o f the main elements o f co nstructio n o f 50 dwellings, made fro m
kno wn ratio s averaged (in kWhep per functio nal unit).
Water & Indoor air quality
Co nsum o dal sist e m a idrico : 4 50 0 ,0 0 m 3
Indice di aut o suf f icie nza pe r i co nsum i idrici : 0 %
Co nsum o idrico /m 2 : 1,36 m 3 /m 2
Co nsum o idrico /unit à f unzio nale : 9 0 ,0 0 m 3 /Appartamenti
Qualit à de ll'aria int e rna : Glues and primary: EC1 Paintings: A + NF enviro nment o r so il Co ating: Class A +
He alt h & co m f o rt : The issue o f health quality (and thus the health o f o ccupants) was treated o n this co nstructio n by
different so lutio ns:
- cho ice o f materials with the best results in terms o f VOC emissio ns (paints, glues, primary and flo o ring )
- do uble co llective flo w ventilatio n, fo r filtering the supply air, thus impro ving theo utdo o r air quality. This so lutio n also
impro ves aco ustic co mfo rt with the o utside, due to the lack o f vents o n the windo ws. This is an impo rtant element in an
urban enviro nment (the pro ject is lo cated in Paris)
Calculat e d t he rm al co m f o rt : Le co nfo rt d'été a été particulièrement travaillé po ur atteindre les résultats suivants:
mo ins de 26 heures au-dessus de 28 °C à l’intérieur. Cela est no tamment o btenu car les lo gements so nt traversants,
permettant de générer un fo rt débit d’air.
Aco ust ic co m f o rt : The aco ustic treatment is particularly studied in this o peratio n: - 33 dB iso lates facades standardized NTPPA so und pressure levels <30 dB (A) in ro o ms and stays - Aco ustic Perfo rmance Delta Lw = 18 dB so il
co verings, ways to deal and impact no ise transmissio n between dwellings
Daylight f act o r : Le PLU impo sait des exigences impo rtantes sur les emplacements des fenêtres, ce qui était très
co ntraignant sur certaines pièces. Le co nfo rt visuel a été particulièrement vérifié, do nnant lieu po ur les pièces les plus
défavo risées à des ajustements de tai
// Prodotti
ERS Biof luid
Pro dut t o re : Bio fluides
Co nt at t o : 30 0 avenue de l'Euro pe 77310 SAINT-FARGEAU-PONTHIERRY
Sit o we b: http://www.bio fluides.co m
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : HVAC / Riscaldamento , Acqua calda sanitaria
De scrizio ne :
The system is mainly co mpo sed o f a heat exchange tank and a heat pump water / water. Gray
wastewater is co llected at an average temperature o f 29 ° C, and pass thro ugh a tank in which
are immersed heat exchangers. It is these exchangers, in which a co o lant circulates, which will
supply calo ries to the heat pump system which pro duces a ho t water at 45 ° C. The treated gray
wastewater is then discharged at an average temperature o f 9 ° C in the sewer system. This
techno lo gy is particularly interesting fo r several reaso ns: - co incidence o f the DHW with co nsumptio n (unlike so lar fo r
example) - Perfo rmance (COP) o f very high and co nstant year-ro und pro ductio n (in co ntrast to a PAC air / water) - Valuatio n o f
energy that wo uld be lo st
Co m m e nt i:
This so lutio n had been fo llo wed up o n ano ther previo us installatio n, co nducted by bo th the bo o k Masters (ICF Sablière) and
thermal BE (Tribu Energie). The measured COP were very satisfacto ry, with results abo ve expectatio ns. Based o n this
successful experience, the building o wner and tribe Energy therefo re decided to re-implement this so lutio n o n this pro ject.
// Costi
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 7 20 0 0 0 0 €
Construction and exploitation costs
Co st o de i sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili :
Co st o t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio : 7 19 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
16 1 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
// Qualità della pianificazione urbana
Am bie nt e urbano :
arro ndissement).
The pro ject is lo cated in Paris, in ZAC Clichy Batigno lles, in the newly created rue René Blum (17th
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'are a di int e rve nt o :
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio :
40 %
1543 m 2
Spazi ve rdi ad uso co m une :
Num e ro di parche ggi :
(25 m² fo r each building)
8 70
Undergro und parking o n o ne level: 38 parking spaces mild Travel: Lo cal pro perly sized bicycles
// Qualità ambientale dell'edificio
Qualit à am bie nt ale de ll\'e dif icio :
Bio diversità
Cantiere (inclusa la gestio ne dei rifiuti)
Co mfo rt (visivo , o lfattivo , termico )
Gestio ne dei rifiuti (relativo all\'edificio )
Efficienza energetica
Energia da fo nti rinno vabili
// Concorsi
The pro ject's philo so phy is to o ffer simple, effective and pro ven so lutio ns to meet very high perfo rmance-o riented go als.
A cro sscutting appro ach was needed in pro ject design to achieve no t o nly a high energy perfo rmance o bjective, but also
taking into acco unt related enviro nmental issues: Water cycle, o utdo o r Planning (sto rmwater retentio n , bio diversity, thermal
regulatio n limiting the pheno meno n o f urban heat island ) , cho ice o f materials ( embo died energy , ...) , clean building site ,
“so ft” transpo rt, auto mated vacuum co llectio n , etc ...