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laser com cover sheet - Church Name
St. Didacus Church - 513172
Lynda Carr - 818-367-6181
MS Pub 2003 / Adobe 7.0
Comments & Requests:
November 16, 2014 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Get Ready
Take time this week to reflect and pray over today’s
Readings: Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12
Psalm 46
1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17
Gospel John 2:13-22
The Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians are among
his earliest writings, and are driven by his belief and the
belief of the entire early Christian community that the
return of Christ was imminent. Therefore, to devote time
or attention to anything else was foolish.
As time progressed, this fervor receded a bit. Today
we may wonder, when we hear these readings about the
coming end-times, if we should take them to heart. What
should we do when we hear that the day of the Lord will
come upon us “like a thief at night”? (1 Thessalonians
5:2) Does this mean we are to stop our long-range
goalsetting, get rid of our yearly calendars and planners,
or stop putting money in the college education fund? Of
course not. What it does mean is that we need to change
our lives, living like children of the light and illuminating
the world around us with the light of the gospel. Then, on
that day, when the details of our daily living become
unimportant, we will be ready to find our peace and
security in Christ Jesus.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
To help you prepare for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King
of the Universe:
Ezekiel 34:10-13, 19-20, 30-31
Psalm 23
Corinthians 15:20-2,286
Gospel Matthew 25:31-46
Welcome to St. Didacus Church
To foster a harmonious, loving and prayerful
atmosphere within the parish community that will
project the love of Christ!
Our warmest welcome to all! We extend our
hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here,
celebrating with us, whether long-time residents or
newly arrived in the Parish. We invite you to become
part of our parish family.
Parish Registration forms are available in the
parish office or you can download a form at We thank God you are with us.
From The Pastor's Desk
I know of a woman who took her savings and went back to school in order to start a new career in a field that
she desired to work. She had already worked many years as a manager in a fast food restaurant but knew that
she was capable of doing more. After completing her degree in the field of her studies, she began looking for
any openings in this new career. After only two weeks of searching, she decided that it wasn’t worth the effort
to search for another job. Even though she had invested all of this time and money in beginning a new career
she gave up. As a result, she has become a very bitter individual. Unfortunately, I can no longer speak to her
since she has decided that isn’t worth her time to hear encouraging words from old friends.
Jesus has something better for each one of us. This is what His mission is all about: to allow us to see the talents that each of us has received are meant to make this world a better place. He builds up what is broken in
each of us and seeks those who are lost to let them know that they too have talents given to them for the purpose of building up the Kingdom of God here within our time.
Those who decide that their talents are not worth using, or “burying their talents “ are not only going to waste
this opportunity to help but will have to suffer extreme consequences when Christ returns at the end of time.
In One more week we have the feast of Christ the King. Please, take the time this week to discover what talents you have yet to share with those who could benefit not only within the Church, but also in the community
at large.
Conozco una Señora que saco sus ahorros y regreso a la escuela para estudiar una carrera que ella siempre
había deseado. Ella ya había trabajado muchos años como gerente de un restaurant de comida rápida pero
sabia que tenia la capacidad de hacer algo mas. Después que terminar sus estudios y recibir su titulo,
comenzó a buscar empleo en su nueva carrera. Después de solo dos semanas de búsqueda, decidió que no
valía la pena el esfuerzo de buscar otro trabajo. Aun cuando había invertido todo su tiempo y dinero para
iniciar una nueva carrera, se dio por vencida. Como resultado, se convirtió en una persona amargada.
Desafortunadamente, Yo ya no puedo hablar con ella, desde que ella misma decidió que no valía la pena
escuchar palabras de apoyo de viejos amigos.
Jesús tiene algo bueno para cada uno de nosotros. Esta es la razón de SU misión. Permitirnos ver los talentos
que cada uno de nosotros ha recibido son para que hagamos con ellos un mundo mejor. EL repara lo que esta
roto en cada uno de nosotros y buscar a los que se han perdido y dejarles saber que ellos tienen talentos que
se les han dado con el propósito de edificar el Reino de Dios aquí, en nuestro tiempo.
Los que han decidido que sus talentos no valen la pena o “ compran sus talentos” no solo están desperdiciando la oportunidad de ayudar, pero también sufrirán las consecuencias cuando Cristo regrese al fin de los
En una semana mas tendremos la celebración de Cristo Rey. Por favor, tómense un tiempo esta semana para
descubrir que talentos tienen y como los pueden compartir con los que pueden beneficiarse con ellos no solo
dentro de nuestra parroquia, sino también la comunidad en general.
The Brotherhood of St. Dismas
Catholic men who come together to encourage each other in our struggle to be faithful followers of our Lord,
Jesus Christ. (Luke 23:39-43) We meet every Monday from 7-9 pm at St. Didacus Parish Center room #2.
If you are a Catholic Man and you want to come together in fellowship with Men who are serious about their
faith. Please join us.
November 16, 2014—Page 2
Catholic Daughters Tea and Fashion Show
Today November 16, 2014 Court Queen of the Americas 2418 invites you to our annual tea. This year we are
also having a fashion show with clothing and accessories for you to purchase if you choose. St. Didacus
Parish Hall is the place. Doors open at 2:30PM.Tickets are $15.00. To purchase tickets please call your
favorite Catholic Daughter or you can order them through Wanda Rezo at 818-833-7393.
Health Ministry
Take care of your heart. Come learn more about nutrition and physical activity once a week at no cost at St.
Didacus Parish Center room 4, Tuesday, November 18 at 7:15 pm. For more information call at 818-353-0626.
Cuide su Corazón. Venga y aprenda mas sobre la nutrición y la actividad física, una ves por semana, sin costo
alguno en la Iglesia de St. Didacus en el Centro Parroquial. Noviembre 18 a las 7:15 pm. llame al 818-3530626 para información.
St. Didacus Preschool
St. Didacus Preschool provides a nurturing, loving and caring environment that helps our 3 and 4 year olds develop positive feelings about themselves and others. Our structured activities help children develop and enhance many of their talents and skills. We also learn about how God's great love surrounds us. We have a few
spots available for the 3 and 4 year old classes. Age requirements for the 3 year old class: child must be 3 years
old by September 1, 2014. For the 4 year old class: child must be 4 years old by September 1, 2014. For more
information please contact the school office at 818-367-588
La Escuela de St. Didacus en su programa de Pre-Escolar provee un ambiente amoroso y seguro que ayuda a
nuestros estudiantes de 3 y 4 años a desarrollar sentimientos positivos para con ellos mismos y con los demás.
Nuestras actividades están estructuradas para ayudar al niño a desarrollar y descubrir sus talentos. También
aprenden a entender y sentir el amor de Dios a nuestro rededor. Tenemos unos cuantos lugares disponibles
para los niños de 3 y 4 años. La edad requerida para los niños de 3 años, es que los cumplan para el 1 de
Septiembre de 2014 y para los de 4 años igual, que los cumplan para el 1 de Septiembre 2014. Para mas información por favor llame al 818-367-5886.
Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers
SAVE THE DATE: Liturgy training for all Eucharistic ministers and those who want to be. February 21, 2015
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We are offering ongoing lector practice. This is open to anyone who is a lector,
or wants to be a lector and to Eucharistic ministers. We go over the readings for two weeks, and discuss them
in order to be better prepared for mass. Meetings are from 7-9 p.m. on the first Monday and third Thursday of
each month, in the Parish Center.
Holiday Boutique & Luncheon
Saturday, December 6, 2014 Odyssey Restaurant. 15600 Odyssey Drive, Granada Hills, CA. Entertainment, Raffle
Prizes, Fortune 500, 50/50, Vendors. Event Proceeds Fund College Scholarships for Sylmar High School & LA Mission
College Students. Doors open at 10 a.m. Dining room opens at 12 p.m. Filet Mignon or Pasta/Vegetarian Plate will be
served. Luncheon Tickets $35 each. For tickets and/or information, please contact: Gloria Hampton (818) 367-4872 or
Cell (818) 419-5953. For over 74 years, the Sylmar Woman's Club, has awarded several thousand dollars to students of
Sylmar High School and LA Mission College If you would like more information about the Sylmar Woman's Club,
please visit our website at:
Bishop Alemany High School Open House
Prospective students and their families are invited to experience all that Bishop Alemany has to offer at our Open House,
Sunday, November 23, 2014 from 12:00 pm to 4:00 p.m. Please join us for an exiting and informative afternoon. Bishop
Alemany High School is located at 11111 N. Alemany Drive in Mission Hills, between Laurel Canyon and Sepulveda
Blvd. off Rinaldi Street. For more information please contact us at 818-837-5222/5224,
November 16, 2014 —Page 3
Padrinos Guadalupanos
Una vez mas, la Asociación Guadalupana, les hace una cordial invitación a patrocinar en la celebración de Nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe, en su misa con Mariachi, el 12 de Diciembre de 2014. Los nombres de los padrinos serán escritos en los cuadros, que
están al pie de Nuestra Sra. De Guadalupe durante todo el año 2015 y las misas del primer domingo del mes son por las intenciones
de los padrinos. Miembros de la Sociedad Guadalupana estarán ofreciendo los distintivos después de las misas.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Sponsors
The celebration will be on December 12, 2014 the traditional Mass Celebration begins at 6:30 p.m., with Mariachi`s. If you would
like to take part in the celebration, you can register your family or friends and add their names in the frames under the Our Lady of
Guadalupe Image and the intentions for the first Sunday Mass will be for those names. The tickets cost $12.00 and members of the
Guadalupana Society will be available after the Masses.
Meetings and Events
November 17 to November 23, 2014
Spanish Marriage Encounter Mtg. Mtg. Rm. 3
7:00 p.m.
Brotherhood of St. Dismas Mtg.
Mtg. Rm. 2
7:00 p.m.
Mensajeros de la Paz
Mtg. Rm. 4
7:00 p.m.
Catholic Daughters Mtg.
Mtg. Rm. 1
7:00 p.m.
Fr. Bob Support Group Mtg.
Mtg. Rm. 4
8:30 a.m.
Intercessory Prayer Group
Parish Conf. Rm.10:30 a.m.
Spanish CCD
3:30 p.m.
Religious Ed. Clases de Fe
Mtg. Rm. 3,4
3:30 p.m.
Hombres de Fe Mtg.
Parish Hall
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Youth Ministry Choir
Music Room
7:00 p.m.
English Bible Study
Parish Conf. Rm. 7:00 p.m.
Health Ministry Nutrition Class
Mtg. Rm. 4
7:00 p.m.
Ray Choir
7:30 p.m.
The Gift of Years Mtg.
Mtg. Rm. 1
9:30 a.m.
Encore Music Academy
Mtg. Rm. 2
2:30 p.m.
CCD English Class
Mtg. Rm. 3,4
3:30 p.m.
Mensajeros de la Paz Choir
Music Room
7:00 p.m.
Spanish Healing Mass
7:00 p.m.
Confirmation 2nd. Year Class
Mtg. Rm. 1,2,3,4 7:30 p.m.
Legion of Mary Mtg.
Parish Conf. Rm. 4:00 p.m.
Mujeres de Fe Mtg.
Mtg. Rm. 3
6:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. Coro Guadalupano
Music Room
6:30 p.m.
Lectors Practice
Mtg. Rm. 1,2
6:30 p.m.
Mensajeros Mtg.
Mtg. Rm. 4
7:00 p.m.
Gr. 8 Classroom 7:30 p.m.
Over Eaters Mtg.
Mtg. Rm. 4
9:00 a.m.
Mensajeros de la Paz Mtg.
5:00 p.m.
Hombres de Fe Mtg.
Mtg. Rm. 1
6:30 p.m.
Mujeres de Fe Mtg.
Mtg. Rm. 1,2
6:00 a.m.
Mtg. Rm. 3,4
8:00 a.m.
Ministers Training
Mtg. Rm. 1,2
8:30 a.m.
Youth Ministry Choir
Music Room
9:00 a.m.
Hombres de Fe Choir
Music Room
5:00 p.m.
Hombres de Fe Mtg.
Mtg. Rm. 1,2
6:00 a.m.
Hombres de Fe Choir
Music Room
9:00 a.m.
Please, contact organization leaders for possible schedule changes
The Gift Of Years
Join us in celebrating the many blessings of aging. If you are 60
or older (give or take a few years!) and would like to connect
with those who appreciate God's goodness and fresh call in
these later years, you are most welcome (including newcomers,
men and women!) We shall meet on November 19th in the
Parish Center– Room 1 (Wednesday morning): 9:30-11:15 a.m.
Together we enjoy a sense of community, mutual support,
prayer/music, scripture and small discussions.
Facilitators: Monsignor Peter Amy, Pastor Emeritus, St. Didacus Church community and Cal and Mary Hubbard who presently direct retreats at Holy Spirit Retreat Center and has written extensively on spirituality and the arts.
Adult Bible Study
Please join our prayer and discussion based group for the
upcoming program Christ As Revealed In Scripture And
Tradition. Tuesdays 7:30 - 9:00 pm in the Parish Center
Conference Room. For more information: Kurt (818) 912-1531
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an opportunity to
learn more about the Catholic faith. It is designed for those who
have never been baptized or baptized with little or no affiliation
or religious training in the Catholic faith or have not yet
received First Holy Communion and, or Confirmation
Sacraments. We meet from September to shortly after Easter
each year on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. If you
have been baptized, please bring a copy of your baptismal
certificate to the first meeting you attend. For more information
please contact Johnny Romero at 818-472-4599
St. Didacus Food Pantry
MEND Mobile Food Pantry will give free groceries on the 2nd
and 4th Saturday of each month in the Church parking lot.
Registration starts at 8 a.m. Distribution starts at 9 a.m. Must
meet 2013 income level guidelines. For more information, contact Norma Gallegos at (818) 465-5330. Must bring your own
box or bag.
MEND distribuye alimentos el segundo y cuarto Sábado del
mes en el estacionamiento de la Iglesia. Solo para personas de
bajos recursos. La registración comienza a las 8 a.m. La distribución comienza a las 9 a.m. Favor de traer sus bolsas.
November 16, 2014 Page 4
Masses for the Week
Saturday, November 15
5:00 p.m. John F. Perez & Augustine Rosas may they rest in
peace. Special Intentions to Elizabeth &Michael Kim.
Happy Birthday to Vicky Molina, Sara Granados &
Fatima Reyes.
Sunday, November 16
6:45 a.m. Special Intentions to Elizabeth & Michael Kim.
Happy Birthday to Randy Garcia.
8:00 a.m. Enrique Contreras, Ignacio Pulido, Margarita Zarco
& Bernardo Barreto Jr. may they rest in peace.
10:00 a.m. Annie Cimmino, Jesus Elias & Remedios Fajardo
may they rest in peace. Happy Birthday to Abraham
11:30 a.m. Armando Orpeza may he rest in peace.
Happy Birthday to Dora Mederos & Jorge Luis Martin
Special Intention to Leonor Murguia.
1:00 p.m. Happy Birthday to Moncerrat Zubieta.
Special Intentions to Prado-Vazquez Families.
6:00 p.m. Everardo Arrequin Mora & Socorro C. Rodriguez &
Juan Francisco Gil may they rest in peace.
Monday, November 17
7:30 a.m. Special Intention to Martha Linda Medrano &
Elizabeth Reyes.
6:00 p.m. Elias Flores Garcia may he rest in peace.
Happy Birthday to Raymond Reyes.
Intersession to Santo Niño de Atocha.
Tuesday, November 18
7:30 a.m. Felipe & Judita Davis may they rest in peace.
Happy Birthday to Jessicalina Orozco.
6:00 p.m. Elias Flores Garcia may he rest in peace.
Special Intention to Asuncion Ortega Perez.
Wednesday, November 19
7:30 a.m. Happy Birthday to Martha Hernandez.
Special Intentions to Elizabeth & Michael Kim.
6:00 p.m. Elias Flores Garcia may he rest in peace.
Happy Birthday to Jose Luis & Aaron Navarrete.
Thursday, November 20
7:30 a.m. Happy Birthday to Maya Charan.
Special Intentions to Elizabeth & Michael Kim.
6:00 p.m. For all of the deceased Legionarios de Maria may
they rest in peace. Special Intention to Eddie Ortega Perez.
Friday, November 21
7:30 a.m. Lucerio Santos Francisco may he rest in peace.
Special Intention to Austria Family.
6:00 p.m. Francisco Rodriguez, Arnulfo Rodriguez, Jose Reyes
& Soledad Martinez may they rest in peace.
Saturday, November 22
7:30 a.m. Alicia Cruz & All of the deceased in the Beeli`s
Family may they rest in peace.
Happy Birthday to Mohammed Allan.
In Remembrance
Let us pray for all who have died, that they may rejoice with
the Risen Lord, especially: Halina Matuszkienicz, Maria
Engracia Frias, Helen Velasquez, Chuck Fugere.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God rest in peace.
Que sus Almas por la Misericordia de Dios, descansen en Paz.
Blessed are you who fear the LORD
—Psalm 128:1a
We welcome into God’s family and our Parish Community
Athena Leotie Alvarez,
Gabriella Rose Duran,
Selena Jaylene Duran,
Caylee Cieanna Gonzalez,
Gabriel Mariano Gonzalez,
Vallee Marlene Gonzalez,
Camile Antonella Lara,
Thiago Giovanni Lara,
Michael Mauricio Pineda and
Stevie Gina Kristine Perez
who were baptized here last weekend.
Flower Offering for the Week
St. Didacus Parishioners
Special Feasts & Masses
English Healing Mass
Wednesday November 19, 2014 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 27 ~ Thanksgiving Day
7:00 am. ~ English Mass
9:00 am. ~ Bilingual Mass
If you would like to bring your bread, wine, or candles to be
blessed for your special dinner at home, there will be a table in
the church. At these Masses, if you would like to bring a
donation of canned goods for our Food Ministry it would be
much appreciated.
There will be NO 6:00 p.m. Spanish Mass
on Thanksgiving day.
Saints And Special Observances
Monday: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Tuesday: Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter
and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
Friday: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Saturday: St. Cecilia
Readings for the Week
Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43
Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or,
(for the memorial of the Dedication)
Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33
Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28
Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44
Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131;
Lk 19:45-48
Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40.
November 16, 2014—Page 5
St. Didacus Church
Parish Office: 14337 Astoria St.
Sylmar, CA 91342
Tel: 818-367-6181
Fax: 818-367-0604
Office Hours:
Monday –Friday: 8 a.m. –8 p.m.
Closed for lunch 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Sunday & Holiday's: Closed
Rev. Robert Garon
Ext. 204
Associate Pastor:
Rev. Arturo Valadez
Ext. 217
Pastor Emeritus:
Msgr. Peter L. Amy
In Residence:
Rev. Norm Supancheck
Ext. 206
Deacon Couple:
Ray & Denise Camacho
Ext. 212
Business Office:
Frank Cantu
Ext. 205
Lynda Carr
Ext. 202
St. Didacus School:
School Principal:
Krishana Gonzalez
School Secretary:
Maria Garza
Director of Religious Education:
Theresa Gross
Confirmation Coordinator:
Zayra Romero
Food Ministry:
Norma Gallegos
Legion of Mary:
Evangelina Rivas
English Bereavement:
Judy O’Connell
Spanish Bereavement:
Silvia Rios
Guadalupana Society:
Juan Carlos Flores
Mensajeros de la Paz:
Lucia Garcia
Hombres de Fe:
Gerardo Jimenez
Mujeres de Fe:
Rosalinda Vazquez
Catalina Perez
Catholic Daughters of the Americas:
Wanda Rezo
Filipino American Community:
Dom Mendoza
Spanish Marriage Encounter:
Jesus & Angelica Gonzalez
Respect Life Ministry:
Barbara Clark
Nocturnal Adoration
Arturo Ornelas Acosta
Coro Guadalupano (8:00 a.m.)
Felix Ramirez
Johnny Romero
Safeguard The Children
Did You Know? Archdiocese offers program to empower children
Child sexual abuse prevention includes empowering children by teaching them body safety rules and steps they can take to ensure
their own safety. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles currently offers the following age-appropriate prevention programs for children:
VIRTUS® Teaching Touching Safety; Good-Touch/Bad-Touch®; Archdiocese of Los Angeles Self-Protection Program Grades 112. Parishes/schools can select from the programs listed above. All these programs encourage parent involvement in reinforcing what
their children learn by providing parent information and materials so that parents may fulfill their role as the “primary educators” of
their children. For information call (213) 637-7460 or visit:
Sabia Usted? Arquidiócesis ofrece programas para dar poder a los niños.
Para prevenir el abuso sexual de menores, es necesario que los niños aprendan algunas reglas para la protección de su cuerpo así
como otras medidas para protegerse a sí mismos. La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles ofrece a los niños los siguientes programas de
prevención, apropiados según su edad: VIRTUS ®: Enseñando sobre el contacto físico seguro; Contacto físico: bueno y malo; Programa de protección personal de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, Grados 1 al 12. Las parroquias y escuelas pueden elegir cualquiera de los programas arriba mencionados. Todos estos programas alientan la participación de los padres de familia para reforzar lo que sus hijos aprenden, dándoles información y materiales para que así puedan llevar a cabo su misión de ser los principales
educadores de sus hijos. Para más información llame al (213) 637-7460 o visite:
Comedores Compulsivos
Somos un grupo anónimo, una hermandad para hombres y mujeres que sufren de comer compulsivamente. Nos reunimos los viernes a las 9:00
a.m. Salón # 4 del Centro Parroquial.
November 16, 2014 —Page 6
Masses in English
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 6:45 am, 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
Daily Mass: (Monday –Saturday) 7:30 a.m.
Eves of Holy Days: 6 p.m. Spanish, 7:00 p.m. English
Holy Days: 7 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Holy Hour: 1st Friday every month 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Daily Rosary - (Monday - Saturday):Before the 7:30 a.m. Mass
Miraculous Medal Novena: Saturday’s after the 7:30 a.m. Mass
O.L. Perpetual Help Novena & Benediction:
Every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
Reconciliation (Confession)
Tuesdays after the 7:30 a.m. Mass.
Thursdays: 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Fridays: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturdays: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Eves of First Fridays: 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.& 7:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m.
Misas en Español
Domingos 8:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. y 6:00 p.m.
Días de Obligación: 6:00 p.m.
Misa Diaria de Lunes a Viernes: 6:00 p.m.
Rosario Diario, Después de la misa de 7:30 a.m.
Rosario Guadalupano: El día 12 de cada mes a las 7:30 p.m.
Reconciliación (Confesiones):
Martes 8:30 a.m. Jueves : 5:00-6:00 p.m. Viernes:7:00 –8:00 p.m.,
Primer Jueves del mes: 5:00-6:00p.m. & 7:00 –8:00 p.m.
Sábados: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento:
Primer Viernes del mes de 6:30 a 7:30 p.m.
Marriage Requirements: Six months advance notice.
Baptism Requirements
If the parents live within St. Didacus Parish boundaries, they are required
to register in the Parish. Attendance at one Pre-baptism class is required
of the parents and Godparents. Pre-Baptism classes are held the first
Thursday of every month in English at the Parish Center at 7:30 p.m..
Attendance at a Pre-Baptism class in another parish is acceptable, but a
certificate of proof is required. After attending the class, the Parents must
call to make an appointment to fill out the Baptismal record form and to
select the Sunday they wish to Baptize. The parents are asked to bring a
copy of the child’s birth certificate or hospital certificate to the appointment. English Baptisms are held the second and fourth Sunday of the
month at 2:30 p.m. If the parents are living in or registered in another
parish, they need to bring permission from that parish to the meeting, in
order to baptize here.
Godparent Requirements
One Godparent, male or female, is sufficient. The Godparent’s
must be practicing Catholics (attending weekly Mass and frequent
reception of the sacraments). The Godparent’s must be confirmed and be
at least 18 years old. If the Godparent’s are married, they must be married
in the Catholic Church. One Godparent may be a non-Catholic Christian (a
Christian Witness) who is practicing their faith. This excludes those who
were formerly Catholic. Non-Christians may not stand as Godparents for a
Catholic Baptism.
Requisitos para bautizar
Si los papas viven dentro de los limites de la parroquia,
deben estar registrados y usar el sobre dominical en
forma regular y asistir a misa. La clase pre-bautismal
es el primer miércoles de cada mes a las 7:00 p. m. en
el Salón Parroquial. Después de haber asistido a la
clase los papás del niño (a) deben llamar a la parroquia y hacer una cita para llenar la forma de registro
para el Bautismo y escoger el Domingo que desean
bautizar. Los papás del niño (a) deben traer el certificado de nacimiento ó certificado del hospital al venir a
la cita. Los Bautizos en Español son el primer y el tercer Domingo del mes a las 2:30 p. m. Si los papás
viven cerca ó están registrados en otra Parroquia, deben traer permiso de esa Parroquia para poder bautizar aquí.
Requisitos para Padrinos
Un padrino, hombre ó mujer es suficiente, y deben
ser Católicos practicantes de su fe de la mejor manera posible, asistir a la Santa Misa semanalmente y
recibir con frecuencia los sacramentos, deben estar
Confirmados y tener al menos 18 años de edad. Si
los padrinos son casados, deben estar casados por la
Iglesia Católica. Uno de los padrinos puede ser no
Católico (Cristiano) que esté practicando su fe. Esto
excluye los que fueron anteriormente Católicos.
Deberán asistir a la clase de preparación al igual
que los papas del niño.
Los no Cristianos no pueden ser padrinos de un Bautismo Católico.
Quinceañera Requirements
To be a member of the Parish, use the Sunday
envelope regularly, have received the Sacrament of
First Communion, the young lady must be attending
our confirmation program or registered in the current
year class, attend the preparation class for the
ceremony. Escorts are not permitted, they may attend
the Mass as a guest.
Requisitos para Quinceañeras
Vivir en Sylmar, y pertenecer a la parroquia, estar
registrados y usar el sobre dominical regularmente,
Haber hecho la primera comunión y traer prueba.
Deberá estar registrada y asistiendo a las clases de
Confirmación aquí en St. Didacus.
No habrá excepciones, solo las quinceañeras
que pertenecen a esta parroquia podrán solicitar su
ceremonia aquí.
Asistir a las clases de preparación para la ceremonia,
junto con sus padres y padrinos, en las fechas que se
mencionaran en el boletín. No Llevara Chambelanes!
Si acaso tiene chambelanes, pueden asistir a Misa como cualquier otro invitado, pero no entran ni salen con
las damas, solamente el chambelán de honor puede
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