cv ceva - Associazione Italiana Sommelier


cv ceva - Associazione Italiana Sommelier
Bartender Sommelier / Settore Alberghiero
9 years' experience
Davide Ceva
Current Address
Via John Fitzgerald Kennedy 26
20097, Milano
Cell: 328/6751238
Cell: 340/9582932
E-mail: [email protected]
Excellent a$tude shown in rela&ons with the public and teamwork. especially for organizing and
assessing improvements in customer services .Excellent ability to work in stressful situa&ons, aimed
at problem solving. Past experience in organizing events for individuals, businesses, fashion and
entertainment. Able to deal with the most discerning palates to achieve the expected result. A successful career is formed by hard &mes, when there is a need to use all your skills and keep up the
morale to maintain the high-quality of your service, and &mes when you can reap the rewards of
hard work when sa&sfying your clientele. To overcome even the most challenging tests you must be
working with a good team, become well-trained and pursue common goals without losing sight of
the business needs. A good manager must be able to make decisions, Communicate with both colleagues and clients, , have a great team spirit and never lose confidence in their abili&es and in
those who work with him Mo&vatend mo&vate, manage "drive those in need of assistance, " and
give a new boost to the team.
- Knowledge of the various
techniques of customer reception.
- Knowledge of sales techniques.
- Experienced & skilled Manager with expertise in Hotel
Management, Food & Beverage operations, Supply Management, Sales and Marketing ,
Public relations, P&L Management, Training, Human Resource
Team Building ● Customer
Service/Guest Relations ● Purchasing/Inventory Management
● Cost Containment
Bar Manager / Resort Scoglio della Galea event e spa 4*
Term : Giugno 2013 / O8obre 2015
Capacity ,Aims:
Management of the Central Pool Bar (150 seats to sit with a full capacity of 700 guests), including coordina&on of all the staff
and the coordina&on of all the staff: Bartender 2, 5 commis room. Supervision of corporate standards of produc&on and service
for applica&on to all employees, according to the guidelines provided by the management. Customer management, sales
events and special promo&ons. Supervising the work of suppliers Food & Beverage for the part rela&ng to the Bar.
Responsible, in accordance with the instruc&ons received, of welcoming, suppor&ng and providing the standard required service to the customers, with style and efficiency. Based on the sales forecasts received by the Directorate, propose the budget
crea&vely repar&.Garan&re in personnel management, work schedules, internal mobility and coverage of shiCs in the various
Correctly apply the opera&onal and administra&ve procedures rela&ng to the areas assigned.
Verifica&on and management of the service of the room, carefully checking the performance so that it is impeccable, courteous, efficient and responsive.
Propose to the management the need of replacing ... , assess the current need for proper equipment, as well as making sugges&ons for the introduc&on of new methods and technologies in order to improve the service.
Receive complaints from customers, content analysis, informa&on on the direc&on, proposing what ac&on to take.
Guarantor of a constant and proper rela&onship between its staff and customers.
Very posi&ve. High spirit. This path allowed me to gain 3 important years of experience.
2° Bartender / Vi"ula Bar (Budapest Ungheria)
Term : Dicembre 2012 / Febbraio 2013
Capacity ,Aims:
Klub Viula for cool music in alterna&ve Budapest ,a bar, pub and all night club .According to Barman, carrying out of the du&es
of the Head Barman in his/her absence, service in the room cafe, prepara&on Cocktails, prepara&on variegated Drink.
A cafe of averages dimensions but with a good turn of foreign business and in the evenings organized kinds the weekend. The
Owners are good people with which I have always had an open dialogue and a good agreement...
Very posi&ve budget. Excellent the feeling. Run matured experience with English, new techniques, new services, new Drink
Barman and Sommelier / Augus(ner am Stadtplatz Burghausen, Germania Ristorante pub
Term : Maggio 2012 / Se8embre 2012
Capacity ,Aims:
Barman of the cafe and Sommelier for the restaurant I have studied and realized the paper wines of the place, realiza&on banque&ng marriages, hand drinks.
The Italian Ownership has given me the maximum availability and the necessary dialogue to Study of commune accord a formula&on of the place and to try to s&mulate the volume of business.
Help Sommelier, and Can(niere Wine / Restaurant italien La Roman(ca Paris
Term : Dicembre 2011 / Marzo 2012
Capacity ,Aims:
I help Sommelier in the room, in collabora&on with the maître Sommelier for the management of the wines, wine cellar, service
to the table.I Dealt me with the management and cataloguing of the wines in the wine cellar around 1500.High Volume Audience. Call happened by the holder aCer from the sec&on Calabria of the of (Italian Associa&on Sommelier) which makes part they
wanted to make me make a season to the foreign countries to widen my baggage technical very posi&ve Budget, a new experience on the management of a foreign but Italian restaurant in the ownership, difficult the forma&ve run in the room different
because of the language and of the new clientele, but sa&sfied to have matured a good experience in the service.
Sommelier, and Can(niere Wine / Capo Va(cano Resort ACCOR (MGALLERY) SEZIONE LUXURY HOTEL & Thalasso SPA
Term : Maggio 2011 / Se8embre 2011
Capacity ,Aims:
According to Barman, first accoun&ng of the Lobbybar, responsible for running all aspects of the cafe focusing on cleanliness,
proper stocking, set-up, inventory procedures and excep&onal customer service the personnel's training, realiza&on menù, organiza&on and management you contact with the Maître and the Chef of kitchen, service, responsible paper wines and I unload
loaded beverage, contract to determined &me. Good dialogue with the excellent administrator the rela&onship with the Direc&on, good feeling with the whole personnel, in the summer season the top of the job all the necessary means to the service.
Extremely posi&ve, a beau&ful experience inside this 4 stars. The Custumers Sa&sfac&on speak clear, the management of the
cafe has always been to the height of the expecta&ons of a clientele of tall .
O8obre 2010 – Marzo 2011 (5 mesi)
Maggio 2010 – Se8embre 2011 (5 mesi)
Coffee' S Bellini CATANIA
Novembre 2009 – Marzo 2010 (5 mesi)
Demi-chef di sala e bar
Maggio 2009 – Se8embre 2009 (5 mesi)
Forma(on near structures small luxury hotel of the world 5*
small luxury hotel
Food & Beverage Training :40hours
Hotel Management Food & Beverage
Aibes Course by Giorgio Fadda
Basic Food Cer&ficate Communica&ons e Marke&ng Food & Beverage Area Gesta&onal Area Risorse Umane :2days
2012-2012 Formazione Maestri del Caffè
Aicaf Centro Formazione Ospitalità ,courses of specializa&on in caffe8eria milk art in :3 day
Hotel Management (ACCOR)
Accor Accademy
Professional course AIBES Specializzazione: BARMAN I level 1, level 2 advanced
2009-to today A.M.I.R.A. – ASS. Maîtres Italiani Ristoran( ed Alberghi
Food & Beverage Training Course professional Maîtres specializa&on : Maîtres
2008-to today (A.I.S.) Associazione italiana Sommelier
SOMMELIER A.The.S.Specializa&on: SOMMELIER specifies forma&on strategic able to build one
"culture of the wine" levels 3 all old ones
2006 Formazione Scolas(ca Industriale Perito Informa(co e delle telecomunicazioni
He/she graduates Computer Expert Superior and of the telecommunica&ons Vote 79/100
Share Vinitaly 2015 near Stand Calabria as Sommelier and chairman Raced Advanced barkeeper - the bases of his/her own job, milk art,
coffee cocktails, from as to make the irish coffee up to as to make the frappuccino and the whole world of the caffe8eria to the American.
BACARDI Mar&ni CLUB -2015
Diageos World Class - 2013/2015
Bols Around the World 2013/2015 .
Specializzazioni: La8e Art Course, Express & Coffee Course, Cafe Manager Course, Flairtending & American Styles Basic
Course, Work (Micros-Fidelio) Course, Staff & Organiza&on Course (CIPAS), Food & Beverage Management Course (CIPAS), Master Havana
Molecular cafe and Sferificazione (Aibes)
AIBES Corso Forma&on Formatori,
AIBES FACTORY Course new was of drink 2013
Master Whisky (Ramazzo$),
Tikis Cocktails Mixologist Course (Daniel of the Pola)
AIS Course, Master Mar&ni Cocktail,
Patent of Taster of Wine (AIS)
Patent taster cheeses (Onaf
Micros-Fidelio Course, Master in Houman Resources & Team Building, Master .
Seminar of specializa&on on the grappa of the academy of the Grappa and the Brandies.
Super Cafe (Milan) New Lab MIXOLOGY was Workshop Luca cinalli - Marian Beke - Summit Horeca 24 Hours
Raced sanitary HACCP
Workshop AIBES The Jerry Thomas Project (Rome)
Corso Upda&ng Encyclopedia of Cocktails Amsterdam
Upda&ng Wine Bordeaux France Paris
Ability and personal competences and report them
Management and organiza&on of the working circle, from the opera&onal aspect to that of food & beverage management, experience in
structures extra luxury and in environments with clientele of high-level.
This has allowed me to implement and to put technical of job and management introduced in the progress of professional Forma&on frequented into prac&ce and learned during the experiences in Italy and to the foreign countries.
Good knowledge of the job on bench cafe of classical (american cafe, cafe of hotel, caffe8eria) formula&on and work-sta&on (disk cafe,
lounge) and taken care of dis&nc&on among the two different typologies, as well as absolute adroitness in Elegance, style and quality, factors indiscriminately always present.
Ability of job in situa&ons of stress, developed since the period scholas&c and well matured in the working context.
Desire of growth both from the professional point of view and from that of the personal culture.
Livello orale: Corrente,
Livello scritto: Corrente
Livello orale: Di base,
Livello scritto: Di base
Livello orale: Madre lingua,
Livello scritto: Madre lingua
Utilizzo del sistema operativo/gestionale per la
ristorazione Micros.
Utilizzo del sistema operativo/gestionale per la
ristorazione Waiter Pos – Palm Teq.
Sistema operativo Mac OS X. Sistema operativo
Microsoft Windows.
Pacchetto Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power
Point, Outlook).Linguaggi
classificato al “Concorso Nazionale
AIBES – categoria Pre dinner 2013
Concorso Maitre dell’ anno 2012 2°
classificato Cucina Spettacolo
Giuria Tecnica concorso Tropea
Blues Festival Drink 2013
Concorso Aibes 2015 3° Classificato
Autorizzo il tra8amento dei da& personali contenu& nel mio curriculum vitae in base art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003