curriculum vitae - Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences


curriculum vitae - Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences
I. Personal Informations
Last name: FANTINI
First Name: Maria Livia
II. Education
A. Academic degrees
2003 2012-to date
Doctor of Medicine
University of Cagliari (Italy)
Grade: 110/110 cum laude.
Residency in Neurology
Institute of Neurology- University of Cagliari (Italy)
Thesis: “The retstlesslegs syndrome”
Grade: 50/50 cum laude
Master ès Sciences (M.Sc.) in Biomedical Sciences University of Montreal, Québec (Canada).
Thesis: « Slowing of the EEG in REM sleep Behavior Disorder », ranked
in the first 5%, included in the Dean’s Honor List.
Supervisor: Prof. Jacques Montplaisir MD, PhD, CRFPc.
PhD program- international co-tutoring doctorate
Doctoral School in Neurociences – University of Turin (Italy)
Sleep Disorders Center – Department of Neurosciences
Supervisor: Pr. Alessandro Cicolin, MD
Doctoral School in Life Scienes, Agronomy and Environment
Université d’Auvergne- Laboratory : EA 7980
Supervisor : Pr. Franck Durif, MD, PhD
Project: « REM sleep behavior disorder and Impulse Control disorder in Parkinson’s
Disease »
Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) (French professorship habilitation)
B. Licenses and Certifications
National license to practice medicine (Italy)
Italian Board Certification of Sleep Medicine (AIMS, Associazione Italiana
Medicina del Sonno)
C. Additional education
1o Residential Course on Sleep Medicine, AIMS - Associazione Italiana
Medicina del Sonno. Bertinoro (Italy)
Epilepsy ,
“S .Michele” Cagliari. Solanas ( Italy)
11° Advanced Course in Electroenephalography, Università di Milano.
Gargnano (Italy)
D. Clinical and research internships abroad
School of Medicine, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg (France).
ERASMUS program- (ECTS projet: European Community Course Credit
Transfer System).
One semester of medical school, including 4 courses validated by the
Italian University and two two-months internships (Neurology and
Emergency Surgery) at the Hospices Civils de Strasbourg.
Centre d’étude du Sommeil et des rythmes biologiques, Université de
Montréal (Québec) – Canada.
Internship (6 months).
Research Fellow (Government of Canada Awards – 12 months)
Master es Sciences Program, Université de Montréal -18 mois
III. Titles and Functions
A.I.A.S. (Associazione Italiana Assistenza Spastici), Sardegna (Italy).
In charge of 3 rehabilitation units (150 in-patients and 120 out-patients)
2003 -2009
Neurologist - Sleep Medicine Specialist
Multidisciplinary Center of Sleep Medicine, Clinical Neurosciences Department.
Università Vita-Salute H San Raffaele -Milan (Italy).
2009 (jan­may) Neurologist consultant Piccola Casa della Divina Provvidenza”, Hospital Cottolengo, Turin (Italy)
2009-à présent
Hospital Pratictioner in Neurology,
Neurology Unit, Hospitals of Mondovì and Ceva, Azienda Sanitaria Locale CN1,
Cuneo (Italy).
Since January 2012 on leave for PhD
IV. Professional Memberships
a. International
Sleep Research Society (SRS)
World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM)
b. National
Associazione Italiana Medicina del Sonno (AIMS)
V. Other professional affiliations
to date
Member of the International REM Behavior Disorder Study Group
2013 to date
Member of the Committee “ Sleep and Dementia” at AIMS (Associazione Italiana
Medicina del Sonno)
VII. Fellowships and awards
6-months scholarship- ERASMUS Project- European Community.
12-months Research Fellowship for Italian Citizens - Government of Canada
Awards, Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
12-months Excellence in Master Scholarship. Université de Montréal
Scholarship for merit- Université de Montréal
Young Investigators Award - ESRS (European Sleep Research Society
Annual Meeting, Reykjavic 2002)
Excellence in Master Award – for thesis redaction- Banque de Montréal,
VIII. Grants awarded
Italian Ministry of Health - Bando Ricerca Finalizzata 2011-2012
(370.000 €)
Co-investigator (PI: Dr. Puligheddu, University of Cagliari, Italy, Coinvestigator abroad: Dr. Marco Bortolato, University of Kansas, USA)
Project title: “Modulation of the startle response in REM Sleep Behavior
Disorder” (running at the University of Cagliari)
IX. Clinical activities
A.I.A.S. (Associazione Italiana Assistenza Spastici), Sardegna (Italy).
In charge of 3 Units of neurorehabilitation, follow-up of patients with neuromotor and
neuropsychiatric disordes (150 in-patients and 120 out-patients)
2003 -2009
Neurologist – Sleep Medicine Specialist,
Multidisciplinary Center of Sleep Medicine, Neurology Service, Department of
Clinical Neurosciences, Università Vita-Salute H San Raffaele -Milan (Italy).
Outpatients consultations on Sleep Medicine for. Follow-up of inpatients for sleep
disorders. Scoring and interpretation of EEG, video-polysomnography (vPSG) and
tests for wakefulness. Scoring and interpretation of the cardio-respiratory
polysomnography, CPAP monitoring, actigraphic recording.
Neurologist consultant Piccola Casa della Divina Provvidenza”, Hopital Cottolengo, Turin (Italie)
Outpatients consultations in General Neurology
2009-to date
Hospital Pratictioner in Neurology,
Unité de Neurologie, Ospedali Riuniti di Mondovì e Ceva, Azienda Sanitaria
Locale CN1, Cuneo (Italie).
Outpatients consultations in General Neurology, Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis,
Cephalalgia, Epilepsy. On call service for the Emergency Department and for the
other services of the two Hospitals
Since January 2012 on leave for PhD
X. Teaching
A. Academic Teaching
Lecturer (“Enseignant contractuel”)
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano, (Italy). Faculty of Psychology.
Specialized Studies on Cognitive Neurosciences
Course of “Laboratory of Sleep Psychophysiology”, for a total of 24
Introduction to Psychology,
Psychobiology of Sleep,
Laboratory of Sleep Psychophysiology
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano (Italy) – Faculty of Psychology.
B. Theses co-supervised
20 theses for BA/MA degree in Psychology (Italy)
• Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano - Faculty of Psychology
Bachelor Degree in Psychological Sciences
Master Degree in Clinical Psychology
Master Degree in Cognitive Neurosciences
1 thesis for Doctoral Degree in Medicine
• Università Statale, Milano, (Italy) School of Medicine
2 theses for MA (France)
• Master 2 in Neuropsychology (Université d’Angers- Université d’Auvergne)
• Master 1 en Sciences, Technologies, Health, mention Genetics and Physiologiy
(Université d’Auvergne)
D. Other pedagogical activities:
Supervision of >10 Residents in Neurology or Neurologists - Training in Sleep
Medicine (endorsed by the Italian Association of Sleep Medicine and the
European Sleep Research Society)
Teacher at the 10th Residential Course of Sleep Medicine (AIMS, Associazione
Italiana di Medicina del Sonno), Bertinoro (Italy)
Lecture for the Doctoral School of Sleep Medicine - Università di Bologna
Continuing Medical Education (CME) (8 conferences)
Supervision of 1 italian resident in Neurology during 3-months research internship
at Université d’Auvergne l’UdA.
E. Dissemination activity
Fantini ML and Gagnon JF. “Sleep disorders in Parkinson’s Disease”. Conference for
Parkinson’s disease patient’s group, Centre for Studies in Aging, Douglas Hospital (Mc Gill
University), Montreal (Canada), Nov 2001
ML Fantini. “I misteri del Sonno”. Conference for “Centro Italiano Femminile”, Comitato
Provinciale, Cagliari (Italy), January 2006
From 2007 to 2009 : Medical-Scientific Advisor and manager of the service “the expert
answers »
 For the website (Restless Legs Sindrome)
For the website (Italian Association of Patients with RLSAIRLS)
IX. Research activity
A. Scientific production
• 38
indexed papers in international journals
- 26 Original papers, 8 as a first author
- 7 Reviews 4 as a first author
- 2 Letters to the Editor, as a first author
- 2 Editorials or Clinical note
• 5 Book chapters (international)
• 1 paper in national journal as a first author
a. Indexes
Score SIGAPS : 747
Total citations
Mean citation for item
Total IF
Weighted IF
* corresponding to 1805 / 36 publications on Scopus
§ corresponding to 1348 / 41 publications on WOS (including abstracts)
b. Table of publications with Impact Factor (IF)
Weighted IF *
1st author or last author (if senior)
2nd author
3rd author
> 3rd author or first author in a letter
*according to the CNU (Conseil National des Universités) recommendations ­ Section of Neurology
B. Publications
International publications peer-reviewed
I. Original Articles (tot : 26 )
A-R Marques, ML Fantini, P Derost, M Ulla, B Debilly, D Morand, B Pereira, F Durif. Restless
legs syndrome in Parkinson’s Disease after subthalamic deep brain stimulation. Accepted in
SleepMedicine 2014 (in press)
Fantini ML, Macedo L, Zibetti M, Sarchioto M, Vidal T, Pereira B, Marques A, Derost P, Débilly
B, Ulla M, Vitello N, Cicolin A, Lopiano L, Durif F. Increased risk of impulse control symptoms
in Parkinson’s disease with REM sleep behavior disorder. JNNP 2014 (accepted for
publication on April 23, 2014, in press) IF: 4.924
Ferini-Strambi L, Oertel W, Marelli S, Postuma RB, Dauvilliers Y, Iranzo A, Arnulf I, Högl B,
Manni R, Miyamoto T, Fantini ML, Puligheddu M, JennumP, Sonka K, Santamaria J, Zucconi
M, Leu-Semenescu S, Frauscher B, Terzaghi M, Miyamoto M, Unger M, Desautels A, Wolfson
C, Pelletier A, Montplaisir J. Autonomic function in idiopathic REM behavior disorder – A
multicentre case-control study. Journal of Neurology 2014 (version online April 1, 2014; doi:
10.1007/s00415-014-7317-8) IF: 3.578
OA4- B Frauscher, P Jennum, YS Ju, RB Postuma, I. Arnulf, V Cochen De Cock, Y Dauvilliers,
ML Fantini, L Ferini-Strambi, D Gabelia, A Iranzo, S Leu-Semenescu, T Mitterling, M
Miyamoto, T Miyamoto, JY Montplaisir, W Oertel, A Pelletier, P Prunetti, M Puligheddu, J
Santamaria, K Sonka, M Unger, C Wolfson, M Zucconi, M Terzaghi, B Högl, G Mayer, R
Manni, Comorbidity and medication in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder: a multicenter
case-control study. Neurology 2014;82(12):1076-9. IF: 8.249
OA5- Dauvilliers Y, Postuma RB, Ferini-Strambi L, Arnulf I, Högl B, Manni R,Miyamoto T, Oertel W,
Fantini ML, Puligheddu M, Jennum P, Sonka K, Zucconi M, Leu-Semenescu S, Frauscher B,
Terzaghi M, Miyamoto M, Unger M, Desautels A,Wolfson C, Pelletier A, Montplaisir J. Family
history of idiopathic REM behavior disorder: A multicenter case-control study. Neurology.
2013;80(24):2233-2235. IF: 8.249
Postuma R, Montplaisir J, Pelletier A, Dauvilliers Y, Oertel WH, Iranzo A, Ferini-Strambi L,
Arnulf I, Hogl B, Manni R, Miyamoto T, Mayer G, Stiasny-Kolster K, Puligheddu M, Ju YE,
Jennum P, Sonka K, Santamaria J, Fantini ML, Zucconi M, Leu-Semenescu S, Frauscher B,
Miyamoto M, Terzaghi M, Unger M, Cochen DeCock V and Wolfson C. Environmental Risk
Factors for REM sleep behavior disorder – A multicentre case-control study. Neurology
IF: 8.249
Postuma RB, Arnulf I, Hogl B, Iranzo A, Miyamoto T, Dauvilliers Y, Oertel W, Ju YE,
Puligheddu M, Jennum P, Pelletier A, Wolfson C, Leu-Semenescu S, Frauscher B, Miyamoto
M, Cochen De Cock V, Unger MM, Stiasny-Kolster K, Fantini ML, Montplaisir JY. A singlequestion screen for rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder: A multicenter validation
study. Mov Disord 2012 Jun;27(7):913-916. IF : 4.558
Fantini ML, Farini E, Ortelli P, Zucconi M, Manconi M, Oldani A, Cappa S, Ferini-Strambi L.
Longitudinal study of neuropsychological functions in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder.
Sleep. 2011;34(5):619-25. IF : 5.1
Montplaisir J, Gagnon JF, Fantini ML, Postuma RB, Dauvilliers Y, Desautels A, Rompré S,
Paquet J. Polysomnographic diagnosis of idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder. Mov
Disorders. 2010 25(13):2044-2051. IF: 4.558
OA10- Fantini ML, Cossu G, Molari A, Cabinio M, Uyanik O, Cilia R, Antonini A, Ferini Strambi L.
Sleep in genetically confirmed pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration: a videopolysomnographic study. Parkinsons Disorders. 2010: 342834.
OA11- Postuma RB, Gagnon JF, Vendette M, Fantini ML,Massicotte-Marquez J, Montplaisir J.
Quantifying the Risk of Neurodegenerative Disease in Patients with Idiopathic REM sleep
behaviour disorder. Neurology 2009 72:1296-1300. IF: 8,249
OA12- Pincherle A, Villani F, Ferini-Strambi L, Fantini ML, Dylgjeri S, Spreafico R, Antozzi C.
Immunoadsorbtion for the treatment of Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. Neurological Sciences
2008; 29: 499-500. IF : 1.412
OA13- Manconi M, Ferri R, Zucconi M, Fantini ML, Plazzi G, Ferini-Strambi L Time structure analysis
of leg movements during sleep in REM sleep behavior disorder. Sleep. 2007 ;30(12):1779-85.
IF: 5.1
OA14- Manconi M, Ferri R, Zucconi M, Oldani A, Fantini ML, Castronovo V, Ferini-Strambi L First
night efficacy of pramipexole in restless legs syndrome and periodic leg movements. Sleep
Med 2007;8(5):491-497. IF :3.487
OA15- Montplaisir J, Fantini ML, Desautels A, Michaud M, Filipini D. Long-term effects of
pramipexole in the treatment of restless legs syndrome. European Journal of Neurology 2006:
13(12):1306-11. IF :4.162
OA16- Gagnon JF, Petit D, Fantini ML, Rompre S, Gauthier S, Panisset M, Robillard A, Montplaisir J
REM sleep behavior disorder and REM sleep without atonia in probable Alzheimer disease.
Sleep 2006;29:1321-1325. IF: 5.1
OA17- Fantini ML, Postuma RB, Montplaisir J, Ferini-Strambi L. Olfactory deficit in idiopathic REM
sleep behavior disorder. Brain Res Bulletin 2006; 70:386-390. IF: 2.935
OA18- Fantini ML, Corona A, Clerici S, Ferini Strambi L. Aggressive dream content without daytime
aggressiveness in REM sleep behavior disorder. Neurology 2005;65:1010-1015. IF: 8.249
OA19- Michaud M, Dumont M, Paquet J, Desautels A, Fantini ML, Montplaisir J. Circadian variation
of the effects of immobility on symptoms of restless legs syndrome. Sleep 2005;28(7): 843846. IF: 5.1
OA20- Michaud M, Dumont M, Selmaoui B, Paquet J, Fantini ML, Montplaisir J. Circadian rhythm of
restless legs syndrome. Relationship with biological markers. Annals of Neurology
2004;55(3)372-380. IF : 11.193
OA21- Gagnon JF, Fantini ML, Bédard MA, Petit D, Carrier J, Rompré S, Décary A, Panisset M, ,
Montplaisir J. Association between waking EEG slowing and REM sleep behavior disorder in
PD without dementia. Neurology 2004;62(3):401-406. IF: 8.249
OA22- Fantini ML, Gagnon JF, Petit D, Rompré S, Décary A, Carrier J, Montplaisir J. Slowing of
electroencephalogram in rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder. Annals of Neurology
2003;53(6):774-780. IF : 11.193
OA23- Fantini ML, Gagnon JF, Filipini D, Montplaisir J. The effects of pramipexole in REM sleep
behavior disorder. Neurology 2003,61(10):1418-1420. IF: 8.249
OA24- Gosselin N, Lanfranchi P, Michaud M, Fantini L, Carrier J, Lavigne G, Montplaisir J. Age and
gender effects on heart rate activation associated with periodic leg movements in patients with
restless legs syndrome. Clinical Neurophysiology 2003; 114(11):2188. IF :3.144
OA25- Fantini ML, Michaud M, Gosselin N, Lavigne G, Montplaisir J. Periodic leg movements in
REM sleep behavior disorder and related autonomic and EEG activation. Neurology.
2002;59(12):1889-1894. IF: 8.249
OA26- Gagnon JF, Bédard MA, Fantini ML, Petit D, Panisset M, Rompré S, Carrier J & Montplaisir J.
REM sleep behavior disorder and REM sleep without atonia in Parkinson’s disease.
Neurology 2002;59:585-589. IF: 8.249
Review articles - tot: 8
RA1- Fantini ML, Cicolin, A, Puligheddu M. Sleep and Violence. Current Treatment Options in
Neurology 2012 Oct;14(5):438-50. IF: 1.938
RA2- Fantini ML, Ferini Strambi L. Idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder. Neurol Sci. 2007;28
Suppl 1:S15-20. IF: 1.412
RA3- Ferini-Strambi L, Fantini ML. Cerebrovascular diseases and sleep-disordered breathing. Clin
Exp Hypertens. 2006;28:225-231. IF: 1.276
RA4- Fantini ML, Ferini-Strambi L, Montplaisir J. Idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder: toward a
better nosological definition. Neurology 2005;64(5):780-786. IF: 8.249
RA5- Ferini-Strambi L, Fantini ML, Zucconi M, Castronovo V, Marelli S, Oldani A, Cappa S. REM
sleep behavior disorder. Neurological Sciences 2005 Vol 26, Suppl 3: S186-S192. IF: 1.412
RA6- Ferini-Strambi L, Fantini ML, Castronovo V. Epidemiology of obstructive sleep apnea
syndrome. Minerva Medica 2004;95(3):187-202. IF: 0.771
RA7- Fantini ML, Manconi M, Zucconi M, Cappa S, Ferini-Strambi L. Il mioclono notturno nelle malattie
neurodegenerative. Neurological Sciences 2004, 25:S541-S544. IF: 1.412
RA8- Petit D, Gagnon JF, Fantini ML, Ferini-Strambi L, Montplaisir J. Sleep and quantitative EEG in
neurodegenerative disorders. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2004;56(5):487-96. IF : 3.268
II. Editorials, Letters and clinical notes (tot 4)
L1- Fantini ML, Figorilli, Ferri R REM Sleep Without Atonia is not REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
(Letter), Movement Disorders 2014 (accepted for publication on april 13, 2014, in press) IF : 4.558
L2- Ferri R, Fantini ML, Schenck CH. The role of REM without atonia in the diagnosis of REM sleep
behavior disorder: past errors and new challenges. Sleep Medicine 2014, in press (online version
may 23 2014; doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2014.05.006). IF :3.487
L3- Fantini ML, Ferini-Strambi L. Dream content in RBD: effect of clonazepam. Sleep Medicine 2012
13(8):1110. IF :3.487
L4- J Montplaisir and L Fantini. Idiopathic hypersomnia: a diagnostic dilemma. A commentary on
« idiopathic hypersomnia » (M. Billiard and Y. Dauvilliers). Sleep Medicine Reviews, 2001; Vol. 5,
No. 5, 361-362. IF : 8.681
Book chapters, tot: 5
ML Fantini. “REM behavior disorder”. In: Sleep Disorders in Neurology, Rosalia Silvestri Ed, Nova
Science Publishers. Huppauge, NY, 2012.
ML Fantini. “Dreams in REM sleep behavior Disorders” in: Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams. Patrick
McNamara and Deirdre Barrett Eds. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA, 2012.
ML Fantini. “Pathophysiology, Associations, and Consequences of Parasomnias”. In: Handbook of
Sleep Disorders (Neurological Disease and Therapy), Clete Kushida Ed., Taylor and Francis. New York,
NY 2008: pp. 481-494.
L Ferini Strambi, ML Fantini. “Sleep and quality of life in REM sleep parasomnia”. In: “Sleep and Quality
of Life in Medical Illnesses”. Drs. Joris Verster and David Streiner and Mr. S.R. Pandi-Perumal Editor(s).
The Humana Press Inc. NJ. 2008: 119-126.
ML Fantini and L Ferini Strambi. “REM-related dreams in REM sleep behavior disorder”. In: “ The New
Science of Dreaming”, Vol 1: Biological Aspects. Patrick McNamara and Deirdre Barrett Eds. (Advisory
board members: Alan Hobson, Ernest Hartmann, Charles Stewart and John Antrobus). Greenwood
Publishers, Westport , CT. 2007: 185-200.
Invited conferences and oral communications (tot : 24)
a. International Meetings (tot 11):
ML Fantini. Le trouble du Sommeil dans la Maladie de Parkinson. Universités du Parkinson, Paris,
30 Novembre 2014
ML Fantini. “Association between REM sleep behavior disorder and Impulse Control Disorder in
Parkinson’s Disease: a polysomnographic study”, Congrès de la Societé Française de Recherche et
Méedecine du Sommeil (SFRMS, Lille, 22 September 2014)
ML Fantini. “REM sleep behavior disorder and Impulse Control Disorder in Parkinson’s Disease”
Expert invité au International RBD Study Group (IRBDSG). Valencia (Spain), October 2013.
ML Fantini. “Follow-up of neuropsychological functions in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder”
Expert invité au 2nd International Symposium on REM sleep behaviour disorder. Marburg (Germany),
Octobre 2008.
ML Fantini. “Dreams in sleep disorders”. Invited speaker to the Symposium “Dreams in neurological
and sleep disorders: pathogenetic and clinical implications ”, al 21st Annual Meeting of the
Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Minneapolis (MN) June 2007 (unattended, the presentation
was given by L. Ferini-Strambi)
B Boeve, C Comella, ML Fantini, A Iranzo, D Kunz, J Montplaisir, (C Shenck and L Ferini Strambi
chairs). Participante invitée au Discussion Group “REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: more than one
clinical form?” 20th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City
(OH) Juin 2006.
ML Fantini, Macedo L, Zibetti M, Vidal T, Pereira B, Marques A, Derost P, Débilly B, Ulla M, Vitello N,
Cicolin A, Lopiano L, Durif F. “Increased frequency of impulse control symptoms in patients with
Parkinson's disease and REB sleep behavior disorder”. Oral communication, World Congress on
Parkinson’s Disease, Geneva (Switzerland), December 9, 2013
ML Fantini, Macedo L, Zibetti M, Vidal T, Pereira B, Marques A, Derost P, Débilly B, Ulla M, Vitello N,
Cicolin A, Lopiano L, Durif F. “Increased risk of impulse control symptoms in Parkinson’s disease with
REM sleep behavior disorder”. Oral communication, V Meeting WASM (World Association of Sleep
Medicine), Valencia (Spain), September 30, 2013
Fantini ML, R. Postuma, J. Montplaisir and L. Ferini-Strambi. “Olfactory Deficit in REM sleep
behavior disorder”. Oral communication, Young Investigator Symposium. I Meeting WASM (World
Association of Sleep Medicine),Berlin (Germany), Oct 2005.
CO10- Fantini ML, Corona A, Clerici S, Ferini Strambi L. Aggressive dream content without daytime
aggressiveness in REM sleep behavior disorder. Oral communication, I Meeting WASM (World
Association of Sleep Medicine), Berlin (Germany), Oct 2005.
ML Fantini, R. Postuma, L. Ferini-Strambi and J. Montplaisir. “Olfactory impairment in idiopathic and
symptomatic REM sleep behavior disorder”. Oral communication, American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
Meeting, Miami, Avril 2005.
CO12- L Fantini, M Michaud, N Gosselin, J Montplaisir (2002) “Are all PLMS alike? A study of PLMS in
REM sleep behaviour disorder and restless legs syndrome.” Oral communication 16th Congress of
the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) . Reykjavik, Juin 2002.
b. National Meetings (tot.15):
ML Fantini, Macedo L, Zibetti M, Vidal T, Pereira B, Marques A, Derost P, Débilly B, Ulla M, Vitello N,
Cicolin A, Lopiano L, Durif F. Risque accru de troubles du contrôle des impulsions chez les patients
parkinsoniens avec un trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal. Oral communication. Réunion
Franco-Romande de Neurologie, St-Etienne (France), 28 mars 2014
ML Fantini. ”Ictus e parasonnie”. Invited speaker - Congrès “Sonno e Ictus”. Pescara (Italy) March
ML Fantini. “I sogni delle donne”. Invited speaker - XVII Congresso Nazionale AIMS (Associazione
Italiana Medicina del Sonno), Palermo (Italy), Octobre 2007 (Unattended, presentation given by L. FeriniStrambi).
ML Fantini. “REM sleep behavior disorder: aspetti clinici e fisiopatogenetici.” Speaker – Scientifc
Meeting “Fenomeni motori anormali in sonno”, Cagliari (Italy) Septembre 2008. (Continuing Medical
ML Fantini. “Dopamina e Movimenti Periodici degli Arti Inferiori in Sonno”. Invited Speaker Symposium “Dopamina ed attività motoria in sonno” . XVI Congresso Nazionale AIMS (Associazione Italiana
Medicina del Sonno), Milano (Italy), Nov 2006. (CME)
CO16- ML Fantini. “Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior”. Orateur invite- Meeting ”Dopamina, Sonno, Veglia e
Movimento”, Milan (Italy), Mai 2006. (CME)
CO17- ML Fantini. “Criteri per lo scoring polisonnografico di RBD”, Teacher at the 10th Residential Course
of Sleep Medicine- Advanced course, organized by AIMS (Associazione Italiana di Medicina del
Sonno). Bertinoro (Italy) April 2006.
CO18- ML Fantini. “Sonno e contenuto onirico nei disturbi alimentari”. Invited Speaker at the Symposium
“Sonno e Patologie Psichiatriche” , XI Meeting SOPSI (Società Italiana di Psicopatologia), Rome
(Italy), February 2006. (CME)
ML Fantini. “REM Behaviour Disorder ed altri markers predittivi di demenza.” Invited Speaker Symposium “Sonno e Demenza”. 15° Meeting AIMS Associazione Italiana Medicina del Sonno, Rome (Italy),
Nov. 2005. (CME)
Fantini ML “Il mioclono notturno nelle malattie neurodegenerative”. Invited Speaker -Meeting SIN
(Società Italiana di Neurologia), Genova, (Italy) Sept. 2004. (CME)
CO21- ML Fantini. “REM sleep behavior disorder: aspetti clinici e neuropsicologici”. Invited Speaker Meeting SIN (Società Italiana di Neurologia), Sezioni Apulo-Lucane, Foggia (Italy), Nov. 2003. (CME)
CO22- Fantini ML, Farini E, Ortelli P, Zucconi M, Manconi M, Oldani A, Cappa S, Ferini-Strambi L. Longitudinal
study of neuropsychological functions in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder. Oral communication, XVIII
National Meeting of the Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno (AIMS), Bari, Nov. 2008.
CO23- L Fantini, D Filipini, J Montplaisir (2001). “Studio longitudinale di una popolazione di pazienti affetti da REM
sleep behavior disorder idiopatico”. Oral communication, XI Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di
Medicina del Sonno (AIMS), Pisa, Oct. 2001
CO24- Fantini ML, Gagnon JF, Petit D, Massicotte J, Rompré S, Décary A, Carrier J, Montplaisir J. (2003)
“Rallentamento dell’elettroencefalogramma nel REM sleep behavior disorder”. Oral communication, XIII
Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno (AIMS), Torino, Oct. 2003.
CO25- L Fantini, D Petit, J Montplaisir (1999). « Caractéristiques du sommeil paradoxal chez des patients
parkinsoniens avec et sans trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal ». Oral communication, Congrès
de la Société Française de Recherche sur le Sommeil, Grenoble, (France), Nov. 1999.
C. Poster communications with published abstract (tot : 72)
a. International Meetings
P1- Figorilli M, Pereira B, Debilly B, DerostP, Marques AR, Ulla M, Vitello N, Puligheddu M, Durif F, Fantini ML.
Sensitivity and specificity of the REM sleep behavior disorder-single-question screen” (RBD-1Q) in
Parkinson’s Disease. Joint Congress of the European Neurology, Istanbul (Turquie), May 2014
P2- Fantini ML, Macedo L, Zibetti M, Vidal T, Pereira B, Marques A, Derost P, Débilly B, Ulla M, Vitello N, Cicolin
A, Lopiano L, Durif F. “Increased frequency of impulse control symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease
and REM sleep behavior disorder” 18th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement
Disorders, Stockholm (Suede), June 2014.
P3- Fantini ML, Pereira B, Macedo L, Debilly B, Derost P, Marques AR, Ulla M, Vitello N, Vidal T, Durif F.
Sensitivity and specificity of the “REM sleep behavior disorder-single-question screen” (RBD-1Q) in
Parkinson’s Disease. 18th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders ,
Stockholm, (Suede) June 2014
P4- Lo Coco D, Mattaliano P, Congiu P, Gioi G, Fantini ML, Puligheddu M. REM sleep behavior disorder and
periodic leg movements in sleep in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. XXIV International
Symposium on ALS/MND, Milan (Italy), Dec 2013
P5- Congiu P, Milioli G, Gioi G, Tacconi P, Fantini M, Puligheddu M. Neurophysiological evaluation of spinal
excitability in patients affected by primitive restless legs syndrome. V World Congress on Sleep Medicine
(WASM), Valencia (Spain), Sept 2013
P6- Lo Coco D, Mattaliano P, Gioi G, Congiu P, Fantini ML, Puligheddu M REM sleep behavior disorder and
periodic leg movements in sleep in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. V World Congress on Sleep
Medicine (WASM), Valencia (Spain), Sept 2013
P7- M.L. Fantini, L. Macedo, T. Vidal, B. Debilly, P. Derost1, A.R. Marques, M. Ulla, N. Vitello, A. Cicolin, F. Durif.
Increased risk of clinical and subclinical impulsive-compulsive behaviors in Parkinson's disease with REM
sleep behavior disorder. 9th International Congress on Mental Disorder in Parkinson’s Disease (MDPD),
Seoul (South Corea) April 2013
P8- Fantini ML, Marques A, Macedo L, Vidal T, Derost P, Débilly B, Ulla M, Vitello N, Cicolin A, Durif F. REM
sleep behavior disorder is associated to increased frequency of clinical and subclinical impulsive-compulsive
behaviors in Parkinson’s Disease. 18th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement
Disorders.Sydney (Australia), June 2013
Kuo TF, Giarolli L, Anelli M, Marelli S, Fantini ML, Manconi M, Di Francesco N, Zucconi M, Ferini-Strambi L,
Castronovo V. Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) in group format. Annual APSS
Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Baltimore (USA), Juin 2008
P10- Farini E, Fantini ML, Ortelli P, Zucconi M, Manconi M, Oldani A, Cappa S, Ferini Strambi L. Longitudinal
Assessment Of Neuropsychological Functions In Patients With Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
(RBD). Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies) , Minneapolis (USA) Juin 2007
P11- Anelli MM, Fantini ML, Bellodi L, Erzegovesi S, Ferini-Strambi L. Dreams and sleep pattern in women with
bulimia nervosa. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies), Minneapolis (USA) Juin
P12- Castronovo V, Marelli S, Aloia M, Fantini M, Kuo T, Manconi M, Giarolli L, Ferini-Strambi L Neurocognitive
function and quality of life in patients with OSA: short and long-term effects of auto and fixed PAP. Annual
APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Minneapolis (USA) Juin 2007
P13- Manconi M, Ferri R, Zucconi M, Fantini M, Castronovo V, Ferini Strambi L. Tracing the dopaminergic borders
of periodic leg movements during sleep in restless legs sindrome. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated
Professional Sleep Societies (APSS), Minneapolis (USA), Juin 2007
P14- Anelli MM, Fantini ML, Bellodi L,Erzegovesi S, Ferini-Strambi L. Dreams and sleep pattern in women with
anorexia nervosa. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City (USA)
P15- Castronovo VE, Fantini ML, Marelli S, Zucconi M, Ferini-Strambi L AutoCPAP in obstructive sleep apnea
(OSA) patients with poor compliance to standard CPAP titration. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated
Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City (USA)
P16- Castronovo VE, Marelli S, Cappa S, Fossati A, Fantini ML, Manconi M, Ferini-Strambi L Cognitive
functioning in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients: effect of autoCPAP and standard CPAP. Annual APSS
Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City (USA)
Marelli S, Fantini ML, Busek P, Castronovo V, Manconi M,Ferini Strambi L. Association Between
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Narcolepsy with and without Cataplexy. Annual APSS Meeting
(Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City (USA)
Lanfranchi P, Fradette L, Rompre S, Colombo R, Massicotte-Marquez J, Fantini ML, Montplaisir J
Cardiac autonomic regulation during sleep in subjects with REM sleep behaviour disorders. Annual APSS
Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City (USA)
ML Fantini, R Postuma, J Montplaisir and L Ferini-Strambi. Olfactory Function In REM Sleep
Behavior Disorder. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies ,. Denver (USA)
L. Ferini-Strambi, A. Corona, M. Manconi, V. Castronovo, S. Clerici, ML Fantini. Dream Content And
Daytime Aggressiveness In REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD). Sleep 2005 Vol. 28 Abstract Suppl, A53.
Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies). Denver (USA)
J-F Gagnon, D Petit, ML Fantini, S Rompré, S Gauthier, M Panisset, A Robillard, J Montplaisir. REM
sleep behavior disorder in probable Alzheimer’s Disease. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional
Sleep Societies). Denver (USA)
Michaud M, Dumont M, Paquet J, Desautels A, Fantini ML, Montplaisir J, Are the effects of immobility
on restless legs syndrome independent of their intrinsic circadian variation? Annual APSS Meeting
(Associated Professional Sleep Societies). Denver (USA)
Castronovo V, Bizzozzero D, Fantini ML, Manconi M, Ferini-Strambi L. The screening of sleep
disordered breathing (SDB): comparison between the Sleepstrip and an 8-channels cardio-resipratory
monitoring device. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies). Denver (USA)
Manconi M, Zucconi M, Oldani A, Castronovo V, Fantini ML, Martinelli C, Ferri R, Ferini-Strambi L.
Polysomnographic evaluation of idiopathic restless legs syndrome patients: effect of first-night pramipexole
treatment. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies). Denver (USA)
P25- L. Ferini-Strambi, A. Corona, V. Castronovo, S. Clerici, ML Fantini. Dream And Daytime Aggressiveness In
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Meeting, Miami, (USA) Avril 2005
P26- Castronovo V. E., Fantini M. L., Marelli S., Zucconi M., Ferini-Strambi L. Autotitrating CPAP in obstructive
sleep apnea (OSA) patients with poor compliance during standard CPAP titration night. 2005 World
Federation of Sleep Medicine (WASM) Meeting, Berlin (Germany), Octobre 2005.
Castronovo V. E., Bizzozzero D., Fantini M. L., Manconi M., Marelli S., Ferini-Strambi L.The
sleepstrip compared to an 8-channels cardiorespiratory monitoring device in the screening of Sleep
Disordered Breathing (SDB). World Federation of Sleep Medicine (WASM) Meeting, Berlin (Germany),
Octobre 2005.
A Corona, ML Fantini, S Clerici, L Sarno, L Ferini-Strambi. Dream And Daytime Aggressiveness In
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. 2 International Symposium on Mental Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease.
Salzburg, Nov. 2004
Fantini ML, Gagnon J-F, Rompré S, Petit D, Ferini-Strambi L, Montplaisir J. REM sleep
characteristics in REM sleep behavior disorder. American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Meeting, San
Francisco (USA) April 2004
Fantini ML, Gagnon J-F, Michaud M, Rompré S, Ferini-Strambi L, Montplaisir J. Periodic Leg
Movements In Rem Sleep Behavior Disorder: Comparison With Age-Matched Healthy Controls. Annual
APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies) Philadelphia (USA). Juin 2004
Fantini ML, Gagnon J-F, Petit D, Rompré S, Ferini-Strambi L, Montplaisir J. Sleep Laboratory
Diagnosis Of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep
Societies) Philadelphia (USA). Juin 2004
Rompré S, Gagnon J-F, Fantini ML, Petit D, Montplaisir J.REM sleep without atonia in progressive
supranuclear palsy. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies) Philadelphia (USA).
Juin 2004
Montplaisir J, Michaud M, Dumont M, Lavigne G, Fantini ML, Selmaoui B, Paquet J. Circadian
rhythm of RLS symptoms : relationships with salivary melatonin, core body temperature, and subjective
vigilance. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies) Philadelphia (USA). Juin 2004
Fantini ML,1-2 Gagnon J-F,1 Petit D1, Rompré S, 1 Ferini-Strambi L,2 Montplaisir J.
Polysomnographic Features Of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. 8th International Congress on Parkinson’s
Disease and Movement Disorders Rome (Italy) Mai 2004
ML Fantini, J-F Gagnon, M Michaud, S Rompré, L Ferini-Strambi, J Montplaisir. Periodic leg
movements in REM sleep behavior disorder: further observations. 8th International Congress on Parkinson’s
Disease and Movement Disorders Rome (Italy) Mai 2004
Fantini ML, Desautels A, Michaud M, Petit D, Montplaisir J. Long-term effects of pramipexole in
the treatment of restless legs syndrome. 8th International Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Movement
Disorders Rome (Italy) Mai 2004
M Michaud, M Dumont, B Selmaoui, J Paquet, ML Fantini, J Montplaisir. Circadian rhythm of
restless legs syndrome symptoms : relationships with salivary melatonin, core body temperature, and
subjective vigilance. 8th International Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Rome
(Italy) Mai 2004
Gagnon J-F, Fantini ML, Rompré S, D Petit, M Panisset, Ferini-Strambi L, J Montplaisir. Periodic leg
movements during sleep in PD with or without RBD. Meeting ESRS, European Sleep Research Society
Prague (République Tchèque) Septembrer 2004
Castronovo C, Fantini ML, Manconi M, Veronelli E, Nosetti L, Zucconi M, Nespoli L, Ferini-Strambi L
Sleep disordered breathing in children: cardiac and motor changes during sleep. Meeting ESRS, European
Sleep Research Society Prague (République Tchèque) Septembrer 2004
Zucconi M, Marcone A, Ortelli P, Fantini ML, Cappa S, Ferini Strambi L. REM sleep behaviour
disorder in fronto-temporal dementia. Meeting ESRS, European Sleep Research Society Prague
(République Tchèque) Septembrer 2004
Fantini ML. Sleep laboratory diagnosis of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). Neurological
Sciences. 2004: S291.
Fantini ML, Gagnon JF, Petit D, Massicotte J, Rompré S, Décary A, Carrier J, Montplaisir J. (2003)
Slowing of EEG in idiopathic REM sleep disorder. American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Meeting, Honolulu
(Hawaii) USA.
Gagnon JF, Fantini ML, Bédard MA, Petit D, Rompré S, Panisset M, Décary A, Carrier J, Montplaisir
J. (2003). Slowing of EEG in Parkinson’s disease without dementia is related to REM sleep behavior
disorder. American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Meeting. Honolulu (Hawaii) USA.
Montplaisir J, Fantini ML, Gagnon JF, Massicotte-Marquez J, Petit D, Rompré S, Bédard MA,
Décary A, Carrier J. (2003)Slowing in the waking EEG in idiopathic RBD and RBD associated with
Parkinson’s disease. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies) Chicago (USA). Juin
Massicotte-Marquez J, Fantini ML, Carrier J, Décary A, Montplaisir J. (2003) Quantitative analysis of
NREM sleep EEG in patients with REM behavior disorder (2003) Sleep 26 (suppl.): a323. Annual APSSs
Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies) Chicago (USA). Juin 2003
Gagnon JF, Bédard MA, Fantini ML, Petit D, Rompré S, Panisset M, Montplaisir J. (2003)
Comparison Between Submental and Anterior Tibialis Phasic EMG Activity During REM Sleep in Parkinson’s
Disease with and without REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional
Sleep Societies) Chicago (USA). Juin 2003.
Gagnon JF, Bédard MA, Fantini ML, Rompré S, Panisset M, Montplaisir J. (2002).Tonic and phasic
REM sleep features in Parkinson’s disease (PD) with and without REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). 7th
International Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Miami (USA) 2002
L Fantini, M Michaud, N Gosselin, J Montplaisir (2002)Are all PLMS alike? A study of PLMS in REM
sleep behaviour disorder and restless legs syndrome 16th Congress of the European Sleep Research
Society (ESRS). Reykjavik (Iceland) Juin 2002
Montplaisir J, Fantini L, Michaud M, Lavigne J. (2002) Dopamine, sleep and PLMS. 16th Congress
of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS). Reykjavik (Iceland) Juin 2002
Fantini L, Gagnon JF, Filipini D, Beaudry M, Décary A & Montplaisir J. (2002). The effects of
pramipexole on idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder. American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Meeting,
Denver (USA), April 2002
Gagnon JF, Bédard MA, Petit D, Fantini L, Panisset M, Rompré S & Montplaisir J. (2002).
Frequency of REM sleep behavior disorder and REM sleep without atonia in Parkinson’s disease. Annual
APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Seattle (USA), Juin 2002
Rompré S, Gagnon JF, Fantini L, Bédard MA, Panisset M, Petit D & Montplaisir J. (2002).
Quantitative EEG analysis of wakefulness and REM sleep in PD patients with and without dementia, AD
patients and controls. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Seattle (USA), Juin
Fantini L, Desautel A, Montplaisir J. (2001)Pramipexole and excessive daytime sleepiness in
Restless Legs Syndrome. International Symposium Mental and BEhavioral Dysfunctions Movement
Disorders, Montreal (Canada) 2001
P54- Fantini L, Filipini D, Montplaisir J. Idiopathic REM behavior disorder: a longitudinal study.
International Symposium Mental and BEhavioral Dysfunctions Movement Disorders, Montreal
(Canada) 2001
Gagnon JF, Fantini L, Bédard MA, Petit D, Panisset M & Montplaisir J. (2001). Differences between
clinical interviews and polysomnographic recordings for the diagnosis of REM sleep behavior disorder in
Parkinson’s disease. International Symposium Mental and BEhavioral Dysfunctions Movement Disorders,
Montreal (Canada) 2001
Fantini L, Michaud M, Gosselin N, Montplaisir J. PLMS and autonomic activation in patients with
Restless legs syndrome and REM sleep Behavior disorder. Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional
Sleep Societies, Chicago, Juin 2001
P57- Michaud M, Fantini L, Filipini D, Montplaisir J. (2000).Periodic leg movement during sleep in
patients with REM sleep behavior disorder. . Annual APSS Meeting (Associated Professional Sleep
Societies, Las Vegas, Juin 2000
P58- Montplaisir J, Petit D, Filipini D, Fantini L, Panisset M. (2000) REM sleep characteristics in patients
with Parkinson’s disease associated or not with REM sleep behavior disorder. Annual APSS Meeting
(Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Las Vegas, Juin 2000
P59- L Fantini, M.Michaud, D.Filipini, J.Montplaisir (1999). Mouvements périodiques des jambes au
cours du sommeil chez des patients avec trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal. Congrès
de la Société Française de Recherche sur le Sommeil, Grenoble, (France), Nov. 1999.
Fantini L, Cannas A, Peddis E, Saddi MV, Manca D, Tacconi P, Uselli S, Congia S (1998) Recurrent
ischemic papillitis, acute transverse myelopathy in a patient with Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome (PAS)
Meeting EFNS (European Federation of Nerological Societies)
Cannas A, Spissu A, Saddi MV, Peddis E, Tamburini G, Tacconi P, Uselli S, Fantini L, Serra V,
Congia S (1998). Paranoid chronic psychosis in a woman with Parkinson disease. Superimposed psychosis
or drug-induced psychosis? Meeting EFNS (European Federation of Nerological Societies)
b. National meetings
Farini E, Fantini ML, Ortelli P, Zucconi M, Manconi M, Oldani A, Cappa S, Ferini-Strambi L Studio
longitudinale delle funzioni neuropsicologiche in pazienti con REM sleep behavior idiopatico (RBD)
XVIII Congresso Associazione Italiana Medicina del Sonno (AIMS ), Bari, (Italy), Nov 2008
Fantini ML, Cossu G, Molari A, Cabinio M, Melis M, Cilia R, Antonini A, Ferini-Strambi L. Sonno e
attivita’ motoria durante il sonno REM nella neurodegenerazione associata a deficit di pantotenato
chinasi (PKAN). XVIII Congresso Associazione Italiana Medicina del Sonno (AIMS), Bari, (Italy),
Nov 2008
I Tedeschi, A Galiazzo, L Ferini Strambi, ML Fantini. Fenomenologia delle allucinazioni
ipnagogiche nei pazienti narcolettici e relazione con il profilo personologico. XVIII Congresso
Associazione Italiana Medicina del Sonno (AIMS), Bari, (Italy), Nov 2008
A Galiazzo, I Tedeschi, L Giarolli, L Ferini-Strambi, ML Fantini. Contenuto onirico nella narcolessia:
analisi quantitativa di un campione di 157 sogni. XVIII Congresso Associazione Italiana Medicina
del Sonno (AIMS), Bari, (Italy), Nov 2008
Galiazzo A, Tedeschi I, Anelli MM, Ferini-Strambi L, ML Fantini. Profilo personologico e psicologico
in pazienti affetti da narcolessia. XVIII Congresso Associazione Italiana Medicina del Sonno
(AIMS), Bari, (Italy), Nov 2008
P.Della Valentina, Anelli MM, Cabinio M, L Ferini Strambi, ML Fantini. Sogni e OSAS: frequenza
del ricordo e analisi quantitativa del contenuto onirico in un campione di 65 pazienti, prima e dopo
terapia con C-PAP. XVIII Congresso Associazione Italiana Medicina del Sonno (AIMS), Bari, (Italy),
Nov 2008
Anelli MM, Fantini ML, Erzegovesi S, Bellodi L, Ferini-Strambi L. Contenuto onirico nella Anoressia
nervosa. XI Congresso SOPSI (Società Italiana di Psicopatologia), Roma, Février 2006.
Anelli MM, Fantini ML, Erzegovesi S, Bellodi L, Ferini-Strambi L. Disturbi del sonno e cronotipo
nell’Anoressia Nervosa. XI Congresso SOPSI (Società Italiana di Psicopatologia), Roma, Février
Fantini ML, Cossu G, Molari A, Cabinio M, Melis M, Cilia R, Antonini A, Ferini-Strambi L. Sonno e
attivita’ motoria durante il sonno REM nella neurodegenerazione associata a deficit di pantotenato
chinasi. XLVIII Congresso SNO (Società Neurologi Ospedalieri), Milano (Italy) 2008.
Ferini Strambi L, Fantini ML. Alterazioni istologiche dell’apparato muscolare delle VAS nella
roncopatia cronica. XCI Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Otorinolaringoiatria e Chirurgia
Cervico-Facciale, Torino, Mai 2004
Cannas A, Spissu A, Peddis E, Saddi MV, Fantini L, Tacconi P, Tamburini G, Manca D, Giagheddu
M. (1998). Psicosi paranoide allucinatoria cronica : una “ long-term treatment syndrome” da
farmaci dopaminergici? XXV Riunione Lega Italiana contro il morbo di Parkinson (LIMPE),
Capanello (CZ).
X. Other activities
2005 to date
Occasional Reviewer for
Movement Disorders,
Sleep Medicine
Sub-Investigator in many Clinical trials :
NEWRON NW–l015/013/II/2003, ACRAF: 039SC04253, SANOFI AVENTIS:
INGHELEIM 248.615, CEPHALON C1538/303ES/MN,, TAKEDA EC302, EC 375
XI. Other personal informations
Fluent in three languages
• Italian :
• French:
• English:
Mother tongue
Very good knowledge, written and spoken
Very good knowledge, written and spoken