Portraits Project 8 Les Côtes Flottantes Empty Bottles


Portraits Project 8 Les Côtes Flottantes Empty Bottles
i sa b el l e f o r d i n
Portraits 01_Portraits.jpg 02_Portraits.jpg 2008 Artist‐ in‐ Residence with the French Institute of Florence created the exhibition Passage ‐ Suspension sponsored by the bank Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Project 8 01_Project_8.jpg 2006 Archittetture del bianco, Laboratory Museum of Contemporary Art of La Sapienza University, Rome, MLAC with the support of French Embassy in Italy, Cultural Service BCLA 02_Project_8.jpg Installation: Notte Bianca (White Night) in Piazza, sponsored by the 3rd Municipality of Rome 03_Project_8.jpg Ex Mattatoio, Roma 2005 04_Project_8_Eventail.Variation1.jpg Installation: Notte Bianca (White Night) in Piazza, sponsored by the 3rd Municipality of Rome Les Côtes Flottantes 01_Les_Cotes_Flottantes.jpg Respiro, Internazional Festival di Buto dance, music and contempory art, Teatro Vascello, Roma 1998 Empty Bottles 02_Empty_Bottles.jpg Video [4m 31s]: http://vimeo.com/4414028?pg=transcoded_embed&sec=4414028 Aided by a cinematographic camera Isabelle Fordin discloses a small detail in the Tibur River level with Tibur Island in the center of Rome, and fixes the image of a noticably suggestive performance in an informative sense. At this point in a small basin of water formed by cross currents at the base of a fall, agitates a polychrome world made up of mostly plastic bottles of different colors and sizes. 2006 Abstracta 2006 Selected for an International Festival of Abstract Film in Rome 2008 INTERIOR SPACES AND NATURAL/FESTARTE FESTIVAL Rome +39.335.83.86.184
[email protected]
i sa b el l e f o r d i n
Selected for the International concourse of Video Art with her video Empty Bottles, Video IN CONCORSO – Con il contributo del Ministero dell’Ambiente e della tutela del Territorio e del mare e del IMAIE Festarte ‐ http://www.festarte.it/pages/vincitori+II+concorso+videoart.html 2009 Awarded best film at the Rome ZTL Film Fest.'09 exhibition of cinema and video art with a metropolitan theme, Cineclub Detour with the support of Rome Municipality 1 Centre Eventail Variation 1 03_Eventail.Variation_1.jpg 2001 Accordi di luce: Oriente d’Occidente, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, Rome La Chambre 04_La_Chambre.jpg 2006 Archittetture del bianco, Laboratory Museum of Contempory Art of Sapienza University, Rome, MLAC with the support of French Embassy in Italy, Cultural Service BCLA Metronomo Sincronico 05_Metronomo_Sincronico.jpg 1999 Metronomo sincronico (Synchronised Metronome) Biennal of young artists from Europe and the mediterranean, La Palma, Roma Passage ‐ Suspension 06_Passage_Suspension.jpg Video [6m 26s]: http://vimeo.com/4396530?pg=transcoded_embed&sec=4396530 2008 Artist‐ in‐ Residence with the French Institute of Florence created the exhibition Passage ‐ Suspension sponsored by the bank Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze +39.335.83.86.184
[email protected]