Mr Sergio`s Phrasal Verbs - Cambridge House English School


Mr Sergio`s Phrasal Verbs - Cambridge House English School
Mr Sergio`s Phrasal Verbs
Match the two columns and memorise them:
1. Go out
2. Go round
3. Go off
4. Go off
5. Have a go
6. Go away
7. Go on about
8. Go for
9. Be on the go
10. Look forward to
11. Go by
12. Get out
13. Go through
14. Turn off
15. Blow up
16. Set off
17. Turn down
18. Run away
19. Put up with
20. Put away
21. Take off
22. Get up
23. Wake up
24. Put up
25. Set off
26. Go on
27. Carry on
28. Pull down
29. Do up
30. Knock down
31. Turn out
32. Come round
33. Drive round
34. Come in for
35. Come across
36. Come up with
37. Go back
38. Come out
39. Get on with
40. Work out
41. Come off
Andare d`accordo
Mettere via
Andare a giro, andare in diversi posti.
Andare via, allontanarsi
Tornare indietro
Passare vicino, visitare velocemente
Piacere un sacco, essere attratti da
Esplodere, scoppiare
Non vedere l`ora
Uscire dall`interno, mettersi fuori
Esaminare in dettaglio/studiare ccuratamente
(food) andare a male, guastarsi (UK)
Mettersi in viaggio
Mostrare/ trovare per caso/ incrociare
Essere in movimento, essere in giro
Ospitare qualcuno a casa
Essere fatto oggetto di ...
Continuare (una conversazione, un gioco)
Allenarsi, risolvere
Rifiutare un’offerta, una domanda/ abassare il volume
Guidare in giro
Tirar giu/ rovinare
Rinfrescare, ristrutturare
Cadere, staccarsi, smettere, uscire da, risultare
Tollerare, sopportare
Provare, fare un tentativo
Dilungarsi su/ parlare a vanvera/ parlare senza sosta
Far esplodere, preparare un esplosivo
Passare a trovare qualcuno/a in domicilio
Inventarsi/ farsi venire in mente/ mettere insieme
Spegnere, chiudere
Riuscire/ uscire da qualcosa
Phrasal Verb
Don't worry, I'll back you up
help/support somebody
The bully beat up the other children.
hit/kick someone repeatedly
Terrorists tried to blow up the station.
Why did he break up with me?
end a relationship
You mustn't bring up his divorce.
mention something
It`s difficult to bring up a child in a big city.
His divorce might come up.
a topic is mentioned
Chen set up her new home stereo yesterday.
connect the cables and wires
We always end up eating fast food.
finally do this thing
I usually get up early.
leave my bed
It`s obvious he is making this up. He`s a liar!
lie, say untrue things
I tried to give up eating chocolate.
stop a habit
Children grow up quickly nowadays.
become older/an adult
I can't keep up
do sth fast enough
If you don't understand, look it up.
look for a piece of info
You should take up a new sport.
start doing a hobby
We always make up after our quarrels.
reconcile, be friends again
Don't turn up late on a first date.
Please don't throw up on the sofa.
be sick
Why is Samuele all dressed up?
elegantly dressed
My parents never put up with my rants.
He`ll put us up when we visit Washington DC.
house, offer housing
The company will take on two new workers.
hire, contract
You must get on the bus in Piccadilly Circus.
enter a bus or transport
David put on a lot of weight since last year.
become fat
It`s cold outside. Put on your sweater.
wear some clothing
In the old days, only women put on make-up.
use of cosmetics on the face
She likes going on and on about her marks.
Excuse me, can I try this on before buying it?
test clothes before buying it
He turned on the lights so he could see.
switch, connect electricity
She doesn`t get on with her neighbours.
have a good relationship
The flight takes off every morning at 9:30am.
leave the ground into the air
The teacher told me off because of my noise.
scold, reprimand someone
Please take off your shoes before coming in.
I forgot to turn off the lights last night.
switch the button
Don`t put off for tomorrow what you should…
You should get off at the next bus stop.
leave the bus, or transport
Valeria sets off from her home at 7:30am.
leave from point A to point B
You can log on with my username.
enter a computer system
Please don`t go away so soon!
go to a distant place
Two prisoners ran away last week.
Put away all your books before going to bed.
return something to its place
XYZ restaurant offers take away service,
take something out of shop…
The passengers walked away without helping.
distance oneself on foot
She went back to Chicago last Summer.
return to a location
The bank robbers drove away in a stolen car.
distance oneself by car
Bill Gates gave away $20mi to charity in 2013.
People give away their old clothes to Caritas.
The CIA agent escaped to Russia and gave away many state secrets to the Russians.
reveal secret, unknown info
I need to take this book back to the library.
take something back
Give me back my pen when you`re done.
return something to owner
Her trouble is that she`s always looking back.
focus on the past
Mum, don`t throw away the newspaper yet!
put something in the litter bin
You walk too fast. Please slow down.
calm oneself
The police put down two serial killers.
kill someone
The pedestrians flagged down a taxi.
stop a moving vehicle
The examiner flagged down two errors.
detect something in a revision
The public park is rather run down.
bad condition
The protesters took the American flag down.
move something downwards
She looks down on people because she thinks she is better than everybody else.
consider oneself superior
You must plug in the wall socket.
link, connect to electricity
Paolo`s not well so he`s staying in tonight.
remain at home
If you lie to her, she may find out one day.
We are running out of petrol.
be close to finish
I couldn`t finish the test. I ran out of time.
past inability to conclude
Did you work out your problem with your girl?
I finally worked out the maths problem.
We must check out of the hotel at 10am.
leave the room for good
Check this new cd out, see if you like it.
inspect, verify
I really look forward to going on holiday!!
hope for a future situation
My dad told me I must get rid of my old shoes.
Out of sight, out of mind
I can`t go out tonight because I must look after my little brother.
take care of someone/thing
The rebels killed the President and took over.
take possession, take control
Etihad Airlines wants to take over Alitalia.
take possession, take control
I take after my father. We are very alike.
have similarity…
I fell in love with Paris the moment I saw it.
be moved by emotion, love
The burglar broke into the house at midnight.
enter a property to steal
He is looking for a new job.
search a position, a job
I`m thinking about applying for that job.
present oneself to a position
The bank robbers drove away in a stolen car.
distance oneself by car
Bill Gates gave away $20mi to charity in 2013.
People give away their old clothes to Caritas.
The CIA agent escaped to Russia and gave away many state secrets to the Russians.
reveal secret, unknown info
I need to take this book back to the library.
take something back
Give me back my pen when you`re done.
return something to owner
Her trouble is that she`s always looking back.
focus on the past
Mum, don`t throw away the newspaper yet!
put something in the litter bin
You walk too fast. Please slow down.
calm oneself
The police put down two serial killers.
kill someone
The pedestrians flagged down a taxi.
stop a moving vehicle
The examiner flagged down two errors.
detect something in a revision
The public park is rather run down.
bad condition
The protesters took the American flag down.
move something downwards
She looks down on people because she thinks she is better than everybody else.
consider oneself superior
You must plug in the wall socket.
link, connect to electricity
Paolo`s not well so he`s staying in tonight.
remain at home
If you lie to her, she may find out one day.
We are running out of petrol.
be close to finish
I couldn`t finish the test. I ran out of time.
past inability to conclude
Did you work out your problem with your girl?
I finally worked out the maths problem.
We must check out of the hotel at 10am.
leave the room for good
Check this new cd out, see if you like it.
inspect, verify
I really look forward to going on holiday!!
hope for a future situation
My dad told me I must get rid of my old shoes.
Out of sight, out of mind
I can`t go out tonight because I must look after my little brother.
take care of someone/thing