diapo - Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri della


diapo - Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri della
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
Unita Operativa Semplice di Terapia Sostitutiva alla Funzione Renale
Unità Operativa Semplice di Trapianti Rene e Pancreas
Scuola di Specializzazione di Nefrologia
Dottorato di ricerca
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
Prof. Buzio Carlo
Prof. Allegri Landino
Prof. David Salvatore
Dott.ssa Ferrari Maria Elena
Dott. Maggiore Umberto
Dott. Manenti Lucio
Dott.ssa Minari Marilena
Dott.ssa Palmisano Alessandra
Dott. Vaglio Augusto
Dott. Bianco Beatrice
Dott. Giacosa Roberto
Dott. Piotti Giovanni
Dott.ssa Galetti Maricla
Dott.ssa Libri Irene
Dott.ssa Nicastro Maria
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
Reparto Degenza (14 letti)
Reparto Emodialisi (18 letti)
Reparto Trapianti (8 letti)
Ambulatorio Nefrologico
Ambulatorio Nefropatie primitive
Ambulatorio Nefropatie secondarie
Ambulatorio PIRP
Ambulatorio di Ecografia addominale
Ambulatorio Predialisi-dialisi peritoneale-trapianto
Ambulatorio Chirurgico
Ambulatorio Trapianti
Day Service Insufficienza renale cronica
Day Service Nefropatie secondarie e malattie rare ad interessamento renale
Day Service Portatore di trapianto renale
Day Hospital (2 letti, 3 poltrone)
Day Hospital Nefrologico (2 letti)
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
• Nefrologia degenza
- Ricoveri in regime ordinario: 599
- Punto medio: 1,81
- Trapianti: 52
- Attrazione regionale ed extraregionale: 28.2%
• Nefrologia dialisi
- Pazienti in dialisi peritoneali: 20
- Pazienti in emodialisi: 80
• Nefrologia Day Hospital
- DH diagnostici, terapeutici: 104
- DH chirurgici: 140
- Attrazione regionale ed extraregionale: 22.8%
• Nefrologia Ambulatorio
- Visite nefrologiche (unico ambulatorio provinciale): 5511
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
- Ore straordinario: 3829
- Giorni di ferie arretrate: 510
- Impegno finanziario: 132.894 euro
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia:
Scuola di Specializzazione di Nefrologia
Scuola di Specializzazione di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica, Medicina Interna,
Medicina d’Emergenza-Urgenza, Pediatria, Cardiologia, Dermatologia e Venereologia,
Neurologia, Anatomia Patologica , Malattie infettive
Tesi di laurea
Tesi di specializzazione
Dottorato di ricerca
Meeting clinici
Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
•Produzione scientifica (2005-2014)
N° pubblicazioni: 134
Impact factor complessivo: 832.153
Impact factor medio: 6.21
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
1. Genetics of ANCA-associated vasculitides: HLA and beyond.
Alberici F, Martorana D, Bonatti F, Gioffredi A, Lyons PA, Vaglio A.
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2014 May-Jun;32 Suppl 82(3):90-97.
2. Consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and clinical management of Erdheim-Chester disease.
Diamond EL, Dagna L, Hyman DM, Cavalli G, Janku F, Estrada-Veras J, Ferrarini M, Abdel-Wahab O, Heaney ML, Scheel PJ, Feeley NK, Ferrero E,
McClain KL, Vaglio A, Colby T, Arnaud L, Haroche J.
Blood. 2014 May 21. pii: blood-2014-03-561381.
3. Primary and secondary glomerulonephritides 2.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014 May;29 Suppl 3:iii434-iii447.
4. Transplantation clinical 1.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014 May;29 Suppl 3:iii304-iii329.
5. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss): evolutions in classification, etiopathogenesis, assessment and management.
Mahr A, Moosig F, Neumann T, Szczeklik W, Taillé C, Vaglio A, Zwerina J.
Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2014 Jan;26(1):16-23.
6. Trends in immune cell function assay and donor-specific HLA antibodies in kidney transplantation: A 3-year prospective study.
Libri I, Gnappi E, Zanelli P, Reina M, Giuliodori S, Vaglio A, Palmisano A, Buzio C, Riva G, Barozzi P, Luppi M, Cravedi P, Maggiore U.
Am J Transplant. 2013 Dec;13(12):3215-22.
7. Polyreactive antibodies developing amidst humoral rejection of human kidney grafts bind apoptotic cells and activate complement.
Porcheray F, Fraser JW, Gao B, McColl A, DeVito J, Dargon I, Helou Y, Wong W, Girouard TC, Saidman SL, Colvin RB, Palmisano A, Maggiore U,
Vaglio A, Smith RN, Zorn E.
Am J Transplant. 2013 Oct;13(10):2590-600.
8. Comparison of PR3-ANCA specific assay performance for the diagnosis of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's).
Radice A, Bianchi L, Maggiore U, Vaglio A, Sinico RA.
Clin Chem Lab Med. 2013 Nov;51(11):2141-9.
9. Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome with underlying glomerulopathies. A case series and a review of the literature.
Manenti L, Gnappi E, Vaglio A, Allegri L, Noris M, Bresin E, Pilato FP, Valoti E, Pasquali S, Buzio C.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2013 Sep;28(9):2246-59.
10. Interleukin-6 as an inflammatory mediator and target of therapy in chronic periaortitis.
Vaglio A, Catanoso MG, Spaggiari L, Magnani L, Pipitone N, Macchioni P, Pulsatelli L, Nicastro M, Becchi G, Corradi D, Versari A, Boiardi L,
Salvarani C.
Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Sep;65(9):2469-75.
11. Rituximab is a safe and effective long-term treatment for children with steroid and calcineurin inhibitor-dependent idiopathic nephrotic
Ravani P, Ponticelli A, Siciliano C, Fornoni A, Magnasco A, Sica F, Bodria M, Caridi G, Wei C, Belingheri M, Ghio L, Merscher-Gomez S, Edefonti
A, Pasini A, Montini G, Murtas C, Wang X, Muruve D, Vaglio A, Martorana D, Pani A, Scolari F, Reiser J, Ghiggeri GM.
Kidney Int. 2013 Nov;84(5):1025-33.
12. Methotrexate plus prednisone in patients with relapsing idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Alberici F, Palmisano A, Urban ML, Maritati F, Oliva E, Manenti L, Ferretti S, Cobelli R, Buzio C, Vaglio A.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Sep 1;72(9):1584-6.
13. TLR-4 and VEGF polymorphisms in chronic periaortitis.
Atzeni F, Boiardi L, Vaglio A, Nicoli D, Farnetti E, Palmisano A, Pipitone N, Martorana D, Moroni G, Longhi S, Bonatti F, Buzio C, Salvarani C.
PLoS One. 2013 May 14;8(5):e62330.
14. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss): state of the art.
Vaglio A, Buzio C, Zwerina J.
Allergy. 2013 Mar;68(3):261-73.
15. Retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Pipitone N, Vaglio A, Salvarani C.
Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2012 Aug;26(4):439-48.
16. Eotaxin/CCL11 in idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Mangieri D, Corradi D, Martorana D, Malerba G, Palmisano A, Libri I, Bartoli V, Carnevali ML, Goldoni M, Govoni P, Alinovi R, Buzio C, Vaglio A.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 Oct;27(10):3875-84.
17. Genotype-phenotype analysis of 4q deletion syndrome: proposal of a critical region.
Strehle EM, Yu L, Rosenfeld JA, Donkervoort S, Zhou Y, Chen TJ, Martinez JE, Fan YS, Barbouth D, Zhu H, Vaglio A, Smith R, Stevens CA, Curry CJ,
Ladda RL, Fan ZJ, Fox JE, Martin JA, Abdel-Hamid HZ, McCracken EA, McGillivray BC, Masser-Frye D, Huang T.
Am J Med Genet A. 2012 Sep;158A(9):2139-51.
18. Genetically distinct subsets within ANCA-associated vasculitis.
Lyons PA, Rayner TF, Trivedi S, Holle JU, Watts RA, Jayne DR, Baslund B, Brenchley P, Bruchfeld A, Chaudhry AN, Cohen Tervaert JW, Deloukas
P, Feighery C, Gross WL, Guillevin L, Gunnarsson I, Harper L, Hrušková Z, Little MA, Martorana D, Neumann T, Ohlsson S, Padmanabhan S,
Pusey CD, Salama AD, Sanders JS, Savage CO, Segelmark M, Stegeman CA, Tesař V, Vaglio A, Wieczorek S, Wilde B, Zwerina J, Rees AJ, Clayton
DG, Smith KG.
N Engl J Med. 2012 Jul 19;367(3):214-23.
19. New aspects of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.
Manenti L, Vaglio A, Buzio C.
N Engl J Med. 2012 Jul 5;367(1):86; author reply 86-7.
20. Membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, and a new complement factor H mutation: report of a case.
Gnappi E, Allinovi M, Vaglio A, Bresin E, Sorosina A, Pilato FP, Allegri L, Manenti L.
Pediatr Nephrol. 2012 Oct;27(10):1995-9.
21. IgG4-related disease.
Vaglio A, Zwerina J.
N Engl J Med. 2012 Apr 26;366(17):1646; author reply 1646-7.
22. PTPN22 R620W polymorphism in the ANCA-associated vasculitides.
Martorana D, Maritati F, Malerba G, Bonatti F, Alberici F, Oliva E, Sebastio P, Manenti L, Brugnano R, Catanoso MG, Fraticelli P, Guida G,
Gregorini G, Possenti S, Moroni G, Leoni A, Pavone L, Pesci A, Sinico RA, Di Toma L, D'Amico M, Tumiati B, D'Ippolito R, Buzio C, Neri TM, Vaglio
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012 May;51(5):805-12.
23. IgG4 immune response in Churg-Strauss syndrome.
Vaglio A, Strehl JD, Manger B, Maritati F, Alberici F, Beyer C, Rech J, Sinico RA, Bonatti F, Battistelli L, Distler JH, Schett G, Zwerina J.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 Mar;71(3):390-3.
24. Churg-Strauss syndrome: update on pathophysiology and treatment.
Vaglio A, Moosig F, Zwerina J.
Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2012 Jan;24(1):24-30. doi: 10.1097/BOR.0b013e32834d85ce. Review.
26. Prednisone versus tamoxifen in patients with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis: an open-label randomised controlled trial.
Vaglio A, Palmisano A, Alberici F, Maggiore U, Ferretti S, Cobelli R, Ferrozzi F, Corradi D, Salvarani C, Buzio C.
Lancet. 2011 Jul 23;378(9788):338-46
27. Role of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the workup of retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Pipitone N, Versari A, Vaglio A, Salvarani C.
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 Jan-Feb;29(1 Suppl 64):S72-8.
28. Candida sake as the causative agent of spondylodiscitis in a hemodialysis patient.
Palmisano A, Benecchi M, De Filippo M, Maggiore U, Buzio C, Vaglio A.
Spine J. 2011 Mar;11(3):e12-6. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2011.01.026.
29. Eotaxin-3 in Churg-Strauss syndrome: a clinical and immunogenetic study.
Zwerina J, Bach C, Martorana D, Jatzwauk M, Hegasy G, Moosig F, Bremer J, Wieczorek S, Moschen A, Tilg H, Neumann T, Spriewald BM, Schett
G, Vaglio A.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011 Oct;50(10):1823-7.
30. CC chemokine receptor 5 polymorphism in chronic periaortitis.
Boiardi L, Vaglio A, Nicoli D, Farnetti E, Palmisano A, Pipitone N, Maritati F, Casali B, Martorana D, Moroni G, Gallelli B, Buzio C, Salvarani C.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011 Jun;50(6):1025-32.
31. A cross-sectional study of the Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score version 3 in systemic vasculitis.
Suppiah R, Mukhtyar C, Flossmann O, Alberici F, Baslund B, Batra R, Brown D, Holle J, Hruskova Z, Jayne DR, Judge A, Little MA, Palmisano A,
Stegeman C, Tesar V, Vaglio A, Westman K, Luqmani R.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011 May;50(5):899-905.
32. Chronic periaortitis: a large-vessel vasculitis?
Vaglio A, Pipitone N, Salvarani C.
Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2011 Jan;23(1):1-6.
33. Increased fetuin-A levels following treatment with a vitamin D analog.
Manenti L, Vaglio A, Pasquali S.
Kidney Int. 2010 Dec;78(11):1187; author reply 1187-9..
34. Measurement of damage in systemic vasculitis: a comparison of the Vasculitis Damage Index with the Combined Damage Assessment Index.
Suppiah R, Flossman O, Mukhtyar C, Alberici F, Baslund B, Brown D, Hasan N, Holle J, Hruskova Z, Jayne D, Judge A, Little MA, Merkel PA,
Palmisano A, Seo P, Stegeman C, Tesar V, Vaglio A, Westman K, Luqmani R.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 Jan;70(1):80-5.
35. Increased viral load after intravenous immunoglobulin therapy for BK virus-associated nephropathy.
Maggiore U, Medici MC, Vaglio A, Buzio C.
Transpl Infect Dis. 2010 Oct;12(5):470-2.
36. EBV-associated leukoencephalopathy with late onset of central nervous system lymphoma in a kidney transplant recipient.
Vaglio A, Manenti L, Mancini C, Chierici E, Cobelli R, Bacci F, Palmisano A, Buzio C, Bignardi L, Maggiore U.
Am J Transplant. 2010 Apr;10(4):947-51. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-6143.2009.02999.x.
37. Management of hepatitis C virus-related mixed cryoglobulinemia.
Iannuzzella F, Vaglio A, Garini G.
Am J Med. 2010 May;123(5):400-8.
38. Phase III, randomised, multicentre trial of maintenance immunotherapy with low-dose interleukin-2 and interferon-alpha for metastatic renal
cell cancer.
Passalacqua R, Buzio C, Buti S, Porta C, Labianca R, Pezzuolo D, Camisa R, Sabbatini R, Benecchi L, Messina C, Cengarle R, Vaglio A, Dalla Chiesa
M, Tomasello G, Caminiti C.
Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2010 Apr;59(4):553-61.
39. Churg-Strauss syndrome.
Vaglio A, Casazza I, Grasselli C, Corradi D, Sinico RA, Buzio C.
Kidney Int. 2009 Nov;76(9):1006-11.
40. Retroperitoneal fibrosis: new insights into clinical presentation and diagnosis.
Vaglio A.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2009 Jul;88(4):208-10.
41. Effectiveness of cardiac resynchronization therapy in heart failure patients with valvular heart disease: comparison with patients affected by
ischaemic heart disease or dilated cardiomyopathy. The InSync/InSync ICD Italian Registry.
Boriani G, Gasparini M, Landolina M, Lunati M, Biffi M, Santini M, Padeletti L, Molon G, Botto G, De Santo T, Valsecchi S; InSync/InSync ICD
Italian Registry Investigators.
Eur Heart J. 2009 Sep;30(18):2275-83.
42. Chronic periaortitis: a fibro-inflammatory disorder.
Palmisano A, Vaglio A.
Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2009 Jun;23(3):339-53.
43. Peri-renal collateral circles.
Palmisano A, Cobelli R, Buzio C, Vaglio A.
Urology. 2009 Aug;74(2):292-3.
44. Uraemic pruritus: clinical characteristics, pathophysiology and treatment.
Manenti L, Tansinda P, Vaglio A.
Drugs. 2009;69(3):251-63..
45. Chronically administered immunotherapy with low-dose IL-2 and IFN-alpha in metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a feasible option for patients
with a good prognostic profile.
Vaglio A, Alberici F, Maggiore U, Buti S, Potenzoni D, Passalacqua R, Buzio C.
Oncology. 2009;76(1):69-76.
46. Retroperitoneal fibrosis associated with psoriasis: a case series.
Famularo G, Palmisano A, Afeltra A, Buzzulini F, Versari A, Minisola G, Vaglio A.
Scand J Rheumatol. 2009 Jan-Feb;38(1):68-9.
47. Pericarditis heralding Erdheim-Chester disease.
Vaglio A, Corradi D, Maestri R, Callegari S, Buzio C, Salvarani C.
Circulation. 2008 Sep 30;118(14):e511-2
48. Images in cardiovascular medicine. Chronic periaortitis.
Pipitone N, Ghinoi A, Versari A, Vaglio A, Palmisano A, Salvarani C.
Circulation. 2008 Sep 9;118(11):1214-6.
49. Eprodisate in amyloid A amyloidosis: a novel therapeutic approach?
Manenti L, Tansinda P, Vaglio A.
Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2008 Aug;9(12):2175-80.
50. TLR-mediated induction of negative regulatory ligands on dendritic cells.
Gröschel S, Piggott KD, Vaglio A, Ma-Krupa W, Singh K, Goronzy JJ, Weyand CM.
J Mol Med (Berl). 2008 Apr;86(4):443-55.
51. Gabapentin as a therapeutic option in uremic pruritus.
Manenti L, Vaglio A, Borgatti PP.
Kidney Int. 2008 Feb;73(4):512; author reply 512-3.
52. Peripheral inflammatory arthritis in patients with chronic periaortitis: report of five cases and review of the literature.
Vaglio A, Palmisano A, Ferretti S, Alberici F, Casazza I, Salvarani C, Buzio C.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2008 Mar;47(3):315-8.
53. Retroperitoneal fibrosis: evolving concepts.
Vaglio A, Palmisano A, Corradi D, Salvarani C, Buzio C.
Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2007 Nov;33(4):803-17
54. Eprodisate in AA amyloidosis.
Manenti L, Tansinda P, Vaglio A.
N Engl J Med. 2007 Sep 13;357(11):1153; author reply 1153-4.
55. HLA-DRB4 as a genetic risk factor for Churg-Strauss syndrome.
Vaglio A, Martorana D, Maggiore U, Grasselli C, Zanetti A, Pesci A, Garini G, Manganelli P, Bottero P, Tumiati B, Sinico RA, Savi M, Buzio C, Neri
TM; Secondary and Primary Vasculitis Study Group.
Arthritis Rheum. 2007 Sep;56(9):3159-66.
56. HCV-related cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis: implications of antiviral and immunosuppressive therapies.
Garini G, Allegri L, Lannuzzella F, Vaglio A, Buzio C.
Acta Biomed. 2007;78(1):51-9.
57. Lung metastasectomy in patients with renal cell cancer (RCC). A 17-year experience in Parma Hospital.
Ferretti S, Fornia S, Ampollini L, Rusca M, Salsi P, Vaglio A, Cortellini P.
Acta Biomed. 2007;78(1):41-5.
58. Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis: clinicopathologic features and differential diagnosis.
Corradi D, Maestri R, Palmisano A, Bosio S, Greco P, Manenti L, Ferretti S, Cobelli R, Moroni G, Dei Tos AP, Buzio C, Vaglio A.
Kidney Int. 2007 Sep;72(6):742-53. Epub 2007 Jul 11.
59. Meningeal involvement in apparently ANCA-negative Wegener's granulomatosis: a role for PR3 capture-ELISA?
Greco P, Palmisano A, Vaglio A, Scoditti U, Antonelli MY, Crisi G, Sinico RA, Buzio C.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2007 Aug;46(8):1375-6. Epub 2007 May 4. No abstract available.
60. Pure red cell aplasia followed by disseminated intravascular coagulation in a haemodialysis patient receiving erythropoietin-beta.
Manenti L, Vaglio A.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2007 May;22(5):1465-7.
61. Gabapentin use in chronic uraemic itch is in line with emerging pathogenetic hypothesis.
Manenti L, Vaglio A.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2007 Dec;22(12):3669-70. Epub 2007 Feb 28.
62. Calciphylaxis: evolving concepts.
Garini G, Galletti E, Ricci R, Vaglio A, Buzio C.
Intern Emerg Med. 2006;1(4):320-2. No abstract available.
63. Autoimmune aspects of chronic periaortitis.
Vaglio A, Greco P, Corradi D, Palmisano A, Martorana D, Ronda N, Buzio C.
Autoimmun Rev. 2006 Aug;5(7):458-64. Epub 2006 Apr 25. Review.
64. Outcome and prognostic factors during the course of primary small-vessel vasculitides.
Pavone L, Grasselli C, Chierici E, Maggiore U, Garini G, Ronda N, Manganelli P, Pesci A, Rioda WT, Tumiati B, Pavesi G, Vaglio A, Buzio C;
Secondary and Primar Vasculitides (Se.Pri.Va) Study Group.
J Rheumatol. 2006 Jul;33(7):1299-306. Epub 2006 Jun 15.
65. Ear, nose and throat manifestations of Churg-Strauss syndrome.
Bacciu A, Bacciu S, Mercante G, Ingegnoli F, Grasselli C, Vaglio A, Pasanisi E, Vincenti V, Garini G, Ronda N, Ferri T, Corradi D, Buzio C.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2006 May;126(5):503-9.
66. Tamoxifen therapy for retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Vaglio A, Greco P, Buzio C.
Ann Intern Med. 2006 Apr 18;144(8):619; author reply 619-20.
67. Chronic periaortitis and HLA-DRB1*03: another clue to an autoimmune origin.
Martorana D, Vaglio A, Greco P, Zanetti A, Moroni G, Salvarani C, Savi M, Buzio C, Neri TM.
Arthritis Rheum. 2006 Feb 15;55(1):126-30.
68. Retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Vaglio A, Salvarani C, Buzio C.
Lancet. 2006 Jan 21;367(9506):241-51. Review.
69. Tuberculosis as a trigger of retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Greco P, Vaglio A, Corradi D, Cobelli R, Zompatori M, Buzio C.
Clin Infect Dis. 2005 Oct 1;41(7):e72-5. Epub 2005 Aug 31.
70. Hepatitis C virus-related cryoglobulinemia and glomerulonephritis: pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies.
Garini G, Allegri L, Vaglio A, Buzio C.
Ann Ital Med Int. 2005 Apr-Jun;20(2):71-80. Review.
71. Post-treatment residual tissue in idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis: active residual disease or silent "scar" ? A study using 18Ffluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography.
Vaglio A, Greco P, Versari A, Filice A, Cobelli R, Manenti L, Salvarani C, Buzio C.
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2005 Mar-Apr;23(2):231-4.
72. Gabapentin for uraemic pruritus.
Manenti L, Vaglio A.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2005 Jun;20(6):1278-9. Epub 2005 Apr 19. No abstract available.
73. Positron emission tomography (PET): evaluation of chronic periaortitis.
Salvarani C, Pipitone N, Versari A, Vaglio A, Serafini D, Bajocchi G, Salvo D, Buzio C, Greco P, Boiardi L.
Arthritis Rheum. 2005 Apr 15;53(2):298-303.
74. Gabapentin in the treatment of uremic itch: an index case and a pilot evaluation.
Manenti L, Vaglio A, Costantino E, Danisi D, Oliva B, Pini S, Prati E, Testori A.
J Nephrol. 2005 Jan-Feb;18(1):86-91.
75. (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the diagnosis and followup of idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Vaglio A, Versari A, Fraternali A, Ferrozzi F, Salvarani C, Buzio C.
Arthritis Rheum. 2005 Feb 15;53(1):122-5.
76. Chronic periaortitis: a spectrum of diseases.
Vaglio A, Buzio C.
Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2005 Jan;17(1):34-40.
77. Effects of the radiocontrast agent iodixanol on endothelial cell morphology and function.
Ronda N, Potì F, Palmisano A, Gatti R, Orlandini G, Maggiore U, Cabassi A, Regolisti G, Fiaccadori E.
Vascul Pharmacol. 2013 Jan;58(1-2):39-47.
78. A cross-sectional study of the Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score version 3 in systemic vasculitis.
Suppiah R, Mukhtyar C, Flossmann O, Alberici F, Baslund B, Batra R, Brown D, Holle J, Hruskova Z, Jayne DR, Judge A, Little MA, Palmisano A,
Stegeman C, Tesar V, Vaglio A, Westman K, Luqmani R.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011 May;50(5):899-905.
79. Measurement of damage in systemic vasculitis: a comparison of the Vasculitis Damage Index with the Combined Damage Assessment Index.
Suppiah R, Flossman O, Mukhtyar C, Alberici F, Baslund B, Brown D, Hasan N, Holle J, Hruskova Z, Jayne D, Judge A, Little MA, Merkel PA,
Palmisano A, Seo P, Stegeman C, Tesar V, Vaglio A, Westman K, Luqmani R.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 Jan;70(1):80-5.
80. Glomerular Autoimmune Multicomponents of Human Lupus Nephritis In Vivo: α-Enolase and Annexin AI.
Bruschi M, Sinico RA, Moroni G, Pratesi F, Migliorini P, Galetti M, Murtas C, Tincani A, Madaio M, Radice A, Franceschini F, Trezzi B, Bianchi L,
Giallongo A, Gatti R, Tardanico R, Scaloni A, D'Ambrosio C, Carnevali ML, Messa P, Ravani P, Barbano G, Bianco B, Bonanni A, Scolari F, Martini
A, Candiano G, Allegri L, Ghiggeri GM.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2014 May 1. [Epub ahead of print]
81. Mutations in DSTYK and dominant urinary tract malformations.
Sanna-Cherchi S, Sampogna RV, Papeta N, Burgess KE, Nees SN, Perry BJ, Choi M, Bodria M, Liu Y, Weng PL, Lozanovski VJ, Verbitsky M, Lugani
F, Sterken R, Paragas N, Caridi G, Carrea A, Dagnino M, Materna-Kiryluk A, Santamaria G, Murtas C, Ristoska-Bojkovska N, Izzi C, Kacak N, Bianco
B, Giberti S, Gigante M, Piaggio G, Gesualdo L, Kosuljandic Vukic D, Vukojevic K, Saraga-Babic M, Saraga M, Gucev Z, Allegri L, Latos-Bielenska A,
Casu D, State M, Scolari F, Ravazzolo R, Kiryluk K, Al-Awqati Q, D'Agati VD, Drummond IA, Tasic V, Lifton RP, Ghiggeri GM, Gharavi AG.
N Engl J Med. 2013 Aug 15;369(7):621-9.
82. Circulating antipodocyte antibodies in membranous nephropathy: new findings.
Murtas C, Allegri L, Ghiggeri GM.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 Jul;62(1):12-5.
83. Copy-number disorders are a common cause of congenital kidney malformations.
Sanna-Cherchi S, Kiryluk K, Burgess KE, Bodria M, Sampson MG, Hadley D, Nees SN, Verbitsky M, Perry BJ, Sterken R, Lozanovski VJ, MaternaKiryluk A, Barlassina C, Kini A, Corbani V, Carrea A, Somenzi D, Murtas C, Ristoska-Bojkovska N, Izzi C, Bianco B, Zaniew M, Flogelova H, Weng PL,
Kacak N, Giberti S, Gigante M, Arapovic A, Drnasin K, Caridi G, Curioni S, Allegri F, Ammenti A, Ferretti S, Goj V, Bernardo L, Jobanputra V, Chung
WK, Lifton RP, Sanders S, State M, Clark LN, Saraga M, Padmanabhan S, Dominiczak AF, Foroud T, Gesualdo L, Gucev Z, Allegri L, Latos-Bielenska
A, Cusi D, Scolari F, Tasic V, Hakonarson H, Ghiggeri GM, Gharavi AG.
Am J Hum Genet. 2012 Dec 7;91(6):987-97. .
84. Coexistence of different circulating anti-podocyte antibodies in membranous nephropathy.
Murtas C, Bruschi M, Candiano G, Moroni G, Magistroni R, Magnano A, Bruno F, Radice A, Furci L, Argentiero L, Carnevali ML, Messa P, Scolari F,
Sinico RA, Gesualdo L, Fervenza FC, Allegri L, Ravani P, Ghiggeri GM.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 Sep;7(9):1394-400.
85. NGAL (Lcn2) monomer is associated with tubulointerstitial damage in chronic kidney disease.
Nickolas TL, Forster CS, Sise ME, Barasch N, Valle DS, Viltard M, Buchen C, Kupferman S, Carnevali ML, Bennett M, Mattei S, Bovino A,
Argentiero L, Magnano A, Devarajan P, Mori K, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Allegri L, Barasch J.
Kidney Int. 2012 Sep;82(6):718-22.
86. Exome sequencing identified MYO1E and NEIL1 as candidate genes for human autosomal recessive steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome.
Sanna-Cherchi S, Burgess KE, Nees SN, Caridi G, Weng PL, Dagnino M, Bodria M, Carrea A, Allegretta MA, Kim HR, Perry BJ, Gigante M, Clark LN,
Kisselev S, Cusi D, Gesualdo L, Allegri L, Scolari F, D'Agati V, Shapiro LS, Pecoraro C, Palomero T, Ghiggeri GM, Gharavi AG.
Kidney Int. 2011 Aug;80(4):389-96. doi: 10.1038/ki.2011.148.
87. Direct characterization of target podocyte antigens and auto-antibodies in human membranous glomerulonephritis: Alfa-enolase and
borderline antigens.
Bruschi M, Carnevali ML, Murtas C, Candiano G, Petretto A, Prunotto M, Gatti R, Argentiero L, Magistroni R, Garibotto G, Scolari F, Ravani P,
Gesualdo L, Allegri L, Ghiggeri GM.
J Proteomics. 2011 Sep 6;74(10):2008-17.
88. Genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for IgA nephropathy.
Gharavi AG, Kiryluk K, Choi M, Li Y, Hou P, Xie J, Sanna-Cherchi S, Men CJ, Julian BA, Wyatt RJ, Novak J, He JC, Wang H, Lv J, Zhu
L, Wang W, Wang Z, Yasuno K, Gunel M, Mane S, Umlauf S, Tikhonova I, Beerman I, Savoldi S, Magistroni R, Ghiggeri GM,
Bodria M, Lugani F, Ravani P, Ponticelli C, Allegri L, Boscutti G, Frasca G, Amore A, Peruzzi L, Coppo R, Izzi C, Viola BF, Prati E,
Salvadori M, Mignani R, Gesualdo L, Bertinetto F, Mesiano P, Amoroso A, Scolari F, Chen N, Zhang H, Lifton RP.
Nat Genet. 2011 Mar 13;43(4):321-7.
89. In vivo characterization of renal auto-antigens involved in human auto-immune diseases: the case of membranous
Murtas C, Bruschi M, Carnevali ML, Petretto A, Corradini E, Prunotto M, Candiano G, degl'Innocenti ML, Ghiggeri GM, Allegri L.
Proteomics Clin Appl. 2011 Feb;5(1-2):90-7.
90. Addition of azathioprine to corticosteroids does not benefit patients with IgA nephropathy.
Pozzi C, Andrulli S, Pani A, Scaini P, Del Vecchio L, Fogazzi G, Vogt B, De Cristofaro V, Allegri L, Cirami L, Procaccini AD, Locatelli
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Oct;21(10):1783-90.
91. Pregnancy and progression of IgA nephropathy: results of an Italian multicenter study.
Limardo M, Imbasciati E, Ravani P, Surian M, Torres D, Gregorini G, Magistroni R, Casellato D, Gammaro L, Pozzi C; Rene e
Gravidanza Collaborative Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2010 Sep;56(3):506-12. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2010.03.033.
92. Autoimmunity in membranous nephropathy targets aldose reductase and SOD2.
Prunotto M, Carnevali ML, Candiano G, Murtas C, Bruschi M, Corradini E, Trivelli A, Magnasco A, Petretto A, Santucci L, Mattei
S, Gatti R, Scolari F, Kador P, Allegri L, Ghiggeri GM.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Mar;21(3):507-19. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2008121259. Epub 2010 Feb 11.
93. Renal outcome in patients with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.
Sanna-Cherchi S, Ravani P, Corbani V, Parodi S, Haupt R, Piaggio G, Innocenti ML, Somenzi D, Trivelli A, Caridi G, Izzi C, Scolari F,
Mattioli G, Allegri L, Ghiggeri GM.
Kidney Int. 2009 Sep;76(5):528-33.
94. Clinical features and long-term outcome of nephrotic syndrome associated with heterozygous NPHS1 and NPHS2 mutations.
Caridi G, Gigante M, Ravani P, Trivelli A, Barbano G, Scolari F, Dagnino M, Murer L, Murtas C, Edefonti A, Allegri L, Amore A,
Coppo R, Emma F, De Palo T, Penza R, Gesualdo L, Ghiggeri GM.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 Jun;4(6):1065-72.
95. Alterations of type IV collagen alpha chains in patients with chronic acquired glomerulopathies: mRNA levels, protein
expression and urinary loss.
Sanna-Cherchi S, Carnevali ML, Martorana D, Cravedi P, Maggiore U, Alinovi R, Bovino A, Mattei S, Orlandini G, Gatti R, Savi M,
Sado Y, Neri TM, Allegri L.
Am J Nephrol. 2007;27(2):129-37.
96. Localization of a gene for nonsyndromic renal hypodysplasia to chromosome 1p32-33.
Sanna-Cherchi S, Caridi G, Weng PL, Dagnino M, Seri M, Konka A, Somenzi D, Carrea A, Izzi C, Casu D, Allegri L, Schmidt-Ott KM, Barasch J,
Scolari F, Ravazzolo R, Ghiggeri GM, Gharavi AG.
Am J Hum Genet. 2007 Mar;80(3):539-49..
97. Recurrent autosomal-dominant focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
Sanna-Cherchi S, Somenzi D, Carnevali ML, Pilato FP, Carraro M, Ghiggeri GM, Allegri L.
Kidney Int. 2006 Nov;70(9):1664-5.
98. Glomerular clusterin is associated with PKC-alpha/beta regulation and good outcome of membranous glomerulonephritis in humans.
Rastaldi MP, Candiano G, Musante L, Bruschi M, Armelloni S, Rimoldi L, Tardanico R, Sanna-Cherchi S, Ferrario F, Montinaro V, Haupt R, Parodi
S, Carnevali ML, Allegri L, Camussi G, Gesualdo L, Scolari F, Ghiggeri GM.
Kidney Int. 2006 Aug;70(3):477-85.
99. Rare functional variants of podocin (NPHS2) promoter in patients with nephrotic syndrome.
Oleggini R, Bertelli R, Di Donato A, Di Duca M, Caridi G, Sanna-Cherchi S, Scolari F, Murer L, Allegri L, Coppo R, Emma F, Camussi G, Perfumo F,
Ghiggeri GM.
Gene Expr. 2006;13(1):59-66.
100. Strategies to increase the donor pool and access to kidney transplantation: an international perspective.
Maggiore U, Oberbauer R, Pascual J, Viklicky O, Dudley C, Budde K, Sorensen SS, Hazzan M, Klinger M, Abramowicz D; for the ERA-EDTADESCARTES Working Group.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014 Jun 6. [Epub ahead of print]
101. European Renal Best Practice Guideline on the Management and Evaluation of the Kidney Donor and Recipient.
Pascual J, Abramowicz D, Cochat P, Claas F, Dudley C, Harden P, Heeman U, Hourmant M, Maggiore U, Salvadori M, Spasovski G, Squif JP,
Steiger J, Torres A, Vanholder R, Van Biesen W, Viklicky O, Zeier M, Nagler E.
Nefrologia. 2014 May 21;34(3):293-301.
102. [Italian adaptation of the European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) guideline on kidney donor and recipient evaluation and perioperative care].
Bolignano D, Catalano C, Locatelli F, Salvadori M, Maggiore U, Zoccali C.
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103. ERBP Guideline on the Management and Evaluation of the Kidney Donor and Recipient.
European Renal Best Practice Transplantation Guideline Development Group.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2013 Aug;28 Suppl 2:ii1-71..
[ABO-incompatible kidney transplantion].
Maggiore U, Frascà GM, Pugliese MS, Tognarelli G.
G Ital Nefrol. 2013 Mar-Apr;30(2).
105. Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) infection and related diseases in Italian transplant cohorts.
Riva G, Barozzi P, Quadrelli C, Vallerini D, Zanetti E, Forghieri F, Chiereghin A, Libri I, Maggiore U, Buzio C, Lazzarotto T, Narni F, Luppi M,
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Am J Transplant. 2013 Jun;13(6):1619-20.
106. [Pre-emptive renal transplantation from deceased donor].
Maggiore U, Pretagostini R, Petrini C, Sandrini S.
G Ital Nefrol. 2012 Sep-Oct;29(5):525-34. Italian.
PMID: 23117734 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
•Linee di ricerca
-Fibrosi retroperitoneale e malattie IgG4-correlate
-Determinanti genetici delle vasculiti ANCA-associate
-Trials clinici nelle vasculiti ANCA-associate
-Immunopatogenesi e terapia della malattia di Erdheim-Chester
-Malattie linfoproliferative post-trapianto renale
-Identificazione dei complessi immuni responsabili della patogenesi delle nefropatie glomerulari primitive e
-Aspetti genetico – molecolari delle malformazioni nefro-urinarie
Monitoraggio immunologico con CXCL9 urinario
Determinanti della tolleranza immunitaria
Polimorfismi recettore IL-7
Immunosoppressione e qualita' del graft nel ricevente anziano di trapianto renale
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
Rapporti nazionali ed internazionali
Emmanuel Zorn (Harvard University, Boston USA)
David Jayne (Vasculitis and Lupus Clinic, Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge, UK)
Ken Smith (Dept of Medicine, University of Cambridge UK)
Julien Haroche (Hopital Pitié-Salpetriere, Paris, France)
Raashid Luqmani (Nuffield centre of Orthopedics, University of Oxford, UK)
Jochen Zwerina (Hanusch Hospital, Vienna, Austria, and University of Erlangen, Germany)
Javier Martin (CSIS, Granada, Spain)
Gian Marco Ghiggeri (U.O.C. di Nefrologia Ospedale Giannina Gaslini di Genova)
Ali Gharavi e Simone Sanna Cherchi (Division of Nephrology-Columbia University-New York)
Peter Heeger (Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, USA)
Daniel Abramowicz (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Klemens Budde (Charite' Hospital, Berlin, Germany)
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
Microscopio per microdissezione laser
Microscopio a fluorescenza
Digital camera
Lettore Elispot
Microscopio ottico
Digital camera
Cappa Biologica
Cappa Biologica
Cappa Chimica
Camera umida per Ibridazione in Situ
mmi cellcut
Leica DMLB
Thermo scientific
Digital camera
Beckman Coulter
Turner Biosystem
Grant Boekel
DCM 310
Cytomics FC500
Hera safe
Leica CM 1850
di MG
Medico di MG
Ambulatorio - Day Hospital - Day Service
Nefropatie primitive/Nefropatie secondarie/PIRP
Ambulatorio predialisi-trapianto
Day Hospital Nefrologico
Dialisi peritoneale
Emodialisi Manenti
Reparto trapianti
Ambulatori trapianti
ESRD Incidence Historical Trend
USRDS ADR is adjusted for Age
Variazione dell’età nei pazienti
RIDT 2010
Patologia di base per classe di età nei
pazienti incidenti
RIDT 2010
Prevalent counts &
adjusted rates of
ESRD, by primary
December 31 point prevalent ESRD patients.
Adj: age/gender/race; ref: 2010 ESRD patients.
Ambulatorio Nefrologico
3050 Pazienti
700 (23%) nefropatia diabetica
360 (12%) malattie rare
500 (16%) trapiantato
305 (10%) nefropatia glomerulare
160 (5%)nefropatia interstiziale
580 (19%) nefropatia vascolare
445 (18%) altro
150 (7%)
210 (9%)
2317 Pazienti
850 (37%)
1040 (45%)
1854 (88%)
263 (12%)
6-year Period, 10 Regions
Random-Coefficients Poisson Regression (Bayesian Analysis)
Medico di base
Ambulatori - Day Hospital - Day Service
nefropatie nefropatie
dialisi peritoneale
Day Hospital
pre dialisi-trapianto
• Ringraziare tutti anche specializzandi ed
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
Minari / Vaglio: Reparto degenza
David / Manenti: Reparto emodialisi
Maggiore / Palmisano / Piotti: Reparto trapianti
Allegri / Ferrari: Ambulatorio nefrologico (Visite CUP, Terapia e follow-up delle
nefropatie primitive, Day hospital, Day service: Insufficienza renale cronica)
Buzio / Manenti / Palmisano / Vaglio: Ambulatorio Nefropatie Secondarie (Terapia e
follow-up nefropatie secondarie, Day service: Nefropatie secondarie e malattie rare ad
interessamento renale)
Giacosa / Minari: Ambulatorio di ecografia addominale
Bianco / Minari: Ambulatorio predialisi-dialisi peritoneale-trapianto
David / Minari / Bianco: Ambulatorio chirurgico (Allestimento fistole artero-venose,
Posizionamento di cateteri peritoneali)
Maggiore / Palmisano / Piotti: Ambulatorio trapianti, Day service: trapianto
Unità Operativa Complessa di Nefrologia
Produzione scientifica
•Anni 2011-2013
Pubblicazioni: 59
Citazioni complessive: 368
•Anno 2012
Impact factor (valori 2012): 100
Impact factor normalizzato (valori 2012): 80
Prevalent adjusted rates of ESRD, by
Figure 1.12 (Volume 2)
ref: 2005 ESRD patients
USRDS 2012
Incident adjusted rates of ESRD, by
Figure 1.4 (Volume 2)
ref: 2005 ESRD patients
USRDS 2012