proponent research area title summary


proponent research area title summary
B.Colonna – Research proposal FIPFCB 2005
Prof. Bianca COLONNA
Associate Professor of General Microbiology
Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare e dello Sviluppo
Sezione di Scienze Microbiologiche
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Via dei Sardi 70
00185 ROMA (Italy)
tel (+39) 0649917580, 0649917582
fax (+39) 0649917594
email [email protected]
Molecular biology of microorganisms and viruses.
Deciphering the complexity of virulence gene networks in Shigella and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC):
the interplay among nucleoid proteins, promoter DNA structure and regulatory factors.
The growing availability of bacterial genome sequences has substantiated the hypothesis that the regulation
of gene expression is the evolutionary response to the challenge of surviving in changing environments. This view
is strengthened by the observation that the complexity of an organism’s regulatory circuitry depends on the
complexity of its environment. Enteric bacteria, like E.coli, Shigella and Salmonella, which live in complex
environments have evolved correspondingly intricate control systems. Expression of virulence determinants is
integrated in layers of iterative regulatory networks to ensure a coordinated and on time synthesis of all
determinants necessary to induce the pathogenicity process. Like in other life-threatening human pathogens, also
in Shigella and EIEC the entry from the outer environment into the warmer host milieu is one of the central cues
triggering the expression of virulence factors. The plasmid regulatory cascade of Shigella represents an interesting
system to understand how pathogenic bacteria have evolved to prevent wasteful expression of the virulence
factors while ensuring strong and appropriate activation when this is required. It is increasingly evident that the
key to these sophisticate control/response systems mainly resides in the initiation of transcription. Thus
deciphering the events occurring around a virulence gene promoter in response to host environmental stimuli - in
terms of interplay among nucleoid proteins, promoter DNA structure and regulatory factors - is central to the
understanding of the pathogenicity mechanisms.
This proposal aims at a deeper comprehension of the molecular strategies adopted by the pINV virulence
gene promoters of Shigella and EIEC to process a variety of physicochemical signals coming from the
environment in order to trigger an on/off decision. In particular we want to investigate on the molecular
mechanisms by which protein-DNA interactions, protein-protein interactions, and chromatin structure integrate to
control the expression of virulence determinants turning them on and off at the right time and in the right place.
Morerover, we would like to understand which regulatory changes have followed, in the evolutionary transition
from E.coli to Shigella, the uptake of virulence genes so as to insert them into a regulatory network allowing for
an efficient host-environment-mediated expression.
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B.Colonna – Research proposal FIPFCB 2005
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Dr.Gianni Prosseda - Researcher - Dept.Cell and Developmental Biol., Univ.La Sapienza, Roma (Italy)
Dr.Maria Carmela Latella - PhD student - Dept.Cell and Devel.Biol., Univ.La Sapienza, Roma (Italy)
Dr.Gioacchino Micheli - Senior Invest. - IBPM CNR Lab.Acidi Nucleici, c/o Univ.La Sapienza, Roma (Italy)
Prof.Mauro Nicoletti - Associate Professor of Microbiology - Dept.Biomed.Sci., Univ.Chieti, Chieti (Italy)
Prof.Mariassunta Casalino - Associate Professor of Microbiology - Dept.Biol., Univ. Roma III, Roma (Italy)
Prof.Claudio Gualerzi - Full Professor of Genetics - Dept.MCA, Univ.Camerino, Camerino (Italy)
Dr.Maurizio Falconi - Senior Investigator - Dept.MCA, Univ.Camerino, Camerino (Italy)
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