Dr Valentina Cuzzocrea PUBLICATIONS: Journal articles Interview


Dr Valentina Cuzzocrea PUBLICATIONS: Journal articles Interview
Dr Valentina Cuzzocrea
Journal articles
Interview to Carmen Leccardi (ed by Cuzzocrea and Bello), for a special issue of the Journal of Modern Italian
Studies, called ‘Making space for youth in Italian Contemporary Studies’, to be submitted in oct 2016 along with
already selected special issue’s articles (ed by Bello and Cuzzocrea).
(Baumberg, Cuzzocrea) Corporate social responsibility and conflicts of interest in the alcohol and gambling
industries: a post-political discourse? Forthcoming in the British Journal of Sociology.
(Cuzzocrea, Mandich) ‘Students narratives of the future: imagined mobilities as forms of youth agency?’,
Journal of Youth Studies, 2016, 19,4: 552-567.
(Mandich, Cuzzocrea) ‘“Domesticating” the city. Family practices in public space’, Space & Culture, 19,
2016, 224-236.
(Cuzzocrea, Mandich) ‘Fragments of “Cultures of mobility”. Everyday movements of Parents with children in
Cagliari, Southern Italy’, City & Society, special issue entitled ‘Cities and Mobilities’, guest editors FreundendalPedersen and Cuzzocrea, 2015, 27, 1:51-69.
(Cuzzocrea) “Occupabili” più che occupati? Ambiguità di un concetto di policy nel caso italiano (Employable
rather than employed? Ambiguities of a policy concept in the Italian case), Sociologia del Lavoro, 2015, 138,
(Cuzzocrea, Collins) ‘Collaborative individualization?’ Peer to peer action in youth transitions, Young, 2015, 2:
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Squeezing or blurring? Young adulthood in the career strategies of professionals based in Italy
and England’, Journal of Youth Studies, 2011 14(6): 657-674.
(Cuzzocrea, Mandich) ‘Mentre i bambini giocano: forme di socialità ed emersione di sfere pubbliche
discorsive’, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 2011 (1): 63-86, special issue on ‘Luoghi terzi. Forme di socialità
e sfere pubbliche’ (Third Places. Forms of socialities and public spheres), guest editor P. Jedlowski.
(Cuzzocrea, Lyon) ‘Sociological Conceptualizations of ‘career’: A Review and Reorientation’, Sociology
Compass, 5/12 (2011): 1029–1043.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘I think I am great’. Absorbing the English Graduate Career propaganda, Essex Graduate Journal
of Sociology, 7.1, (2007): 18-29.
(D.Cairns, V. Cuzzocrea, D. Briggs, L. Veloso), ’The Consequences of Mobility: Skilled Migration, Scientific
Development and the Reproduction of Inequality’, Palgrave, forthcoming in dec 2016.
(V. Cuzzocrea) ‘Mix and match’: discorsi globali e logiche locali nelle politiche per i giovani in Italia’ (in
preparation, UTET, due to submit sept 2016).
(V. Cuzzocrea, S. Isabella) Book called Narratives of the future among young people, in Italian, Carocci (in
preparation, due to submit in dec 2016).
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Flexi-jobs or Flexi-lives? Starting a professional career in Italy and England’, preface by M.
Glucksmann, Odoya, Bologna, 2011. Double blind reviewed, ISBN 978-88-96026-63-2.
Guest editorials and Special issues
(M Freundendal-Pedersen, V Cuzzocrea, guest editors) ‘Introduction’ to special issue entitled ‘Cities and
mobilities’, City & Society, 2015, 27,1: 4-8.
(B Bello, V Cuzzocrea) Special issue ‘Making space for youth in Contemporary Italian Studies’, negotiated with
the ‘Journal of Modern Italian Studies’. The journal has accepted our long abstracts selection. Full submission
due end of sept 2016.
Edited books
(Cuzzocrea, Sahu and James, edited by) ‘Valuing Work: Challenges and Opportunities’, Inter-Disciplinary
Press, Oxford, 2013.
(Cuzzocrea, Laws, edited by), ‘Value of Work: Updates on Old Issues’, e-book (ISBN: 978-1-84888-065-8),
Interdisciplinary Press, Oxford, 2011. www.interdisciplinarypress.net/online-store/ebooks/ethos-and-modernlife/value-of-work-updates-on-old-issues.
Book sections
(Cuzzocrea) What are the aims and anticipated outcomes of ‘youth work’? Short chapter to be included in the
Youth Partnership collection “Thinking seriously about youth work – and how to prepare people to do it”, ed by
Connelly et al, forthcoming 2016, Council of Europe Publishing.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Imagining a future in the medical profession’, in the book ‘Gender, Careers and Inequalities in
Medicine and Medical Education: International perspectives’, ed. by Maria Tsouroufli, Emerald Publishing,
2015, p. 177-201, ISBN-13: 978-1784416904.
(Cuzzocrea) Young people and employability, invited contribution to Handbook for Children and Youth Studies,
Springer, editor of the section on work A. Furlong, editors of the overall collection J. Wyn and H. Cahill, 2014,
p.557-568, ISBN: 978-981-4451-96-3.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Projecting the category of the NEET into the future’, European Youth Partnership Series
‘Perspectives on Youth’, Thematic issue: “2020 - what do YOU see”, 2014, p. 69-82. ISBN: 978-92-871-77391, 2014.
The above book also appears in French translation, ‘La catégorie des NEET: quel avenir?’, ‘Point de vue sur
la jeunesse, volume 1 - 2020 - Quelles perspectives?’, ISBN978-92-871-7905-0 (book section) and German
translation, ‘Zukunftsvision für die Kategorie der NEET’, on youth, 1. Ausgabe "2020- Was sehen Sie?", ISBN
(Collins, Cuzzocrea) ‘On being Edgeryders: a picture of young Europeans navigating their transition to an
independent life’, in ‘Edgeryders Guide to the Future: A Handbook for Policymakers and managers of online
policy-oriented communities’, edited by R. Collins, Council of Europe Publishing, 2013, pp. 17-45, ISBN 97892-871-7659-2.
The above book also appears in French translation, ‘Guide Edgeryders pour l’avenir’, ISBN: 978-92-871-76585.
(Cuzzocrea, Sahu and James) Introduction in ‘Valuing Work: Challenges and Opportunities’, Inter-Disciplinary
Press, Oxford, 2013.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Creativity and the ‘Art to get by’: or, what is old in new practices of work’, pp. 113-130, in
Valuing Work: Challenges and Opportunities (edited by Cuzzocrea, Sahu, James), Inter-Disciplinary Press,
Oxford, 2013.
(Cuzzocrea, Magaraggia) ‘Blurred transitions: revisiting the significance of work and parenthood for young
adults in Italy’, in ‘Growing Up, Growing Old. Trajectories of times and lives, Inter-Disciplinary press, edited by
Andrea Nicolas and Ian Flaherty, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, 2013, pag. 63-86, ISBN 978-1-904710-94-8.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Stepping on the profession’s roundabout in Italy and England’, in Russian translation in an edited
collection volume ed. by Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova and Pavel Romanov, Anthropology of Profession:
occupational boundaries in turbulent times, Moscow Variant GSPGS 2012, pp. 118-136, ISBN: 978-5-90336063-5.
(Cuzzocrea, Laws) Introduction in ‘Value of Work: Updates on Old Issues’, e-book (ISBN: 978-1-84888-065-8),
Interdisciplinary Press, Oxford, 2011.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Old Issues back in? Creativity in a context of work devaluation’, in ‘Value of Work. Updates on old
issues’ (edited by V. Cuzzocrea and J. Laws), short paper in e-book, Interdisciplinary Press, 2011.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Culture quotidiane e spazi pubblici’ (Everyday culture and public space), in ‘Culture quotidiane.
Addomesticare lo spazio e il tempo’ (Everyday Culture. Domesticate space and time), ed. by Mandich, Carocci,
Roma, 2010, pag. 133-149.
(Magaraggia, Cuzzocrea) ‘Blurred transitions: revisiting the significance of work and parenthood for young
adults in Italy’, in ‘Times of Our Lives: Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Growing Up, Growing Old,
Inter-Disciplinary.Net’, ed. By Harry Blatterer e Julia Glahn, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, 2009 (short paper
in eBook with ISBN 1-904710-91-3).
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Careers in shaping. Experiencing the graduate career propaganda in Italy and England’, in
‘Emerging systems of work and welfare’, ed. by P. Koistinen, A. Serrano-Pascual, L. Mosesdottir, Peter Lang
publishing, Bruxelles, pag. 43-63, 2009.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Giovani sardi nella società dell’incertezza’ (Young Sardinians facing uncertainty), in ‘Quotidiano
flessibile. Usi e rappresentazioni del tempo nella Sardegna della new economy’, ed. by G. Mandich, AM&D
Edizioni, Cagliari, 2009, pag. 31-42.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Costruire il lavoro fra incertezza e flessibilità’ (Making up work in between flexibility and
uncertainty), in ‘Quotidiano flessibile. Usi e rappresentazioni del tempo nella Sardegna della new economy’,
ed. by G. Mandich, AM&D Edizioni, Cagliari, 2009, pag.76-96.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Scegliere nell’incertezza: tra passato e presente’ (Choosing in conditions of uncertainty: between
past and present), in ‘Quotidiano flessibile. Usi e rappresentazioni del tempo nella Sardegna della new
economy’, ed. by G. Mandich, AM&D Edizioni, Cagliari, 2009, pag. 96-115.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Per sempre giovani? Considerazioni sulla natura del lavoro stabile quale soglia per l’età adulta’,
(Forever young? Considerations of the nature of stable employment as a adult threshold) in ‘Le vite dei giovani.
Carriere, esperienze e modelli culturali’, ed. by R. Rauty, Marlin, Cava dè Tirreni (SA), 2007, pag.200-210.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Orientamento al lavoro e aspettative di carriera. Alla ricerca di un lavoro ‘da laureati in Sardegna’,
(Orientations to work and career expectations: Looking for a graduate job in Sardinia), in ‘Giovani Sociologi
2005’, ed. by AIS, Napoli, 2006, pag.51-67.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Tutta la vita davanti: la classe media come punto di riferimento’, in www.mediterraneaonline.eu,
24th feb. 2015
(Petkovic, Cuzzocrea) report to the Council of Europe, Division on Youth, ‘Forever young’: mapping exercise
to support the creation of an online platform for the project on transition of young people to autonomy and
labour life. Presented at the European Youth Centre in Strasburg, Forever Young Symposium, 3 dec 2014.
(Baumberg, Cuzzocrea, Morini, Ortoleva, Disley, Tzvetkova, Harkins, Schlogl, Miller, Petrilli, Beccaria)
‘Corporate Social Responsibility’, 88 pages.
(Cuzzocrea, Murgia) ‘Gratta e lavora. La roulette dei diritti nel mercato del lavoro italiano’ (Scratch and work.
The roulette of rights in the Italian labour market), Quaderni di San Precario 3, April 2012.
(Cuzzocrea, Murgia) ‘On being lucky enough to win a job: the Story of the Supermarket Lottery in Sardinia’
(with A. Murgia), www.nowaytomakealiving.net, 20th July 2011.
(Murgia, Cuzzocrea) ‘Un contratto…che fortuna! Valori e significati del lavoro in bilico tra diritti e lotterie’ (A
contract… how lucky! Values and meanings of work between rights and lotteries, with A. Murgia),
www.ingenere.it, 9th June 2011.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Vissuti temporali e lavoro flessibile. Un’indagine qualitativa sul lavoro interinale’ (Temporal assets
and flexible work: a qualitative study on temporary employment), Quaderni del Dipartimento di Ricerche
Economiche e Sociali, Sezione Sociologia, Università di Cagliari, Luglio 2003, 80 pag.
Book reviews
Book review of C. Holdsworth, ‘Family and Intimate mobilities’, Palgrave MacMillan 2013, Sociological Review,
62 (2), pp. 455-427.
Joint review of ‘Londonland: An Ethnography of Labour in a World City’, by Bennett (2009), London: Middlesex
University Press; and ‘Organizational Ethnography: Studying the Complexity of Everyday Life’, by Ybema, S.,
Yanow, D., Wels, H., and Kamsteeg, F.H. (2009), London: SAGE, Work, Employment and Society, 25(2) 2011,
pp. 361-363.
Review of ‘Future Matters: Action, Knowledge, Ethics’, by B. Adam e C. Grove, Brill, 2007, Leiden, Boston, in
Studi Culturali, April 2010, pp.173-174.
Review of ‘Women on the Line’, by M. Glucksmann (aka R. Cavendish), Routledge, London, 2009, in
Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa 2009 (3), pp.469-470.
Review of ‘Busier than ever! Why American Families can’t slow down’, by Darrah C.N., Freeman, J. M. e
English-Lueck, J.A., Stanford, 2007, in Work, Employment & Society, (22) 4, 2008.
Review of ‘Sociology of Work’ by S. Edgell, Sage, 2006, in Work, Employment and Society, 21(4), 2007.
Co-organiser (as RN coordinator) of ‘Global Youth Futures: Perspectives and Prospects’ 15-18 January 2017,
in Ericeira (near Lisbon), Portugal, ESA RN 30 ‘Youth and Generation’ Midterm Conference, in association
with ISA RC 34 ‘Sociology of Youth’
Invited to participate to the panel ‘Presenti diseguali, futuri possibili. Rapporti intergenerazionali: welfare,
educazione e vita quotidiana (Sezioni: Vita quotidiana, Politica sociale, Sociologia dell'Educazione)’, XI
Convegno Associazione Italiana di Sociologia ‘Disuguaglianze, Giustizia, Equità nel contesto globale’, Verona
10-12 november 2016.
Invited as representative of ESA RN 30 at the conference ‘Youth in transition countries: new context, new
role, new challenges & threats’, Torun, Poland, 5-8 oct 2016.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘A new ‘new tribe’? Edgeryders as a site to confront collaborative lifestyles and their relations with
institutions’, symposium Contemporary Political Youth Culture and Communication, University of York, 18-19
July 2016.
‘I wanted to leave in order to come back’: reflecting on spaces that youth aspire to inhabit, abstract submitted
to the conference ‘Social Justice in Times of Crisis and Hope, RMIT University Europe, 6-8 July 2016,
Discussant, with Paola Rebughini, at a talk by Peter Kelly (RMIT) entitled ‘Young people and the coming of
the 3rd industrial revolution’, 23 June 2016, Università di Cagliari.
In the panel ‘Tra occupabilità e occupazione’ organised by ISFOL for the SIPLO (Società Italiana psicologia
del lavoro e dell’organizzazione) 2016 conference, Florence 20-21 May, with a paper entitled ‘Il concetto di
occupabilità in Italia. Una riflessione sociologica’.
Invited to participate to the second conference of the European Platform on Learning Mobility in the Youth
Field, Learning mobility in the youth field: towards opportunities for all. Evidence, experience, discourse,
Istanbul, 7-9 October 2015.
Invited to present on ‘collaborative individualisation’ at the AIS-Vita Quotidiana 2015 conference, University
of Pavia, 25-26 sept 2015 (unable to attend).
Invited to participate as an expert to the Symposium on Youth Participation in the Digital World - PEYR /
EKCYP Annual Meetings 2015, European Youth Centre Budapest, 13- 16 sept 2015.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘The discourse of ‘autonomy’: EU policy and youth transitions’, ESA biannual Conference,
Prague, 28-30 august 2015.
(Cuzzocrea) invited to give a speech on the value of youth work to the 15th anniversary of TDM 2000 Italy
event, Cagliari, 16 july 2015.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Youth staying Still: imagining a future in the medical profession as a middle class aspiration’,
‘Youth on
Move?’ 3rd Maynooth International Youth Studies
Maynooth University, Ireland, 23rd & 24th June 2015.
(Isabella, Cuzzocrea) ‘Imagining the future at the age of 18: self, stories, and media influences’, conference
'From memories to the future. Collective memories and horizons of expectations in contemporary Europe'.
University of Naples - June 4/5, 2015 (presented by Isabella)
(Cuzzocrea) 'La professione medica come contenitore entro cui immaginare il futuro: genere, carriere,
narrazioni', Università di Cagliari, 8-9 may 2015, seminar series of the research project iFuture.
Participant as a PEYR member to the 2nd European Youth Work Convention, 27-30 April 2015, Brussels.
Acting as ‘expert person’, and providing a short paper, for thematic workshop on different target groups in
youth work.
(Cuzzocrea) 'I NEET. Luci e ombre di una categoria nel caso italiano', ‘Quali politiche per i giovani? Esperienze
internazionali, nazionali e locali a confronto’, Università di Cagliari, 10th April 2015, seminar series of the
research project iFuture.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Imagining a future where society does not change: an exploration into young Sardinians’
narratives’, Journal of Youth Studies Conference ’Contemporary Youth, Contemporary Risks’, Copenhagen
30 March-1 April 2015, presented (upon further selection) in editor’s session led by Andy Furlong.
(Cuzzocrea, Petkovic) ‘Forever young’: mapping exercise to support the creation of an online platform for the
project on transition of young people to autonomy and labour life, Forever Young, European Youth Centre in
Strasburg, 4-6 dec 2014 (invited)
Participant to the conference on youth work in supporting young people in vulnerable situations organised by
the CoE-EC Youth Partnership, Malta 25-28th November 2014, and contributor to the closing session of the
event in representation of the PEYR (invited).
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Imagining to Move: Mobility, Motility and the forging of a future life’, international Eurodesk
meeting, Riccione (Bologna), 6-8 nov 2014 (invited).
(Cuzzocrea, Mandich) ‘Imagined mobilities as forms of youth agency’ ESA ‘Youth and Generation Research
Network’ MidTerm Conference 2014: ‘Negotiation, navigation, resistance - young people’s agency in postcrisis reality in Europe’, September 10th-13th 2014.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Then the 25th arrived and at that point I wanted to take a decision about my future’: time,
rythmicity and waithood in youth’s uncertain transitions’, ISA World Congress in Yokohama, July 2014, RC 34
Sociology of Youth.
(Cuzzocrea, Isabella) ‘Se mi chiedi di immaginarlo, almeno lo immagino bello: il futuro immaginato dai giovani
sardi’, 5th Conference Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, 5-7th June 2014, Bergamo.
(Cuzzocrea, Baumberg) ‘(De)constructing addictions through elite interviews’, 5th Conference Ethnography
and Qualitative Research Conference, 5-7th June 2014, Bergamo.
(Cuzzocrea) Participant and rapporteur, Youth in 2020 - the future of youth policies (1-3 Ottobre 2013,
Budapest), EU-CoE Youth Partnership at the European Youth Centre.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Recognising young people’s work in and outside employment’, ESA conference ‘Crisis, critique
and change’, Turin, 28-30 August 2013.
(Isabella, Mandich, Cuzzocrea, Cois, Ferrari), ‘Looking into the future. Young people's capacity to aspire’, ESA
conference ‘Crisis, critique and change’, Turin, 28-30 August 2013.
(Collins, Cuzzocrea) ‘Communitarian individualization - or, acknowledging the role of trust and collaboration
in youth transitions’, presented by R. Collins, Royal geographical Society (RGS-IBG) Annual International
Conference 2013, London 27-30 august 2013.
(Cuzzocrea, Baumberg) The alcohol industry’s corporate social responsibility as a tool of ‘post-political
governance’, 39th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium, Kettil Bruun Society, Kampala, Uganda, 3-7
June 2013.
(Baumberg, Cuzzocrea) How far can Corporate Social Responsibility reduce alcohol-related harm? Insights
from a cross-country cross-addiction perspective, 39th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium, Kettil Bruun
Society, Kampala, Uganda, 3-7 June 2013.
(Baumberg, Cuzzocrea) ‘Negotiating Conflict of Interest: Discourses of Corporate Social Responsibility in the
addictive industries in Europe, and their implications for public health’, 17 may 2013, Global Public Health Unit
Seminar Series, University of Edinburg, invited.
(Baumberg, Cuzzocrea) Post-political governance – making conflict invisible, paper in the plenary session of
theird annual meeting, ALICE RAP, Barcelona, 23-25 may 2013, invited.
(Cuzzocrea) On the employability route: young people and the trouble to have their work recognised,
conference of the Journal of Youth Studies New Agenda on Youth and Young Adulthood Studies, Glasgow 810 April 2013. Also invited to take part to the opening Round table entitled ‘Reflections, learning from the past’
together with con Johanna Wyn, Andy Furlong, Steven Roberts, James Cote.
(Collins, Cuzzocrea) ‘Report to the Council of Europe on the project ‘Edgeryders’: ‘The transition so far’,
presented in Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 7-8 March 2012.
Partecipation by selection to the symposium The Current Crisis and Youth - Impact and Ways Forward, 20-21
(Cuzzocrea, Zabatino) Protesting ‘on the edge’: telling political activism among youth in contemporary Italy, for
the conference BASTA! Patterns of Protest in Modern Italy: History, Agents and Representation, Annual
Conference of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy, 23-24 november 2012, University of London,
accepted, unable to present.
(Cuzzocrea, Collins) At the edge of youth policy? Exploring Edgeryders as an innovative virtual space for youth
participation, RN30 midterm conference ‘Youth in crisis? Linking research, policy and practice’, Manresa
(Barcelona), 20-23 Sept 2012, also co-organiser.
(Mandich, Cuzzocrea) ‘Contextualising Mobility: Mobilities, capabilities and everyday cultures’, Moving
Boundaries of Mobilities Research, Cosmobilities network, 5-7 July 2012, Università di Cagliari.
(Collins, Cuzzocrea) ‘The Edgeryders project so far’, Edgeryders meeting, Council of Europe Strasbourg, 7-8
March 2012.
(Cuzzocrea, Murgia) Could jobs be won through a lottery? Reflections on a Sardinian case study, 8th Critical
Labour Studies Symposium 2012, The University of Salford, UK, 18-19 February 2012, unable to present
(Cuzzocrea) Young adulthood in Italy: definitions and contradictions beyond stereotypes, presented at the 10th
ESA Conference, Geneva, 7-10 September 2011, RN 30 Youth & Generation.
(Cuzzocrea) Are we all creative workers? Revisiting old and new concepts, 27th EGOS Colloquium in
Gothenburg, July 7–9 2011, Sub-theme 36: Creative Selves: Organizing Work in Knowledge Capitalism.
(Cuzzocrea) What makes the precariat precarious: Italian youth in an international perspective, invited, ESRC
seminar series Young workers and precarious employment, Seminar 1-11th March 2011: International
Patterns of Precarious Work Amongst Young People (Coventry University).
(Cuzzocrea) Old Issues back in? Creativity in a context of work devaluation, 1st Global Conference The Value
of Work, Interdisciplinary.net, 5-7 November 2010, Prague.
(Mandich, Cuzzocrea), Domesticating the city: the production of ontologically secure places in families’
practices of mobility, ESA RN 13 midterm conference, Wiesbaden (Germany), ‘Geographical mobility and
family life: How to (re-)think family in a mobile world?’, 16-18 Sept 2010.
(Cuzzocrea, Tavani) Superimposing discourses, exacerbating uncertainty: the qualified youth in the Law
7/2007 of the RAS (Autonomous Region of Sardinia), WES (Work, Employment and Society) Conference,
University of Brighton 7-9 Sept 2010.
(Cuzzocrea) Creativity at work: new quest, old issues, WES (Work, Employment and Society) Conference,
University of Brighton 7th-9th Sept 2010.
(Cuzzocrea, Tavani), Superimposing discourses on qualified youth: the case of Law 7/2007 of the RAS
(Autonomous Region of Sardinia), at ESA Youth & Generation Network Midterm conference, ‘Youth, Economy
and Society’, 9-12 Sept 2010, Disley, UK.
Panel convenor (with Dawn Lyon and Lynne Pettinger) Session: ‘Doing Work’ International Visual Sociology
Association Conference, Bologna, July.
(Cuzzocrea, Cuscusa), Public space as private space? Visualising boundaries of the family-friendly
environment, in ‘Domesticating the city: visual methods and practical consciousness of space’, IVSA
conference, Bologna, 20-22 July 2010.
Participant to the Italian Sociological Association seminar Processi di precarizzazione, insicurezza sociale e
“capacità di aspirare”, Napoli 25 June 2010.
Participant and presenter to the ESRC International Spring School on educational pathways and transitions to
adulthood, 11-16 April 2010, University of York, organised by Educ8.
(Cuzzocrea, Cuscusa) Addomesticare la città: sguardi, limiti, prospettive, PIC- AIS Conference, università di
Cagliari 17-18 June 2010.
(Cuzzocrea) Stepping on the professions roundabout in Italy and England, international research seminar
‘Professions and professional organizations in contemporary society: new research approaches’, Higher
school of Economics, Moscow, 6-8 april 2010.
(Cuzzocrea) The relation between time and sociology of work, round table ‘Future Matters for social theory?’
organised in occasion of the visiting professor program of B. Adam at the University of Cagliari, PIC-AIS, 29
Oct 2009.
(Cuzzocrea) Inventing strategies. The construction of a professional career in Italy, ‘30th Conference of the
International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation’, University of Tampere, 3-5 settembre 2009
(unable to present).
(Cuzzocrea) Vedere lo spazio pubblico: riflessioni su una tecnica qualitativa multi-metodo (interviste,
osservazione, visuale e focus group con foto-stimolo), workshop Etnografia e Ricerca Sociale, Bergamo, 2527 June 2009.
(Cuzzocrea) Joining professional arenas. Accountants, HR and Engineers in Italy and England, ESA 2009
annual conference, Lisbon, Sept 2-5, RN 19 Sociology of Profession.
Also for ESA 2009 conference: (Magaraggia, Cuzzocrea) Blurred transitions: Revisiting the significance of
work and parenthood for young adults in Italy, RN 30 Youth and Generation.
(Cuzzocrea, Cuscusa and G. Mandich) Visualizing space to investigate the domestication of public areas: a
multifaceted approach, 1st International Visual Methods Conference, University of Leeds 15th - 17th Sept 2009.
(Cuzzocrea, Magaraggia) ‘Blurred transitions: Revisiting the significance of work and parenthood for young
adults in Italy’, presented at the 1st Global Conference Times of our Lives. Making Sense of Ageing, Mansfield
College, Oxford, 3-5 July 2009.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Squeezing or blurring: youth as a resource among early career professionals in Italy and England’,
fourth international meeting ‘Young People and Societies in Europe and around the Mediterranean’, Forlì, Italy,
26-28 March 2009.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Engendering professional selves’, presented at the workshop ‘Transformations of work’,
Università di Cagliari, 25 October 2008, organised on occasion of the visit of Miriam Glucksmann at the
University of Cagliari.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Il disarmonico intreccio di individualismo e individualizzazione. Giovani professionisti in Italia’,
‘Oltre l’individualismo? Rileggere il legame sociale, tra nuove culture e nuovi media’, Milano-Bicocca, 16-17
Oct 2008.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Bringing creativity back in. When individualised individuals have to make it’, presented at the
First ISA World Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, 5-8 September 2008.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Constructing professional careers in Italy and England: what resources?’, WES conference
‘Beyond these shores: sinking or swimming in the globalized new economy?’ Aberdeen, 12-14 Sept 2007.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Per sempre giovani? Considerazioni sulla natura del lavoro stabile quale soglia per l’età adulta’,
presented at the conference ‘Giovani Come IV’, Università di Salerno, 15-16 March 2007.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Entering into adulthood: the work factor’, presented at the ‘Graduate Conference of the Sociology
Dept.’, Aldeburgh (UK), 22-23 February 2007.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Careers in contexts. Professionals of the New Economy in Italy and England’, presented at
‘Shaping European Systems of Work and Welfare, International Post-graduate Conference’, Helsinki, 6-9
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Careers and cultural contexts. Notes on a comparative study’, presented at ‘Contexts, Fields,
Position: Situating Cultural Research. A postgraduate Conference at the University of East London’, London,
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Career orientations. Notes on a comparative study between Italy and England’, discussed at ‘7th
Inter-University Graduate Conference: Challenging the Boundaries in the Social Sciences’, CRASSH,
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Certi di cosa? Alcune riflessioni su certezza e incertezza lavorativa’, presented at ‘Incerto
Quotidiano’, three-yearly conference of Vita Quotidiana- Italian Sociological association, Naples (Federico II),
10-11 November 2005.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Negotiations in Contexts: Access and Consistency in Comparative Research’, PhD Annual
Conference of the Department of Sociology, University of Essex, 14 June 2005.
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Orienting towards flexible career path as a way of life. A time-gender perspective’, BSA Annual
(Cuzzocrea) ‘Orientamento al lavoro e aspettative di carriera. Alla ricerca di un lavoro 'da laureati' in Sardegna’,
'II Forum Giovani Ricercatori', Associazione Italiana di Sociologia, Naples (Federico II), 7-9 October 2004.
PEER REVIEW: Journal of Youth Studies (2010-), Young (2015-), Sage Open (2016), Italian Journal of
Sociology of education (2016, Band A Italian ranking), AIS-Journal of Sociology (2015), Partecipazione e
Conflitto (2016, Band A Italian ranking), AG-About Gender (2013), Autonomie locali e servizi sociali (2014),
Partecipazione e conflitto (2016) and the Essex Graduate Journal of Sociology (2005).