Bibliography on drug addiction - United Nations Interregional Crime


Bibliography on drug addiction - United Nations Interregional Crime
Bibliography on drug addiction:
Bibliografia sulle Buone Prassi e sulle Strategie nel campo della Riabilitazione e dell’inserimento lavorativo
in ambito delle tossicodipendenze
AA.VV, “L’integrazione socio-lavorativa. Dal progetto individuale alla organizzazione che cura”, ed.Gruppo Abele,
Torino, 2000
AA.VV., “Integrazione lavorativa a fasce deboli - dagli aspetti metodologici alla pratica educativa”, Carocci, Roma,
Alcina L., “Integração Social e Estratégias de Mediação”, Toxicodependências , 2011, 17 (1):53-60
Angelini R., Gilardini A., Interventi innovativi per le dipendenze patologiche, Publiedit, Cuneo, 2008
Antinori B., “Autonomia, formazione e inserimento lavorativo”, Cleup, Padova, 2000
Bandura A., “Autoefficacia. Teoria ed applicazioni”, Erickson, Trento, 2000
Bandura A., “Il senso di autoefficacia. Aspettative su di sé e azione”, Erickson, Trento,1996
Barbieri L., Boggian I., Fallon I.R.H., Lamonaca D., CD5 collaborators, “Problem–Solving Skills for Cognitive
Rehabilitation among persons with chronic psychotic disorders in Italy, Psychiatric Services, 2006, 57(2)
Barbieri L., Boggian I., La Monaca D., “Problem Solving nella riabilitazione psichiatrica”, Erickson, Trento, 2008
Bardino S., “Partnership per la gestione dell’inserimento lavorativo” in Impresa sociale, CGM, Roma, 1998
Barnes M., Bowl R., “Empowerment e salute mentale”, Erikson, Trento, 2003
“Benefits of residential care preserved by systematic, persistent and welcoming aftercare prompts” Findings, 2007,
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Misuse, 2010, <>
Brunori, “Apprendere dal Sud del Mondo, le reti virtuose del Microcredito: uno strumento innovativo”, in Zani, M.,
“Tra sviluppo e povertà. Esperienze a confronto”, Gruppo socialista Parlamento Europeo - PSE, Bologna, 2006,
Callegari L., “Inclusione lavorativa e sociale delle persone svantaggiate”, C.S.A.P.S.A. Centro Studi Analisi di
Psicologia e Sociologia Applicate, Bologna, 2009
Caltabiano C., “Il prisma del welfare: analisi dei regimi socio assistenziali nelle regioni italiane”, Iref, Milano, 2010
Campanini A., “L’intervento sistemico”, Carocci, Roma, 2002
Cartano M., Citrulli L., Doveri N., Molteni L., Sala M., “Integrazione lavorativa e fasce deboli”, Carocci Faber, 2005
Cimarelli L. (a cura di) , “L'occupabilità delle fasce deboli: dalle criticità alle possibilità”, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007
CIOFS-FP, “Manuale di buone prassi. Servizi, metodologie e strumenti per l’inclusione”, Roma, 2005
Clerici M., “Indicatori di efficacia del trattamento di dipendenza da eroina e dalle loro famiglie ”, in F.M. Ferro, M. di
Giannantonio, S.Trotta, (a cura di), “Tra deserti e labirinti. Reinserimento sociale e formazione degli operatori:
modelli comunitari a confronto nelle tossicodipendenze”, Metis, Chieti, 1997
Dal Pra Ponticelli M., “Dizionario di Servizio Sociale”, Carocci, Roma, 2005
Dallago L., “Che cos’è l’empowerment”, Carocci, Roma, 2006
Deambrogio U. , Bertotti T., Merlini F., “L’assistente Sociale e la valutazione”, Carocci, Roma, 2007
Dehestani M.i, Tarkhan M., Abbasi M., Sadat Aghili Z., 2012, “Efficacy of Integrating Stress Coping Skills Training
with Detoxification on Social Adjustment of Addicted Women”, Addict ion and Health, 2012, 4 (3-4):127-131, <>
Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, “Piano di Azione Nazionale (PAN) sulle
Droghe”, 2010
Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga “Relazione annuale al Parlamento 2013. Uso di sostanze stupefacenti e
tossicodipendenze in Italia”, 2013
Dipartimento Politiche antidroga e Ministero della Salute, “Linee di indirizzo. Screening e diagnosi precoce delle
principali patologie infettive correlate all’uso di sostanze stupefacenti”, 2011
Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga, “Piano dei progetti” 2010
Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga, “Progetto RELI. Promozione e realizzazione di un nuovo modello di reinserimento
socio-lavorativo integrato mediante l’attivazione di un network nazionale di organizzazioni produttive e gruppi di
coordinamento territoriale”, Roma, 2010
Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga, “Relazione annuale al Parlamento 2012 sull’uso di sostanze stupefacenti e sulle
tossicodipendenze in Italia”, 2012
Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga, “Relazione annuale al Parlamento 2011 sull’uso di sostanze stupefacenti e sulle
tossicodipendenze in Italia”, 2011
Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga, “Relazione annuale al Parlamento sull'uso di sostanze stupefacenti e sulle
tossicodipendenze in Italia”, 2010
Dipartimento Politiche antidroga, “Strategie di auto-aiuto. Guida per interrompere l’uso di sostanze stupefacenti”,
Edizione italiana, 2011
EMCDDA , “Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines in Europe — findings from the DRUID
project”, European Monitoring Centre for Durg and Drug addiction, Thematic papers, 2012,
EMCDDA, “Social reintegration and employment: evidence and interventions for drug users in treatment”,
European Monitoring Centre for Durg and Drug addiction, Insights, 2012,
EMCDDA,” 2010 Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in Europe”, European Monitoring Centre for Durg
and Drug addiction, Annual report, 2010, <>
EMCDDA, “2009 Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in Europe”, European Monitoring Centre for Durg
and Drug addiction, Annual report, 2009, <>
EMCDDA, “Social exclusion and reintegration”, European Monitoring Centre for Durg and Drug addiction, 2003,
EMCDDA, Annual Report, ”, European Monitoring Centre for Durg and Drug addiction, Annual reports,
EMCDDA “European Drug Report 2013: Trends and developments”, European Monitoring Centre for Durg and
Drug addiction, trends and developments, 2013, <>
Ensiyeh B., Razeghi N., , “Comparing the Effects of Methadone Maintenance Treatment, Therapeutic Community,
and Residential Rehabilitation on Quality of Life and Mental Health of Drug Addicts”, Addiction and Health,
2013,Vol.5, (1-2):16-20
Faioli M., “Il ruolo delle cooperative sociali e l’inserimento lavorativo dei lavoratori svantaggiati”, in Magnani M.,
Varesi P.A., (a cura di), Organizzazione e disciplina del mercato del lavoro e tipologie contrattuali. Commentario ai
d.lgs. n. 276/2003 e n. 251/2004, Giappichelli, Torino, 2005
Fals-Stewart W, Lam W.K.K., “Computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation for the treatment of patients with
substance use disorders: a randomized clinical trial”, Experim Clin Psychopharm: 2010, 18(1):87–98,
Fazzi L., “Tossicodipendenza e politiche di inserimento lavorativo: mito e realtà”, in “Il seme e l’Albero”, 1997, 13,
Ferri M., Bo A.,“El portal de promoción de buenas prácticas en Europa del OEDT. Un instrumento de diseminación
vía Internet, EMCDDA Best Practice Promotion in Europe: an Internet based dissemination tool , Adicciones, 2013
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Folgheraiter F., “La logica sociale dell’aiuto”, Erickson, Trento, 2007
Folgheraiter F., “Teoria e metodologia del servizio sociale. La prospettiva di rete”, Franco Angeli, Milano,
Folgheraiter F., “Tossicodipendenti riflessivi”, Erikson, Trento, 2004
Fondazione Labos, ASL Frosinone, ISTISSS, Per il lavoro. “Network per l’inserimento dei soggetti deboli”, Franco
Angeli, Milano, 2003
Galli D., “Il servizio sociale per minori”, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005
Garattoni M., “Cooperative sociali ed inserimento dei lavoratori svantaggiati”, in Gragnoli E., Perulli A. (a cura di),
La riforma del mercato del lavoro e i nuovi modelli contrattuali. Commentario al d.lgs.10 settembre 2003, n. 276,
Padova, Cedam, 2004
Garattoni M., “L’inserimento dei lavoratori svantaggiati nel sistema comunitario degli aiuti di stato”,
Graham L. “The State of Residential Rehabilitation in England A Snapshot”, The Addiction Recovery Foundation,
Grosso L., Tossicodipendenze, capacità di fare e inserimento, in Animazione Sociale, 2000,
Heyman G. M., “Quitting Drugs: Quantitative and Qualitative Features”, Ann Rev Clin Psych, 2013, 9: 29-59, <>
ISFOL - Allulli G., Botta P, “Inclusione ed esclusione”, 2004
ISFOL, “Guida al mentoring in carcere”, Roma, 2004
ISFOL, “I tirocini di orientamento”, 2000, 7,
ISFOL, “Modelli e strumenti per l’integrazione lavorativa”, Fase II, 2004
ISFOL, “Progetto OIS: Guida al mentoring. Istruzioni per l’uso”, Roma, 2005
Kazepov Y., “La dimensione territoriale delle politiche sociali in Italia”, Carocci, Roma, 2009
Lassandari A., “Tecniche di tutela e soggetti deboli nel mercato del lavoro”, in Riv. giur. lav., 1997
Legge 24 giugno 1997, n.196: “Norme in materia di promozione dell’occupazione”
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Lepri C., Montobbio E., Lavoro e fasce deboli , Franco Angeli, 2006
Lepri, C. - Montobbio, E., “Lavoro e fasce deboli. Strategia e metodi per l’inserimento lavorativo di persone con
difficoltà cliniche o sociali”, Franco Angeli, 1993
“L’integrazione socio-lavorativa”, Quaderni di animazione sociale (Edizioni Gruppo Abele), 2000: 3-41
Li-Tzy W., “ Substance abuse and rehabilitation: responding to the global burden of diseases attributable to
Luís F., “Do estereótipo à visão fenomenológica: análises sobre o agarrado”, Toxicodependências ,2011, 17(1):
Maiello M., “La cooperazione sociale di inserimento lavorativo”, in CGM, (a cura di), Imprenditori sociali, Edizioni
Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Torino, 1997
Mancini G., Sabbatini G., “Riabilitazione-lavoro. Una metodologia per l’inserimento lavorativo delle persone ex
tossicodipendenti, disabili e dei pazienti psichiatrici”, Carocci, Roma,1999
Marabini C., “Alla ricerca di nuovi modelli di produzione”, in AA.VV, L’integrazione socio-lavorativa. Dal progetto
individuale alla organizzazione che cura, ed.Gruppo Abele, Torino, 2000
Marmocchi P., Dall’Aglio C., Zannini M., “Educare le Life Skills, Erickson, Trento, 2004
Marocchi G., “Integrazione lavorativa, impresa sociale, sviluppo locale. L'inserimento lavorativo in cooperative
sociali di lavoratori svantaggiati come fattore di crescita dell'economia locale”, Franco Angeli, 1999
Marocchi G., “Integrazione lavorativa, impresa sociale, sviluppo locale”, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1999
Martire K. A., Howard M. V., Sayle Malindi A. Sunjic Sandra S “Connections Program Patients: A Descriptive
Analysis of the Reintegration Needs of Incarcerated Substance Users”, J Alcoholism Drug Depend 2013, 1:133
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Mattioni F., “La doppia sfida delle cooperative di inserimento lavorativo”, IRES-FVG, ATS Albergo in via dei Matti
numero zero, Roma, 2005
Mattioni F., Tranquilli D., “Da svantaggiati a imprenditori”, ANCSST Lega- Coop, Roma, 1998
MERLIN Roundhouse Village Project, <>
Miller W. R., Rollnick S. , Guelfi G.P., “Il colloquio motivazionale”, Erickson,Trento, 2004
Milner J., O’Byrne P., “L’assessment dei servizi sociali”, Erickson, Trento, 2005
Morosini P.,Magliano L., Brambilla L., “VADO: valutazione di abilità Definizione di Obiettivi”, Erikson,Trento, 2010
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Niccolai A., “La nozione di lavoratore svantaggiato: Analisi della categoria “svantaggio sociale” nella disciplina del
mercato del lavoro”, in Ballestrero M.V., Balandi G.G. (a cura di), I lavoratori svantaggiati tra eguaglianza e diritto
diseguale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005
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Olivetti Manoukian F., “Investire nel lavoro. Ri-conoscere progetti e percorsi di inserimento lavorativo” , Studio
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Pieroni V., Caliman G., “Lavoro non so. Lavoratori tossicodipendenti, modelli sperimentali di Intervento”, Franco
Angeli, 2001
“Residential rehabilitation: the high road to recovery?” Findings , 2012
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dei Ministri, 2009
Serpelloni G, Randazzo L, Marino V., “ Zerococa - Linee operative per la diagnosi, il trattamento e la riabilitazione
delle persone dipendenti da cocaina”, Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga, 2012
Serpelloni G., “La valutazione dell’outcome nei trattamenti della tossicodipendenza”, 2003
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Serpelloni G., Gerra G., “Vulnerabilità all’Addiction”, 2002
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EMCDDA, European Monitoring Centre for Drug and Drug addiction: Best Practices
“Therapeutic Programme EXODOS: Social Reintegration Programme”, A Social Reintegration programme
that focuses on relapse prevention, educational and vocational training, and building relationships with significant
others. The programme also gives opportunities to participate in various activities which aim to avoid social
marginalisation and to prevent negative stereotyping of drug users.(Greece)
“Pangea: A Transnational Cooperation Programme In The Ambit Of The Adapt Programme”, Offers support
to reintegrate individuals back into the community after treatment in the area of the Algarve. (Portugal)
“Operational Programme: Therapeutic Work Placements For Drug Users In Treatment With The Drug
Dependency Services Of Local Health Agency 11”, A support programme that helps drug users get back into
employment. (Italy),
“Addiction Response Crumlin (ARC)”, The project supports drug users and their families from the Crumlin
“The STAR Women's Rehabilitation Project”, This projects aims to support women who have stabilised
“Job Project”, The Duuni Project's target group was drug rehabilitees. The project has the aim to provide an
easier access to working life for people recovering from drug addiction or people released from prison. (Finland ),
“Project: Ponte Rosso”, Offers support for people receiving methadone maintenance therapy in a way,
which could provide the maximum protection against relapse. (Italy)
“Project Spirillen”, The general objective of the project is to promote employment among drug addicts
receiving cash benefits and undergoing substitution therapy, (Denmark)
“SORRY project (Crime Reconciliation)”, The implementation of a model of rapid intervention based on cooperation in Lappeenranta in order to reduce re-offending rates among young offenders.(Finland)
"InPar", Experimental project at national level in the area of Professional and Social Reintegration aimed at
people who use drugs. The project developed two main activities: Integration of Drug Users as Peer Workers and
Evaluation & Research of the drug users reintegration process in the labor market. (Portugal)
“Occupational Guidance Service for Recovering Drug Addicts”, The Occupational Guidance Service for
Recovering Drug Addicts was created in order to respond to the lack of specific resources for this community at risk
of social exclusion. Occupational guidance and preparation and occupational intermediation are the main purpose
of the project. (Spain)
“Building Bridges: Young addicts and self help”, The project’s aim is to improve young peoples' access to
self help groups by creating new groups and offering training to group leaders. The long term objective is
successful integration and participation into society. (Germany)
“Vienna Job Exchange”, The Vienna Job exchange exists to reintegrate drug addicts into the labour market
by offering assistance, counselling and support in gaining qualifications. (Austria)
“Abrakadabra: (Re-)socialisation of drug addicts by integration into the labour market”, The aim of the
project is to improve the living situation of drug using persons through social stabilization and reintegration into the
labour market. (Austria)
“The BOND Project (Blanchardstown Offenders for New Directions)”, The BOND project seeks to support
the reintegration of young people leaving prison or place of detention. Specifically the project's objectives are to
provide a community-based aftercare service for young people returning to the community on release from prison
or place of detention. (Ireland)
“FAS Community Employment Scheme for Drug Users”, Community Employment (CE) is a labour market
intervention which is designed to provide temporary work experience and training for the long term unemployed.
FAS is the National Training and Employment Authority in charge of operating the CE scheme on a national basis.
“Employability programme for former drug users and drug addiction prevention in the workplace”, The
programme addresses the use of alcohol and drugs in the context of social reintegration and workplace prevention
through a number of different services: counselling and information, outpatient treatment, professional and
occupational reintegration and finally, drug addiction prevention in the work place. (Spain)
“Reintegration of adolescents with social behaviour deviations and addiction problems into society”, The
main objective of the project was to provide social rehabilitation services for children with social behavioral
deviations and dependence problems and for whom the court or administrative commission have applied
educational character measure of behavioral restriction. (Latvia),
“Drop In O.p.s. Aftercare Centre”, The Aftercare Centre is an out-patient facility providing services to
people who have been affected by substance use or gambling, the purpose to support long term stabilization. The
programme runs for approximately one year and includes individual and group counselling, adapted to individual
“Needles or Pins: Vienna: A European Project to Develop Innovative Projects for Social and Labour
Integration of People with Drug Related Problems”, (Austria)
“Socio Economical Company: Fix und Fertig ("All Ready")”, An Austrian socioeconomic company
established in Vienna in 1993 to help integrate drug users into the regular labour market. It offers two types of
employment. First of all, daily employment, in the form of postal dispatch work, which offers clients a structured day
away for the drug scene as well as a legal income. Secondly the project offers a one year full-time contract in
printing or painting and decorating. (Austria)
“The Step-Down Housing Programme”, The Health Service Executive (HSE Rehabilitation/Reintegration
Service (RIS) and the Keltoi Residential Drug Rehabilitation service recognised that some people who had taken
part in drug rehabilitation in Keltoi did not have a secure and safe living environment to return to and were exposed
to the risk of relapse. In response, the HSE/RIS and Keltoi in conjunction with Focus Ireland developed an interagency response known as the George's Hill Step-Down programme, with supported accommodation. (Ireland)
“Open Therapeutic Programme for Adolescent Drug Users STROFI: Transitional School for
Adolescent Drug Users”, The transitional school of the STROFI therapeutic programme aims at reconnecting young
people who attend the treatment programme with their school education and at providing them with comprehensive
educational services. (Greece)
“The Labour Market Inclusion Programme”, The Labour Inclusion Project integrates former drug users into
“Farm Work For Dual Diagnosis Patients”, This is a pilot study that indicates how a number of addiction
care organizations and farms co-operated to operate care farms which provide specific work
activities to dual
diagnosis clients. (Netherlands)
“Rinn Developments Drug Rehabilitation Sail Training Initiative”, This initiative offers drug users an
adventure, sailing, that challenges them mentally, socially and physically. The basic premise of the project is that
drug users can enhance their rehabilitation by participating in an innovative project. Evaluation illustrates that the
programme helps clients to build their team working skills, increases their confidence and sense of achievement
and helps individuals overcome personal fears.
“Work and Autonomy”, The purpose of this project is to support people to return to work after they have
completed drug rehabilitation and training programmes, it offers an employment skills course which is also
supported by individual counselling. (Italy)
“Employment Programme WALD (Forest)”, Wald is an employment project for drug addicts -forest
maintenance work or the production of cleaning rags, depending on the weather. The purpose of the project is to
help clients regain their fitness and motivation to work in the regular labour market. It also gives clients access to a
legal income. (Austria)
“Soilse: Social Reintegration and Vocational Rehabilitation of Drug Misuse”, Established to provide a
service to those wishing to rehabilitate themselves from addiction to mood-altering substances. Soilse seeks to
reintegrate former drug users into society. (Italy)
“Tallaght Rehabilitation Project”, This project provides a rehabilitation service to stable drug users that are
receiving methadone treatment at community based drug treatment centres. Participants are encouraged to
address the causes of their addiction to drugs and make changes that will allow them to develop an independent
“Development partnership drug-addicts@work. Equal ESF Community Initiative Programme For
Reintegrating People With Problematic Drug Use Into The Labour Market”, Set up by the Addiction and Drug
Coordination Institution in Vienna the development partnership drug-addicts@work provides a number of different
services: counselling services, occupational modules, in order to reintegrate former drug addicts into the labour
market. (Austria)
“Supervised Housing”, Supervised Housing accommodation for people with drug related problems. Clients
targeted are those who are homeless but relatively stable in their drug use; clients also includes couples and
people with children. The aims is that after a maximum of 2 years clients are able to move into their own
accommodation. (Austria)
“Dependence Treatment Unit 18 ANO: Social Rehabilitation Centre”, The centre constitutes the third and
last phase of the Drug Dependence Treatment Unit 18 ANO and is probably the most crucial part of the therapeutic
procedure. The main objective is to prevent any relapses by providing the clients with continued assistance in order
to integrate themselves into society. (Greece)
“LOG IN: Health Promotion and stabilization of achieved health for drug addicts of treatment facilities”, The
LOG IN program aims to achieve health and promote a long-term health conscious, independent life of former
drug-addicts by taking into consideration their social environment and personal life situation. (Austria)
“Needles or Pins. Occupational Reintegration of (former) drug addicts”, The project offers support and
integration into the employment market for former drug and alcohol users and for people with psychic problems.
Evaluation shows 60% of the clients achieve sustainable integration into the employment market.
“A Local Centre for Relief and Advice”, The purpose of the project was to organise several experimental
types of paid work (three daily periods per week) for homeless addicts in the old city of Apeldoorn. Results showed
that local residents positively judged the project and participant addicts received positive reactions from passers-by,
shopkeepers, and local residents. (Netherlands)
“The HYPER Project”, The HYPER Project assists in the rehabilitation of young people who have become
addicted to drugs by developing their technical, social and life skills. (Ireland)
“Multiple Intervention Centre EXELIXIS: Counselling - Treatment Centre”, A social reintegration programme
that focuses on relapse prevention, personal development, vocational guidance and support in developing a new
lifestyle. (Greece)
“Open Therapeutic Programme DIAVASSI: Social Reintegration Programme”, Established in order to cover
the professional and wider psychosocial needs of those individuals who have completed the main therapeutic
phase of the Open Programme "DIAVASI". It also covers the need for support of those individuals who have
dropped out from other therapeutic.
“Ringsend And District Response To Drugs”, Helps recovering drug addicts reintegrate into the community
and find job opportunities. (Ireland)
“Pilot Programme for Individual Social Reintegration Allowance”, A service offering individual allowances
for users of different programmes in the Community Assistance Service for drug-addicted individuals. The main
therapeutic object ive of this programme was to achieve social reintegration of former drug addicts. (Spain)
“S.A.O.L.”, SAOL is an innovative education, training and community rehabilitation project designed to
meet the needs of women drug users who have stabilised their drug use primarily through methadone
maintenance. The general objective of the project is to assist and to sustain stability in their lives particularly
around the use of illicit drugs, and move towards employment through training, education and personal
development. (Ireland)
“JADD - Jobstown Assisting Drug Dependency”, The overall purpose of JADD is to support drug users and
their families and to assist drug users in re-integrating back into the community, (Ireland)