estudios bíblicos - Dominik Markl SJ


estudios bíblicos - Dominik Markl SJ
V O L U M E N L X X I / A Ñ O 2 0 1 3 / M AY O - A G O S T O / C U A D E R N O 2
Fundada en 1927 como Revista Española de Estudios Bíblicos
Desde 1941, Estudios Bíblicos
Ignacio C ARBAJOSA - [email protected]
Andrés María G ARCÍA S ERRANO - [email protected]
Luis S áNChEz N AVARRO - [email protected]
Por la Universidad Eclesiástica “San Dámaso” ( UESD ): Carolina A zNAR S áNChEz (St. Louis
University); Agustín G IMéNEz G ONzáLEz ( UESD ); Luis S áNChEz N AVARRO ( UESD )
Por la Asociación Bíblica Española ( ABE ): Carmen B ERNABé U BIETA (Deusto); Juan C hAPA
P RADO ( UNAV ); Elisa E STéVEz L ÓPEz (Comillas)
R. Aguirre (Deusto, Bilbao); G. Aranda ( UNAV, Pamplona); Ch. Begg ( CUA , Washington); U. Berges (Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn); N. Calduch-Benages ( PUG , Roma); J. Corley (St Patrick’s College, Maynooth); J. M. Díaz Rodelas
( FTV, Valencia); L. Díez Merino ( UB , Barcelona); C. Dohmen ( UR , Regensburg); N. Fernández Marcos ( CSIC , Madrid); F. García Martínez (Qumran Institute, Gröningen);
F. J. Matera ( CUA , Washington); D. Muñoz León ( CSIC , Madrid); R. Penna ( PUL , Roma);
M. Pérez Fernández ( UGR , Granada); F. Pérez herrero ( FTN , Burgos); é. Puech ( EBAF,
Jerusalén); A. Puig i Tàrrech ( FTC , Barcelona); A. Rodríguez Carmona ( FTG , Granada);
J. M. Sánchez Caro ( UPS , Salamanca); Th. Söding (Ruhr-Universität, Bochum); Y. Simoens (Centre Sèvres, París); J. L. Ska ( PIB , Roma); J. Trebolle Barrera ( UCM , Madrid); A. Vargas Machuca (Comillas, Madrid); A. Wénin ( UCL , Lovaina).
La vida de los manuscritos bíblicos.
Cuando la tradición de lectura se hace Escritura _________________________ 169
The Suffering Servant Theme as a Summation of God’s Salvific Plan
and a Subject of Interest in the NT in General ____________________________ 201
jesús e Israel en el evangelio de Mateo ________________________________ 217
The Basic Meaning of Righteousness and the Pauline Quote of Gn 15:6________ 235
Del palabrerío a la vida íntegra y coherente:
La religión según Santiago 1,26-27_____________________________________ 271
Nota bibliográfica
_____________________________________________ 295
E . L . G A L L A G h E R , Hebrew Scripture in Patristic Biblical Theory (A. Sáez Gutiérrez: 294-305).
___________________________________________________ 307
Hebrew Union College and the Dead Sea Scrolls (F. Sen: 307-308). A N D I ñ A C h , P. R . ,
Introducción hermenéutica al Antiguo Testamento (A. Giménez González: 309-311). L I C h T E R T, C . ,
L’intrigante bénédiction (A. Wénin: 310-313). M A R G U E R AT, D . – W é N I N , A . , Saveurs du récit biblique (C. jódar Estrella: 314-317). W I L L I , T h . , Israel und die Völker (D. Markl: 318-319).
W A G N E R , T h . , Gottes Herrlichkeit (M. Nobile: 319-323). L I L LY, I . E . , Two Books of Ezekiel (C. Granados García: 323-326). D U N N , J . D . G . , Comenzando desde Jerusalén I-II (S. Guijarro: 326-332). G U I J A R R O , S . , La primera evangelización (j. M. Magaz: 332-335). E S T é V E z L Ó P E z , E . , Las mujeres
en los orígenes del cristianismo (C. Lanoir: 335-338). P I K A z A , X . , Evangelio de Marcos (S. Grasso:
338-344). G A S P A R R O , L . , Simbolo e narrazione in Marco (P. Mascilongo: 344-348). S O L I C h I N , V. R . ,
La figura del seme e il suo compimento (S. Villota Herrero: 348-350). G A R C Í A S E R R A N O , A . , The
Presentation in the Temple (I. H. Marshall: 351-352). S h E R I D A N , R . , Retelling Scripture (Y. Simoens:
Obras colectivas y misceláneas
Libros recibidos
_______________________________ 356
_______________________________________________ 358
WIllI, Th. Israel und die Völker. Studien zur literatur und Geschichte Israels in
der Perserzeit (herausgegeben von michael Pietsch) (Stuttgarter Biblische aufsatzbände 55 – altes Testament; Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, Stuttgart 2012).
305 pp. ISBN: 978-3-460-06551-2. € 49,90
This is a collection of eighteen articles mostly concerned with the books of
Chronicles and other late texts of the Old Testament, such as Ezra and Nehemiah.
These texts have received growing attention in recent scholarship, since they reveal
significant insights into the history of emerging Judaism. The author is Emeritus Professor at the University of Greifswald. Sixteen of the papers are in German, two in
English (21-34; 196-205). All papers were published between 1994 and 2010. Within
the collection, they are ordered according to the date of their original publication,
while here I will give a thematic overview.
Four of the studies analyse significant terms within their respective literary contexts: first, the “land of Israel,” which occurs not more than eleven times in the OT
(larfy #ra, 10-20); second, “Torah” (35-47) and third, how this concept relates to the
expression “as it is written” (101-122); and fourth, the “house of David” (with special
attention to 1 Chr 17, 183-195).
Three of the papers revolve around the theme of cult and holiness in Chronicles: Levites, priests and cult (48-70); the concept of “service” (hdb[) and of the holiness of Israel in Chronicles (with special reference to 1 Chr 6; 196-205); liturgy and
music in Chronicles (206-216). Three of the contributions concern the political dimension in Chronicles: the idea of the world empire (82-100), its connection with the
Davidic kingship (136-152), and the “world of nations” (“Völkerwelt,” 245-262).
Four articles concentrate on specific passages in Chronicles: the genealogy of
Judah in 1 Chr 2:3–4:23 and its relevance for a “conception of integral Israel” (21-34);
the transition between genealogies and narrative in 1 Chr 10–11 (123-135); the question of prophetic spirit in 1 Chr 12:17-19 (153-166); and the lists of Israel’s inhabitants
in 1 Chr 1–9, focussing in 1 Chr 9 (167-182).
The remaining four papers go beyond the scope of Chronicles: an investigation of the role of “Zion” in the “Songs of Ascents” (Ps 120–134, 71-81); reforms in
Jehud of the 5th c. BC with regard to the question “Ezra or Nehemiah?” (217-244); the
Deuteronomistic History in the mirror of Chronicles (263-276); and a concise review
of an extensive amount of recent scholarly literature on the Persian period (277-297)
originally published in Theologische Literaturzeitung (2010).
Willi’s style is balanced, precise and sober. His analysis always keeps the linguistic, literary, historical and theological dimensions in mind and combines them in
a convincing manner: German scholarship at its best. One might ask why the late Persian date of Chronicles is generally presupposed in these essays (e.g. 22-23, 57) in
view of suggestions that the work is rather a product of Hellenistic times (see on this
discussion G. N. Knoppers, I Chronicles 1-9 [AB 12; New York 2003] 101-117; Ralph
W. Klein, 1 Chronicles [Hermeneia; Minneapolis 2006], 13-16). Yet, Willi’s emphasis on
the idea of the world empire (“Weltreichsgedanke”) makes a strong case for a setting
during the Persian empire (84-100).
This collection of thematically coherent articles will be very helpful and makes
one look forward to reading Willi’s commentary on Chronicles in the series “Biblischer
Kommentar, Altes Testament.” The first volume on 1 Chr 1–10 was published in 2009
and further volumes we hope will be forthcoming.
D o m i n i k M a r k l , S J – J e s u i t S c h o o l o f T h e o l o g y – 1 7 5 6 L e R o y Av e n u e – B e r k e l e y, C A 9 4 7 0 9
WaGNer, Th., Gottes Herrlichkeit. Bedeutung und Verwendung des Begriffs kābōd
im alten Testament (Supplement to Vetus Testamentum 151; Brill, leiden-Boston
2012). 493 pp. ISBN: 978-90-04-22337-0. € 161,00; $ 221,00
Il presente studio è una tesi di abilitazione che l’autore ha presentato alla
Kirchliche Hochschule di Wuppertal/Bethel. La pubblicazione ha comportato alcune
lievi modifiche, come l’aggiunta di un paio di paragrafi (7.2.2 e 7.2.3). Argomento del
libro è lo studio del significato e dell’impiego del termine ebraico kābôd nell’AT. Il significato immediato della parola è quello del titolo, «Herrlichkeit», cioè «gloria, magnificenza». In realtà, il raggiungimento dello scopo, cioè significato e modalità d’impiego, ha bisogno dello svolgimento di tutto un libro, come dimostra la presente opera.
Infatti, il termine ebraico pone alcune questioni: a) esso deriva da una radice, kbd, che
può avere svariati impieghi semantici; b) la parola può valere per Dio, ma anche per
l’uomo; c) dal punto di vista della storia delle tradizioni, essa viene messa in rapporto con svariati motivi tematici; d) infine, nel quadro della storia delle redazioni, il termine si riscontra in vari scritti veterotestamentari e più precisamente nei vari strati redazionali con impieghi diversificati. È a quest’ultimo aspetto che l’autore dedica la sua
speciale attenzione, cioè all’aspetto “redaktionsgeschichtlich”, non senza aver prima
però svolto un ampio esame delle questioni lessicali. Così, l’opera si suddivide sostanzialmente in quattro parti, per il W. ritenute essenziali, alle quali ne aggiunge altre
due finali.
La prima parte è dedicata appunto alle questioni lessicali, cioè all’esame della
radice kbd in relazione alle forme verbali e a quelle nominali, al significato che prende in rapporto all’uomo e/o in rapporto a Dio. Le varie formulazioni o impieghi si
connettono col sostanziale significato di “essere gravi, pesanti”, a cui si correla quello
della “ricchezza o dell’eccellenza”, oppure al significato di “possedere o rendere
onore”. Si passa quindi all’analisi dei paralleli semitici, quelli orientali (accadico) e