Libri – Novità - Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione sociale


Libri – Novità - Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione sociale
Libri – Novità
Servizio di aggiornamenti bibliografici - FSC
LIX (30/04/2014): Aprile
A cura del prof. Tadek Lewicki
I seguenti sono nuovi acquisti già catalogati nel settore comunicazione sociale della
Biblioteca centrale dell’UPS:
Gli abstract sono stati pubblicati originalmente nei siti web delle diverse case editrici
o in quelli d’alcune librerie on-line.
L’obiettivo di queste pagine è quello di far conoscere le novità bibliografiche del
settore comunicazione sociale della nostra biblioteca e promuovere la loro
Alla fine vengono pubblicate le schede dei libri acquistati da altre Facoltà dell’UPS
con dei contenuti dell’interesse scientifico e di ricerca della FSC.
La sigla che segue l’anno della pubblicazione indica la posizione del libro nel Catalogo
della Biblioteca Don Bosco dell’UPS.
[Doglio, Federico], ed., Rappresentazioni arcaiche della tradizione popolare: atti
del VI Convegno di studio, Viterbo, 27-31 maggio 1981. Viterbo: Union Printing,
1982. 74-C-139.
Centro studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale. Convegno di studi (6: 1981: Viterbo)
Centro di studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale. Libro
Amministrazione provinciale di Viterbo. Regione Lazio. E.P.T. di Viterbo.
Bacci, Andrea, Lo sport nella propaganda fascista. Bradipando. Torino,
Bradipolibri, 2002. 11-B-5295.
L'uso strumentale che delle competizioni agonistiche ha fatto il fascismo per propagandare
un'ideologia politica improntata al nazionalismo e al culto della forza fisica; gli aspetti politici
e sociologici dell'intervento di Mussolini nell'organizzazione e nello sfruttamento
massimediatico delle gare sportive di alto livello; l'orgia di retorica fino al disastro finale,
attraverso i personaggi, le varie fasi dell'associazionismo sportivo, lo sviluppo delle testate
giornalistiche dedicate allo sport, le teorie politiche e l'avvento dello sport-spettacolo. Un
lavoro attento, puntuale, ampiamente documentato che rivela come il progetto fascista di
"sport per tutti" non abbia potuto realizzarsi. Prefazione di Antonio Ghirelli.
Benzoni, Claudio, Il carattere della parola. Dai graffiti a internet. Varese, Benzoni,
2013. 32-B-2296.
Un lungo viaggio attraverso i vari periodi della storia e le civiltà per raccontare le
metamorfosi della scrittura, nelle modalità di rappresentazione: dalla sua invenzione
all'evoluzione dei mezzi di comunicazione, sino ai pionieri dell'era digitale. Un'avventura
meravigliosa che ha trasformato il modo di trasmettere il pensiero e aperto la strada a un
grande sviluppo culturale. Il libro tratta i passaggi nodali e i personaggi più influenti che nel
passato e nella contemporaneità hanno determinato o accompagnato fondamentali
cambiamenti della comunicazione scritta. Un viaggio avvincente lungo uno dei percorsi della
storia creativa dell'uomo, tra i più antichi e insieme attuali, capace ogni volta di emergere,
fiero e suggestivo, tra le pieghe delle tante invenzioni che si rinnovano nei secoli.
Bivens, Rena, Digital Currents: How Technology and the Public are Shaping TV
News. Toronto / Buffalo London, University of Toronto Press, 2014. 32-C-3869.
Social media has irrevocably changed how people consume the news. With the distinction
between professional and citizen journalists blurring like never before, Digital Currents
illuminates the behind-the-scenes efforts of television newscasters to embrace the public's
participation in news and information gathering and protect the integrity of professional
journalism. Using interviews with more than one hundred journalists from eight networks in
Canada and the United Kingdom, Rena Bivens takes the reader inside TV newsrooms to
explore how news organisations are responding to the paradigmatic shifts in media and
communication practices. The first book to examine the many ways that the public has
entered the production of mainstream news, Digital Currents underscores the central
importance of media literacy in the age of widespread news sources. Rena Bivens is a
Government of Canada Banting Fellow in the School of Journalism and Communication at
Carleton University.
Borrelli, Davide, Il mondo che siamo. Per una sociologia dei media e dei linguaggi
digitali, Liguori, 2009. 32-B-1548(14).
Tecnologie come internet, il cellulare e la tv digitale non si limitano ad arredare il mondo in
cui siamo ma esprimono e danno corpo al mondo che siamo. Non ci offrono, cioè, solo la
possibilità di svolgere in modo più efficiente le nostre tradizionali attività su scala globale,
ma ridefiniscono i territori e gli spazi di interazione simbolica in cui si producono le nostre
pratiche, il nostro modo di dare senso al mondo, la nostra stessa soggettività. Piattaforme di
integrazione o di conflitto fra vecchi e nuovi comportamenti culturali e comunicativi, fra
vecchie e nuove identità, fra tradizione ed innovazione, i media digitali delineano un nuovo
e più versatile volto del mondo che siamo. Il libro contiene un saggio di Mihaela Gavrila.
Burke, Peter, Testimoni oculari. Il significato storico delle immagini. Trans.
Brioschi, G. C. Saggi. 2nd ed. Roma, Carocci, 2013. 32-C-3867 SL-20-C-718(16) (ed.
In genere gli storici preferiscono ricostruire il passato sulla base di testi e documenti scritti,
dati politici, economici o statistici, in alcuni casi testimonianze orali. Ma cosa sarebbe la
storia del fascismo o dello stalinismo se non conoscessimo le immagini usate per la
propaganda? Quale sarebbe il giudizio su conflitti recenti come il Vietnam senza le
testimonianze lasciateci dai reporter di guerra? E risalendo più indietro nel tempo, come
potremmo scrivere la storia della vita quotidiana o delle abitudini alimentari dei nostri
antenati senza considerare le rappresentazioni visive che ci sono state tramandate? O una
storia dell'Antico Egitto che prescinda dallo studio delle pitture tombali? Attraverso un
affascinante excursus nei secoli, ricco di esempi tratti dalla storia antica e moderna, europea
ed extraeuropea, Peter Burke dimostra come l'uso delle immagini possa arricchire in modo
decisivo la nostra conoscenza del passato e del presente. Un ritratto, una statua,
un'iscrizione, un arazzo - o più di recente una fotografia o un film - possono rappresentare
"prove storiche al pari di quelle più tradizionali, e ci aiutano a comprendere meglio eventi e
contesti a noi vicini o lontani.
Calabrese, Omar, Come si legge un'opera d'arte. Milano, Mondadori università,
2006. 17-C-2090.
Ciascun capitolo di questo volume ha un titolo riferito a un argomento semiotico e un
sottotitolo che verte sulla lettura di un'opera o di un tema iconografico reinterpretato
semioticamente. Le due impostazioni convivono in maniera voluta e programmata, secondo
un'architettura coerente e unitaria, che si basa su alcuni principi generali e su un concetto
pedagogico. Le analisi presentate sono orientate a mettere in luce il fatto che l'arte è un
oggetto teorico, del quale si può delineare lo statuto e i protocolli di ricerca che gli sono più
La macchina della pittura. Pratiche teoriche
rappresentazione figurativa tra Rinascimento e Barocco. I libri di Omar. Firenze /
Lucca, La Casa Usher, 2012. 17-C-1944.
Con un intervento di Victor I. Stoikita; introduzione di Lucia Corrain e Tarcisio Lancioni.
Pratiche teoriche della rappresentazione figurativa fra Rinascimento e Barocco.
La macchina della pittura è una delle opere più importanti di Omar Calabrese. Pubblicata da
Laterza nel 1985 costituisce tuttora un punto fermo nella ricerca sul linguaggio delle
immagini. Per il suo valore e per la sua fortuna quest’opera è stata scelta per inaugurare la
collana “I libri di Omar”, che intende ricordare l’opera e l’insegnamento del noto semiologo e
massmediologo Omar Calabrese scomparso di recente. La collana ospiterà i testi più
importanti di Omar Calabrese, opere di studiosi di rilievo internazionale e i più significativi
lavori degli allievi di Calabrese. L’idea di fondo de La macchina della pittura è che nei dipinti
vi sia una tensione teorica che porta le opere stesse, con il proprio linguaggio visivo a
interrogarsi sul senso del fare pittura. Attraverso una serie di saggi su dipinti di un periodo
compreso tra il Quattrocento e il Settecento il libro presenta una teoria della pittura che
utilizza la semiotica in un confronto con teorie di ambito diverso, come l’iconologia
warburghiana, le teorie formali dell’arte, la topologia matematica e altre ancora. Grazie a
queste aperture La macchina della pittura si presenta oggi come opera di grande attualità
perché costituisce uno strumento importante per unire le preoccupazioni teoriche del
periodo in cui è stata scritta e molte problematiche sviluppate più di recente, sia nell’ambito
dei cosiddetti visual studies, sia negli ambiti della storia dell’arte più attenti agli aspetti
teorici e interpretativi delle opere. Per il dibattito teorico attuale La macchina della pittura
costituisce una grande lezione di metodo. Omar Calabrese (1949-2012) ha insegnato per 22
anni all’Università di Bologna e successivamente è stato professore ordinario di Scienza della
Comunicazione all’Università di Siena nonché direttore della Scuola Superiore di Studi
Umanistici della stessa università. È stato visiting professor a Yale, Harvard, all’École des
Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales di Parigi, alla Complutense di Madrid e in molte altre
università europee e americane. È autore di oltre venti opere tra cui Il linguaggio dell’arte
(1984), L’età neobarocca (1987), Mille di questi anni (1991), Breve storia della semiotica
(2000), Tiziano, la Venere di Urbino (2003), Come si legge un’opera d’arte (2008). In:
Calabrese, Omar, L'arte dell'autoritratto. Storia e teoria di un genere pittorico.
Storia e teoria delle arti. Firenze, La Casa Usher, 2010. 17-C-1582.
Il tema dell'autoritratto è stato affrontato molte volte nella storia dell'arte. Da un punto di
vista iconografico, come raccolta di "uomini illustri", grandi artisti che hanno raffigurato loro
stessi. Questo libro si propone di compiere un percorso diverso. In primo luogo, vuole
essere un'effettiva "storia" dell'autoritratto, non come descrizione di una successione
cronologica di eventi, come successione di concetti. Così, nel primo capitolo, si parte dagli
autoritratti come manifestazione di un'identità generica. Il secondo capitolo tratta
dell'autoritratto nascosto in scene narrative. E così di seguito, ognuno dei tipi illustrati nei
vari capitoli corrisponde a un concetto astratto: l'identità, la testimonianza autografa, il
simbolo di un valore, la rivendicazione di un ruolo, il fondamento scientifico della
raffigurazione di sé, la legittimazione sociale, la differenza sessuale, la maestria tecnica, le
passioni, la negazione dell'identità. Ma tutti questi concetti intrattengono relazioni
reciproche, e il loro insieme è così compatto che ci fa giungere alla conclusione che esista
una vera e propria "teoria dell'autoritratto", elaborata lentamente ma saldamente in circa
quattromila anni di tradizione. Questa teoria finisce con il coincidere con una più vasta
teoria della rappresentazione, perché esprime e di volta in volta mette in discussione proprio
i canoni di quest'ultima. Dopo gli studi di linguistica all’Università di Firenze, Omar Calabrese
ha insegnato per 22 anni all’Università di Bologna. È stato visiting professor a Yale, Harvard,
all’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales di Parigi, alla Complutense di Madrid, a
Valencia, Bilbao, Barcellona, Amsterdam, Anversa, Helsinki, Buenos Aires, Bogotà, Praga e
Vienna. È stato rettore del complesso museale Santa Maria della Scala di Siena. Attualmente
è professore ordinario di Scienza della Comunicazione all’Università di Siena e direttore della
Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici della stessa università. È autore di più di venti opere
tra cui: Il linguaggio dell’arte (1984), L’età neobarocca (1987), Mille di questi anni (1991),
Breve storia della semiotica (2000), Tiziano, La Venere di Urbino (2003), Come si legge
un’opera d’arte (2008). In:
Calabrese, Omar, ed., Piero della Francesca teorico dell'arte. Ediz. trilingue. Roma:
Gangemi, 1985. 17-B-1269.
Contenuto: Si può «teorizzare» l'arte (cioè non solo elaborare delle politiche, ma anche
definire i fondamenti dell'opera nel senso astratto)? E se la risposta è affermativa, si può
compiere l'operazione non solo attraverso il linguaggio verbale, ma anche mediante il
medesimo linguaggio artistico con cui è fatta l'opera, ad esempio quello visivo? A questi
interrogativi generali tentano di rispondere alcuni studiosi di diversa provenienza scientifica
(storia dell'arte, matematica, semiotica, sociologia, filosofia) per mezzo di analisi sul campo
compiute su un solo artista, Piero della Francesca.
Contributi di Damisch, Arasse, Parronchi, Arrighi, Apa, Petitot, Martone
Scritti di H. Damisch ... [et al.]
Calabrese, Omar - Petrilli, Susan - Ponzio, Augusto, La ricerca semiotica. Teoria
della cultura. Bologna, Progetto Leonardo, 1993. 32-C-3909.
Keywords – Soggetti: Literary Criticism / Semiotics & Theory, Semiotica
Calabrese, Stefano, Il sistema dell'advertising. Parole e immagini in pubblicità.
Studi superiori - Scienze della comunicazione. Roma, Carocci, 2012. 33-C-280(837).
Questo volume applica, in modo sistematico e chiaro, gli strumenti della retorica classica al
mondo della pubblicità per coglierne le tendenze strutturali, dal punto di vista semiotico. Più
della letteratura, oggi, è la comunicazione a promuovere merci e servizi con il ricorso allo
strumento della parola efficace e originale, secondo modalità persuasive note già ad
Aristotele. Oltre a chiarire le tipologie di convincimento razionale o emotivo messe in atto
dalle agenzie di comunicazione nel mondo occidentale, il libro presenta un'ampia serie di
immagini pubblicitarie analizzandone gli artifici retorici e le strategie persuasive.
Carlsson, Ulla - Culver, Sherri Hope, eds., Media and Information Literacy and
Childrennordicom, 2013. 32-C-3929.
Yearbook (Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue )
The UNITWIN Cooperation Programme on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural
Dialogue (MILID) is based on an initiative from the United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). This
Network was created in line with UNESCO’s mission and objectives, as well as the mandate
of UNAOC, to serve as a catalyst and facilitator helping to give impetus to innovative
projects aimed at reducing polarization among nations and cultures through mutual
This UNITWIN Network is composed of eight universities from different geographical areas.
The main objectives of the Network are to foster collaboration among member universities,
to build capacity in each of the countries in order to empower them to advance media and
information literacy and intercultural dialogue, and to promote freedom of speech, freedom
of information and the free flow of ideas and knowledge.
Specific objectives include acting as an observatory for the role of media and information
literacy (MIL) in promoting civic participation, democracy and development as well as
enhancing intercultural and cooperative research on MIL. The programme also aims at
promoting global actions related to MIL and intercultural dialogue.
In such a context, a MILID Yearbook series is an important initiative. This first MILID
Yearbook is a result of a collaboration between the UNITWIN Cooperation Programme on
Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, and the International
Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media at NORDICOM, University of Gothenburg.
Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue are printed in a limited edition. It
can also be downloaded as a PDF, free of cost.
Part 1: Editor: Sherri Hope Culver
The UNITWIN Cooperation Programme on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural
Dialogue. New Approaches and Challenges
University Approaches to Integrating MILID
Building MILID from the Local to the National
The Influence of Policy
PART 2: Editors: Ulla Carlsson, Catharina Bucht & Maria Edström
The International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media at NORDICOM. Outlook:
Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue
Research Articles: Media * Culture * Education * Media and Information Literacy
Youth Engaging with Media and Communication: Networking * Social Change * Political
Change * Peace
Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue: UNESCO * Alliance of
Media and Information Literacy. A Worldwide Selection
Cheong, Pauline Hope, ed., Digital Religion, Social Media, and Culture:
Perspectives, Practices, and Futures. New York: P. Lang / Routledge, 2012.
This anthology—the first of its kind in eight years—collects some of the best and most
current research and reflection on the complex interactions between religion and
computer-mediated communication (CMC). The contributions cohere around the central
question: how will core religious understandings of identity, community and authority shape
and be (re)shaped by the communicative possibilities of Web 2.0? The authors gathered
here address these questions in three distinct ways: through contemporary empirical
research on how diverse traditions across the globe seek to take up the technologies and
affordances of contemporary CMC; through investigations that place these contemporary
developments in larger historical and theological contexts; and through careful reflection on
the theoretical dimensions of research on religion and CMC. In their introductory and
concluding essays, the editors uncover and articulate the larger intersections and patterns
suggested by individual chapters, including trajectories for future research.
Pauline Hope Cheong (PhD, University of Southern California) is Associate Professor at the
Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, Arizona State University. She has published
widely on the social implications of communication technologies, including religious
authority and community, and is the lead editor of New Media and Intercultural
Communication. Peter Fischer-Nielsen (PhD, Aarhus University, Denmark) is Head of
Communications at the Danish IT company KirkeWeb. He has published articles on new
media in relation to religion, Christianity and church especially in the Nordic context and has
been an editorial staff member at the influential website Stefan Gelfgren
(PhD, Umea University, Sweden: MPhil, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) is
Associate Professor at HUMlab & Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious
Studies, Umea University. He has published mainly on the relation between social and
religious changes from the sixteenth century until today. Charles Ess (PhD, Pennsylvania
State University) is Professor MSO in the Information and Media Studies Department,
Aarhus University. He has published extensively in the areas of computer-mediated
communication, Internet research ethics and information ethics with an emphasis on
cross-cultural perspectives throughout.
Volume 78 of Digital formations, ISSN 1526-3169
Colasante, Gianfranco, Miti e storie del giornalismo sportivo. La stampa sportiva
italiana dall'ottocento al fascismo. Roma, Garage Group, 2013. 32-B-2295.
Keywords - Soggetti: History / General, Language Arts & Disciplines / Journalism, Sports &
Recreation / General, Giornalismo sportivo -- Italia – Storia, Giornalisti sportivi -- Italia -Sec. XIX-XX.
Crowley, David - Heyer, Paul, eds., Communication in history: technology, culture,
society. 6th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon / Pearson, 2011. 32-C-3870; 32-C-1791
(2nd ed.).
Updated in a new 6th edition, "Communication in History" reveals how media has been
influential in both maintaining social order and as powerful agents of change.
With revised new readings, this anthology continues to be, as one reviewer wrote, "the only
book in the sea of History of Mass Communication books that introduces readers to a more
expansive, intellectually enlivening study of the relationship between human history and
communication history." From print to the Internet, this book encompasses a wide-range of
topics, that introduces readers to a more expansive, intellectually enlivening study of the
relationship between human history and communication history.
2nd ed. White Plains, N.Y.: Longman, 1995, 368pp.
Doglio, Federico - Chiabò, Maria, eds., Libidine dei potenti e angoscia dei vinti:
drammaturgia della crisi alla fine del Rinascimento, XXX Convegno internazionale,
Roma, 5-8 ottobre 2006. Roma: Torre d'Orfeo, 2007. 74-C-287.
Centro studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale. Convegno di studi (30: 2006: Roma)
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Direzione generale dello spettacolo dal vivo;
Direzione generale per i beni librari, gli istituti culturali e l'editoria.
Doglio, Federico - Chiabò, Maria, eds., Mito e realtà del potere: dall’antichità
classica al rinascimento : convegno di studi, Roma 29 ottobre-1 novembre 1987.
[Viterbo]: Centro Studi sul Teatro Medioevale e Rinascimentale, 1988. 74-C-291.
Centro studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale. Convegno di studio (11: 1987: Roma)
Ministero beni culturali e ambientali, Ufficio centrale per i beni culturali e gli istituti culturali.
Ministero turismo e spettacolo.
Doglio, Federico - Chiabò, Maria, eds., Spettacoli studenteschi nell’Europa
umanistica: [XXI] convegno internazionale, Anagni 20-22 giugno 1997. Roma:
Torre d'Orfeo, 1998. 74-C-290.
Centro studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale. Convegno di studi (21: 1997: Anagni)
Ministero beni culturali e ambientali. Ufficio centrale per i beni librari e gli istituti culturali.
Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri. Dipartimento dello spettacolo
Doglio, Federico - Chiabò, Maria, eds., Sviluppi della drammaturgia pastorale
nell’Europa del Cinque-Seicento, Roma 23-26 maggio 1990 [sic: ma 1991] Viterbo:
Union Printing Editrice, 1992. 74-C-288.
Centro studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale. Convegno di studi (15: 1991: Roma)
Ministero beni culturali e ambientali, Ufficio centrale per i beni culturali e gli istituti culturali.
Ministero turismo e spettacolo.
Doglio, Federico - Chiabò, Maria, eds., Tragedie popolari del Cinquecento Europeo:
[XX] convegno di studi, Anagni 5-7 luglio 1996. Roma: Torre d'Orfeo, 1997.
Centro studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale. Convegno di studi (20: 1996: Anagni)
Ministero beni culturali e ambientali, Ufficio centrale per i beni culturali e gli istituti culturali.
Ministero turismo e spettacolo.
Douglass, James W., Gandhi and the Unspeakable: His Final Experiment with
Truth. Maryknoll, N. Y., Orbis Books, 2013. 12-B-7967.
In 1948, at the dawn of his country s independence, Mohandas Gandhi, father of the Indian
independence movement and a beloved prophet of nonviolence, was assassinated by Hindu
nationalists. In riveting detail, author James W. Douglass shows as he previously did with
the story of JFK how police and security forces were complicit in the assassination and how
in killing one man, they hoped to destroy his vision of peace, nonviolence, and
reconciliation. Gandhi had long anticipated and prepared for this fate. In reviewing the
little-known story of his early experiments in truth in South Africa the laboratory for Gandhi
s philosophy of satyagraha, or truth force Douglass shows how early he confronted and
overcame the fear of death. And, as with his account of JFK s death, he shows why this
story matters: what we can learn from Gandhi s truth in the struggle for peace and
reconciliation today. James W. Douglass, a scholar and peace activist, is the author of many
books, including JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, widely
acclaimed as one of the most important books ever written on the subject. He lives in
Birmingham, Alabama.
Ebert, John David, The New Media Invasion: Digital Technologies and the World
They Unmake. Jefferson, North Carolina, McFarland & Company, Incorporated,
2011. 32-C-3868.
From the 15th century until the mid-1990s, media based on the printed word--including
books, magazines, newspapers, and journals--dominated society. Today, however, an
onslaught of digital media centered on the Internet is developing at a breathtaking pace,
destabilizing the very idea of printed media and fundamentally reshaping our world in the
process. This study explores how Internet entities like Amazon, YouTube, Facebook,
Wikipedia, and Google, and gadgets such as digital cameras, cell phones, video games,
robots, drones, and all things MacIntosh have affected everything from the book industry
and copyright law to how we conduct social relationships and consider knowledge. Including
a chronology of significant events in the history of the digital explosion, this investigation of
the often overlooked "shadow" side of new technology chronicles life during such a radical
societal shift and follows the process whereby one world disintegrates while another takes
its place. John David Ebert is the author of four previous books and has published essays in
such periodicals as the Antioch Review, Utne Reader, Parabola, and Whole Earth. He has
also been a featured scholar on A&E's Ancient Mysteries.
Falconi, Toni Muzi, et al., Global Stakeholder Relationships Governance: An
Infrastructure. Palgrave Pivot. Basingstoke / New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
By arguing and detailing the elements of a soft and hard infrastructure approach to the
process of global stakeholder relationships governance, this book integrates advanced,
flexible and most importantly feasible tools to develop an organization's listening culture;
integrated reporting as an ongoing process of continued, multichannel, multi stakeholder
reporting; to align internal and external relationships; to enhance stakeholder involvement
and engagement and to perform effective stakeholder network analysis. At its essence, it
deals with the improvement of the organization's decision making process and the
acceleration of the time of implementation of those decisions. The author and the three
highly reputed contributors cumulate some 150 years of professional practice, master level
education and scholarly research: all this at an international level, with international
organizations and international students and scholars. They have come to the conclusion
that stakeholder relationships today are effective only if approached from a global
governance perspective, even when focused on local issues. Toni Muzi Falconi is Italian. His
career has ranged across manager, entrepreneur, scholar and professor in Europe and the
United States since the early 1960s. He was the Founding Chair of the Global Alliance for
Public Relations and Communication Management, Senior Counsel of Methodos, the Italian
cultural change management and stakeholder relationships management consultancy, and
currently teaches at NYU's Master in Public Relations and Corporate Communication while
also at the LUMSA University in the Vatican. James E. Grunig is a United States citizen.
Professor Emeritus University of Maryland (USA), leading author of the 'excellence study'
(1986/1992) that forged the development of the current global body of knowledge in public
relations. Based in Maryland. Emilio Galli Zugaro, Italian citizen, Head of Group
Communications of Allianz since 1992. Based in Munich, Germany. Joao Duarte, Portuguese
citizen, Head of Central-Eastern Europe Communication at Enel, Specialist Professor at
Lisbon Politechnique Institute. Currently based in Rome.
Fry, Paul H., Theory of Literature. The Open Yale Courses Series, Yale University
Press, 2012. 26-C-1218.
Bringing his perennially popular course to the page, Yale University Professor Paul H. Fry
offers in this welcome book a guided tour of the main trends in twentieth-century literary
theory. At the core of the book's discussion is a series of underlying questions: What is
literature, how is it produced, how can it be understood, and what is its purpose? Fry
engages with the major themes and strands in twentieth-century literary theory, among
them hermeneutics, modes of formalism, semiotics and Structuralism, deconstruction,
psychoanalytic approaches, Marxist and historicist approaches, theories of social identity,
Neo-pragmatism and theory. By incorporating philosophical and social perspectives to
connect these many trends, the author offers readers a coherent overall context for a
deeper and richer reading of literature. Paul H. Fry is William Lampson Professor of English,
Yale University. Among his previous books is Wordsworth and the Poetry of What We Are,
published by Yale University Press. He lives in New Haven, CT.
Frye, Northrop, Words with Power: Being a Second Study of "the Bible and
Literature". A Harvest/HBJ book. San Diego / New York / London, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1992. 7-C-3880.
Frye continues his exploration, begun in The Great Code, of the influence of Biblical themes
and forms of expression on Western literature, with discussions of authors ranging from
Chaucer and Shakespeare to Yeats and Eliot. Frye identifies four key elements found in the
Bible-the mountain, the garden, the cave, and the furnace-and describes how they recur in
later secular writings. Indices. Herman Northrop Frye was born in 1912 in Quebec, Canada.
His mother educated him at home until the fourth grade. After graduating from the
University of Toronto, he studied theology at Emmanuel College for several years and
actually worked as a pastor before deciding he preferred the academic life. He eventually
obtained his master's degree from Oxford, and taught English at the University of Toronto
for more than four decades. Frye's first two books, Fearful Symmetry (1947) and Anatomy
of Criticism (1957) set forth the influential literary principles upon which he continued to
elaborate in his numerous later works. These include Fables of Identity: Studies in Poetic
Mythology, The Well-Tempered Critic, and The Great Code: The Bible and Literature. Frye
died in 1991.
Graham, Billy, Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham. New York,
HarperCollins, 2007. 12-C-4365.
Hailed as "the world's preacher," Billy Graham has enjoyed a career that has spanned six
decades and his ministry of faith has touched the hearts and souls of millions. In Just As I
Am Graham reveals his life story in what the Chicago Tribune calls "a disarmingly honest
autobiography." Now, in this revised and updated edition, we hear from this "lion in winter"
(Time) on his role over the past ten years as America's pastor during our national crisis of
the Oklahoma bombing and 9/11; his knighthood; his passing of the torch to his son,
Franklin, to head the organization that bears his name; and his commitment to do the
Lord's work in the years of his and his wife Ruth's physical decline. The Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association takes the message of God's love to the world through crusades,
conferences, television, radio, film, publishing, the Internet, and other international
ministries. For more information write: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1 Billy
Graham Parkway, Charlotte, North Carolina 28201. New York: HarperCollins; Grand Rapids,
MI: Zondervan, [2007] Ed. riveduta e aggiornata per il 10. anniversario.
Hanson, Jaris - Narula, Uma, New Communication Technologies in Developing
Countries. Communication. London / New York, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Publishers, 1990. 32-C-3921.
This volume explores how a number of developing countries -- including India, Malaysia,
Columbia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia -- are responding to the pressures of the information
society. Infrastructural development, policies, and social systems are investigated, and
models of information technologies and society are proposed in order to better reference the
differences and similarities among the nations profiled. The authors identify the social
technology perspective via the assimilation of technology in lifestyles and social systems.
From this perspective, the diffusion of technologies is analyzed with a critical eye for
theories of culture lag, diffusion and innovation, and technological determinism and
liberalism. The social perspective is a new addition to development studies, and the reader
may see how, as the global information society comes into focus, the social dimensions are
more important than some theorists originally envisioned. JARICE HANSON is Professor of
Communication at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and Verizon Chair in
Telecommunications at the School of Communications and Theater at Temple University in
Philadelphia. She is the author/editor of seventeen books.
Huesemann, Michael - Huesemann, Joyce, Techno-Fix: Why Technology Won't
Save Us Or the Environment. Gabriola Island, New Society Publishers, 2011.
A powerful and insightful critique of modern techno-optimism. Contents The Uncritical
Acceptance of Technology 143 For Further Thought 339 Bibliography 355 End Notes 383
Index 415 About the Authors 435 Copyright Michael Huesemann, PhD is a research scientist
with a special interest in sustainability and critical science. He has specialized in
environmental biotechnology for more than 25 years. Joyce Huesemann, PhD is an activist
and academic who has taught at several universities and participates in environmental,
wildlife protection and companion-animal organizations. Foreword by Paul R. Ehrlich and
Anne H. Ehrlich.
Jaffe, Hosea, Davanti al colonialismo: Engels, Marx e il marxismo. Trans.
Degiovanni, P. Di fronte e attraverso. Milano, Jaca Book, 2007. 33-C-187(763).
Questa breve opera sembra porre una tematica anacronistica. Lo scritto di Jaffe infatti si
interroga su Engels, Marx e i marxisti di fronte al colonialismo. Di fatto il libro, che andrebbe
colto all'interno dell'enorme lavoro di Jaffe sul colonialismo, ha una grande attualità a due
livelli di analisi. Il primo livello concerne il fatto che il colonialismo non è né una fase né
tanto meno una deriva del nostro modo di sviluppo e perciò di quelle che possiamo
chiamare le società a capitalismo avanzato. Il colonialismo ne è una modalità costante, la
cui pratica oggi è continuamente verificabile. Il secondo livello di analisi interviene a leggere
la difficoltà che a comprendere la logica del colonialismo hanno avuto da sempre le élite
progressiste europee e occidentali. In questo Jaffe va alle radici di un fraintendimento.
Individua nel meccanismo di Engels quella cecità rispetto alla menzogna coloniale che rende
distratto oggi molto progressismo occidentale. Questa cecità non è ravvisabile nei grandi
scritti di Marx, sia pur presente in certi suoi giudizi storici, specie riguardo a Lincoln. Anzi, in
Marx il colonialismo è colto come l'origine del capitalismo. In questo Marx vede la
globalizzazione, oggi tanto conclamata, come la peculiarità originaria del capitalismo, nato
con e dal colonialismo. Il protocapitalismo della protoborghesia europea cittadina del tardo
Medioevo non sarebbe mai fiorito senza il colonialismo. Volume 763 of Di fronte e
attraverso. Politica.
Jaffe, Hosea, La liberazione permanente e la guerra dei mondi. Saggi sul
capitalismo. Milano, Jaca Book, 2000. 33-C-187(526).
Lotta di classe unita a una lotta di liberazione nazionale danno luogo secondo l’autore alla
“guerra dei mondi”, cioè ad una lotta antimperialista del Terzo mondo e/o dei paesi socialisti
guidati dalla classe operaia di questi paesi, in cui i contadini e i lavoratori rurali e urbani
semicoloniali affrontano i capitalisti e, in taluni casi, anche il proletariato borghese...”I
lavoratori di pelle bianca non possono essere liberi sino a che i lavoratori con la pelle nera
restano in catene”. Una lettura e una critica non più di moda del capitalismo, delle sue
cause storiche e delle lotte che ha causato. Volume 526 of Di fronte e attraverso Di fronte e
attraverso. Volume 2 of Saggi sul Capitalismo.
Jaffe, Hosea, L'imperialismo dell'auto. Auto + petrolio = guerra. Di fronte e
attraverso. Milano, Jaca Book, 2004. 33-C-187(614).
Questo breve saggio di Hosea Jaffe affronta il tema dell'importanza della duplice piattaforma
petrolio-automobile per il cosiddetto sviluppo dell'economia internazionale e le conseguenze
che questo binomio ha nella vita di tutti noi, sia a livello quotidiano sia su scala mondiale:
secondo l'autore l'accoppiata petrolio-auto è causa di molti conflitti del passato, del presente
e lo sarà anche per il futuro. Jaffe mette in evidenza le ricadute negative di questa industria
sia come costo in vite umane, sia come danno per l'ambiente, sia come fattore di sviluppo
imperialistico. Per favorire lo sviluppo dell'industria auto-petrolio, inoltre, non si è dato corso
allo sviluppo delle ferrovie e del trasporto pubblico. Volume 614 of Di fronte e attraverso.
Terra terra Terra terra / [Jaca book].
Jenkins, Henry - Ford, Sam - Green, Joshua, Spreadable Media: Creating Value and
Meaning in a Networked Culture. Postmillennial pop. New York / London, NYU
Press, 2013. 32-C-3920.
Spreadable Media maps fundamental changes taking place in our contemporary media
environment, a space where corporations no longer tightly control media distribution and
many of us are directly involved in the circulation of content. It contrasts
“stickiness”—aggregating attention in centralized places—with “spreadability”—dispersing
content widely through both formal and informal networks, some approved, many
unauthorized. Stickiness has been the measure of success in the broadcast era (and has
been carried over to the online world), but “spreadability” describes the ways content
travels through social media. Following up on the hugely influential Convergence Culture:
Where Old and New Media Collide, this book challenges some of the prevailing metaphors
and frameworks used to describe contemporary media, from biological metaphors like
“memes” and “viral” to the concept of “Web 2.0” and the popular notion of “influencers.”
Spreadable Media examines the nature of audience engagement, the environment of
participation, the way appraisal creates value, and the transnational flows at the heart of
these phenomena. It delineates the elements that make content more spreadable and
highlights emerging media business models built for a world of participatory circulation. The
book also explores the internal tensions companies face as they adapt to the new
communication reality and argues for the need to shift from “hearing” to “listening” in
corporate culture. Drawing on examples from film, music, games, comics, television,
transmedia storytelling, advertising, and public relations industries, among others—from
both the U.S. and around the world—the authors illustrate the contours of our current
media environment. They highlight the vexing questions content creators must tackle and
the responsibilities we all face as citizens in a world where many of us regularly circulate
media content. Written for any and all of us who actively create and share media content,
Spreadable Media provides a clear understanding of how people are spreading ideas and the
implications these activities have for business, politics, and everyday life. Henry Jenkins is
Provost’s Professor of Communication, Journalism, Cinematic Arts, and Education at USC.
He is author of five books, most recently Convergence Culture (2008), Fans, Bloggers, and
Gamers (2006), The Wow Climax (2006), all available from NYU Press, and is co-author or
editor of eight other books on media and communication. Sam Ford is Director of Digital
Strategy with Peppercomm Strategic Communications, an affiliate with the MIT Program in
Comparative Media Studies and the Western Kentucky University Popular Culture Studies
Program, and a regular contributor to Fast Company. He is co-editor of The Survival of the
Soap Opera (2011). Joshua Green is a Strategist at digital strategy firm Undercurrent. With
a PhD in Media Studies, he has managed research projects at MIT and the University of
California. He is author (with Jean Burgess) of YouTube: Online Video and Participatory
Culture (2009, Polity Press).
McGuigan, Jim, ed., Raymond Williams on Culture and Society: Essential Writings.
Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2014. 20-C-5497.
"The most important Marxist cultural theorist after Gramsci, Williams' contributions go well
beyond the critical tradition, supplying insights of great significance for cultural sociology
today... I have never read Williams without finding something worthwhile, something
subtle, some idea of great importance"
- Jeffrey C. Alexander, Professor of Sociology, Yale University
Celebrating the significant intellectual legacy and enduring influence of Raymond Williams,
this exciting collection introduces a whole new generation to his work.
Jim McGuigan reasserts and rebalances Williams' reputation within the social sciences by
collecting and introducing key pieces of his work. Providing context and clarity he powerfully
evokes the major contribution Williams has made to sociology, media and communication
and cultural studies.
Powerfully asserting the on-going relevance of Williams within our contemporary neoliberal
and digital age, the book:
Includes texts which have never been anthologised before
Situates Williams' work both biographically and historically
Provides a comprehensive introduction to Williams' social-scientific work
Demonstrates the enduring relevance of cultural materialism.
Original and persuasive this book will be of interest to anyone involved in theoretical and
methodological modules within sociology, media and communication studies and cultural
Jim McGuigan (B.Sc., M.Phil., P.G.C.E., Ph.D., F.R.S.A.) is Professor of Cultural Analysis in
the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University. After studying at the
Universities of Bradford, Leeds and Leicester, Jim worked as a research officer at the Arts
Council of GB and as a script editor in BBC TV's Drama (Plays) Department.
Jim has worked in various institutions of higher education over the years. In 1998, he found
himself at Loughborough in the congenial research environment of the Department of Social
Sciences. He has published a number of books, his best known being Cultural Populism,
which came out in 1992. Since then, he has published Culture and the Public Sphere
(1996), Cultural Methodologies (1997), Modernity and Postmodern Culture (1999, 2nd edn
2006), and Rethinking Cultural Policy (2004); and he has co-edited Studying Culture (1993
& 1997) with Ann Gray and Technocities (1999) with John Downey.
He is also a Visiting Fellow in Cultural Policy at the University of Warwick, a Panel Member
and College Member of the Arts and Humanities Research Council and a Fellow of the Royal
Society for the Arts. He serves on five editorial boards and has various links with
universities around the world where he has been a visiting professor.
Mikics, David, A New Handbook of Literary Terms. New Haven / London, Yale
University Press, 2010. SL-26-C-30.
A New Handbook of Literary Terms offers a lively, informative guide to words and concepts
that every student of literature needs to know. Mikics’s definitions are essayistic, witty,
learned, and always a pleasure to read. They sketch the derivation and history of each
term, including especially lucid explanations of verse forms and providing a firm sense of
literary periods and movements from classicism to postmodernism. The Handbook also
supplies a helpful map to the intricate and at times confusing terrain of literary theory at the
beginning of the twenty-first century: the author has designated a series of terms, from
New Criticism to queer theory, that serves as a concise but thorough introduction to recent
developments in literary study. Mikics’s Handbook is ideal for classroom use at all levels,
from freshman to graduate. Instructors can assign individual entries, many of which are
well-shaped essays in their own right. Useful bibliographical suggestions are given at the
end of most entries. The Handbook’s enjoyable style and thoughtful perspective will
encourage students to browse and learn more. Every reader of literature will want to own
this compact, delightfully written guide. David Mikics is professor of English at the University
of Houston. He is the author of several books, including Who Was Jacques Derrida?, The
Limits of Moralizing, and The Romance of Individualism in Emerson and Nietzsche. He lives
in Houston.
O'Neill, Brian - Staksrud, Elizabeth - McLaughlin, Sharon, eds.,Towards a Better
Internet for Children?: Policy Pillars, Players and Paradoxes. Göteborg:
International Clearinghouse on Childrennordicom / Göteborgs universitet /
NORDICOM/Sverige, 2013. 32-C-3930.
Keeping children safe online has been the subject of intensive policy debate ever since the
mid-1990s when the internet first became an important public communications medium.
The European Union has been to the fore in promoting internet safety and through its Safer
Internet Programme has supported multistakeholder initiatives with industry, law
enforcement, education and civil society to create a safer internet environment. Now, with a
new emphasis on not just a safer but also a better internet, policy makers have signalled a
new phase in strategies to protect children online. Reviewing the development of internet
safety policy over this period – against the background of better evidence about the reality
of young people’s experiences and looking to its future are among the key themes of this
Contributors, all members of the now 33-country EU Kids Online network, seek to add to a
growing literature on policy matters regarding internet regulation and governance as the
Internet enters a new phase of maturity with near universal access and use. European in
scope but international in outlook, the chapters in this collection seek to raise critical debate
on just how mainstream are policies to protect young people, promote their best interests
online and empower them to avail of the full range of digital opportunities? Against a
background of increased international tension and debate over whether the internet should
be regulated at all, contributors adopt a somewhat different position and assess the forms,
contexts and evidence in favour of action – regulatory and otherwise – needed to support
safer and better outcomes for young people.
Neelie Kroes, Foreword
Brian O’Neill, Elisabeth Staksrud, Sharon McLaughlin, Introduction
Part I Policy Pillars
Elisabeth Staksrud, Jørgen Kirksæther, Filtering & Content Classification
Brian O’Neill, Internet Hotlines. A Reporting Solution for Internet Safety?
Elisabeth Staksrud, Kjartan Ólafsson, Awareness. Strategies, Mobilisation and Effectiveness
Sharon McLaughlin, Regulation and Legislation
Sonia Livingstone, ‘Knowledge Enhancement’. The Risks and Opportunities of
Evidence-based Policy
Jos de Haan, Simone van der Hof, Wim Bekkers, Remco Pijpers, Self-Regulation
Part II Policy Players
Brian O’Neill, The Changing Role of the Media Regulator
Bence Ságvári, Miklós Péter Máder, Industry. Towards the Socially Responsible Internet.
Industry CSR Practices Across Europe
Tatjana Taraszow, The Influence of NGOs on Safer Internet Policy Making
Brian O’Neill, Yiannis Laouris, Teaching Internet Safety, Promoting Digital Literacy. The Dual
Role of Education and Schools
Giovanna Mascheroni, Maria Francesca Murru, Elena Aristodemou, Yiannis Laouris, Parents.
Mediation, Self-regulation and Co-regulation
Monica Barbovschi, Valentina Marinescu, Youth. Revisiting Policy Dilemmas in Internet
Safety in the Context of Children’s Rights
Part III Policy Paradoxes
Leen d’Haenens, Liza Tsaliki, Risk versus Harm. Children’s Coping Profiles
Andrea Duerager, Sonja Duerager, Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink, Protection versus Privacy. An
Area of Conflict
Uwe Hasebrink, Bojana Lobe, The Cultural Context of Risk. On the Role of Intercultural
Differences for Safer Internet Issues
Sharon McLaughlin, Rights v. Restrictions. Recognising Children’s Participation in the Digital
The Contributors
Pinsky, Mark I., The Gospel According to Disney. Louisville / London, Westminster
John Knox Press, 2004. 32-B-2297.
Pinsky, Mark I., The Gospel According to the Simpsons: Bigger and Possibly Even
Better! Edition with a New Afterword Exploring South Park, Family Guy, and Other
Animated TV Shows. The Gospel According to ... Series. 2nd ed. Louisville,
Kentucky / London, Westminster John Knox Press, 2007. 32-B-2298.
Is there anything holy in Springfield, the home to irascible Bart Simpson and his naive dad
Homer, their enthusiastic evangelical neighbor Ned Flanders, the sourpuss minister Rev.
Lovejoy, and the dozens of other unique characters who inhabit the phenomenally popular
TV show? In this revision of the 2001 bestseller, author Mark Pinsky says yes! In this
entertaining and enlightening book, Pinsky shows how The Simpsons engages issues of
religion and morality in a thoughtful, provocative, and genuinely respectful way. With three
new chapters and updates to reflect the 2001-2006 seasons, Pinsky has given a thorough
facelift to the book that Publishers Weekly called "thoughtful and genuinely entertaining."
The new material includes chapters on Buddhism and gay marriage and an extensive
afterword that explores how religion is treated on the animated shows that have followed in
the footsteps of The Simpsons: South Park, Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, and King
of the Hill. Mark I. Pinsky is the author of The Gospel according to The Simpsons (with
Samuel Parvin), The Gospel according to Disney, and A Jew among the Evangelicals. His
writing has also appeared in the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and the Columbia
Journalism Review. He appears frequently in national media discussing religion and culture.
Powell, Mark Allan, Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music. Peabody,
Massachusetts, Hendrickson Publishers, 2002. SL-31-C-35 This groundbreaking work
covers both major and minor Christian music artists and those associated with Christian
music from the '60s to the present day, highlighting their influences, their struggles, and
their achievements. Powell treats each artist or group with a balanced, intriguing, and fresh
look into their background and discography. Every entry summarizes critical response to the
group, and provides band member lists, complete discographies, lists of awards, artist
website addresses, and biographies of the artists. The fun, easy-to-read writing style
provides fans with accessible information on their favorite artists, while also encouraging
them to greater appreciation of the stylistic breadth and historical depth of the music they
have come to love. The CD-ROM features a searchable version of the complete text for both
Windows and Macintosh systems, as well as live links to artist-websites, album information,
and music clips. "Mark Allan Powell has done a great service - not only to the vibrant scene
we often call 'Christian rock, ' but to the rock and roll world in general and to the church.
While it is true that many of us Christians have developed and relegated ourselves to a
subculture, there are many artists living and working in this 'evangelighetto' that have
made and are continuing to make relevant and very beautiful art. Yes, some music made by
Christians can truly be labelled trite and propaganda, but there is a vast universe of
musicians who are fusing their faith with their art in an outstanding way. This encyclopedia
helps legitimize those remarkable artists that, up until this point, were clustered away as
legends in an unknown and ignored genre. Treating this art with the respect it deserves,
along with the occasional but warranted criticism, does a great justice. Good art deserves to
be appreciated and this book helps save my voice from having to shout as loud to get
people's attention for it."--Doug Van Pelt, Editor, HM Magazine "Powell's Encyclopedia is
exhaustive, all that you'll ever want to know about the artists and history of Christian rock.
This is a noble work - honest, fair and complete - paying respect where it is also overdue,
and honoring the genre's true artists alongside its most successful sellers. Careful to value
the art of pop music, Powell's greatest contribution is the thoughtful theological insights and
honest critical voice. I wish I'd written it."--Brian Quincy Newcomb, pastor of Christ UCC,
Maplewood, Mo., and freelance music writer, contributing regularly to the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch and CCM Magazine "Mark Allan Powell has accomplished a most formidable
labor of love with the publication of this Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music. With
a fan's zeal and a scholar's dedication to research and accuracy, Powell has treated the
music made by these artists - dismissed for too long by too many in the music business and
the church - as a valid, and often vital chapter in the ongoing history of popular music and
Christianity. Thorough, informed and opinionated, Powell's refreshing take on the music and
its messages is an important contribution to this sadly overlooked phenomenon."--Thom
Granger, author and former editor of CCM magazine "I wish this book had been available
when I was working on mine. How Powell managed such comprehensive coverage is beyond
me. This is certainly the defining volume of every recorded work our community has
released. I am impressed and overwhelmed. So many of these works existed way under the
radar and then disappeared almost instantly. It's important that they be remembered and
archived for future generations. As a fan, and aspiring historian, I thank Mark Allen Powell
from the bottom of my heart."--John J. Thompson, Founder; True Tunes Etc., and Author of
Raised By Wolves: The Story of Christian Rock and Roll "More than a reference book, The
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music is a fascinating commentary on the church in
America since the late 1960s. For those of us who were part of the Jesus movement, this is
a documentary on 'our' music. For all observers of the genre it is THE encyclopedia that
provides a substantive historical context for today's industry. Powell's success at providing a
comprehensive list 'of artists associated with contemporary Christian music' is exceeded
only by the monumental size of this amazing undertaking. It takes an academic to create a
useful tool of this nature. It takes an artist to make it enjoyable. Powell has demonstrated
that he is both."--Rick Edwards, Editor of CCM magazine Mark Allan Powell has published
articles on contemporary Christian music in "Christian Century, Christianity Today, " and
"Trinity Seminary Review." He is frequently interviewed in print and over the airwaves
concerning the proliferation of rock, rap, and other popular genres of Christian music. He is
Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, and is the author of seventeen
books, including the best-sellers "Jesus as a Figure in History" and "Narrative Criticism: A
New Approach to the Bible.
Fondazione Umberto Veronesi per il progresso delle scienze, Ombre di guerra: 90
fotografie dai principali conflitti nel mondo per dire basta al dramma della guerra.
Roma, Contrasto, 2011. 32-C-3733.
"'Quelle connerie la guerre', diceva Jacques Prévert, che fesseria, che assurdità. Proprio
questa assurdità esprime la raccolta "Ombre di guerra". Fotografie che sollevano il velo,
fermando per sempre un attimo di follia. Fotografare la guerra è un modo per mostrarne
l'orrore e soprattutto un modo straordinario per arrivare dal cuore al pensiero. Le 90
fotografie della mostra di alcuni fra i più grandi fotografi di guerra, sono accompagnate dai
loro testi inediti, che raccontano la genesi e i segreti delle loro immagini. Un invito alla
riflessione e poi al dibattito su come dire basta alla violenza. Per questo la mostra fa parte
delle iniziative promosse da Science for Peace, il movimento che ho voluto creare per
promuovere la cultura della non violenza, della tolleranza, della risoluzione pacifica delle
conflittualità. Per far questo non bisogna mai smettere di parlare di pace in ogni ambito del
pensiero. Ombre di guerra: la parola alla fotografia." (Umberto Veronesi).
Selden, Raman, ed., The theory of criticism from Plato to the present: a Reader.
London / New York: Longman, 1988. SL-26-C-31.
This book is divided into five parts and covers: representation; subjectivity; form, structure
and system; history and society; morality, class and ideology. Each part contains several
thematic sections in which extracts from different writers and periods are juxtaposed. The
study of literary theory has tended to concentrate on very recent developments. This
volume, however, establishes both a sense of the continuities from Plato to the present day
as well as the discontinuities. These are presented through comparisons and contrasts
across the entire field of critical history.
Selwyn, Neil, Education in a Digital World: Global Perspectives on Technology and
Education. New York London, Routledge, 2013. 6-C-10324.
Drawing on a wealth of theoretical and empirical work, Education in a Digital World tackles a
number of pressing questions, such as, how are 'global' trends in educational technology
refracted through national policies and processes? How exactly are educational technologies
linked to issues of global economics and the fortunes of national and international
economies? To what extent are digital technologies implicated in the commercialisation,
marketization and commodification of education? These questions, and others, are
addressed throughout eight wide-ranging chapters, which consider topics such as the
national policy strategies of countries across North and South America, Europe and East
Asia, the educational technology portfolios of international organizations such as the United
Nations and Microsoft, as well as the role of education and technology in international
development and the on-going efforts to provide 'one laptop per child' across low-income
regions and countries. Through these examples Selwyn develops a detailed analysis of
education, technology and globalisation, drawing together arguments and debates from
various academic perspectives. Written in a detailed but accessible manner, this is an
essential book for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of the role of education
and technology in contemporary globalised society. Neil Selwyn is Reader in the Department
of Culture, Communication and Media at the Institute of Education, University of London,
Stefani, Gino - Guerra Lisi, Stefania, Dizionario di musica nella globalità dei
linguaggi. Musica ragionata. Lucca, LIM, 2004. SL-31-B-27.
L´obiettivo - o piuttosto la scommessa - di questo libro è di mostrare quanto la più
incorporea o autonoma delle arti - la Musica - sia in realtà sostanziata delle materie e leggi
del cosmo, dei principi costitutivi ed evolutivi dei viventi, delle articolazioni, emozioni e
sensazioni della nostra realtà psico-corporea umana. In concreto, si tratta di rivistare
l´esperienza musicale, condensata in circa 60 termini tecnici e nelle relative definizioni dei
dizionari musicali, facendone emergere le implicaizoni sinestesiche, simboliche,
interdisciplinari, nell´ottica della Globalità dei Linguaggi (GdL): una disciplina della
comunicazione e dell´espressione con tutti i linguaggi ideata da Stefania Guerra Lisi. Ai
musicisti, insegnanti e studenti di musica il Dizionario prospetta un ampio orizzonte
sull´homo musicus. Educatori e terapeuti vi trovano strumenti per valorizzare a fini
formativi e socializzanti le competenze musicali più quotidiane e comuni. Gli amatori,
ascoltatori o strumentisti, approfondiranno le motivazioni dei loro interessi. Finalmente, i
cultori della Globalità dei Linguaggi vedranno la tanto attesa ´rivisitazione specifica´ (nella
nuova disciplina) dello ´specifico musicale´. In:
Tufte, Thomas, et al., eds., Speaking Up and Talking Back?: Media, Empowerment
and Civic Engagement Among East and Southern African Youth. Göteborg
International Clearinghouse on Childrennordicom, 2013. 32-D-389(2012/13).
Children and media violence, ISSN 1403-4700
Yearbook (UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media), ISSN
Yearbook, Youth and Media International Clearinghouse on Children
The book questions whether and how young citizens in Africa engage with media and
communications technologies and platforms in a desire to be included in the change
processes of their societies. The theme echoes some of the claims made by disenchanted
and frustrated youth and other citizens in the streets of North Africa’s cities in 2011 and
2012. They were severely critical of the governance structures in their countries, mass
social mobilizations took place, governments fell and, in the aftermath, the slow process of
transition continued, now with one tyrant less but still with uncertain outcomes and huge
challenges for the social and economic development of these countries.
Youth in particular engaged massively, visibly, loudly and dramatically around demands to
be involved and included in their countries’ development processes. This yearbook taps into
the less visible and dramatic, but nevertheless highly dynamic and influential, process of
media development and the enlargement of youth-driven, deliberative spaces which
sub-Saharan Africa is currently experiencing.
Part I. Introduction and Conceptual Framing
Thomas Tufte, Norbert Wildermuth, African Youth, Media and Civic Engagement
Thomas Tufte, Towards a Renaissance in Communication for Social Change. Redefining the
Discipline and Practice in the Post ‘Arab Spring’ Era
Linje Manyozo, Communication for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. From Orientalism to
Part 2. ICT, Empowerment and Policies
Norbert Wildermuth, Information and Communication Technology-facilitated E-citizenship,
E-democracy and Digital Empowerment in Kenya. The Opportunities and Constraints of
Community-based Initiatives
Winnie V. Mitullah, Institutional Context of ICT and Women’s Participation in Kenya
Wanjiru Mbure, Social Media and Digital Democracy. An Exploration of Online Forums for
Civic Engagement and the Involvement of Kenyan Youth in Participatory Development
Karen Kisakeni Sørensen, Viktorija Petuchaite, Prospects for Civil Society Empowerment
through the Use of the New Media
Grace Githaiga, Young Women and ICT. A Need to Devise New Strategies?
Part 3. Health and Social Change
Eliza Govender, Conflicting Paradigms. Challenges to HIV and AIDS Communication. A
South African Perspective
Line Friberg Nielsen, Mille Schütten, Involving Youth in Peer Educators. Message Deliverers
or Agents of Change?
Abraham Kiprop Mulwo, Keyan Tomaselli, HIV/AIDS Campaigns as Signifying Processes.
Group Dynamics, Meaning-formation and Sexual Practice
Datius K. Rweyemamu, Examining Civil Society Approaches to Adolescent Sexual
Empowerment in Tanzania
Cecilia Strand, Moving Sexual Minority Health Rights Forward in Uganda. A Study of
Opportunities and Challenges Using Domestic Media
Part 4. Culture and Social Change
Nikita Junagade, Makamba Culture Cubs. Towards Communication for Reconciliation
Ricky Storm Braskov, Communicating Crime Prevention. Participation and Building Trust in
Jessica Gustafsson, Community Radio as Promoters of Youth Culture
Anne Sofie Hansen-Skovmoes, Line Røijen, Film for Social Change. A Study of the Zanzibar
International Film Festival’s Initiatives for Bringing about Social Change for the Local Youth
Rosalind Yarde, Hidden Voices on Air. Empowering Tanzanian Youth through Participatory
The Authors
Wegerif, Rupert, Dialogic: Education for the Internet Age. London / New York,
Routledge, 2013. 6-C-10325.
Dialogic: Education for the Internet Age argues that despite rapid advances in
communications technology, most teaching still relies on traditional approaches to
education, built upon the logic of print, and dependent on the notion that there is a single
true representation of reality. In practice, the use of the Internet disrupts this traditional
logic of education by offering an experience of knowledge as participatory and multiple. This
new logic of education is dialogic and characterises education as learning to learn, think and
thrive in the context of working with multiple perspectives and ultimate uncertainty. The
book builds upon the simple contrast between observing dialogue from an outside point of
view, and participating in a dialogue from the inside, before pinpointing an essential feature
of dialogic: the gap or difference between voices in dialogue which is understood as an
irreducible source of meaning. Each chapter of the book applies this dialogic thinking to a
specific challenge facing education, re-thinking the challenge and revealing a new theory of
education. Areas covered in the book include: dialogical learning and cognition dialogical
learning and emotional intelligence educational technology, dialogic 'spaces' and
consciousness global dialogue and global citizenship dialogic theories of science and maths
education The challenge identified in Wegerif's text is the growing need to develop a new
understanding of education that holds the potential to transform educational policy and
pedagogy in order to meet the realities of the digital age. Dialogic: Education for the
Internet Age draws upon the latest research in dialogic theory, creativity and technology,
and is essential reading for advanced students and researchers in educational psychology,
technology and policy. Rupert Wegerif is Professor of Education and Director of Research at
the Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter, UK.
Zordan, Davide, La Bibbia a Hollywood. Retorica religiosa e cinema di consumo.
Sguardi. Bologna, EDB, 2013. 32-B-1040.
Il successo commerciale e mediatico della "Passione di Cristo" di Mel Gibson (2004), seguito
due anni dopo dall'ampia distribuzione che ha accompagnato l'uscita del film Nativity di
Catherine Hardwicke, ha riacceso l'interesse di Hollywood per la figura di Gesù e per i temi
della Bibbia. L'attenzione agli immaginari di tipo mitico-religioso nella cultura di massa non
è certo una novità per l'industria cinematografica americana, come testimonia la figura del
regista e produttore Cecil B. DeMille (1881-1959). Con il grande successo dei "Dieci
comandamenti" (1923) e del "Re dei Re" (1927) egli ha infatti notevolmente contribuito a
rendere il cinema consapevole delle proprie possibilità come veicolo di mentalità e serbatoio
dell'immaginario sociale.