Mass of Thanksgiving and Food Drive Parish Headcount St. Vincent


Mass of Thanksgiving and Food Drive Parish Headcount St. Vincent
27th Sunday In Ordinary Time
5:00 pm
Oct 3
† Very Rev. James Sheridan
(The Sheridan Family)
† Ethel Richard
(The Richard Family)
† Rishi Angras
(The Cicconi Family)
8:30 am
Oct 4
† Biagio Forte
(Civita Forte & Famiglia)
† Carmela Solinine
(Giuseppe DeLuca)
† Maria Salvatore &
(Franco & Luisa)
10:00 am as we give
† Giovanni Fasulo
thanks to God for the
10:00 am
11:30 am
† Renato Porcaro
Oct 5
Oct 6
† Dominic Ruggiero
(Donna Micco)
7:00 pm
Oct 7
many gifts.
No 8:00
am mass that morning.
Please bring a donation of canned goods or other
non-perishable items for the
“St. Francis Table” and
the “Good Shepherd Refuge”.
8:00 am
8:00 am
the Thanksgiving Mass
Monday October 12th at
(M. Kudlaciak & Family)
All are invited to attend
Giovannina Mazzacca
(Maria Fasulo)
Mass of Thanksgiving and Food Drive
† Pasquale & Angelina Martino
(Mafalda Perri)
A collection will be
taken for the St. Vincent de Paul Society to help the
needy families in our community.
Parish Headcount
“In Thanksgiving”
As announced last year Cardinal Collins is requesting
Oct 8
(Agnes Martinez)
“For the Health of Margaret
that a weekend Mass attendance count be conducted
Oct 9
8:00 am
8:00 am
Oct 10
† Michael & Sally Sheridan
5:00 pm
(The Sheridan Family)
8:30 am
Oct 11
Archdiocese of Toronto.
take place this month
Once again this exercise will
on the weekends of October
† Fernando M.
17/18 and October 24/25. This will help provide an
& Manuelito Guarin
accurate profile of Mass attendance in the Archdiocese
(Jess & Mary Li Luzadas)
† Zii Paone & Vigna
& Defunti Perri,
of Toronto; it will include Saturday night vigil mass
and Sunday masses.
Paone & Vigna
(Mafalda Perri)
10:00 am
† Zoila Peralta
(1st Year Mem.)
So far this year we have assisted 86 families within St
(Shirley & Fidel Nicomedez)
Leo's parish boundaries - we have made 133 home
† Stanley John Surman
visits to these families helping 144 adults and 106
(The Surman Family)
† Arturo & Rosina
De Vuono
11:30 am
St. Vincent de Paul Activity Update
assistance as well as responded to numerous requests
(Mafalda Perri)
for furniture and clothing. When our neighbors in
need express gratitude for what we bring them, we
remind them that it is only through the generosity of
you, our parishioners, that we are able to extend a
helping hand. Thank you for your donations and God
bless you and your families!
October 4, 2015
Social Ministry
Cell Phone Manners
Would you like to meet others in St. Leo’s Parish who
Please leave all cell phones, blackberry
have similar interests?
We also would like to meet
etc. at home or turn them off at the door
you! We are the “50+ Open House” program. As the
of the church. It is never acceptable to
name suggests you can come for any amount of time
answer a personal call in church. The
and for as long as you can between 8:30 am and
11:00 am each Tuesday in the basement hall beneath
emails, etc. Keep your mind and heart free to receive a
the church and can enter by the Stanley Avenue
message from God!
entrance. We have talks interesting for the age group,
prayers, wholesome videos, gentle
celebrate some of the important feast of the church.
Hopefully we will see you beginning October 13th
Serra Vocation
Matrimony: a beautiful vocation so misused today:
a beautiful gift so misunderstood today.
person in ministry or in a community, we do God’s
Whether we do God’s work in pairs or as a single
Receiving Baptism, the Eucharist or the Sacrament of
work because He calls us. If you feel God is calling you
Confirmation is a part of the Rite of Christian Initiation
to a Church vocation, call Fr. Chris Lemieux, Vocation
of Adults.
RCIA is a process for adults who are not
Catholic and wish to discover Jesus and be fully joined
Email: [email protected]
to the Catholic Church. If you or someone you know
is interested in learning more about becoming a
Catholic now is the time to join our group of Christian
teaching. Call the Parish Office (416 251-1109) or
speak to Father Frank.
St. Leo’s Quilters asking for your support
The St. Leo’s Quilters are selling tickets
this weekend after
celebration to raffle off a beautiful
handmade quilt - tickets are $1:00
Sanctuary Lamp for October
The Sanctuary Lamp for the Month of
Please show you care and buy some tickets.
Thank you!
October has been reserved by an
anonymous parishioner for
“Special Intentions and Thanksgiving”
“How Do I Manage the Suffering in My Life?”
Suffering is really difficult for everyone to handle. In
some cases people feel crushed by its burden. Some
Catechism Preparation
even find themselves asking, “What did I do that God
Catechism for public school children will begin the
Fall Retreat entitled, “How Do I Manage the Suffering
first Saturday after Thanksgiving (October 17) at
10:00 am. All parents who wish to prepare their child
for 1st Communion and Confirmation must register
their child in person at the Parish Office. The closing
date for catechism registration is November 27th
Late registration may mean that child’s
reception of the Sacraments will be postponed till the
following year.
Registrations forms are available on
the cabinets in the back of church.
is punishing me?” Please join us for a New Beginnings
in My Life?” Saturday, October 24, 2015 from 9:30
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at St. Wilfrid’s Church 1675 Finch
Ave. W. Toronto. It will be facilitated by Fr. Fred
Scinto, CR and the New Beginnings Team.
welcome to attend.
All are
There is no cost for this
Please register by calling 416-921-1163 x
27th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Giorno del Ringraziamento (12 Ottobre)
San Francesco d’Assisi - Figlio di mercanti
Messa di ringraziamento Lunedì 12 Ottobre 2015 alle
Francesco nacque nel 1181 da
10:00 am. Niente messa alle 8:00 di mattina. Si prega
Pietro Bernardone dei Moriconi e
di portare una donazione di merce scatolata o altri
dalla nobile Pica Bourlemont, in una
prodotti alimentari non deperibili per la "Tavola di San
famiglia della ricca borghesia
Francesco" e il "Rifugio del Buon Pastore". Ci sarà la
emergente della città di Assisi.
raccolta per la Società della San Vincenzo di Paola per
Sua madre gli mise il nome dell'apostolo Giovanni, ma
assistere le famiglie bisognose nella nostra comunità.
il padre decise di chiamare il figlio Francesco, in onore
di quella terra di Francia che aveva dato alla famiglia
Gruppo Sociale Parrocchiale
ricchezza e benessere. Dopo aver frequentato la
Il Gruppo Sociale 50+ della parrocchia, ricomincia a
scuola a partire dai 14 anni si dedicò a pieno titolo al
riunirsi il prossimo Martedì 13 Ottobre 2015 dalle
commercio. Vestiva panni preziosi ed esibiva gioielli
8:30 alle 11:00 am.
raffinati, ed era perciò il partito più ambito per le
Questo gruppo aperto alla
fanciulle di Assisi. Vedendo le schiere di mendicanti
accogliere altri parrocchiani per familiarizzarsi tra
che passavano davanti alla sua casa senza osare
entrare nel fondaco iniziò a percepire il contrasto tra
Siete invitati a venire e fare parte di questo
divertente gruppo sociale.
la ricchezza della sua famiglia e l'indigenza di tanta
gente della sua città.
Conteggio dei presenti
(Fonte Cathopedia)
Come abbiamo annunciato l’anno scorso Il cardinale
Collins ha richiesto che un conteggio di parrocchiani
venga condotto annualmente in tutte le parrocchie
dell'Arcidiocesi di Toronto.
parrocchia di St. Leo
Di conseguenza la
condurrà il conteggio dei
parrocchiani presenti durante i fine settimana del
17/18 Ottobre e del 24/25 Ottobre.
Tutto ciò
contribuirà a delineare un profilo accurato della
frequenza di parrocchiani che attendono messa nella
arcidiocesi di Toronto.
Il conteggio comprenderà la
messa del sabato sera e le messe domenicali.
Aggiornamento Società San Vincenzo di Paola
Fino al momento abbiamo assistito 86 famiglie nella
zona parrocchiale di St. Leo.
Abbiamo fatto 133
visite a domicilio aiutando 144 adulti e 106 bambini.
alimentare e abbiamo risposto a numerose richieste
di mobili e abbigliamento. Quando i nostri vicini nel
bisogno esprimono la loro gratitudine per ciò che
portiamo gli ricordiamo che è solo attraverso la
generosità dei nostri parrocchiani, che siamo in grado
di aiutare. Grazie per le vostre donazioni e che Dio
benedica voi e le vostre famiglie!