
Welcome to confort.
With 270 guest rooms & suites, a congress center with a capacity of up to 1500 attendees,
2 restaurants, the Lobby Bar, a summer outdoor pool, shops and our Royal Service we are well
positioned to cater for even the most demanding requests. Meliá Roma Aurelia Antica boosts a vast
range of dedicated meeting & conference rooms and optional breakout rooms. You will enjoy a totally
relaxed stay in any of our 270 welcoming and spacious rooms, where every detail has been
designed for your comfort. Our young and friendly staff has been carefully selected to provide
a courteous and professional service to guests who choose to stay with us.
The modern design and the natural daylight throughout most public areas create an environment
in which you find the energy to be productive and successful.
Melià Roma Aurelia Antica
Via Aldobrandeschi, 223, Roma, ITALY
Ph. +39 0666544
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by Giorgio Rusconi
Portraits in Marquetry
Giuseppe Maggiolini's works of art
are all over Europe
n Parabiago, an area still famous for creative woodworking, Giuseppe
Maggiolini is undoubtedly the most illustrious representative of what
would be considered today as the utmost in elegant design.
He was born in 1738 and he was working as a carpenter in the Cistercian
monastery of St. Ambrose when his talent was noted by two artists, Levati and Litta. They introduced him to the large market of the time, which
was the Austrian court in Milan, and after that, to the viceroy of France, Eugenio di Beauharnais. Maggiolini's furniture is neoclassical in style, with exquisite inlays in common and exotic woods (Maggiolini himself catalogued
86 types of wood that he used for his creations). He is recognized by the
world as an exceptional inlayer who never put carved areas on his chests,
gaming tables, or music or work tables. The designs of his inlays were created
by Levati, Litta, and other important artists, one of whom was Andrea Appiani.
Magia d’intarsi
Nella sua famosa bottega, Giuseppe Maggiolini ha lavorato
intensamente per i committenti di tutta Europa.
arabiago, terra ancor oggi famosa per gli artigiani del legno, Giuseppe Maggiolini è senza dubbio un illustre rappresentante di quello che oggi sarebbe il design
più raffinato. E’ nato nel 1738 e ha lavorato dapprima come carpentiere nel monastero cistercense di Sant’Ambrogio, finchè la sua abilità fu notata da due artisti, il Levati e il Litta, che lo introdussero alla grande committenza dell’epoca quale la corte
austriaca a Milano e in seguito il viceré napoleonico Eugenio di Beauharnais. I suoi
mobili si contraddistinguono per lo stile neoclassico, caratterizzati da finissimi intarsi
in legni esotici e nostrani (lo stesso Maggiolini ne catalogò 86 tipi utilizzati per le sue
opere). L’artigiano è riconosciuto da tutti come un eccezionale intarsiatore che non inserì mai zone intagliate nei suoi cassettoni, tavoli da gioco, da musica e da lavoro. I
disegni dei suoi intarsi erano creati dal Levati e dal Litta, suoi scopritori, e da altri importanti artisti fra cui Andrea Appiani.
абиринты инкрустации
своей знаменитой мастерской жузеппе аджолини
с усердием трудился для заказчиков всей вропы.
жузеппе аджолини из арабиаго, края знаменитых мастеров по
обработке дерева, несомненно, является выдающимся представителем
дизайна, который сегодня кажется самым утончённым искусством.
одившийся в 1738 году мастер был плотником в цистерцианском
монастыре св. Амброджио, пока его искусные работы не заметили
художники евати и итта. Они представили жузеппе аджолини
крупным заказчикам, в частности австрийскому двору в илане, а позднее
наполеоновскому генералу, вице-королю талии Эжену огарне. ебель
неоклассического стиля отличается изысканной инкрустацией из
экзотических и местных пород дерева. ам аджолини составил каталог из
86 видов, которые он применял в своих произведениях. Общепризнанный
выдающийся инкрустатор использовал для своих комодов, пюпитров,
карточных и рабочих столиков рисунки открывших его евати и итта, а
также других значительных художников, например Андреа Аппиани.
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