Theater Arts 8LM: Themenpools 2015-2016


Theater Arts 8LM: Themenpools 2015-2016
1) Ancient Greek theater
a. Sophocles, Oedipus: acting the chorus versus main roles
b. Stage design elements and their use in productions
2) Realism and Konstantin Stanislavski
a. Susan Glaspell, Trifles: rehearsal techniques and exercises
b. Realist production elements: set and costumes
3) Bertolt Brecht, Helene Weigel and Epic theater
a. Mother Courage and her Children: original production alienation techniques
b. Structure of Epic plays
4) Augusto Boal and Theater of the Oppressed
a. Forum theater, rules, principles, and application
b. Image theater, rules, principles, and application
5) Gore Vidal’s Visit to a Small Planet: Political satire and performance
a. Translating a director’s concept into practical production elements
b. Movement and character
6) Japanese Kabuki theater
a. Stock characters: movement and voice
b. Structure of stage, structure of story
7) Bunraku theater
a. Puppet creation, training, movement
b. Playwriting and performance elements
8) Italian Commedia dell’Arte
a. Stock characters in Commedia
b. Playwriting conventions: concetto, lazzo, sogetto
9) Elizabethan theater
a. Interpretation of iambic pentameter
b. Stage design and performance conventions
10) Absurdist theater
a. Martin Esslin’s Theatre of the Absurd
b. Eugene Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano
11) Melodramas
a. Performance of morality through stock characters
b. Production elements relating to play
12) Musicals
a. Differences among Golden Age musicals, operetta, revue, vaudeville
b. Melopoetics and Melokinetics in musical numbers