Esperienze dal campo 2


Esperienze dal campo 2
PERIOD 2014 – 2016
Presentazione Dr.ssa Alessandra Pedone
Il nuovo progetto
• Si focalizza sulla governance locale e lo sviluppo
territoriale usando un approccio basato sulla
resilienza per affrontare i problemi di salute,
sociali e dell’istruzione.
• Si basa su uno sviluppo territoriale integrato con
una programmazione di medio termine (2 anni)
in 25 Comuni del Libano di cui 8 in Wadi Khaled.
• Si propone di promuovere un dialogo tra tutti gli
stakeholders presenti a livello territoriale per
coinvolgerli in un “ciclo di programmazione
locale” e, più avanti, nel monitoraggio degli
interventi e nella valutazione degli esiti.
L’obiettivo generale del progetto è:
definire piani integrati di salute per lo sviluppo e la
governance locale.
Obiettivi specifici sono:
sviluppare la qualità dei servizi di cure primarie
per la comunità e migliorare la consapevolezza
della salute nelle scuole pubbliche.
Partners ….
Ministry of Public Health (MoPH)
Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE)
Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA)
Selected Municipalities (25)
Primary Health Care Centers (PHCC)
Social Development Centers (SDC)
Public Schools (priority elementary and
Proposed 25 territories/municipalities
• Kfarzena
• Mazyara
• Racheen
• Ardat Wa Haraf Ardat
• Sebeel
• Bar Elias
• Zahleh
Mount Lebanon
• Haret Hreik
• Al-Chiah
• Bouj Hammoud
• Baakline
• Jbeil
• Zouk Mikhael
• Bint Jbeil
Proposed 25 territories/municipalities
Baalbeck –
• Wadi Khaled (Kneisseh, Hnaider, Majdal, Rajem
Khalaf, Rajem Issa, Kalkha)
• Moqaybleh
• Khat Petrol
• Bani Sakher
• Al Fared
• Al Rameh
• Al Amayer
• Hisheh
• Personnel of 16 PHCCs: 200 Medical and Para
medical personnel at the least;
• Personnel of 13 SDCs: 100 medical and
Paramedical personnel at the least;
• 66 Public schools (elementary and intermediate)
for a total of 18,088 students, 55 directors, 9
supervisors and 55 health educators at the least;
• 25 municipalities (including 8 municipalities in
Wadi Khaled) with 25 representatives from
municipalities at the least.
Methodology: Towards an integrated approach
at National
Risultati attesi
• Capacità delle autorità locali di crescere in
termini di pianificazione,
dell’offerta e della domanda;
• Capacità di miglioramento dei PHCC e dei
SDC scelti in termini di competenze delle
risorse umane, pianificazione, governo,
infrastrutture, attrezzature, qualità dei servizi
per la comunità;
• Capacità delle scuole pubbliche di migliorare le competenze delle
risorse umane per l’educazione degli studenti e delle famiglie e delle
•condizioni di sanificazione delle acque;
• Sviluppo di un meccanismo sistematico di invio tra PHCC, SDC e
Output 1: Piani Integrati di Salute
1.1 Participation of local and national stakeholders in a consultation process
 Establishment of National Steering Committee composed by the General
Directors of the MoPH, MEHE, MoSA and UNDP.
 Establishment of a Technical Steering Committee (TSC) composed by the
appointed representatives of the ministries and UNDP.
 Establishment of a thematic working group (TWG) involving municipalities and
local stakeholders in the health/education/social sectors in each municipality
1.2 Planning exercise at local level involving municipalities PHCCs, SDCs and public
1.3 Referral system at territorial level developed and systematized
1.4 Shared document (guidelines) among local and National stakeholders for the
capitalisation of the experience produced
Output 2: Rafforzamento dei servizi nei PHCC
2.1 Health information System (HIS) of MoPH upgraded
2.2 Skills of Medical and Par-medical staff (concept Primary health care)
2.3 Management system of the PHCCs improved
2.3.1. Upgrading of medical records
2.3.2 Installation of HIS (if not installed) and the training of the staff on this HIS
2.3.3 Planning and Implementation of PHCC protocols (Chronic Disease
Management, vaccination, screening etc…)
2.3.4 Planning and Implementation of outreach activities (scholastic health in
collaboration with public schools, home visits, etc.)
2.4 Rehabilitation and equipment of the PHCCs based on the approved
standards if needed.
Output 3: Miglioramento delle condizioni di
salute degli studenti nelle scuole
3.1 School conditions assessed through a participatory approach
Assessment of the conditions of the public schools through questionnaire
and/or through the “maps of risks and resources
3.2 Health Educators skills improved
3.3 Health education program upgraded in the public school
3.4 Health education in public schools promoted
Implementation of the School based Health Education (including oral health
education) in public schools in collaboration with the PHCCs
3.4 Sanitation conditions in public schools based on approved standards
Rehabilitation and equipment if needed
Output 4: Rafforzamento delle componenti delle
cure primarie nei Centri di sviluppo sociale
4.1 Criteria for service delivery of primary care by SDCs standardized by MoSA
Sharing information between MoSA and MoPH,
Technical assistance to the MoSA
Development of the guidelines for the SDCs
4.2 Skills (concept concerning PHCC) of SDCs Medical and Par-medical Staff
4.2.1 Composition of the team in SDCs- Recruitment (if missing)
4.2.2 Training of the para-medical and medical staff of the identified SDCs (jointly
with PHCCs staff)
4.3 Management system of the SDCs improved
4.3.2 Implementation of the HIS of the MoPH and the training of the staff on this HIS
4.3.3 Planning and Implementation of PHC protocols (Chronic Disease Management,
vaccination, screening etc…) and Planning and Implementation of outreach activities
(scholastic health, home visits, etc.)
4.4 Rehabilitation and equipment of the SDCs based on the approved standards
if needed.
Qualità dei servizi a livello locale
Supervisione da parte del livello nazionale
Allocazione di Fondi ai fornitori di servizi locali
Thank you