Convegno 30 settembre


Convegno 30 settembre
Come i manager in Europa, Asia e America gestiscono le
risorse umane per tornare a competere
Crisis: international benchmark between new HR executives' approaches
Giovedì, 30 Settembre 2010 – ore 14.15
LUISS Business School
Sala delle Colonne
Viale Pola, 12
00198 Roma
La S.V. è invitata a partecipare al Convegno “Come i manager in Europa, Asia e America gestiscono le
risorse umane per tornare a competere” organizzato da LUISS Business School e Sistemi Formativi
Confindustria, all’interno del Progetto “Management in Crisis Time & Cost Reduction, presentato da
Confindustria e Federmanager e co-finanziato da Fondirigenti.
I relatori si alterneranno con speech di quindici minuti cadauno per raccontare e far raccontare l’attuale
crisi internazionale.
Ore 14.15
Registrazione dei partecipanti
Indirizzo di saluto
Rita Santarelli, Vice Presidente LUISS Guido Carli
Franco Fontana, Direttore LUISS Business School Divisione di LUISS Guido Carli
Mario Cardoni, Direttore Generale Federmanager
Ore 15.00
Introduction to the meeting,
Mr. Mario Gibertoni, President of Gruppo StudioBase, Brescia
The policies implemented by executives to overcome the crisis in Asia
Ms. Iris Woo, Managing Director and Founder of Brentwood International Consultants, Hong Kong
The Executives’s labor market in France
Mr. Bertram Durand, Managing Director and Founder of CNPG Conseil RH, Paris
Executives response to the economic crisis in South America
Mr. José Macaya de Aguinaga, Managing Director and Founder of Macaya & Suárez Battán Asesores,
Buenos Aires.
Procedures for recruitment and career development of executives in Russia/CIS, Turkey and emergent
Countries of Eastern Europe
Mr. Gerhard Wittman, Managing Director of Hill International, Vienna
Executives search market in Spain and Portugal and recruiting policies Spanish companies are
Mr. Ignacio Macaya, Current President of Enex, Managing Director and Founder of Macaya Consulting &
Executive Search, Barcelona
English executives and corporate response to the economic crisis across a number of key sectors
Mr. Ian Irvin, Past President of Enex, Managing Director and Founder of Irvin Hunt, Somerset (UK).
Coaching the gap
Mr. Clive Steeper, Managing Director and Founder of AVASST, Swindon (UK)
Talent management: a necessity also during times of crisis
Mr. Cees Vis, Past President of Enex, Managing Director and Founder of Vis Recruitment, Amsterdam
Entrepreneur's succession,
Mr. Günther Weisser, Managing Director and Founder of BRIC International Executive Search, Frankfurt
Human Resources in crisis time in Italy
Mr. Leonello Castagnetti, Partner of Gruppo StudioBase, Brescia
Questions & Answers
Conclusione dei lavori, a cura del Dott. Mario Gibertoni, Presidente di Gruppo StudioBase e presentazione
del libro di Andrea Chiarini “Lean Organisation for Excellence", Franco Angeli Editore
Ore 18.30
Cocktail di chiusura
Ingresso gratuito.
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