Humectant Moisturizing Oil (foto 2), un olio


Humectant Moisturizing Oil (foto 2), un olio
Italsystems’s tips for perfect grooming results: all you
need to know about excellent texturizing treatments
that help the coat recover total health and beauty
THE MARKET offers many products that improve the
coat’s quality and condition but only lanolin oil is so
effective to solve common troubles like dry, weak, dull
hair, tangles and mats between baths, natural colour
alterations, fluffy hair, shedding and bad smell.
In all those cases the problem must be faced from the
first grooming step: shampoo. Choose a specific
formula that protects the hair so that, bath after bath, it
helps improve the condition. This is what #1 All Systems
Super Cleaning Shampoo does. With neutral pH and
high amounts of vegetal nourishing ingredients, it
makes the hair very easy to brush, it eliminates static
electricity and prepares it to the second step: the
T.K. Particolarmente robusto, il tavolo T.K., ha un motore elettrico che si
aziona per mezzo di telecomando ed è disponibile in due misure: 115x60 o
110x60 cm. Il piano di lavoro è in legno multistrato con gomma antiscivolo. Nel prezzo sono compresi un robusto braccio a L e il telecomando. Si
può richiedere anche con ruote e cassetto porta oggetti.
T.K. Very strong, the table T.K. comes in two sizes - 115x60 and 110x60
cm – and has an electric engine with remote control. The surface is in
multi-layer wood and antiskid gum coating. The price includes also a
strong L-arm and the remote control. It can be equipped with wheels and
MORE THAN A CONDITIONER. Conditioning can be
boosted by adding Pure Lanolin Oil (picture 1), a wax
deriving from lambswool, which is highly soothing and
therefore excellent to nourish the coat. Differently from
other oils that basically preserve the coat, lanolin oil
has a high nutritional value, which is easily absorbed,
and supports the hair growth making it stronger and
more elastic.
If a normal coat needs a couple of spoonfuls of Super
Rich Conditioner, the one in bad condition would need
two spoonfuls of Super Rich Conditioner supplemented
with 1 or 2 spoonfuls of lanolin oil; mix very well with 2
glasses of hot water and add some more to arrive to
about 1 litre; apply it on the coat and insist on the areas
where the hair is tangled or weaker. Distribute the
product at best. Since the oil is not water-soluble, it will
remain on the hair. Then detangle the coat.
BEAUTY AND HEALTH. Lanolin oil helps detangle,
brush and dry the hair and it preserves the coat from
possible damage. It also speeds up the grooming
operations. If you use an appropriate amount of
conditioner and lanolin oil, the coat will look well
nourished but not greasy: it will stay free from tangles
and mats till the next bath and grow increasingly
stronger till the optimal condition.
Since it is not water-soluble, lanolin oil builds a waterrepellent barrier on the hair and hinders the
development of stains due to tears, saliva or urine, it
protects from sun rays and, above all, from external
agents and it creates an adverse environment for
parasites. The bath with lanolin is therefore an
excellent texturizing treatment.
When bathing the dog with lanolin, Product Stabilizer is
recommended: it is a citrus rinse that eliminates all
lanolin residues.
Humectant Moisturizing Oil (foto 2), un olio trasparente e vegetale che
potenzia il condizionamento.
Dopo lo shampoo, da operare con due passaggi di Super Cleaning
Shampoo, si procede al condizionamento: diluire in 1 l di acqua tiepido-calda 2 cucchiai di Botanical Conditioner, o di Super Rich CondiCONSISTENCE AND FREQUENCY. If you choose to use
lanolin oil, you need to be consistent: bathe the dog
tioner a secondo del tipo di mantello, miscelare e versare uniformeonce every 7-10 days. If you cannot bathe the dog
frequently, use lanolin oil combined with primrose
mente. Attenzione: più il mantello è in cattive condizioni e più potrebHumectant Moisturizing Oil (picture 2), a transparent
and vegetal oil that enhances the effects of the
be essere utile non risciacquare il prodotto, opeconditioner.
rando così una vera cura ristrutturante del pelo.
After having shampooed the coat twice with Super
Cleaning Shampoo, condition it: dilute 2 spoonful of
A questo punto applicare l’olio di primula:
Botanical Conditioner or Super Rich Conditioner
according to the kind of coat, mix and spread evenly.
diluire 1 o 2 cucchiai in 1 l d’acqua, versare,
Careful: the worse is the hair condition the better it is to
aggiungere un po’ d’acqua per distribuire
avoid rinsing so as to produce a real re-texturizing
treatment. Apply primrose oil: dilute 1 or 2 spoonfuls in
meglio il prodotto, districare e asciugare.
1 litre water, spread on the coat, add some water and
massage, then detangle and dry the hair.
La presenza dell’olio di primula velocizza i
Primrose oil speeds up the grooming operations and
reduces brush and comb damage to a minimum. It
tempi di toelettatura e riduce al minimo i
moisturizes and protects from external agents, it is an
danni da passaggio di spazzola e pettine. È
excellent sun shield and, when used regularly, it helps
the hair reach top length. The mix of conditioner and
idratante, protegge dagli agenti esterni, è
primrose oil is excellent also for coats that are usually
un ottimo schermo solare e, usato abitualmente,
In case of coats that tangle easily, use primrose oil also
aiuta il pelo a raggiungere una maggiore lunghezza.
in-between baths, every time you need to brush the
hair: dilute 1 spoonful of oil with 1 of conditioner and 2
La miscela di condizionatore e olio di primula è ideale anche per i
glasses of water, spray the mix on the coat and brush or
mantelli che sono soliti fare i pacchetti.
Primrose oil can be used also for a finishing effect:
dilute 1 teaspoonful of conditioner and 1 of primrose oil
Per manti che si annodano facilmente, usare l’olio di primula anche
in 300 ml water, spray and brush the hair. For white
tra un bagno e l’altro tutte le volte che occorre spazzolare: diluire in
coats, add also 1 teaspoonful of Self Rinse Shampoo to
the mix: it enhances the white colour.
uno spruzzino 1 cucchiaio di prodotto con 1 cucchiaino di condizioPrimrose oil is also excellent to spray on the fringes of
dog breeds that have them, like Schnauzers and
natore e 2 bicchieri d’acqua, spruzzare e procedere con spazzola e
L’olio di primula si può usare come prodotto rifinitore: diluire in uno
spruzzino 1 cucchiaino di condizionatore, 1 cucchiaino di olio di primula e circa 300 ml d’acqua, spruzzare e spazzolare. Nel caso di mantelli bianchi si consiglia di aggiungere a questa
miscela anche 1 cucchiaino di Self Rinse Shampoo, che esalta il candore. L’olio di primula è anche perfetto da spruzzare sulle frange di tutte le razze che ne sono caratterizzate, come lo schnauzer o il setter. (S.A.)