evento formativo residenziale: terapia antifungina: confronto


evento formativo residenziale: terapia antifungina: confronto
MOD14-05 / Rev. Nr. 3
N. ECM 106-109516
Evento Residenziale (RES). Accreditamento Nazionale
Parma 17 dicembre 2014 - Aula magna della Clinica Medica, padiglione 26, Ospedale Maggiore di
Durante l’evento verrà allestita una coffee station
Introduzione e scopi del corso
Nuove Prospettive nella diagnosi fungina: angiotac
Discussione sui temi trattati: l’esperto risponde
La gestione del paziente trapiantato di midollo
Discussione sui temi trattati: l’esperto risponde
Take home messages
Questionario di apprendimento ECM
F. Aversa
R.E. Lewis
R.E. Lewis
L. Prezioso
F. Aversa
F. Aversa
Nell'ultimo decennio, il problema delle infezioni fungine è diventato particolarmente pressante,
dal punto di vista clinico, in specifici ambiti assistenziali quali la terapia intensiva (ICU), i centri di
trapianto d’organo, l’ematologia.
In terapia intensiva, ad esempio, si registra un aumento dei pazienti immunocompromessi gravi
che hanno un elevato rischio di sviluppare una sepsi fungina. La gestione di tali pazienti, per
gravità clinica, costi correlati e mortalità, rappresenta una delle sfide più importanti nelle unità di
terapia intensiva.
La difficoltà nel trattamento delle infezioni fungine invasive (IFI) ha determinato un aumento di
morbilità e di mortalità, prolungate ospedalizzazioni e aumento dei costi assistenziali. Una diagnosi
ed un trattamento precoce è di estrema importanza in quanto la mortalità per infezione fungina
raggiunge il 90% se l’infezione viene diagnosticata e trattata dopo oltre 10 giorni dalla comparsa
dei segni clinici o radiologici, mentre scende al 40% nel caso il trattamento venga iniziato più
precocemente. È da tempo dimostrato che la diagnosi precoce ed accurata, permette di
MOD14-05 / Rev. Nr. 3
instaurare rapidamente un’adeguata terapia antifungina ed arginare l’evoluzione sfavorevole
L’obiettivo di questi incontri è quello di offrire un aggiornamento sull’epidemiologia delle IFI,
illustrare le più recenti novità in tema di strumenti diagnostici, identificare le nuove categorie
emergenti di pazienti ad alto rischio (a seguito dell’impiego di nuove categorie di farmaci o nuove
strategie terapeutiche che rendono i pazienti più immunocompromessi) ed analizzare le attuali e
future possibilità di terapia, grazie al confronto con esperti. Nel corso del programma si discuterà
di epidemiologia e metodi diagnostici, sulla farmacocinetica e farmacodinamica dei farmaci
antifungini e sulla gestione clinico-terapeutica dei malati con IFI analizzando approcci, linee guida
e le scelte terapeutiche.
Obiettivo Nazionale N° 3: Documentazione clinica, percorsi clinico assistenziali diagnostici e
riabilitativi, profili di assistenza, profili di cura.
Tutte le specializzazioni di Medico Chirurgo, Farmacista Ospedaliero, Biologia.
MOD14-05 / Rev. Nr. 3
FACULTY (in ordine alfabetico)
Responsabile Laurea: MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA
Affiliazione: Direttore Unità di Ematologia,
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale,
Università di Parma
Affiliazione: Professore associato, Dipartimento di
Farmacia Scienze Mediche, Clinica di Malattie Infettive,
Università degli Studi di Bologna
Specializzazione – MEDICINA INTERNA
Affiliazione: Dirigente Medico Ematologia,
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale,
Università di Parma
MOD14-05 / Rev. Nr. 3
Accreditamento Provider: PKG srl con decorrenza dal 15/10/2012 è Provider Standard Nazionale con
numero identificativo 106 dopo aver ottenuto il parere positivo dalla Commissione Nazionale per la
Formazione Continua. Tale accreditamento è valido per un periodo di 4 anni ai sensi dell’Accordo stipulato
in sede di Conferenza permanente per i rapporti tra lo Stato, le Regioni e le Province Autonome di Trento e
Bolzano in data 5 novembre 2009 e del suo Regolamento Applicativo approvato dalla Commissione
Nazionale per la Formazione Continua in data 13/01/2010 e successive modifiche del 19 aprile 2012. PKG
s.r.l. è inoltre certificata UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 per la progettazione ed erogazione di servizi di formazione
continua in medicina come provider ECM (Certificato TUV 50 100 9892)
CURRICULUM VITAE (in ordine alfabetico)
Direttore struttura complessa Ematologia e Centro trapianti midollo osseo
Nato a Frosinone nel 1949 proviene dall’Università di Perugia.
Ha conseguito la laurea in Medicina e chirurgia nel 1974 e le specializzazioni in Medicina interna (1979) ed
Ematologia clinica e di laboratorio (1982).
Nel 1983 ha lavorato a New York presso il dipartimento di Pediatria del Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Centre e gli anni successivi, ha collaborato con il dipartimento di Biofisica del Weizmann Institute of Science
di Tel Aviv (Israele) e insegnato Ematologia e oncologia presso la Balamand University in Libano.
Dal 1986 ha ricoperto incarichi assistenziali e universitari presso la Clinica medica I° dell’Università di
Perugia e poi nella neonata sezione di Ematologia.
E’ stato pioniere di innovative tecniche di trapianto di cellule staminali fino ad ottenere, negli anni 1990,
riconoscimenti internazionali per aver consentito, per la prima volta al mondo, il successo del trapianto
anche tra soggetti non compatibili.
La sua posizione lavorativa a Perugia era di Professore associato di Ematologia, Direttore della struttura
complessa di Oncologia ed ematologia pediatrica e del Centro Trapianti midollo osseo dell’Università di
Da oggi è professore associato di Malattie del sangue presso la Facoltà di Medicina e chirurgia
dell’Università degli Studi di Parma.
Il Prof. Aversa è autore di oltre 150 pubblicazioni con un Impact Factor superiore a 650 e 63 monografie;
collabora con numerose istituzioni scientifiche ed è revisore per alcune prestigiose riviste internazionali; è
membro di numerose società scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali.
-MEDICINA INTERNA, conseguita a Perugia il 16-07-1979.
-EMATOLOGIA CLINICA E DI LABORATORIO, conseguita a Roma il 19-07-1982.
1.Visiting Research Fellow presso il Department of Pediatrics, Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre di New York (USA) dal luglio/1983 al Dicembre/1983.
2.Research Fellow presso il Department of Biophysics del Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Tel Aviv
(Israele) Ottobre e Novembre 1984 e poi per brevi periodi compresi tra il 1985 e il 1993.
3.Invited Professor presso l'University of Balamand, Medical School, Libano, per corso didattico di OncoEmatologia a studenti del IV anno, gennaio 2005.
-Professore associato di Ematologia, Università degli Studi di Perugia fino al 23/12/2011.
-Direttore della S.C. di Oncologia ed Ematologia Pediatrica e del Centro Trapianti di Midollo Osseo della
Sezione di Ematologia e Immunologia Clinica del Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
dell'Università di Perugia, Ospedale ed Università di Perugia fino al 23/12/2011.
-Dal 24/12/2011 Direttore Sezione di Ematologia e Centro Trapianti Midollo Osseo dell'Università di Parma,
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma.
-Erich and Gertrud Roggenbuck Foundation conferito dall'International Commette dell'European Bone
Marrow Transplant Group (EBMT) ad Hamburg (Germania) il 24/3/1999
-Società Italiana di Ematologia , 38° Congresso Nazionale, Firenze 7-10 Ottobre 2001
-Pierre Stryckmans Memorial Lecture al19° General Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society, Brussels,
30 Gennaio 2004
-12th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress Award, Hong Kong 8-10 Dicembre 2005
Oltre 200 RELAZIONI in Congressi Nazionali e Internazionali
150 peer-reviewed PUBBLICAZIONI e 63 MONOGRAFIE dedicate alle seguenti ricerche:
-Terapia di tumori solidi, linfomi e leucemie
-Trapianto di cellule staminali ematopoietiche
-Tecniche di T-deplezione ex vivo
-Immunologia dei trapianti
1.EMATOLOGIA di Williams, edito da Piccin-Padova, 1983
2.COMPENDIO di PATOLOGIA MEDICA Vol I-II di Larizza-Furbetta Edito da Piccin-Padova, 1987
3.La RADIOLOGIA e la CLINICA, Benucci Editore, Perugia, 1988.
Y, Editors. Serono Symposia Rev N. 13, 1988.
5.FISICA e RADIOTERAPIA, Gobbi G, Latini P, Editori, 1989.
6.TRATTATO delle MALATTIE del SANGUE, di Larizza, Piccin-Padova Ed. 1991.
7.ENCICLOPEDIA MEDICA ITALIANA, USES, anni 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1999, 2005
8.TERAPIA MEDICA ONCOLOGICA 1992. Santoro A & Bonadonna G. Editori EDISES 1992.
9.PROGRESSI CLINICI. Cosmi E, Bistoni F, Frati L, Eds. Piccin Ed, Padova 1992.
10.COMPENDIO DI MEDICINA INTERNA E TERAPIA. P. Larizza & D. Furbetta. Piccin Ed, Padova 1993.
Latini P, Editori, 1994.
12.PROGRESSI in EMATOLOGIA CLINICA. Bernasconi C. Editore, Volume 15, 1996.
press 2004
14.THE EBMT HANDBOOK 2008 REVISED EDITION. Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation", Editors:
Apperley J, Carreras E, Gluckman E, Grafwohl A, M
Russell Edward Lewis, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
401 Louisiana St. #509
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: (832) 282-3456
Department of Clinical Services and Administration
College of Pharmacy, University of Houston
Texas Medical Center
1441 Moursund Street #424
Houston, TX 77030
Tel: (713) 795-8326
Fax: (713) 795-8383
[email protected]
United States of America
Associate Professor of Pharmacy with Tenure, Division of Clinical and Experimental
Therapeutics. Department of Clinical Sciences and Administration, University of Houston
College of Pharmacy. Houston, TX.
Chair, Ad Interim. Department of Clinical Sciences and Administration
(35 Faculty, 6 staff FTE); University of Houston College of Pharmacy.
Houston, TX.
Adjunct Faculty, Division of Infectious Diseases, Infection Control
and Employee Health, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences and Administration
University of Houston College of Pharmacy. Houston, TX.
Woods Hole Marine Biology Laboratory
Molecular Mycology-Current Approaches to Fungal Pathogenesis
Woods Hole, MA
Infectious Diseases Research Fellowship
University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
Iowa City, IA
Pharmacy Practice Residency (ASHP accredited)
Barnes-Jewish Hospital at Washington University Medical Center,
St. Louis, MO
Doctor of Pharmacy
University of Kansas, School of Pharmacy
Lawrence, KS
Licensed Pharmacist: Missouri, Texas
Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist with Added Qualifications in
Infectious Diseases; recertified by examination until 12/2014
Clinical Staff (Pharmacy) and Faculty (Medicine)
Infectious Diseases Consultation Services
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX
Clinical Adjunct Faculty
Infectious Diseases/Internal Medicine
University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
Iowa City, IA
Clinical Pharmacist
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
St. Louis, MO
Pharmacy Intern
St. Francis Regional Medical Center
Topeka, KS
Research Assistant
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
University of Kansas College of Pharmacy
Lawrence, KS
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Post-Doctoral Research Fellows Trained )
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Nathan Wiederhold, Pharm.D.
Current position: Associate Professor with Tenure
UTHSC- College of Pharmacy, San Antonio, TX
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Infectious Diseases Residents Co-Trained )
Jessica Cottreau, Pharm.D.; Current Position: Clinical Assistant Professor,
University of Houston College of Pharmacy, Houston, TX
Denise Ricobono, Pharm.D.; Current Position: Infectious Diseases Specialist,
Bronx Lebanon Health Center, New York, NY
Celeste Rudisill, Pharm.D ; Current Position: Clinical Assistant Professor,
Medical University South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
Bradley Atkinson, Pharm.D; Current Position, Oncology Specialist, The University
of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Kimberly Nguyen, Pharm.D.; Current Position, Internal Medicine Specialist, The
Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX
Holly Hogan, Pharm.D., BCPS Current Position, Internal Medicine Specialist,
Savannah, Georgia
PHAR 5208 Infectious Diseases Therapeutics (Course coordinator)
“The clinician and the microbiology laboratory”
“ Aerosolized and percutaneous antibiotic dosing”
“ Immunology of ID”
“Antibiotic hypersensitivity and allergy”
“Antifungal therapy”
PHAR 4308. Cellular Life Sciences II
“Adversarial pathogen strategies during infection, Part 1-3”
UH College of Pharmacy Resident Teaching Certificate Program
“ Ins and out of academic life”
“ Scientific publication”
PCOL 6371-Advanced Pharmacology II (University of Houston-Graduate
Pharmacology Program)
“Principles of Host Immunity”
“Pharmacology of anti-inflammatory agents”
PHCA 5209 Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapeutics II
Lecturer. (University of Houston)
“Essentials of in vitro testing of antimicrobials” 2000-Present
“Molecular mechanisms of antibacterial resistance” 2000-Present
“Quinolone antibiotics” 2000-2002
“Macrolides, lincosamides, streptogramins, and linezolid” 2000-2003
“Systemic antifungal agents” 2000-Present
“Immunology of Infectious Diseases” 2003-Present
“Vaccinations” 2003-Present
PHAR 5581. Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics. Lecturer (University of Houston)
“Systemic Fungal Infections” 1999-Present
“Infective Endocarditis” 1999-Present
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
“Sexually Transmitted Diseases” 1999-Present
“Septic Meningitis” 2001-2006
“Tuberculosis” 2000-2003
“Immunology of auto-immune diseases” 2009-Present
“Drug Hypersensitivity” 2009-Present
PHAR 5229 Research Methodologies in Pharmaceutical Research
“Animal Research and Pharmaceutical Development” 2001-Present
PHAR 5682 Infectious Diseases Clinical Clerkship
(Hematological Malignancies Service) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
(University of Houston) Interns trained: Amy Guerin, Brina Mathews
Vu Huynh, Bonnie Labdi
Wes Westmoreland, Anila Stephen
Tina Vennookkaran, Jenni Hong
Harold Desalis, Emmanual Tesfaye
Ziad Ghanem, Traci Tuch
Craig Nelson, Lisa Frietze
Bret Riddle, Azita Koucheknejad
Craig Goodson, Steve Albright
Julianna Fernandez, Le Nguyen
Steven McClure, Michael Willert
Michelle Lee, Ryan Anderson
Jessica Brennen, James Getchell
Tri Nguyen, Cheryl Holt
Nancy Dinero, Derek Sachitano
Clayton Otto, Stephanie Weightman
PHAR 5682 Infectious Diseases Clinical Clerkship
(Solid Tumor Service) M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
(University of Houston) Interns trained: Jennifer Lynds, Nhu Vu
PHAR 5581/5582 Advanced Therapeutics II. Co-Course Coordinator
PHAR 5372 –Pharmacy Law and Ethics (University of Houston)
Course Coordinator
PHPR 646 - Pharmacotherapy I. Invited lecturer (University of Kansas)
“Invasive fungal infection” (2001-2005)
“Sepsis” (2001-2002)
Infectious Diseases Fellows Core Curriculum. The University of Texas M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center Core Curricula.
“Antibiotic and Tumor-Related Fever”
“New Treatment Modalities for Acute and Chronic Leukemia”
“Infectious Complications in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia”
“The Pharmacology of Sepsis”
“Iatrogenic Immunosuppression”
“Overview of Antifungal Pharmacology”
“Overview of Imunosuppression Associated with Cancer Chemotherapy”
“Antibiotic Hypersensitivity”
Diabetes TX-Pharm elective “Infections in the Diabetic Patient.”
PHAR 5365 Pharm.D Seminar. Infectious Diseases Content Evaluator
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Pharmacotherapy IV. Lecturer (University of Iowa)
“Febrile Neutropenia,” “Infective Endocarditis”
Group case discussion leader: Pharmacotherapy I-IV
(University of Iowa)
Introduction to Pharmaceutical Care. Group Leader
Problem based-learning format (University of Iowa)
Infectious Diseases Research Elective. Instructor (University of Iowa)
Honors Seminar. Lecturer “Antifungal Pharmacodynamics”
Adjunct Instructor (St. Louis College of Pharmacy)
Infectious Diseases Clerkship
Internal Medicine Clerkship
Critical Care Clerkship
Ambulatory Care Clerkship
Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy (St. Louis College of Pharmacy)
Taught in active learning format
“Overview of Microbiological Testing”
“Overview of Antibacterial Resistance”
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Formal Lectures & Invited Presentations)
“Managing drug interactions with immunosuppressant agents” Infectious Diseases Society
of America (IDSA) 48 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, CA
“Challenging Cases in Antifungal Therapeutic Drug Monitoring” Infectious Diseases Society
of America (IDSA) 48 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, CA
“The interplay of innate immunity and antifungal resistance” Astellas Pharmaceutical Global
Advisory, Vancouver, CA
“Triazole antifungal pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics” CE program delivered with
John Perfect (Duke University), Peter Pappas (University of Alabama-Birmingham), LibbyDodds Ashley (University of Rochester), Boston, MA
“Update on the Management of Invasive Fungal Infections” University of Illinois-Chicago
Infectious Diseases CME Symposium, Chicago, IL
“The Ins and Outs of Scientific Publication” Harris County Hospital Resident and Faculty
Development Series, Houston, TX
“Aspergillus, steroids and antifungals- What every patient should know.” 3 Advances
Against Aspergillus Meeting, Rome, Italy
“Antibiotic Resistance Concerns in the Gyn-Onc Patient” Gynecology-Oncology Grand
Rounds. The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
“How does antifungal pharmacology differ for Mucormyocysis vs. Aspergillosis?” Henry
Schuler Memorial Symposium. Chicago, IL
“Managing antifungal nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity” 47 Meeting of the Infectious
Diseases Society of America, Philadelphia, PA
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
“Managing cytomegalovirus infections in transplant patients” –Hematology Oncology
Pharmacist Association (HOPA) CME webinar with Allison Gulbis, Pharm.D. (M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center), Houston, Texas
“Getting with the Guidelines- Management of Invasive Candidiasis.” CME Lecture Series
with Enduring Materials. Onsite lectures provided in Philadelphia, PA; Denver CO, San
Jose, CA and Los Angeles, CA.
“Controversies and questions surrounding the antifungal formulary” Teleconference CME
series. Broadlane Pharmacy Management Group., Houston, Texas
“Where are the new antibiotics?” University of Houston College of Pharmacy Infectious
Diseases Pharmacy CE Symposium, Houston, TX
“Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic optimization of antimicrobial dosing in the neutropenic
“ New antimicrobials for neutropenic fever.”
17 Annual King Hussein Cancer Center Conference, Amman, Jordan
“Controversies in the Management of Invasive Candidiasis” Society of Hospital Medicine
2009 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
“Key Pharmacological Concerns in the Management of Invasive Fungal Infections.”
Visiting Professor- Case Discussions of Difficult Cases of Invasive Fungal Infections”
Peking Medical University / College of Pharmacy, Beijing, China
“Intrapulmonary drug delivery and interactions with host cells” 4
Mycology (TIMM) Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece
“New Antimicrobials and Antibiotic Dosing Strategies in Neutropenic Fever”
Hematologic Malignancies Conference 2009. Bruxelles, Belgium
“Controversies in the Management of Invasive Candidiasis” 5 Annual Infectious DiseasesCritical Care Pharmacy CE Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada
“Improving the pharmacology of invasive mould infections” Infectious Diseases Grand
Rounds, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
“Evidence versus pragmatism in managing invasive candidiasis” Infectious Diseases Grand
Rounds, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
“Cases in antifungal therapeutic drug monitoring.” Houston Infectious Diseases Pharmacy
Network. Houston, Texas
“A case for fluconazole as front-line therapy in invasive candidiasis: Pro-con debate”
American Society of Heath-System Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV
“Systemic Antifungal Therapy-What every clinician should know.” American Society of
Heath-System Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV
“Interpreting Antifungal Susceptibility Testing. “Pre-Symposium Workshop. 47
Interescience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Chicago, IL
“Salvage Antifungal Therapy, Combination Therapy, and Antifungal Pharmacodynamics.”
AB Biodisk ABLE Course, Stockholm Sweden
Trends In Medical
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
“Antifungal Therapeutic Drug Monitoring.” Pharmacy Grand Rounds, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
“What are the real differences between the echinocandins?” Department of Hematology and
Transplantation. Oregon Health Sciences Center, Portland, OR
“Managing infections in the immunocompromised host.” Hematology Oncology Pharmacist
Association (HOPA) Annual Meeting. Denver, CO
“Antifungal formulary.” City of Hope Pharmacotherapy Symposium. Anaheim, CA
“Antifungal pharmacodynamics- A focus on the echinocandins.” 17 European Conference
on Chemotherapy, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Munich, Germany
“Antifungal Therapeutic Drug Monitoring.” Blood and Marrow Transplantation Conference.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.
“Making sense of the antifungal formulary. “Malaysian Society of Hematology Conference,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
“Role of new antifungal agents in the management of invasive fungal infections.”
Hematology Grand Rounds. Hong Kong Sanatorium Hospital. Hong Kong, China
“New drugs and new opportunities for combination antifungal therapy. “Grand Rounds.
Queen Mary Hospital. Hong Kong, China
“Role of new antifungal agents in the management of invasive fungal infections.” City
Hematology Conference. Beijing China and Shanghai, China
“Antifungal Therapy-Consensus and Controversy.” UCSF Medical Center Pharmacy Forum.
San Francisco, CA
“Invasive fungal infection-consensus and controversies” UCLA Infectious Diseases Grand
Rounds, Los Angeles, CA
“Management of invasive fungal infections-the MDACC approach” ABLE Susceptibility
Course, Stockholm, Sweden
“Antifungal Formulary 2006” Tennessee ACCP Summer Chapter Meeting. Memphis, TN
“Antifungal Formulary 2006” St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Memphis, TN
“Antifungal Controversies 2006” Vanderbilt Department of Infectious Diseases, Nashville, TN
“Conundrums of testing antifungal combinations in the laboratory”
“Difficulties in establishing in vitro/in vivo correlations with antifungal activity.”
International Society of Human and Animal Mycology Congress,
Paris, France
“Antifungal formulary 2006” Organ Health Sciences Center. Department of Infectious
Diseases, Portland, OR
“Antifungal formulary-Best picks” University of Houston College of Pharmacy Infectious
Diseases CE Symposium, Houston, TX
“Do we routinely underdose antifungal therapy?” British Society for Medical Mycology
Annual Meeting, Clontarf Castle, Dublin, Ireland
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
“Managing Drug Interactions in the Patient with Aspergillosis” 2
Aspergillosis Meeting, Athens Greece
“Overview of Antifungal Pharmacology” Frontline CE Symposium. Houston, TX
“Drosophila as a high-throughput model for studying fungal pathogenesis.” Texas-UK
Biosciences Research Collaborative, London School of Tropical Health and Hygiene,
London, UK.
“Antifungal Susceptibility to guide empiric therapy” and “combination therapy.” AB Biodisk
Antifungal Susceptibility Course, Stockholm, Sweden
“Quinolone-Associated MRSA-Significant Papers in Infectious Diseases” American College
of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
“Decisions Concerning the Use of Combination Antifungal Therapy.” American College of
Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
“Neutrophil subsets and Infection-New Insights into “Adaptable” Innate Immunity. MD.
Anderson Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds
“Management of Infection in the Immunocompromised Host”
Merck Acute Care Sales Force National Training Symposium
Jacksonville, FL
“Combination Antifungal Therapy-Pro vs. Con” (with Melissa Johnson Pharm.D.)
North Carolina Chapter of ACCP, Durham, NC
“New Antifungals, New Treatment Options”
Louisiana State University Charity Hospital Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds
“New Frontiers in the Treatment of Invasive Fungal Infections”
Making a Difference Pharmacy CE Conference, Carefree, AZ (with Ken Rolston, M.D.)
Alabama Society of Health-System Pharmacists Annual Meeting, San Destin, FL
New Orleans Society of Health System Pharmacists, New Orleans, LA
“Do We Routinely Under-Dose Antifungal Therapy? New Insights into Dosage Escalation
Strategies for Optimizing the PK/PD of Antifungal Therapy.” National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
“Toxigenic Moulds in Texas: New Insights into the Pathogenesis of an Opportunistic
Pathogen.” The University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy, Memphis, TN
“Practical Management of Multidrug Resistant Infections.” Session moderator. ASHP
Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL
“Evidence Surrounding Consensus Recommendations for Monitoring of Serum Vancomycin
Levels. ASHP Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL
“Case Studies in the Selection of Antifungal Therapy’ Division of Infections Diseases, Henry
Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI
Research Seminar “Immunology of Effective Antifungal Therapy.” Wayne State College of
Pharmacy, Detroit, MI
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Annual Advances Against
“Overview of Antifungal Pharmacology,” “Antifungal Resistance,” “Combination Antifungal
Therapy.” AB Biodisk Antifungal Susceptibility Course, Solna Sweden.
“Pharmacotherapy of Invasive Fungal Infections” University of Connecticut School of
Pharmacy ID Symposium, Storrs, CT
“Treatment of Fungal Infection in the ICU Patient” New England Critical Care Pharmacy
Symposium. Newton, MA
“Newer Antifungal Therapies and Their Role in the Therapy of Invasive Mycoses” Pharmacy
Society of Wisconsin Annual Meeting. Madison, WI
“New Agents for The Perfect Storm of Infectious Diseases” Texas Society of Health Systems
Annual Meeting. Houston, TX
“Antifungal Therapy and Evidence-Based Medicine.” ASHP Annual Meeting, New Orleans,
“The Perfect Storm In Infectious Diseases” ASHP Section of Clinical Specialists and
Scientist Network Assembly. Moderator. ASHP Annual Meeting, New Orleans. LA
“Antibiotic Selection in Obstetric/Gynecology-Oncology Patient. Gynecology-Oncology
Grand Rounds. The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
“Significant Papers in Pharmacotherapy—SARS.” American College of Clinical Pharmacy
Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA
“Menacing Moulds and New Antifungals.” Gulf Coast Society of Health-System Pharmacists,
Houston, TX
“Antifungal therapy consideration in the transplant patient.” Good Samaritan Hospital,
Phoenix, AZ
“Antifungal Resistance-Is the Fluconazole Era Over?” University of Missouri-Kansas City
Infectious Diseases Symposium
“Antifungal Resistance” Oklahoma Society of Health System Pharmacist Annual Meeting,
Oklahoma City, OK
Pharmacotherapy of Invasive Candidiasis, Citywide Pharmacy CE Conference. Denver, CO
“Invasive Candidiasis” St. Lukes Hospital, Houston, TX
“Menacing Moulds” Great Lakes CE Conference. Grand Rapids, MI
“Echinocandins and Lipid AMB formulations.” Mycoses 2002 Symposia (given with Drs.
Gerald Bodey, Dimitrios Kontoyiannis, and Issam Raad. Houston, TX.
“Beyond Microdilution Broth Antifungal Susceptibility Testing” Pre-symposium to the 41 ,
42 and 44th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy,
Antifungal Susceptibility Testing for the Clinician. San Diego, CA, Chicago, Il, and
Washington, D.C.
Respiratory Infection Update. Texas Academy of Family Practice Physicians- Fall CME
Symposium, Houston, TX
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
“Management of Invasive Fungal Infections in the Critically Ill Patient.” Infectious Disease
Pharmacotherapy CE Symposium, San Antonio, TX
“New Agents and Evolving Strategies for Life-Threatening Fungal Infections in the
Immunocompromised Patients.” Given with Dr. Dimitrios Kontoyiannis, M.D.). The 24
Annual M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Pharmacy Symposium on Cancer Chemotherapy.
Houston, TX
“Controversies in Antifungal Pharmacology,” Citywide ID conference. Seattle, WA
Is Immunodysregulation a Virulence Factor for Aspergillus? Houston Area Mycoses Study
Group. The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
The Immunology of Effective Antifungal Therapy- M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Infectious
Diseases Research Conference, Houston TX.
“New antifungal formulations, new antifungal targets”
-Grand Rounds, Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax, Virginia
Baylor Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
-Texas Society of Health System Pharmacists, Annual Meeting
Austin, Texas
-Kentucky Society of Health System Pharmacists, Annual Meeting
Louisville, Kentucky
-Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Symposium, Albuquerque, New Mexico
-Infectious Diseases Citywide Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona
-Oklahoma Society of Health System Pharmacists, Tulsa OK
“The Dilemma of Defining Optimal Treatment Strategies for Refractory Mycoses.” Satellite
symposium Invasive Fungal Infections at the 2001 ACCP
Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL
“New antibiotic update” Ft. Bend Physician Medical Society, Sugarland, TX
“Pharmacology of Current and Future Antifungals” Infectious Diseases Morning
Rounds, Barnes-Jewish Hospital at Washington University Medical Center,
St. Louis, MO.
“Pharmacology of Current and Future Antifungals” at Mycoses 2001
(with Drs. John Rex, Richard Hamill, and Dimitrios Kontoyiannis), Houston, TX
“New Antimicrobials for Resistant Gram-Positive Infections” Dallas, TX.
“What is Considered Broad-Spectrum Therapy? A re-examination of the ATS Guidelines for
Nosocomial Pneumonia” Memorial Southwest Hospital (Baylor) Grand Rounds, Houston,
“Controversies in the Management of Invasive Fungal Infections.”
Presented: -Southwestern Med. School Infect. Dis. Grand Rounds, Dallas, Texas
Grand Rounds, Wilford Hall Medical Center, San Antonio, TX
Clinical Updates 2000- Annual Meeting of the California Society of Health
System Pharmacists, Palm Springs, CA.
Winter CE meeting of the Southern Colorado Society of Health System Pharmacists,
Colorado Springs, CO
Grand Rounds, Memorial Southeast Medical Center, Houston, TX
“New Antimicrobials for the Post-Antibiotic Era” UH Infectious Diseases Continuing
Education Symposium, Texas Medical Center Marriott Hotel, Houston, Texas
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
“Are We Nearing the End of the Fluconazole Era?” Advances in Oncology Institutional
Grand Rounds. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (Given with Drs. Gerald Bodey and Issam
Raad). Houston, TX
“Antifungal Pharmacodynamics” M.D. Anderson Infectious Diseases Research Conference,
Houston TX.
“Differentiating the Quinolones-Do we really need new agents?”
-Resident Grand Rounds, Corpus Christi, TX
-Houston Area Society of Otolaryngologists, Houston, TX.
“Implications of Streptococcal Resistance for Antibiotic Therapy” Border Issues and
Resistance, University of Texas CME Otolaryngology Conference. McAllen TX
“Antifungal Pharmacodynamics-What Emerging Data Are Telling Us About Dosing
Antifungal Therapy.” Visiting Professor Series; Department of Pharmacological and
Pharmaceutical Sciences. UH College of Pharmacy. Houston, TX
“Should Combinations of Amphotericin B and Fluconazole Be Used for the Treatment of
Candidemia?” University of Wisconsin College of Pharmacy.
“IDSA Guidelines for the Treatment of Community Acquired PneumoniaResistant S. pneumoniae and the Role of Quinolones.” Fellowship Forum. University of
Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Pharmacodynamic Evaluation of Combination Amphotericin B-Fluconazole Activity Using
an In Vitro Infection Model.” Fellow Seminar Series. University of Iowa. Iowa City, IA
“Evolving Role of Oral Antimicrobial Therapy” Pulmonology Conference
Series.Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Washington University Medical School.
St. Louis, MO
“Rational Use of Step-Down Oral Antibiotic Therapy” Pharmacists Continuing Education.
Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO
“Evaluation of Colony Stimulating Factor Use in a Large Teaching Hospital”
Midwest Residency Conference, Memphis, TN
“Colony Stimulating Factors as Adjunctive Treatment in Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.”
Residency Seminar Series. St. Louis, MO
“Continuous infusion dosing strategy to overcome diuretic resistance” Doctor of Pharmacy
Seminar. University of Kansas Medical Center.
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Publications-Original Research)
Klepser, M. E., E. J. Ernst, R. E. Lewis, M. E. Ernst, and M. A. Pfaller. 1998. Influence of test
conditions on antifungal time-kill curve results: Proposal for standardized methods. Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy 42:1207-1212.
Lewis, R. E., B. C. Lund, M. E. Klepser, E. J. Ernst, and M. A. Pfaller. 1998. Assessment of
antifungal activities of fluconazole and amphotericin b administered alone and in combination
against Candida albicans by using a dynamic in vitro mycotic infection model. Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy 42:1382-1386.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Lewis, R. E., and M. E. Klepser. 1999. The changing face of nosocomial candidemia:
Epidemiology, resistance, and drug therapy. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
Lewis, R. E., M. E. Klepser, E. J. Ernst, B. C. Lund, D. J. Biedenbach, and R. N. Jones. 1999.
Evaluation of low-dose, extended-interval clindamycin regimens against Staphylococcus aureus
and Streptococcus pneumoniae using a dynamic in vitro model of infection. Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy 43:2005-2009.
Klepser, M. E., D. Malone, R. E. Lewis, E. J. Ernst, and M. A. Pfaller. 2000. Evaluation of
voriconazole pharmacodynamics using time-kill methodology. Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy 44:1917-1920.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., R. E. Lewis, N. Sagar, G. May, R. A. Prince, and K. V. I. Rolston. 2000.
Itraconazole-amphotericin B antagonism in Aspergillus fumigatus: An E-test-based strategy.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 44:2915-2918.
Lewis, R. E., M. E. Klepser, E. J. Ernst, M. A. Snabes, and R. N. Jones. 2000. Comparison of oral
immediate-release (IR) and extended-release (ER) metronidazole bactericidal activity against
Bacteroides spp. using an in vitro model of infection. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious
Disease 37:51-55.
Lewis, R. E., M. E. Klepser, and M. A. Pfaller. 2000. In vitro pharmacodynamic characteristics of
flucytosine determined by time-kill methods. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Keele, D. J., V. C. DeLallo, R. E. Lewis, E. J. Ernst, and M. E. Klepser. 2001. Evaluation of
amphotericin B and flucytosine in combination against Candida albicans and Cryptococcus
neoformans using time-kill methodology. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 41:121126.
Klepser, M. E., R. E. Lewis, E. J. Ernst, C. Rosemarie Petzold, E. M. Bailey, D. S. Burgess, P. L.
Carver, M. K. Lacy, R. C. Mercier, D. P. Nicolau, G. G. Zhanel, and M. A. Pfaller. 2001. Multicenter evaluation of antifungal time-kill methods. Journal of Infectious Disease
Pharmacotherapy 5:29-41.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., B. S. Andersson, R. E. Lewis, and I. I. Raad. 2001. Progressive disseminated
aspergillosis in a bone marrow transplant recipient: response with a high-dose lipid formulation of
amphotericin B. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 32:E94-96.
Pietrucha-Dilanchian, P., R. E. Lewis, H. Ahmad, and A. E. Lechin. 2001. Candida lusitaniae
catheter-related sepsis. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 35:1570-1574.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., R. E. Lewis, G. S. May, N. Osherov, and M. G. Rinaldi. 2002. Aspergillus
nidulans is frequently resistant to amphotericin B. Mycoses 45:406-407.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., B. T. Reddy, H. A. Torres, M. Luna, R. E. Lewis, J. Tarrand, G. P. Bodey, and
I. I. Raad. 2002. Pulmonary candidiasis in patients with cancer: An autopsy study. Clinical
Infectious Diseases 34:400-403.
Lewis, R. E. 2002. Pharmacotherapy of Candida bloodstream infections: New treatment options,
new era. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 3:1039-1057.
Lewis, R. E., D. J. Diekema, S. A. Messer, M. A. Pfaller, and M. E. Klepser. 2002. Comparison of
Etest, chequerboard dilution and time-kill studies for the detection of synergy or antagonism
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
between antifungal agents tested against Candida species. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Lewis, R. E., D. P. Kontoyiannis, R. O. Darouiche, I. I. Raad, and R. A. Prince. 2002. Antifungal
activity of amphotericin B, fluconazole, and voriconazole in an in vitro model of Candida catheterrelated bloodstream infection. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 46:3499-3505.
Lewis, R. E., H. J. Lo, I. I. Raad, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2002. Lack of catheter infection by the
efg1/efg1 cph1/cph1 double-null mutant, a Candida albicans strain that is defective in filamentous
growth. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 46:1153-1155.
Lewis, R. E., R. A. Prince, J. Chi, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2002. Itraconazole preexposure
attenuates the efficacy of subsequent amphotericin B therapy in a murine model of acute invasive
pulmonary aspergillosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 46:3208-3214.
Roling, E. E., M. E. Klepser, A. Wasson, R. E. Lewis, E. J. Ernst, and M. A. Pfaller. 2002.
Antifungal activities of fluconazole, caspofungin (MK0991), and anidulafungin (LY 303366) alone
and in combination against Candida spp. and Crytococcus neoformans via time-kill methods.
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 43:13-17.
Antoniadou, A., H. A. Torres, R. E. Lewis, J. Thornby, G. P. Bodey, J. J. Tarrand, X. Y. Han, K. V.
I. Rolston, A. Safdar, I. I. Raad, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2003. Candidemia in a Tertiary Care
Cancer Center: In vitro susceptibility and its association with outcome of initial antifungal therapy.
Medicine 82:309-321.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., R. Hachem, R. E. Lewis, G. A. Rivero, H. A. Torres, J. Thornby, R. Champlin,
H. Kantarjian, G. P. Bodey, and I. I. Raad. 2003. Efficacy and toxicity of caspofungin in
combination with liposomal amphotericin B as primary or salvage treatment of invasive
aspergillosis in patients with hematologic malignancies. Cancer 98:292-299.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., R. E. Lewis, M. S. Lionakis, N. D. Albert, G. S. May, and I. I. Raad. 2003.
Sequential exposure of Aspergillus fumigatus to itraconazole and caspofungin: Evidence of
enhanced in vitro activity. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 47:415-419.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., R. E. Lewis, N. Osherov, N. D. Albert, and G. S. May. 2003. Combination of
caspofungin with inhibitors of the calcineurin pathway attenuates growth in vitro in Aspergillus
species. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 51:313-316.
Lionakis, M. S., R. E. Lewis, G. Samonis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2003. Pentamidine is active in
vitro against Fusarium species. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 47:3252-3259.
Liu, W., M. S. Lionakis, R. E. Lewis, N. Wiederhold, G. S. May, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2003.
Attenuation of Itraconazole Fungicidal Activity following Preexposure of Aspergillus fumigatus to
Fluconazole. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 47:3592-3597.
Rogers, P. D., R. E. Kramer, J. K. Crews, and R. E. Lewis. 2003. The activity of amphotericin B
against Candida albicans is not directly associated with extracellular calcium concentration.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 51:305-312.
Torres, H. A., G. A. Rivero, R. E. Lewis, R. Hachem, I. I. Raad, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2003.
Aspergillosis caused by non-fumigatus Aspergillus species: Risk factors and in vitro susceptibility
compared with Aspergillus fumigatus. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 46:25-28.
Barker, K. S., S. Crisp, N. Wiederhold, R. E. Lewis, B. Bareither, J. Eckstein, R. Barbuch, M. Bard,
and P. D. Rogers. 2004. Genome-wide expression profiling reveals genes associated with
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
amphotericin B and fluconazole resistance in experimentally induced antifungal resistant isolates
of Candida albicans. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 54:376-385.
Hoffman, B. R., H. DelasAlas, K. Blanco, N. Wiederhold, R. E. Lewis, and L. Williams. 2004.
Screening of antibacterial and antifungal activities of ten medicinal plants from Ghana.
Pharmaceutical Biology 42:13-17.
Lewis, R. E., and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2004. Erratum: Challenges in designing animal studies to
detect antagonism of polyene activity (Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (2004) 48:8 (32113212)). Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 48:4072.
Liu, W., G. S. May, M. S. Lionakis, R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2004. Extra copies of the
Aspergillus fumigatus squalene epoxidase gene confer resistance to terbinafine: Genetic approach
to studying gene dose-dependent resistance to antifungals in A. fumigatus. Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy 48:2490-2496.
Tam, V. H., A. N. Schilling, R. E. Lewis, D. A. Melnick, and A. N. Boucher. 2004. Novel approach
to characterization of combined pharmacodynamic effects of antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy 48:4315-4321.
Wiederhold, N. P., D. P. Kontoyiannis, J. Chi, R. A. Prince, V. H. Tam, and R. E. Lewis. 2004.
Pharmacodynamics of caspofungin in a murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis:
Evidence of concentration-dependent activity. Journal of Infectious Diseases 190:1464-1471.
(Featured as cover)
Chamilos, G., E. M. Marom, R. E. Lewis, M. S. Lionakis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2005. Predictors
of pulmonary zygomycosis versus invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with cancer. Clinical
Infectious Diseases 41:60-66.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., M. S. Lionakis, R. E. Lewis, G. Chamilos, M. Healy, C. Perego, A. Safdar, H.
Kantarjian, R. Champlin, T. J. Walsh, and I. I. Raad. 2005. Zygomycosis in a tertiary-care cancer
center in the era of Aspergillus-active antifungal therapy: A case-control observational study of 27
recent cases. Journal of Infectious Diseases 191:1350-1360.
Lewis, R. E., and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2005. Micafungin in combination with voriconazole in
Aspergillus species: A pharmacodynamic approach for detection of combined antifungal activity in
vitro. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 56:887-892.
Lewis, R. E., N. P. Wiederhold, J. Chi, X. Y. Han, K. V. Komanduri, D. P. Kontoyiannis, and R. A.
Prince. 2005. Detection of gliotoxin in experimental and human aspergillosis. Infection and
Immunity 73:635-637.
Lewis, R. E., N. P. Wiederhold, and M. E. Klepser. 2005. In vitro pharmacodynamics of
amphotericin B, itraconazole, and voriconazole against Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Scedosporium
spp. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 49:945-951.
Lewis, R. E., N. P. Wiederhold, M. S. Lionakis, R. A. Prince, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2005.
Frequency and species distribution of gliotoxin-producing Aspergillus isolates recovered from
patients at a tertiary-care cancer center. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43:6120-6122.
Lionakis, M. S., J. Lahdenranta, J. Sun, W. Liu, R. E. Lewis, N. D. Albert, R. Pasqualini, W. Arap,
and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2005. Development of a ligand-directed approach to study the
pathogenesis of invasive aspergillosis. Infection and Immunity 73:7747-7758.
Lionakis, M. S., R. E. Lewis, G. Chamilos, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2005. Aspergillus susceptibility
testing in patients with cancer and invasive aspergillosis: Difficulties in establishing correlation
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
between in vitro susceptibility data and the outcome of initial amphotericin B therapy.
Pharmacotherapy 25:1174-1180.
Lionakis, M. S., R. E. Lewis, G. S. May, N. P. Wiederhold, N. D. Albert, G. Halder, and D. P.
Kontoyiannis. 2005. Toll-deficient Drosophila flies as a fast, high-throughput model for the study of
antifungal drug efficacy against invasive aspergillosis and Aspergillus virulence. Journal of
Infectious Diseases 191:1188-1195.
Lionakis, M. S., R. E. Lewis, H. A. Torres, N. D. Albert, I. I. Raad, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2005.
Increased frequency of non-fumigatus Aspergillus species in amphotericin B- or triazole-preexposed cancer patients with positive cultures for aspergilli. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious
Disease 52:15-20.
Raad, I. I., H. A. Hanna, M. Boktour, G. Chaiban, R. Y. Hachem, T. Dvorak, R.E. Lewis, and B. E.
Murray. 2005. Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium: Catheter colonization, esp gene, and
decreased susceptibility to antibiotics in biofilm. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 49:50465050.
Stanzani, M., E. Orciuolo, R.E. Lewis, D. P. Kontoyiannis, S. L. R. Martins, L. S. St. John, and K.
V. Komanduri. 2005. Aspergillus fumigatus suppresses the human cellular immune response via
gliotoxin-mediated apoptosis of monocytes. Blood 105:2258-2265. (Plenery paper)
Tam, V. H., A. N. Schilling, G. Vo, S. Kabbara, A. L. Kwa, N. P. Wiederhold, and R. E. Lewis.
2005. Pharmacodynamics of polymyxin B against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy 49:3624-3630.
Wiederhold, N. P., E. A. Coyle, I. I. Raad, R. A. Prince, and R. E. Lewis. 2005. Antibacterial
activity of linezolid and vancomycin in an vitro pharmacodynamic model of Gram-positive catheterrelated bacteraemia. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 55:792-795.
Wiederhold, N. P., D. P. Kontoyiannis, R. A. Prince, and R. E. Lewis. 2005. Attenuation of the
activity of caspofungin at high concentrations against Candida albicans: Possible role of cell wall
integrity and calcineurin pathways. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 49:5146-5148.
Chamilos, G., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2006. Inhibition of Candida parapsilosis
mitochondrial respiratory pathways enhances susceptibility to caspofungin. Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy 50:744-747.
Chamilos, G., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2006. Lovastatin has significant activity
against zygomycetes and interacts synergistically with voriconazole. Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy 50:96-103.
Chamilos, G., M. S. Lionakis, R. E. Lewis, J. L. Lopez-Ribot, S. P. Saville, N. D. Albert, G. Halder,
and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2006. Drosophila melanogaster as a facile model for large-scale studies of
virulence mechanisms and antifungal drug efficacy in Candida species. Journal of Infectious
Diseases 193:1014-1022.
Chamilos, G., M. Luna, R. E. Lewis, G. P. Bodey, R. Chemaly, J. J. Tarrand, A. Safdar, I. I. Raad,
and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2006. Invasive fungal infections in patients with hematologic malignancies
in a tertiary care cancer center: An autopsy study over a 15-year period (1989-2003).
Haematologica 91:986-989.
Dennis, C. G., W. R. Greco, Y. Brun, R. Youn, H. K. Slocum, R. J. Bernacki, R.E Lewis, N.
Wiederhold, S. M. Holland, R. Petraitiene, T. J. Walsh, and B. H. Segal. 2006. Effect of
amphotericin B and micafungin combination on survival, histopathology, and fungal burden in
experimental aspergillosis in the p47 phox-/- mouse model of chronic granulomatous disease.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 50:422-427.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Garey, K. W., M. M. Neuhauser, D. T. Bearden, J. P. Cannon, R. E. Lewis, L. O. Gentry, and D. P.
Kontoyiannis. 2006. Evaluation of antifungals in the surgical intensive care unit: A multiinstitutional study. Mycoses 49:226-231.
Lamaris, G. A., G. Chamilos, R. E. Lewis, A. Safdar, I. I. Raad, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2006.
Scedosporium infection in a tertiary care cancer center: A review of 25 cases from 1989-2006.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 43:1580-1584.
Lewis, R. E., N. P. Wiederhold, R. A. Prince, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2006. In vitro
pharmacodynamics of rapid versus continuous infusion of amphotericin B deoxycholate against
Candida species in the presence of human serum albumin. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Lionakis, M. S., G. Chamilos, R. E. Lewis, N. P. Wiederhold, I. I. Raad, G. Samonis, and D. P.
Kontoyiannis. 2006. Pentamidine is active in a neutropenic murine model of acute invasive
pulmonary fusariosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 50:294-297.
Singh, N., A. P. Limaye, G. Forrest, N. Safdar, P. Muñoz, K. Pursell, S. Houston, F. Rosso, J. G.
Montoya, P. Patton, R. Del Busto, J. M. Aguado, R. A. Fisher, G. B. Klintmalm, R. Miller, M. M.
Wagener, R. E. Lewis, D. P. Kontoyiannis, and S. Husain. 2006. Combination of voriconazole and
caspofungin as primary therapy for invasive aspergillosis in solid organ transplant recipients: A
prospective, multicenter, observational study. Transplantation 81:320-326.
Wiederhold, N. P., V. H. Tam, J. Chi, R. A. Prince, D. P. Kontoyiannis, and R. E. Lewis. 2006.
Pharmacodynamic activity of amphotericin B deoxycholate is associated with peak plasma
concentrations in a neutropenic murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy 50:469-473.
Chamilos, G., R. E. Lewis, N. Albert, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2007. Paradoxical effect of
echinocandins across Candida species in vitro: Evidence for Echinocandin-Specific and Candida
species-related differences. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 51:2257-2259.
Chamilos, G., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2007. Multidrug-resistant endosymbiotic
bacteria account for the emergence of zygomycosis: A hypothesis. Fungal Genetics and Biology
Chamilos, G., M. Luna, R. E. Lewis, R. Chemaly, I. I. Raad, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2007. Effects
of liposomal amphotericin B versus an amphotericin B lipid complex on liver histopathology in
patients with hematologic malignancies and invasive fungal infections: A retrospective,
nonrandomized autopsy study. Clinical Therapeutics 29:1980-1986.
Chou, L. S., R. E. Lewis, C. Ippoliti, R. E. Champlin, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2007. Caspofungin
as primary antifungal prophylaxis in stem cell transplant recipients. Pharmacotherapy 27:16441650.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., G. Chamilos, S. A. Hassan, R. E. Lewis, N. D. Albert, and J. J. Tarrand.
2007. Increased culture recovery of zygomycetes under physiologic temperature conditions.
American Journal of Clinical Pathology 127:208-212.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., G. Chamilos, R. E. Lewis, S. Giralt, J. Cortes, I. I. Raad, J. T. Manning, and
X. Han. 2007. Increased bone marrow iron stores is an independent risk factor for invasive
aspergillosis in patients with high-risk hematologic malignancies and recipients of allogeneic
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Cancer 110:1303-1306.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Lamaris, G. A., G. Chamilos, R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2007. Virulence studies of
Scedosporium and Fusarium species in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Infectious Diseases
Lewis, R. E. 2007. Pharmacodynamic implications for use of antifungal agents. Current Opinion in
Pharmacology 7:491-497.
Lewis, R. E., G. Chamilos, R. A. Prince, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2007. Pretreatment with empty
liposomes attenuates the immunopathology of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in corticosteroidimmunosuppressed mice. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 51:1078-1081.
Lewis, R. E., G. Liao, J. Hou, G. Chamilos, R. A. Prince, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2007.
Comparative analysis of amphotericin B lipid complex and liposomal amphotericin B kinetics of
lung accumulation and fungal clearance in a murine model of acute invasive pulmonary
aspergillosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 51:1253-1258.
Mulanovich, V., R. E. Lewis, I. I. Raad, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2007. Random plasma
concentrations of voriconazole decline over time. Journal of Infection 55:e129-e130.
Orciuolo, E., M. Stanzani, M. Canestraro, S. Galimberti, G. Carulli, R.E Lewis, M. Petrini, and K.
V. Komanduri. 2007. Effects of Aspergillus fumigatus gliotoxin and methylprednisolone on human
neutrophils: Implications for the pathogenesis of invasive aspergillosis. Journal of Leukocyte
Biology 82:839-848.
Atkinson, B. J., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2008. Candida lusitaniae fungemia in cancer
patients: Risk factors for amphotericin B failure and outcome. Medical Mycology 46:541-546.
Chamilos, G., R. E. Lewis, J. Hu, L. Xiao, T. Zal, M. Gilliet, G. Halder, and D. P. Kontoyiannis.
2008. Drosophila melanogaster as a model host to dissect the immunopathogenesis of
zygomycosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Chamilos, G., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2008. Delaying amphotericin B-based frontline
therapy significantly increases mortality among patients with hematologic malignancy who have
zygomycosis. Clinical Infectious Diseases 47:503-509.
Chamilos, G., R. E. Lewis, G. Lamaris, T. J. Walsh, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2008. Zygomycetes
hyphae trigger an early, robust proinflammatory response in human polymorphonuclear
neutrophils through toll-like receptor 2 induction but display relative resistance to oxidative
damage. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 52:722-724.
Chamilos, G., R. E. Lewis, G. A. Lamaris, N. D. Albert, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2008.
Genomewide screening for genes associated with gliotoxin resistance and sensitivity in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 52:1325-1329.
Garcia-Effron, G., D. P. Kontoyiannis, R. E. Lewis, and D. S. Perlin. 2008. Caspofungin-resistant
Candida tropicalis strains causing breakthrough fungemia in patients at high risk for hematologic
malignancies. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 52:4181-4183.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., R. E. Lewis, B. D. Alexander, O. Lortholary, F. Dromer, K. L. Gupta, G. T.
John, R. Del Busto, G. B. Klintmalm, J. Somani, G. M. Lyon, K. Pursell, V. Stosor, P. Muňoz, A.
P. Limaye, A. C. Kalil, T. L. Pruett, J. Garcia-Diaz, A. Humar, S. Houston, A. A. House, D. Wray, S.
Orloff, L. A. Dowdy, R. A. Fisher, J. Heitman, N. D. Albert, M. M. Wagener, and N. Singh. 2008.
Calcineurin inhibitor agents interact synergistically with antifungal agents in vitro against
Cryptococcus neoformans isolates: Correlation with outcome in solid organ transplant recipients
with cryptococcosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 52:735-738.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Lamaris, G. A., R. Ben-Ami, R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2008. Does pre-exposure of
Aspergillus fumigatus to voriconazole or posaconazole in vitro affect its virulence and the in vivo
activity of subsequent posaconazole or voriconazole, respectively? A study in a fly model of
aspergillosis. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 62:539-542.
Lamaris, G. A., B. Esmaeli, G. Chamilos, A. Desai, R. F. Chemaly, I. I. Raad, A. Safdar, R. E.
Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2008. Fungal endophthalmitis in a tertiary care cancer center: A
review of 23 cases. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 27:343347.
Lamaris, G. A., R. E. Lewis, G. Chamilos, G. S. May, A. Safdar, T. J. Walsh, I. I. Raad, and D. P.
Kontoyiannis. 2008. Caspofungin-mediated beta-glucan unmasking and enhancement of human
polymorphonuclear neutrophil activity against Aspergillus and non-Aspergillus hyphae. Journal of
Infectious Diseases 198:186-192.
Lewis, R. E., N. D. Albert, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2008. Efficacy of single-dose liposomal
amphotericin B or micafungin prophylaxis in a neutropenic murine model of invasive pulmonary
aspergillosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 52:4178-4180.
Lewis, R. E., N. D. Albert, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2008. Comparison of the dose-dependent
activity and paradoxical effect of caspofungin and micafungin in a neutropenic murine model of
invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 61:1140-1144.
Ben-Ami, R., R. E. Lewis, K. Leventakos, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009. Aspergillus fumigatus
inhibits angiogenesis through the production of gliotoxin and other secondary metabolites. Blood
Ben-Ami, R., R. E. Lewis, I. I. Raad, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009. Phaeohyphomycosis in a
tertiary care cancer center. Clinical Infectious Diseases 48:1033-1041.
Ben-Ami, R., M. Luna, R. E. Lewis, T. J. Walsh, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009. A
clinicopathological study of pulmonary mucormycosis in cancer patients: Extensive angioinvasion
but limited inflammatory response. Journal of Infection 59:134-138.
Chamilos, G., C. J. Nobile, V. M. Bruno, R. E. Lewis, A. P. Mitchell, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009.
Candida albicans Cas5, a regulator of cell wall integrity, is required for virulence in murine and toll
mutant fly models. Journal of Infectious Diseases 200:152-157.
Garey, K. W., Q. P. Vo, R. E. Lewis, W. Saengcharoen, M. T. LaRocco, and V. H. Tam. 2009.
Increased bacterial adherence and biomass in Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria exposed to
clarithromycin. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 63:81-86.
Kofteridis, D. P., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009. Caspofungin-non-susceptible
Candida isolates in cancer patients. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 65:293-295.
Lamaris, G. A., R. Ben-Ami, R. E. Lewis, G. Chamilos, G. Samonis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009.
Increased virulence of zygomycetes organisms following exposure to voriconazole: a study
involving fly and murine models of zygomycosis. Journal of Infectious Diseases 199:1399-1406.
Pongas, G. N., R. Ben-Ami, R. E. Lewis, T. J. Walsh, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009. Culture
medium composition affects the lethality of Cunninghamella bertholletiae in a fly model of
mucormycosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 53:4569.
Pongas, G. N., R. E. Lewis, G. Samonis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009. Voriconazole-associated
zygomycosis: A significant consequence of evolving antifungal prophylaxis and
immunosuppression practices? Clinical Microbiology and Infection 15:93-97.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Sipsas, N. V., R. E. Lewis, I. I. Raad, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009. Monotherapy with
caspofungin for candidaemia in adult patients with cancer: a retrospective, single institution study.
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 34:95-98.
Sipsas, N. V., R. E. Lewis, J. Tarrand, R. Hachem, K. V. Rolston, I. I. Raad, and D. P.
Kontoyiannis. 2009. Candidemia in patients with hematologic malignancies in the era of new
antifungal agents (2001-2007): Stable incidence but changing epidemiology of a still frequently
lethal infection. Cancer 115:4745-4752.
Tam, V. H., K. R. Ledesma, A. N. Schilling, T. P. Lim, Z. Yuan, R. Ghose, and R. E. Lewis. 2009.
In vivo dynamics of carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa selection after suboptimal
dosing. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 64:427-433.
Wiederhold, N. P., and R. E. Lewis. 2009. Antifungal activity against Scedosporium species and
novel assays to assess antifungal pharmacodynamics against filamentous fungi. Medical
Mycology 47:422-432.
Ben-Ami, R., G. A. Lamaris, R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2010. Interstrain variability in the
virulence of Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus terreus in a Toll-deficient Drosophila fly model
of invasive aspergillosis. Medical Mycology 48:310-317.
Ben-Ami, R., P. R. LaSala, R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2010. Lack of galactomannan
reactivity in dematiaceous molds recovered from cancer patients with phaeohyphomycosis.
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 66:200-203.
Ben-Ami, R., R. E. Lewis, K. Leventakos, J. P. Latge, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2010. Cutaneous
model of invasive aspergillosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 54:1848-1854.
Ben-Ami, R., R. E. Lewis, J. Tarrand, K. Leventakos, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2010. Antifungal
activity of colistin against Mucorales species in vitro and in a murine model of Rhizopus oryzae
pulmonary infection. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 54:484-490.
Campo, M., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2010. Invasive fusariosis in patients with
hematologic malignancies at a cancer center: 1998-2009. Journal of Infection 60:331-337.
Chamilos, G., E. M. Bignell, M. Schrettl, R. E. Lewis, K. Leventakos, G. S. May, H. Haas, and D.
P. Kontoyiannis. 2010. Exploring the concordance of aspergillus fumigatus pathogenicity in mice
and Toll-deficient flies. Medical Mycology 48:506-510.
Evans, S. E., B. L. Scott, C. G. Clement, D. T. Larson, D. Kontoyiannis, R. E. Lewis, P. R. Lasala,
J. Pawlik, J. W. Peterson, A. K. Chopra, G. Klimpel, G. Bowden, M. Höök, Y. Xu, M. J. Tuvim,
and B. F. Dickey. 2010. Stimulated innate resistance of lung epithelium protects mice broadly
against bacteria and fungi. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 42:40-50.
Kofteridis, D. P., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2010. Caspofungin-non-susceptible
Candida isolates in cancer patients. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 65:293-295.
Lewis, R. E., N. D. Albert, G. Liao, J. Hou, R. A. Prince, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2010.
Comparative pharmacodynamics of amphotericin B lipid complex and liposomal amphotericin B in
a murine model of pulmonary mucormycosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 54:12981304.
Lewis RE, Pongas GN, Albert N, Ben-Ami R, Walsh TJ, and Kontoyiannis DP. Activity of
deferasirox in Mucorales: influence of species and exogenous iron. Antimicrobial Agents
Chemotherapy (in press)
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Ben-Ami R, Varga J, Lewis RE, May GS, Nierman WC, Konotyiannis DP. Characterization of a 5azacytidine-induced developmental Aspergillus fumigatus mutant. 2010 Virulence 1;3:164-73.
Milto MA, Kontoyiannis DP, Lewis RE, Lui P, Mawlawi OR, Troung MT, Marom EM. Influence of
host immunosuppression on CT findings in invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Medical Mycology
2010; 48;817-823.
Evans SE, Leventakos K, Ben-Ami R, You D, Thakkar S, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Tolldeficient Drosophila are resistant to infection by Pneumocystis spp.: additional evidence of
specificity to mammalian hosts. 2010 Virulence (in press)
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Publications-Review Articles)
Klepser, M. E., R. E. Lewis, and M. A. Pfaller. 1998. Therapy of Candida infections: Susceptibility
testing, resistance, and therapeutic options. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 32:1353-1361.
Lewis, R. E., and M. E. Klepser. 1998. Update on clindamycin: New pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic data. Infections in Medicine 15:726-731.
Lewis, R. E., M. E. Klepser, and M. A. Pfaller. 1998. Update on clinical antifungal susceptibility
testing for Candida species. Pharmacotherapy 18:509-515.
Lewis, R. E., and M. E. Klepser. 1999. The changing face of nosocomial candidemia:
Epidemiology, resistance, and drug therapy. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
Lewis, R. E., M. E. Klepser, and M. A. Pfaller. 1999. Combination systemic antifungal therapy for
cryptococcosis, candidiasis, and aspergillosis. Journal of Infectious Disease Pharmacotherapy
Lewis, R. E., and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2001. Rationale for combination antifungal therapy.
Pharmacotherapy 21:149S-164S
Kontoyiannis, D. P., and R. E. Lewis. 2002. Antifungal drug resistance of pathogenic fungi. Lancet
Kontoyiannis, D. P., and R. E. Lewis. 2003. Combination chemotherapy for invasive fungal
infections: What laboratory and clinical studies tell us so far. Drug Resistance Updates 6:257-269.
Wiederhold, N. P., and R. E. Lewis. 2003. The echinocandin antifungals: An overview of the
pharmacology, spectrum and clinical efficacy. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 12:13131327.
Wiederhold, N. P., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2003. Invasive Aspergillosis in Patients
with Hematologic Malignancies. Pharmacotherapy 23:1592-1610.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., and R. E. Lewis. 2004. Toward more effective antifungal therapy: The
prospects of combination therapy. British Journal of Haematology 126:165-175.
Lewis, R. E., and N. P. Wiederhold. 2005. Murine model of invasive aspergillosis. Methods in
Molecular Medicine 118:129-142.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., and R. E. Lewis. 2004. Editorial comment: Is fluconazole the only factor?
Infections in Medicine 21:40.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Kontoyiannis, D. P., and R. E. Lewis. 2006. Invasive Zygomycosis: Update on Pathogenesis,
Clinical Manifestations, and Management. Infectious Disease Clinics of North America 20:581-607.
Lewis, R. E. 2006. Managing drug interactions in the patient with aspergillosis. Medical Mycology
Lewis, R. E. 2006. Decision making in antifungal monotherapy versus combination therapy.
Pharmacotherapy 26:61S-67S.
Chamilos, G., M. S. Lionakis, R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2007. Role of mini-host models
in the study of medically important fungi. Lancet Infectious Diseases 7:42-55.
Ben-Ami, R., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2008. Immunopharmacology of modern
antifungals. Clinical Infectious Diseases 47:226-235.
Lewis, R. E. 2008. What is the "therapeutic range" for voriconazole? Clinical Infectious Diseases
Ben-Ami, R., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009. Invasive mould infections in the setting of
hematopoietic cell transplantation: Current trends and new challenges. Current Opinion in
Infectious Diseases 22:376-384.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., R. E. Lewis, and K. Marr. 2009. The Burden of Bacterial and Viral Infections
in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 15:128-133.
Lewis, R. E. 2009. Overview of the changing epidemiology of candidemia. Current Medical
Research and Opinion 25:1732-1740.
Lewis, R. E., and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009. Invasive aspergillosis in glucocorticoid-treated
patients. Medical Mycology 47:S271-S281.
Roussos, P., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2009. Azoles and antidepressants: A minireview of the tolerability of co-administration. Mycoses 52:433-439.
Leventakos, K., R. E. Lewis, and D. P. Kontoyiannis. 2010. Fungal infections in leukemia patients:
How do we prevent and treat them? Clinical Infectious Diseases 50:405-415.
Kontoyiannis DP and R.E. Lewis. Studying fungal pathogenesis in Drosophila. 2010. Microbe
Lewis RE. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antifungals. 2010. Current Fungal Infection Reports (In
Ben-Ami R, Lewis RE, & Kontoyiannis DP. Enemy of the immunosuppressed state: Update on the
pathogenesis of Aspergillus infection. British J Haematology 2010 (In Press).
Lewis RE, Lotholary O, Spellberg B, Roillides E, Kontoyiannis DP, Walsh TJ. How does antifungal
pharmacology differ for mucormycosis versus aspergillosis? Clinical Infectious Diseases (In Press)
Lewis, R. E., and N. P. Wiederhold. 2003. The solubility ceiling: A rationale for continuous infusion
amphotericin B therapy? Clinical Infectious Diseases 37:871-872.
Lewis, R. E., D. P. Kontoyiannis 2004. Challenges in designing animal studies to detect
antagonism of polyene activity.Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 48:3211-3212.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Kontoyiannis, D. P., R. E. Lewis. Caspofungin versus liposomal amphotericin B for empirical
therapy. New England Journal of Medicine 352:410-414.
Kontoyiannis, D. P., and R. E. Lewis. 2007. Posaconazole prophylaxis in hematologic cancer.
New England Journal of Medicine 356:2214-2215.
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Publications-Invited Book Chapters)
Lewis RE, Prince RA. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles of antimicrobial dosing in
the neutropenic host. In: Febrile Neutropenia. Rubenstein E, Rolston KVI eds. Martin Dunitz,
Klepser ME, Lewis RE. Antifungal Pharmacodynamics. In: Antimicrobial Pharmacodynamics in
Theory and Practice. CH Nightingale, T Murakawa, PG Ambrose (ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, New York.
Lewis RE, Raad II. Treatment Approaches for Catheter-Related Infections In: Biofilm Infections:
Role of Antibiotic Tolerance and Resistance Marcel Dekker, Inc. (In Press).
Lewis RE. Management of Primary and Secondary Invasive Mycoses. Pharmacotherapy SelfAssessment Program (PSAP). American College of Clinical Pharmacy 2005.
Wiederhold NP, Lewis RE. Murine model of invasive aspergillosis. Methods in Molecular
Mycology. Academic Press. 2005
Lewis RE. Infections in Immunocompromised Patients. In: Helms R, Quan DJ, eds. Textbook of
Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management Eighth Edition. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
Lewis RE, Rogers PD. Invasive Fungal Infections. Pharmacotherapy Essentials.MacGraw-Hill.
Lewis RE, Fothergill A. Antifungal Pharmacology. In: Hospenthal and Rinadli. Clinical Mycology.
Humana Press. 2008.
Lewis RE. Antifungal Drug Interactions In: Aspergillus and Aspergillosis. ASM Press 2008. (In
Lewis RE. Polyene antifungal agents. In: Aspergillosis: from diagnosis to prevention. In
Pasqualotto AC ed. Springer Press. 2009.
Kontoyiannis DP & Lewis RE. Agents of Mucormycosis and Entomophthoramycosis. In: Principles
and Practice of Infectious Diseases. Mandall, Bennet and Dolin eds. 7 edition.
Lewis RE, Rogers PD. Invasive Fungal Infections. Pharmacotherapy Essentials 2 Ed.. MacGrawHill. Revised Chapter (In Press)
Lewis RE and DS Perlin. Antifungal drug resistance. In: Management of Infections in Cancer
Patients. Humana Press. (In press)
Lewis RE and Kontoyiannis DP. Glucan synthesis inhibitors. In: Use of antibiotics. Kucer Ed. ASM
Press. 2010.
Lewis RE and Kontoyiannis DP. Butenafine. In: Use of antibiotics. Kucer Ed. ASM Press. 2010.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Lewis RE & Kontoyiannis DP. The clinical significance of antifungal resistance in Candida species.
Candida and Candidiasis. American Society for Microbiology (In Press)
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Publications-Scientific Web Content)
Lewis RE. Echinocandin Antifungals-Monograph. Up to Date ® http://www.uptodate.com
Lewis RE. Editor Antifungal Pharmacology Pages. http://www.doctorfungus.org (2002-2007)
Lewis RE. Pharmacoeconomic of antifungal therapy-Primary and Secondary Costs” Dr.
Fungus Website (Drs. John Rex and Michael McGinnis, Editors) http://www.doctorfungus.org
Lewis RE. Pharmacokinetic optimization of itraconazole therapy. Fungal Research TrustAspergillus Website (Dr. David Denning, Editor) http://www.aspergillus.man.ac.uk
Lewis RE. Antifungal Pharmacology Module. Fungal Research Trust-Aspergillus
Website (Dr. David Denning, Editor) http://www.aspergillus.man.ac.uk
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Publications-Abstracts)
Lewis RE, Miller G, Reichly R, Schaiff RS, Hall T. Drug usage evaluation of G-CSF and GM-CSF
at a tertiary care medical center. 1996. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. New Orleans, LA
December 1996.
Klepser ME, Ernst EJ, Ernst ME, Lewis RE, Pfaller MA. Antifungal time-kill curves, influence of
test conditions on results. 37 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy, 1997. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Klepser ME, Ernst EJ, Biedenbach D, Lewis RE, Lund BC, Jones RN. Evaluation of low-dose,
extended interval clindamycin regimens against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus
pneumoniae using a dynamic in vitro model of infection. American College of Clinical Pharmacy
1997 Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
Lund BC, Klepser ME, Ernst EJ, Lewis RE, Pfaller MA. Antifungal activity of fluconazole on
Candida albicans in an in vitro dynamic model. American College of Clinical Pharmacy 1997
Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
Lewis RE, Klepser ME, Ernst EJ, Yeramian PD, Jones RN. Time-kill analysis of metronidazole
activity against Bacteroides spp. and Clostridium difficile. American Society for Microbiology. 98
General Meeting, 1998. Atlanta, GA.
Lewis RE, Klepser ME, Pfaller MA. Evaluation of antifungal activity and the duration of the postth
antifungal effect of 5-fluorocytosine monotherapy against pathogenic yeast. 38 Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 1998. San Diego, CA.
Lewis RE, Klepser ME, Ernst EJ, Yeramian PD, Jones RN. Comparison of oral immediaterelease (IR) and extended release (ER) metronidazole bactericidal activity against Bacteroides
spp. using an in vitro model of infection. 38 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy, 1998. San Diego, CA.
De Lallo VC, Lewis RE, Petzold RC, Pfaller MA, Klepser ME. Evaluation of amphotericin B (AmB)
and flucytosine (5-FC) alone, and in combination against Candida albicans and Cryptococcus
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
neoformans using time-kill methodology. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 1998 Annual
Meeting. Cincinnati, OH.
Klepser ME, Malone D, Lewis RE, Ernst EJ, Pfaller MA. Evaluation of Voriconazole
Pharmacodynamics Using Time-kill Methodology. Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy, 1999. San Diego, CA.
Lewis RE, Klepser ME, Piscitelli SC, Groll A, De Lallo VC, Quintiliani R, Ernst EJ, Walsh T J,
Pfaller MA. In vivo tissue activity of high-dose liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome) in a
neutropenic murine candidal thigh infection model. 39 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy, 1999. San Diego, CA.
Lewis RE, Diekema DJ, Messer SA, Pfaller MA, Klepser ME. Comparison of Etest, checkerboard
dilution, and time-Kill testing for the detection of synergy or antagonism among Candida spp. 39
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 1999. San Diego, CA.
Klepser ME, Lewis RE, Ernst EJ, Pfaller MA, Society of Infectious Disease Pharmacists.
Multicenter evaluation of standardized methods for conducting antifungal time-kill studies. 39
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 1999. San Diego, CA.
Lewis RE, Turley JC. Susceptibility of community-acquired respiratory tract pathogens collected in
Texas during 1998-1999: Analysis of Texas Data from the Cast Study. 38 Infectious Disease
Society of America. 2000 New Orleans, LA
Rogers DP, Lewis RE, Chapman S. Antifungal activity of amphotericin B is not calcium
dependent. 40 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2000.
Toronto, ONT
Lewis RE, Prince RA, Kontoyiannis DP. Pretreatment with Itraconazole Attenuates the Efficacy of
Increasing Amphotericin B Dosages in a Murine Model of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis.
Platform Presentation-Animal Models of Infection Session. 41 Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2001. Chicago, IL.
Lewis, RE, Kontoyiannis DP, Dariouche RH, Raad II, and Prince RA. Antifungal activity of
amphotericin B, fluconazole, and voriconazole in an in vitro model of Candida catheter-related
bloodstream infection. 41 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy,
2001. Chicago, IL
Lewis RE, Lo HJ, Raad II, and Kontoyiannis, DP. Lack of catheter colonization by the cph1/cph1
efg1/efg1double null mutant, a C. albicans strain that is defective in filamentous growth. 41
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2001. Chicago, IL.
Kontoyiannis DP, Reddy BT, Bodey GP, Luna M, Lewis RE, Tarrand J, Raad II. Pulmonary
Candidiasis in Cancer Patients: An autopsy study. Platform presentation. 41 Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2001. Chicago, IL
Kontoyiannis DP, Osherov N, Lewis, RE, Albert ND, May G. L-685, 818, an nonimmunosuppressive calcineurin inhibitor enhances the activity of caspofungin (CAS) against
Aspergillus fumigatus. 41 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy,
2001. Chicago, IL
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Lewis RE, Neuhauser MN, Tarrand J, Kontoyiannis, DP. Species Distribution and Antifungal
Susceptibility of Candida Isolates from an Oncology-Specialty Hospital. American College of
Clinical Pharmacy. 2001. Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL.
Coyle E, RE Lewis, RA Prince. Activity of TMP/SMX against Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in a in
vitro pharmacodynamics infection model. Infectious Diseases Society of America, 2001, San
Francisco, CA.
Lewis RE, H.A. Torres, G.S. May, I.I. Raad, J. Thornby, K.V.I. Rolston, D. Upadhyaya, G. P.
Bodey, D. P. Kontoyiannis. In vitro susceptibility and tolerance of Aspergillus species in a tertiary
care cancer center: Correlation with invasive aspergillosis (IA) and its outcome. 42nd Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2002, San Diego, CA.
Liu W, RE Lewis, GS May, D. P. Kontoyiannis. Preexposure of A. fumigatus to fluconazole
induces tolerance to itraconazole in vitro. 42nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy, 2002, San Diego, CA.
DP Kontoyiannis, GS May, RE Lewis, ND Albert, RA Prade. Deletion of the hogA gene, an
osmotic stress regulator, results in hypersensitivity to caspofungin in the model mould A. nidulans.
42nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2002, San Diego, CA.
DP Kontoyiannis, R. Hachem, RE Lewis, G. Rivero, H. Kantarjian, II Raad. Efficacy and toxicity of
caspofungin/liposomal amphotericin B combination (platform presentation). 42nd Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2002, San Diego, CA.
DP Kontoyiannis, RE Lewis, GS May, ND Albert, II Raad. Sequential exposure of A. fumigatus to
itraconazole and caspofungin:Evidence of enhanced in vitro activity of this combination. 42nd
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2002, San Diego, CA.
Antoniadou A, Torres HA, RE Lewis, II Raad, J Thornby, J Tarrand, KVI Rolston, X Han, GP
Bodey, DP Kontoyiannis. Bloodstream candidiasis in cancer patients. 42nd Interscience Conf. on
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2002, San Diego, CA.
Coyle E, RE Lewis, J Chi, KVI Rolston, RA Prince. Varying Doses of Levofloxacin and the
Corresponding Relationship of Antimicrobial Activity and Resistance Selection against
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (Platform presentation) 42nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy, 2002, San Diego, CA.
Healy M, Reece K., Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Molecular Fingerprinting of Candida and
Aspergillus species by automated rep-PCR. American Society for Microbiology 103 General
Meeting, 2003, Washington, D.C.
RE Lewis, J. Chi, N. P. Wiederhold, D. P. Kontoyiannis, X. Han, R. A. Prince. Detection of
gliotoxin, an immunologically-active metabolite secreted by Aspergillus fumigatus, in animals and
humans with invasive aspergillosis. 43rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL.
NP Wiederhold, Chi J, Kontoyiannis DP, Prince RA, Lewis RE. In vitro reduction of the Aspergillus
fumigatus metabolite gliotoxin by amphotericin B, caspofungin, and voriconazole. 43rd
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
NP Wiederhold, DP Kontoyiannis, J Chi, RA Prince, VH Tam, RE Lewis. In vivo
pharmacodynamics of caspofungin in a murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. 43rd
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL. Platform
NP Wiederhold, DP Kontoyiannis, RE Lewis. In vitro pharmacodynamics of rapid vs continuous
infusion amphotericin B deoxycholate in the presence of human serum albumin. 43rd Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL.
Hend HA, Chatzinikolaou, Alakech B, Hachem R, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP, Tarrand JT, Raad
IR. Differential positive quantitative blood cultures and the diagnosis of catheter related
bloodstream infections. 43rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy,
2003, Chicago, IL.
MS Lionakis, RE Lewis, HA Torres, KVI Rolston, II Raad, DP Kontoyiannis. In vitro susceptibility
of Aspergillus clinical isolates to AMB, ITZ and VRC by E-test and the effect of prior antifungal
exposure. 43rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003,
Chicago, IL.
RE Lewis, NP Wiederhold, ME Klepser. In vitro pharmacodynamics of amphotericin B,
itraconazole and voriuconazole against Aspergillus, Fusarium and Scedosporium spp. 43rd
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL.
MS Lionakis, Lahdenranta J, Liu W, RE Lewis, R Pasqualini, W. Arap, DP Kontoyiannis.
Biopanning as an approach to study the pathogenesis of invasive aspergillosis. 43rd Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL
MS Lionakis, G. Halder, RE Lewis, GS May, ND Albert, DP Kontoyiannis . A non-vertebrate in
vivo model to study invasive aspergillosis and its treatment with oral antifungals: early experience
with Drospohila. 43rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003,
Chicago, IL. Platform presentation.
MS Lionakis, RE Lewis, DP Kontoyiannis. Pentamidine is active in vitro against Fusarium species.
43rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL.
MS Lionakis, RE Lewis, HA Torres, KVI Rolston, II Raad, DP Kontoyiannis. Comparison of the in
vitro activities of modern antifungals against Aspergillus isolates from cancer patients. 43rd
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL.
KW Garey, MM Neuhauser, DT Bearden, JP Cannon, RE Lewis, LO Gentry, DP Kontoyiannis
Evaluation of antifungal usage in SICU patients: A multi-institutional study. 43rd Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL. Platform presentation.
Wiederhold NP, Lewis RE, Raad, II, Coyle EA, Prince RA. Comparaison of linezolid vs.
vancomycin in a simulated model of catheter-related bloodstream infections. 43rd Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL.
VH Tam, An Shilling, RE Lewis, DA Melnick, and AN Boucher. A novel approach for studying the
combined pharmacodynamics of antibacterial agents. 43rd Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2003, Chicago, IL.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Segal, B. Bernacki, W. Slocum H., Pera, P., D. Carly. Lewis R. E. Combination antifungal therapy
with micafungin (Mica) and amphotericin B desoxycholate (Amb-d) prolongs survival in the
p47phox-deficient mouse model of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) with experimental
pulmonary aspergillosis. 12 Annual Focus on Fungal Infection, New Orleans, LA
Lewis RE, NP Wiederhold, MS Lionakis, J Chi, , RA Prince, DP Kontoyiannis. Frequency and
Distribution of Gliotoxin (GT)-Producing Aspergillus Isolates Recovered from Patients at a Tertiary
Care Cancer Center. 44th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy,
2004, Washington, D.C.
M. S. Lionakis, G. Halder, R. E. Lewis, N. P. Wiederhold, D. P. Kontoyiannis. Efficacy of
Voriconazole in Experimental Aspergillosis in Drosophila. 44th Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2004, Washington, D.C. Platform presentation
M. S. Lionakis, G. Halder, R E Lewis, N. P. Wiederhold, G. S. May, D. P. Kontoyiannis.
Experimental Aspergillosis in Drosophila: Influence of Mode of Infection on Aspergillus Virulence.
44th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2004, Washington,
Wiederhold NP, Kontoyiannis DP, Lewis RE. Eagle-like effect of caspofungin (CAS) against
Candida and Aspergillus spp.; Association with homeostatic mechanisms of cell-wall integrity. 44th
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2004, Washington, D.C.
Platform Presentation.
Wiederhold NP, Kontoyiannis DP, Lewis RE. Relationship between interferon gamma/ Interleukin10 and mycological efficacy of amphotericin B in invasive pulmonary aspergilloisis. 44th
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2004, Washington, D.C.
D. P. Kontoyiannis, M. S. Lionakis , R. E. Lewis, M. Healy , G. Chamilos, G. P. Bodey, C. Perego
, Safdar A, Kantarjian H, Champlin R , T. J. Walsh , I. I. Raad . Zygomycosis in the era of
Aspergillus-Active Antifungal Therapy in a Tertiary Care Cancer Center: A Case Control
Observational Study of 27 Recent Cases. 44th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy, 2004, Washington, D.C. Platform Presentation.
G. Chamilos, R.E. Lewis, D.P. Kontoyiannis. The Unique Alternative Mitochondria Susceptibility to
Caspofungin (CAS). 45 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
Washington, DC. Abstract 842.
G. Chamilos, R. E. Lewis, M. S. Lionakis, G. Halder, D.P. Kontoyiannis. Experimental
zygomycosis in Drosophila melanogaster. 45 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. Abstract 1198.
G. Chamilos, M. Luna, R. E. Lewis, A. Safdar, G. P. Bodey, I. I. Raad, D. P. Kontoyiannis.
Invasive Fungal Infections An Autopsy Study. 45 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. Abstract 996. Platform presentation.
G. Chamilos, R. E. Lewis, D. P. Kontoyiannis. Lovastatin has Significant Activity against
Zygomycetes In vitro and In vivo and shows In vitro Synergy with Voriconazole. 45 Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. Abstract 768.
R.E. Lewis, D. P. Kontoyiannis. Micafungin (MICA) In Combination With Voriconazole (VRC) In
Aspergillus Species: A Pharmacodynamic Approach For Detection Of Synergy In Vitro. 45
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. Abstract
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Tam VH, A.N. Schilling, A.L. Kwa, N.P. Wiederhold, R.E. Lewis. Pharmacodynamics (PD) of
Polymyxin B (PB) against Multi-drug Resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA). 44th
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2004, Washington, D.C.
R.E. Lewis, Singh N, Limaye A, Husain S, Safdar N, Munoz P, Pursell K, Kontoyiannis D.
Detection Of Synergy By XTT-Enhanced Checkerboard Dilution Testing Of Aspergillus: Correlation
With Outcome In Patients With Invasive Aspergillosis Treated With Combination Voriconazole
(VRC) and Caspofungin (CAS) Therapy. 45 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. Abstract 1053.
G. Chamilos, R.E. Lewis, R.A. Prince, and D.P. Kontoyiannis. Zygomycetes Hyphae Are Less
Susceptible To Killing By Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils (PMNs) Than Aspergillus Hyphae,
Through Toll-like Receptor (TLR) Independent Mechanisms. 45 Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. Abstract 1232.
G. Chamilos, R.E. Lewis, D.P. Kontoyiannis. The Unique Alternative Mitochondria Susceptibility to
Caspofungin (CAS). 45 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
Washington, DC. Abstract 842.
G. Chamilos, R. E. Lewis, M. S. Lionakis, G. Halder, D.P. Kontoyiannis. Experimental
zygomycosis in Drosophila melanogaster. 45 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. Abstract 1198.
G. Chamilos, M. Luna, R. E. Lewis, A. Safdar, G. P. Bodey, I. I. Raad, D. P. Kontoyiannis.
Invasive Fungal Infections An Autopsy Study. 45 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy. New Orleans, LA. Abstract 996. Platform presentation.
G. Chamilos, R. E. Lewis, D. P. Kontoyiannis. Lovastatin has Significant Activity against
Zygomycetes In vitro and In vivo and shows In vitro Synergy with Voriconazole. 45 Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC . Abstract 768.
R.E. Lewis, D. P. Kontoyiannis. Micafungin (MICA) In Combination With Voriconazole (VRC) In
Aspergillus Species: A Pharmacodynamic Approach For Detection Of Synergy In Vitro. 45
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC Abstract
R.E. Lewis, G. Chamilos, K.V. Komanduri, R. A,. Prince, D.P. Kontoyiannis. Liposomal
Amphotericin B (L-AMB) is Superior to Amphotericin B Deoxycholate (AMB-d) in Reducing
Inflammatory Lung Injury (ILI) and Fungal Burden in Corticosteroid-Treated Mice with Invasive
Pulmonary Aspergillosis (IPA). 45 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. Abstract 1028.
R.E. Lewis, G. Chamilos, D.P. Kontoyiannis, R. A. Prince. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PSA)
Attenuates Human Neutrophil killing of Aspergillus fumigatus (AF) Hyphae. 45 Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC. Abstract 1082.
D.P. Kontoyiannis, G. Chamilos, R.E. Lewis, J.A. Tarrand. Increased Culture Recovery of
Zygomycetes under Physiologic Temperature Conditions. 43 Infectious Disease Society of
America, San Francisco, CA. Abstract 797.
RE Lewis, G Chamilos, RA Prince, D Kontoyiannis Empty liposomes reduce inflammatory lung
injury and boost PMN fungal clearance in a corticosteroid-immunosuppressed murine model of
acute invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. 46 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA. Abstract 1686. Platform presentation.
RE Lewis, Guanling Liao, Jinggou Hou, G Chamilos, RA Prince, DP Kontoyiannis. Comparative
analysis of amphotericin B lipid complex (ABLC) and lipsomal amphotericin B (L-AMB) Kinetics of
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Lung Accumulation and Fungal Clearance in a Murine Model of Acute Invasive Pulmonary
Aspergillosis. 46 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San
Francisco, CA. Abstract 1689. Platform presentation.
Chamilos G, Lewis RE, Albert ND, Kontoyiannis DP. Genome-wide screening for Genes
Associated with Increased gliotoxin sensitivity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 46 Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA. Abstract 1782.
Bhatti, Z, Dennis C, FEminella J, Brun Y, Almyroudis NG, Lewis RE, Hollad S, Petraitiene R,
Walsh TJ, Segal B. Host defense against spergillosis in the p47phox-/- mouse model of chronic
granulomatous disease. 46 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
San Francisco, CA. Abstract 1683.
Chamilos G, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Dissecting the molecular aspects of
immunopathogenisis of zygomycosis in Drosophila melanongaster. 46 Interscience Conference
on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA. Abstract 1330.
DP Kontoyiannis, G Chamilos, Lewis RE, Manning J,Raad I, Han X. Increased bone marrow iron
stores are an independent risk factor for invasive aspergillosis in severely immunocompromised
cancer patients: A case control observational study. 46 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA. Abstract 0295.
GA Lamaris, Chamiols G, Lewis RE, Raad I, Kontoyiannis DP. Scedosporiosis in a tertiary care
cacner center in the past 16 years. 46 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA. Abstract 1428.
Chamilos G, Lewis RE, Lanaris G, Walsh TJ, Kontoyiannis DP. Rhizopus hyphae trigger an early
proinflammatory response in human PMNs by selective activation of TLR 2. 46 Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA. Abstract 1332.
Chamilos G, Lewis RE, Raad I, Kontoyiannis DP. Epidemiology and outcome of invasive
zygomycosis in a tertiary care cancer center (1989-2006): A retrospective study of 95 episodes.
46 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA.
Abstract 0890.
Kontoyiannis DP, Chamilos G, Lewis RE, Manning J, Raad II, Han X. Increased bone marrow
iron stores are an independent risk factor for invasive aspergillosis in severely
immunocompromised patients: A case control study. 46 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy. San Francisco, CA. Abstract 034.
Lewis RE. What pharmacodynamics have taught us about treating fungal pneumonia: are we
giving enough? 46 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San
Francisco, CA. Abstract M-0574.
Lewis R.E. Evaluating the Activity of Antifungal Agents In Vitro and In Vivo: Beyond Broth
Microdilution. 47 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago,
Chamilos G., Lewis R.E., Kontoyiannis D.P. Delaying Amphotericin B (AMB)-Based Frontline
Therapy Significantly Increases Mortality in Hematologic Malignancy (HM) Patients (pts) with
Zygomycosis (Z). 47 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
Chicago, IL. Abstract M-619.
G Chamilos, Cj Nobile, Vm Bruno, RE Lewis, AP Mithcell, DP Kontoyiannis. A Novel Candida
albicans Transcriptional Regulator of Cell Wall Integrity Identified Through a Screen in Toll
Deficient (Tl) Flies, Promotes Virulence in Mammals. 47 Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, IL. Abstract B-1446.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
GA Lamaris, RE Lewis, DP Kontoyiannis. Voriconazole (VRC) is Effective against Posaconazole
(POSA)-Preexposed Aspergillus fumigatus (AF) in Experimental Aspergillosis in Flies. 47
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, IL. Abstract B1451.
DP Kontoyiannis, R. LEWIS , O. LORTHOLARY , N. SINGH , And Crypto Tx Study Gp;
Interactions between Immunosuppressants and Antifungals against C. neoformans (C.n) and their
Correlation with Outcomes in Solid Organ Transplant (SOT) Patients (pts) with Cryptococcosis.
47 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, IL. Abstract M1850.
RE Lewis, ND Albert, DP Kontoyiannis. Comparison of the Dose-Dependent Activity and
Paradoxical Effect of Caspofungin (CAS) and Micafungin (MICA) in a Neutropenic Murine Model of
Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis (IPA). 47 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy. Chicago, IL. Abstract M-1824.
Lamaris G, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Voriconazole (VRC) Pre-Exposed Rhizopus oryzae
(Rh.o) has Increased Virulence in Experimental Zygomycosis in Flies and Mice. 47 Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, IL. Abstract B-1449.
Lamaris G, Lewis RE, Chamilos G, Kontoyiannis DP. Caspofungin (CAS) Mediated Beta-Glucan
(BG) Unmasking and Enhancement of Human Neutrophil (PMN) Activity against Aspergillus spp.
47 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, IL. Abstract M1857.
G. Lamaris, RE Lewis, G. Chamilos, Dp Kontoyiannis. Caspofungin (CAS) Mediated Beta-Glucan
Unmasking and Enhancement of Neutrophil (PMN) Activity against Non-Aspergillus Moulds. 47
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, IL
RE Lewis, G. Chamilos, ND Albert, D Kontoyianis.;Efficacy of Single-Dose Liposomal
Amphotericin B (L-AMB) or Micafungin (MICA) Prophylaxis in a Persistently Neutropenic Murine
Model of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis (IPA). 47 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, IL
Kofteridis D, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Caspofungin non-susceptible Candida spp isolates in
cancer patients. 19 European congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious diseases
(ECCMID). Helsinki, Finland, 05/2009.
Pongas GN, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Aspergillus fumigatus – Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
Friends or foes? 49 Annual ICAAC meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9/2009.
Ben-Ami R, Lewis RE, Leventakos K, Latge JP, Kontoyiannis DP. The importance of catalases
for aspergillus fumigatus virulence determined in a cutaneous model system. 49 Annual ICAAC
meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9/2009.
Campo M, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Invasive Fusariosis in Patients with Hematologic
Malignancy at MD Anderson Cancer Center: The Last Decade. 47th Annual Meeting of the
Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), Philadelphia, PA, 10/2009.
Best L, Singh N, Ben-Ami R, Albert N, Raad II, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. In Vitro Interactions
of Tacrolimus with Posaconazole or Caspofungin against Zygomycetes, Annual Meeting of the
Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), Philadelphia, PA, 10/2009.
Leventakos K, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Posaconazole (POS) Plasma Concentrations in
Hematological Malignancy (HM) Patients without Mucositis or Gut GVHD. 49 Annual ICAAC
meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9/2009.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Leventakos K, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Effect of low-dose caspofungin in a neutropenic and
steroid-treated murine model of pulmonary mucromycosis. 49 Annual ICAAC meeting, San
Francisco, CA, 9/2009
Watson CC, Ben-Ami R, Lewis RE, Arias C Raad II, Kontoyiannis DP. A study of the role of
panton-valentine leukocidin in mrsa virulence using wild-type and toll-deficient drosophila
melanogaster. 49 Annual ICAAC meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9/2009.
Ben-Ami R, Lewis RE, Leventakos K, Kontoyiannis DP. Aspergillus fumigatus inhibits
angiogenesis through the production of gliotoxin and other secondary metabolites. 49 Annual
ICAAC meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9/2009.
Ben-Ami R, Garcia-Effron G, Lewis RE, Leventakos K, Perlin DS, Kontoyiannis DP. Mutations in
candida albicans FKS1 conferring echinocandin resistance are associated with attenuated
virulence. 49 Annual ICAAC meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9/2009.
Watson C, Ben-Ami R, Arias C, Raad II, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. A study of the pantonvelentine leukocidin in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus virulence using wild-type and
toll-deficient Drosophila melanogaster. Platform presentation. 47 Infectious Diseases Society of
America (IDSA) Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Best L, Singh N, Ben-Ami R, Raad II, Lewis RE, Konotyiannis DP. In vitro interactions of
tacrolimus with posaconazole or caspofungin against zygomycetes. 47 Infectious Diseases
Society of America (IDSA) Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Campo M, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Invasive fusariosis in patients with hematologic
malignancy at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. 47 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Leventakos K, Lewis RE, Chamilos G, Tamboli P, Raad II, Luna M, Kontoyiannis DP. Trends in
epidemiology and sites of involvement by invasive fungal infections in patients with hematologic
malignacies: a 20 year autopsy study. 47 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Meeting,
Philadelphia, PA
Lewis RE, G Liao, Wang W, Prince RA, Kontoyiannis DP. Comparative in vivo selection for
breakthrough mucormycisis of antifungals used to treat invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. 4
Advances Against Aspergillosis Meeting, Rome, Italy
Lewis RE, ND Albert, G. Lia, Wang W, Prince RA, Kontoyiannis DP. Efficacy of dosage escalation
strategies for liposomal amphotericin B in the treatment of experimental Aspergillus terreus
pneumonia. 4 Advances Against Aspergillosis Meeting, Rome, Italy
Perez C, Tam VH, Ledesma K, Abdelraouf K, Kontoyiannis DP, Lewis RE. Comparative
immunoprofiling of multidrug resistant (MDR) P. aeruginosa. 50 Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, Boston, MA
Sampsonas F, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Risk stratification for early mortality in patients with
hematologic cancer and invasive pulmomary mucormycosis. 50 Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, Boston, MA
Lewis RE, G. Liao, Kontoyiannis DP. Use of a murine macrophage reporter cell assay to
characterize the immunopharmacodynamics of caspofungin against Aspergillus fumigatus. 50
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, Boston, MA
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Ben-Ami, Lewis RE, Perlin D, Kontoyiannis DP. Candida albicans FKS1 hot spot mutations
associated with echinocandin resistance affect biofilm formation. 50 Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, Boston, MA
Pongas GN, Lewis RE, Walsh TJ, Kontoyiannis DP. Activity of deferasirox against Mucorales:
Influence of species, exogenous iron and sub-ceullular compartment. 50 Interscience Conference
on Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, Boston, MA.
Pongas GN, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. Invasive mould infections in pediatric cancer patients: a
single institution, 10-year retrospective study. 48 Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA)
Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ben- Ami, Lewis RE, Kontoyiannis DP. In vitro interactions among echinocandins against
Aspergillus fumigatus: Lack of concordance among methods. 48 Infectious Disease Society of
America (IDSA) Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Antifungal selection dynamics for breakthrough invasive pulmonary zygomycosis. $92,000. Astellas
Pharmaceuticals (Principal investigator, 95%)
Merck & Co., Inc. Immunoprofiling of fungal cell wall inhibitors. $292,351 (Principal investigator, 100%)
NIH/NIAID RFA AI-09-026 and -029, Partnerships for Development of Therapeutics and Diagnostics for
Drug-Resistant Bacteria and Eukaryotic Parasites
External Ad-Hoc Reviewer, U.S. Armed Forces IRB
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Council for the Earth and Life Sciences
Grant reviewer, University of Texas NIH SCORE Proposals
Grant reviewer. European Commission. Program for Research, Technological Development and
Demonstration-Infectious Diseases., 6 Framework Programme. Brussels, BE
SIDP Board of Directors (national elected position), 2008-2010
Chair, ASHP Clinical Practice Network-Infectious Diseases 2002-2004
SIDP Research Committee 2003-2009
Chair, SIDP Research Committee 2007-2008
Chair, Internet Committee, Society of Infectious Disease Pharmacists 2001-2002
Guidelines and Publications Committee, American Society of Clinical Pharmacy 20012002
Publications Committee, Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists 1998-1999.
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Publications Committee, ACCP Infectious Diseases PRN 1998-1999.
University of Houston Research Council 2004-2006.
University Institution Biosafety Committee 2006-Present
Chair, UH College of Pharmacy Research Committee, 2004-20052
UH College of Pharmacy P&T Committee 2007-2010
UH College of Pharmacy Research Committee, 2000-2003
UH College of Pharmacy Graduate Affairs Committee, 2000-2004
UH College of Pharmacy Education Subcommittee on Curricular Issues 2003
UH Library and Information Technology Committee 2002-2004
UH College of Pharmacy AACP Accreditation Self-Study Committee 2009-Present
Journal of Invasive Fungal Infection 2007-Present
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2006-Present
Pharmacotherapy 2006-Present
Journal of Infectious Disease Pharmacotherapy 2001-2003
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Canadian Journal of Microbiology
FEMS Yeast Research
Medical Mycology
Expert Opinion in Pharmacotherapy
Expert Opinion in Investigational Drugs
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Clinical Pharmacokinetics Pocket Reference
Medical Information
DesignWrite Incorporated, Princeton, New Jersey.
Bristol Myers Squibb Anti-Infectives Speakers Bureau
Pharmacia Anti-Infective Speakers Bureau
Merck Inc. Antifungals Speakers Bureau
Schering-Plough Inc. (Antifungal)
2003-Present Astellas Inc. / Health and Wellness Partners (Antifungal)
American Society for Microbiology
Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists
American College of Clinical Pharmacy
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Facts and Comparisons Excellence in Clinical Communications
ACCP Best poster award finalist
Outstanding Faculty Achievement in Research Award, University of Houston
Manuscript Selected-ASM News Journal Highlights (May 2002)
Phi Lambda Sigma Honorary Faculty Lifetime Member Inductee
Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists Young Investigator of the Year Award
University of Houston College of Pharmacy Clinical Faculty Preceptor of the Year
Merck Award for Outstanding Achievement in Pharmacy Education
Rho Chi, Pharmacy Honors Society Inductee
Fellow, American College of Clinical Pharmacy
University of Houston College of Pharmacy Award for Outstanding Faculty Service
University of Houston College of Pharmacy Award for Outstanding Research Achievement
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
University of Houston College of Pharmacy Faculty Clinical Preceptor of the Year
Curriculum vitae 10/2010
Curriculum vitae
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3 novembre 2010: Diploma di SPECIALITÀ IN MEDICINA INTERNA, indirizzo
Medicina Interna, presso l’Università degli Studi di Parma, con votazione finale 50/50 con
lode. Titolo della tesi “Anthracycline cardiomyopathy in humans involves the resident
progenitor cell pool”
competenza pratico conseguito nel Corso di formazione di base in Ultrasonologia c/o la
Radiologia dell’ospedale di Senigallia e attestato di competenza teorico nel Corso di
formazione in Ultrasonologia svoltosi durante il XIX Congresso Nazionale SIUMB
Roma,17/21 novembre 2007
21 febbraio 2006: iscrizione all’Albo dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Reggio Emilia
con abilitazione alla professione di Medico Chirurgo
12 luglio 2005: LAUREA IN MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA presso l’Università degli Studi
di Parma con votazione finale 104/110. Titolo della tesi “Rituximab nel trattamento dei
linfomi non Hodgkin di tipo B – la conferma di una nuova frontiera terapeutica”
1999: conseguimento della maturità classica presso il Liceo Classico Ariosto di Reggio
Emilia, con votazione finale 100/100
Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisiopatologia Sistemica
Contratto libero professionale in essere (iniziato in data 1/8/2014) c/o U.O. di Ematologia
e CTMO dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma
Contratto libero professionale (da luglio 2013 - luglio 2014) c/o U.O. di Ematologia e
CTMO dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma per il progetto. “Gestione delle
complicanze internistiche nel paziente sottoposto a trapianto allogenico di cellule staminali
Contratto libero professionale (luglio 2011 – luglio 2013) c/o U.O. di Ematologia e CTMO
dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma per il progetto: “Trapianto di cellule
staminali emopoietiche autologhe nelle malattie linfoproliferative: impiego di nuovi farmaci
e fattori influenzanti l’outcome”
Incarico professionale c/o Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A. della durata di un anno in qualità di
Consulente (febbraio 2012-febbraio 2013) nel “Supporto alla valutazione scientifica dei
prodotti candidati per in-licensing e attivitá di supporto scientifico alla preparazione di
documentazione relativa a prodotti in sviluppo”
Contratto libero professionale c/o Medicina Interna Dipartimento Emergenza Urgenza
dell’Azienda Ospedaliera di Parma della durata di 8 mesi
Partecipazione al Programma di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRINMIUR) (2007-2009): “Ruolo delle cellule staminali cardiache nella cardiotossicità indotta da
farmaci antineoplastici”.
Frequenza c/o il Centro Interdipartimentale “G.Olivetti.L.Vitali Mazza.A.Tardini” per lo
studio e le Applicazioni Cliniche delle Cellule Staminali Cardiache (CISTAC), Università di
Frequenza presso il Pronto Soccorso di Reggio Emilia della durata di 4 mesi in qualità di
medico frequentatore.
Internato c/o il Reparto e il DH internistico della Prima Clinica Medica dell’Università di
Parma della durata di 5 anni in qualità di Specializzanda
Corso pratico di formazione base di Ultrasonologia SIUMB della durata di 4 settimane c/o la
Radiologia dell’Ospedale di Senigallia.
Corso teorico di formazione in Ultrasonologia SIUMB 17-21 Novembre 2007
Frequenza c/o il centro Ecografia della U.O. di Malattie Infettive dell’Università di Parma
Internato c/o la Divisione di Gastroenterologia dell’Università di Parma della durata di 3
Internato c/o la Divisione di Cardiologia del centro riabilitativo “Don Gnocchi”, Parma,
della durata di 2 mesi
Servizio di volontariato presso la Croce Verde di Reggio Emilia della durata di 2 anni
 An immunomodulatory activity of micafungin in preclinical aspergillosis. Moretti S,
Bozza S, Massi-Benedetti C, Prezioso L, Rossetti E, Romani L, Aversa F, Pitzurra L. J
Antimicrob Chemother. 2013 Nov 20. IF 2013: 5.439
5-Yr impact factor: 4.946
 Implication of MAPK1/MAPK3 signalling pathway in t(8;9)(p22;24)/PCM1-JAK2
myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms. Masselli E, Mecucci C, Gobbi G, Carubbi
C, Pierini V, Sammarelli G, Bonomini S, Prezioso L, Rossetti E, Caramatti C, Aversa F,
Vitale M. Br J Haematol. 2013 May 24. doi: 10.1111/bjh.12392. [Epub ahead of print] No
abstract available. IF2013=4.959 [Letter]
 Doxorubicin induces senescence and impairs function of human cardiac progenitor
cells. Piegari E, De Angelis A, Cappetta D, Russo R, Esposito G, Costantino S, Graiani G,
Frati C, Prezioso L, Berrino L, Urbanek K, Quaini F, Rossi F. Basic Res Cardiol. 2013
Mar;108(2):334. doi: 10.1007/s00395-013-0334-4. Epub 2013 Feb 15. IF2013=5.955
Resident Cardiac Stem Cells Frati C., Savi M., Graiani G., Lagrasta C., Cavalli S.,
Prezioso L., Rossetti P., Mangiaracina C., Ferraro F., Madeddu D., Musso E., Stilli D.,
Rossini A., Falco A., De Angelis A., Rossi F., Urbanek K., Leri A., Kajstura J., Anversa P.,
Quaini E. and Quaini F Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011, 17, 2074-2099 IF 2013
= 3.311
Diabetes Impairs Hematopoietic Stem Cell Mobilization by Altering Niche Function
Francesca Ferraro*, Stefania Lymperi*, Simón Méndez-Ferrer, Borja Saez, Joel A. Spencer,
Beow Y. Yeap, Elena Masselli, Gallia Graiani, Lucia Prezioso, Elisa Lodi Rizzini,
Marcellina Mangoni, Vittorio Rizzoli, Stephen M. Sykes, Charles P. Lin, Paul S. Frenette,
Federico Quaini, David T. Scadden Science Transl Med 3, 104ra101 (2011) IF 2013 =
Cancer Treatment-Induced Cardiotoxicity: a Cardiac Stem Cell Disease? Prezioso L.,
Tanzi S, Galaverna F, Frati C, Testa B, Savi M, Graiani G, Lagrasta C, Cavalli S, Galati S,
Madeddu D, Lodi Rizzini E, Ferraro F, Musso E, Stilli D, Urbanek K, Piegari E, De Angelis
A, Maseri A, Rossi F, Quaini E, Quaini F. Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in
Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 8, 55-75
Diabetes Mellitus Induces Bone Marrow Microangiopathy. Oikawa A, Siragusa M,
Quaini F, Mangialardi G, Katare RG, Caporali A, van Buul JD, van Alphen FP, Graiani G,
Spinetti G, Kraenkel N, Prezioso L, Emanueli C, Madeddu P. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc
Biol. 2009 Dec 30 IF= 6.338
Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation After Negative Depletion Of T Cells Expressing The
αβ Chain Of The T-Cell Receptor (TCR) For Adults With Hematological Malignancies.
Prezioso L., Bonomini S., Lambertini C., Schifano C., Rossetti E., Monti A., Todaro G., Sammarelli
G., Sassi M., Craviotto L., Masselli E., Caramatti C., Aversa F. Blood Abstract book
 Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation after Negative Depletion of T Cells Expressing the
αβ Chain of the T-Cell Receptor (TCR) for Adults with Hematological Malignancies. Prezioso
L., Bonomini S., Lambertini C., Schifano C., Rossetti E., Monti A., Caramatti C., Aversa F.
Haemathologica 2013
 PCM1/JAK2 fusion from t(8;9)(p22;p24) translocation in myelodysplastic-myeloproliferative
neoplasia . Sammarelli G , Prezioso L, Rossetti E, Craviotto L , Bonomini S, Dalla Palma B,
Plenteda C , Pierini V , Beacci D, Mecucci C, Aversa F. SIES 2012
 Autophagy involves cardiomyocytes and cardiac progenitor cells in imatinib related
cardiotoxicity Cavalli S, Galati S, Savi M, Frati C, Graiani G, Lagrasta C, Madeddu D, Falco A,
Lorusso B, Gervasi A, Mangia M, Moschettini D, Prezioso L, Quaini F. Heart Failure Congress The European Society Of Cardiology, 2012 19 May 2012 - 22 May 2012 , Belgrade – Serbia.
 Imatinib Mesylate Induced Cardiomyopathy Involves Resident Cardiac Progenitor Cells
Prezioso L, Savi M, Frati C, Graiani G, Cavalli S, Madeddu D, Lorusso B, Gervasi A, Moschettini
D, Quaini F. Heart Failure Congress 2012- The European Society of Cardiology , 19 May 2012 22 May 2012 , Belgrade – Serbia Lymphangiogenesis in genetically determined hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Madeddu D, Frati C, Graiani G, Prezioso L, Cavalli S, Mnagiaracina C, Savi M, Lorusso B, Lagrasta
C, Quaini F. XVIII Congresso Nazionale, Società Italiana di ricerche cardiovascolari, Imola 21-22
ottobre 2011
 Ultrastructural Characterization of human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Gervasi A, Falco A,
Mangiaracina C, Graiani G, Madeddu D, Prezioso L, Mangia M, Cimini M, Quaini F, Lagrasta C.
XVIII Congresso Nazionale, Società Italiana di ricerche cardiovascolari, Imola 21-22 ottobre 2011
Tyrosine kinase cardiotoxicity: ultrastructural analysis of Imatinib mesilate induced
cardiomyopathy. Cimini M., Cavalli S., Savi M., Frati C., Prezioso L., Galaverna F., Graiani G.,
Madeddu D., Galati S., Lagrasta C. XVII Congresso Nazionale, Società Italiana di ricerche
cardiovascolari, Imola 7-9 ottobre 2010
Potential involvement of cardiac and bone marrow vascular progenitors in Imatinib induced
cardiovascular toxicity Madeddu D., Mangiaracina C., Cavalli S., Frati C., Graiani G., Prezioso
L.,Savi M., Lorusso B., Falco A., Quaini F. XVII Congresso Nazionale, Società Italiana di ricerche
cardiovascolari, Imola 7-9 ottobre 2010
Imatinib Mesylate induced cardiotoxicity: a cardiac progenitor cell disease? Prezioso Lucia,
Tanzi Silvia, Galaverna Federica, Frati Caterina, Graiani Gallia, Testa Beatrice, Savi Monia,
Lagrasta Costanza, Cavalli Stefano, Galati Sabrina, Lodi Rizzini Elisa, Ferraro Francesca, Urbanek
Konrad, Piegari Elena, De Angelis Antonella, Rossi Francesco, Quaini Eugenio, Rizzoli Vittorio,
Quaini Federico.. American Society of Haemathology, New Orleans 2009
Diabetes Impairs Bone Marrow Microenvironment Affecting Progenitor Cell Number,
Mobilization and Engraftment in Humans Rizzoli V, Masselli E, Prezioso L, Ferraro F, LodiRizzini E, Mangoni M, Graiani G, Frati C, Spinetti G, Reni C, Emanueli C, Madeddu P and Quaini
F, MD. American Society of Haemathology, New Orleans 2009
Imatinib mesylate induced cardiotoxicity: a cardiac progenitor cell disease? Prezioso L, Savi
M., Frati C., Tanzi S., Galaverna F., Lagrasta C., Cavalli S., Galati S., Musso E., Quaini F. Società
Italiana Ricerche Cardiovascolari, Imola 29-31 ottobre 2009
Watermelon stomach e sclerosi sistemica. Prezioso L, Santilli D., Baroni M.C. SIMI Roma 24-26
ottobre 2009
Watermelon stomach come prima manifestazione della sclerosi sistemica Prezioso L, Santilli D.,
Baroni M.C. XX Congresso della Società di Medicina Interna – Esperienze cliniche in medicina
Interna – Piacenza 2009
Quali cellule utilizzare per la rigenerazione del miocardio? Frati C., Graiani G., Lagrasta C.,
Ferraro F., Lazzaretti M., Belletti A., Fagnoni F., Quaini E., Prezioso L., Reni C., Sala R., Quaini F.
Progetto “Progressi in Biologia e Medicina” Cellule staminali e medicina rigenerativa 2009:
attualità e prospettive. 16-20 marzo 2009
Studio in vitro ed in vivo della biocompatibilità di PAM (pharmacologically active
microcarriers) come substrato per la rigenerazione miocardica Frati C., Graiani G., Prezioso L.,
Testa B., Bocchi L., Savi M., Lagrasta C., Musso E., , Caldarera C.M., Quaini F. Società italiana di
ricerche cardiovascolari (SIRC) Imola 9-11 ottobre 2008
Studio in vitro delle caratteristiche di crescita di cellule staminali coltivate in presenza di PAM
(pharmacologically active microcarriers) Frati C., Graiani G., Prezioso L., Testa B., Lagrasta C.,
Sala R., Quaini E., Caldarera C.M., Quaini F. Istituto Nazionale per le ricerche cardiovascolari
consorzio interuniversitario (I.N.R.C. – C.I.) quinto workshop Torino 4-5 novembre 2008
Craving e comorbilità psichiatrica De Nittis G., Mitro R., Galderisi G., Delsignore R., Baroni
MC., Coiro V., Prezioso L., Di Gennaro C. XVII Convegno Esperienze cliniche in medicina Interna
Parma 10 novembre 2007
Osteonecrosi della mandibola in pazienti in trattamento con acido zolendronico Prezioso L,
XXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna - Esperienze cliniche in Medicina Interna
Varicocele da compressione ab estrinseco in paziente con linfoma B diffuso a grandi cellule
Prezioso L., Saccenti C., Chiussi G., Maulucci L., Rubino P., Spaggiari E., Minelli R., Baroni MC.
XXIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna – Esperienze cliniche in Medicina
Infezione da CMV come prima manifestazione di linfoma angioimmunoblastico Prezioso L.,
Saccenti C., Chiussi G., Maulucci L., Rubino P., Spaggiari E., Minelli R., Baroni MC., XXIII
Congresso della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna – Esperienze cliniche in Medicina Interna
Carcinoma della prostata non secernente con metastasi epatiche Prezioso L., Saccenti C.,
Chiussi G., Maulucci L., Rubino P., Raballo M., Minelli R., Baroni MC XXIII Congresso della
Società Italiana di Medicina Interna – Esperienze cliniche in Medicina Interna
Comunicazioni orali e Poster
Update on Prophylaxis of Invasive Fungal Infections in Hematological Patients presentazione
orale (relatore) Modena 20 marzo 2014
Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation After Negative Depletion Of T Cells Expressing The αβ
Chain Of The T-Cell Receptor (TCR) For Adults With Hematological Malignancies. Prezioso L.,
Bonomini S., Lambertini C., Schifano C., Rossetti E., Monti A., Todaro G., Sammarelli G., Sassi M.,
Craviotto L., Masselli E., Caramatti C., Aversa F. Poster Session: Clinical Allogeneic
Transplantation - Acute and Chronic GVHD, Immune Reconstitution: Poster III
Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation after Negative Depletion of T Cells Expressing the αβ
Chain of the T-Cell Receptor (TCR) for Adults with Hematological Malignancies. Prezioso L.,
Bonomini S., Lambertini C., Schifano C., Rossetti E., Monti A., Caramatti C., Aversa F. Poster
Session SIE verona ottobre 2013
Neoplasie e preservazione della fertilità Sessione orale (Relatore) Parma, 26 ottobre 2012
Doxorubicine induced cardiomyoapthy in humans involves the resident progenitor cells pool
Sessione poster Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Napoli 2010
Imatinib Mesylate induced cardiotoxicity: a cardiac progenitor cell disease? sessione poster
(Session Name: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia - Therapy II) American Society of Hemathology, New
Orleans 6 dicembre 2009
Watermelon stomach e sclerosi sistemica. Prezioso L,, Santilli D., Baroni M.C. sessione poster.
SIMI nazionale Roma 2009
Imatinib mesylate induced cardiotoxicity: a cardiac progenitor cell disease? sessione orale
(relatore) Società Italiana Ricerche Cardiovascolari (SIRC) Imola 2009
Partecipazione a convegni e seminari
Update on Prophylaxis of Invasive Fungal Infections in Hematological Patients Modena 20 marzo
EBMT 40th Anniversary Edition of Annual Meeting Milano marzo-aprile 2014
ASH New Orleans 6-10 Dicembre 2013
Riunione Nazionale GITMO, novembre 2013
Riunione Nazionale GITMO, Maggio 2013
EBMT 39th Anniversary Edition of Annual Meeting Londra aprile 2013
EBMT 38th Anniversary Edition of Annual Meeting Ginevra 2012
Mobilizzazione e raccolta di cellule staminali periferiche: valutazioni farmacoeconomiche e
raccomandazioni GITMO-SIdEM Firenze 28 novembre 2011
Corso Educazionale GITMO, Monte Sant’Angelo (Fg) 6-7-8 ottobre 2011
VII Convegno Monotematico SIF Prospettivee innovazione nella ricerca cardiovascolare di base a
quella clinica. Napoli, 6-7 ottobre 2010
Sclerosi sistemica new advances in therapy. Reggio Emilia, 2010
The American Society of Haemathology (ASH). New Orleans, 4-8 Dicembre 2009
Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna. Roma, 24-26 ottobre
La terapia delle sindromi mielodisplastiche – revisione delle linee guida SIE, SIES e GITMO,
Bologna 17-18 aprile 2009
Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Ricerche Cardiovascolari. Imola, 2009
Microsfere polimeriche e cellule staminali autologhe. Nuovi studi sulle possibilità di rigenerazione
del miocardio infartuato. V workshop delle unità operative dell’istituto nazionale per le ricerche
cardiovascolari – Progress Report 2008, Torino 4-5 novembre 2008.
Formazione sugli aspetti regolatori-scientifici collegati con l’uso di medicinali sperimentali per
terapie avanzate 26-27 giugno 2008
PET e linfomi: dalla pratica clinica alle linee guida? Reggio Emilia,16 novembre 2005
Cancro e trombosi: il tromboembolismo venoso nelle neoplasie solide ed in oncoematologia. Reggio
Emilia, 7 aprile 2006
XXI Convegno della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna – Esperienze cliniche in Medicina Interna.
Reggio Emilia, 6 Novembre 2004.
XXIII Convegno della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna – Esperienze cliniche in Medicina
Interna. Piacenza, 6 Maggio 2006
lingua inglese: buona conoscenza della lingua scritta e parlata
lingua tedesca: discreta conoscenza della grammatica e della lingua scritta
ottima conoscenza delle applicazioni informatiche di Windows
ottima conoscenza delle applicazioni informatiche di Macintosh
Il sottoscritto è consapevole che in caso di dichiarazioni non veritiere, di formazione o uso di atti falsi verrà punito ai sensi del
Codice Penale e delle Leggi speciali in materia così come previsto dall’art. 76 del D.P.R. n. 445/2000 e che, inoltre, qualora dal
controllo effettuato emerga la non veridicità del contenuto delle dichiarazioni rese, decadrà dai benefici eventualmente conseguenti
al provvedimento emanato sulla base della dichiarazione non veritiera – art. 75 del D.P.R. n. 445/2000.
E’ inoltre informato ed autorizza, ai sensi e per gli effetti di cui all’art. 13 del D. Lgs. 30.06.2003 n. 196, che i dati personali raccolti
saranno trattati, anche con strumenti informatici, esclusivamente nell’ambito del procedimento per il quale la presente dichiarazione
viene resa
Parma, _______________