Li Huasheng - La Biennale


Li Huasheng - La Biennale
1944 | Nato a Yibin, Sichuan, Cina
Vive e lavora a Chendu, Sichuan, Cina
Mostre Personali
1995-1998 |
1992 |
1991 |
1990 |
1987 |
Centro Culturale Cinese di San Francisco, Stati Uniti
Alisan Fine Arts, Hong Kong, Cina
HanartTZ Gallery, Museo Nazionale di Singapore
Hanart Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Hanart2 Gallery, Hong Kong, Cina
Harvard University Museum; Yale University Museum; University of Michigan; University
of Washington, University of Detroit, Stati Uniti
Mostre collettive selezionate
2011 | “L'Espressione dell'Arte Contemporanea Cinese” Today's Art Museum, Pechino, Cina
2010 | “Assimilando l'Antichità”, La Profondità dello Spazio nella Pittura Astratta Cinese, Yuan
Art Museum, Pechino, Cina
“La Grande Astrazione Celete – Arte Cinese del XXI° Secolo, NAMOC, Museo Nazionale
d’Arte Cinese, Pechino
“Ridisegnare la storia - Arte Cinese dal 2000 al 2009”, Centro dei Congressi Nazionale della
Cina, Pechino, Cina
“Maestri: Dieci casi dell'arte Contemporanea Cinese”, 800 Art Space, Pechino, Cina
2009 | "Colori - Mostra d’Arte di Inchiostri Contemporanei”, Today's Art Museum, Pechino, Cina
2008 | “2° Biennale di Taipei “, Taiwan
"Ink-Not-Ink: China Contemporary, Shenzhen, Guandong, Cina; Art Museum of
Philadephia, Stati Uniti
“Si Intende Inviare – Arte Astratta Cinese degli ultimi tre Decenni”, Wall Museum,
Pechino, Cina
“Yi Pai- 30 Anni di Arte Astratta Cinese”, La Caixa Forum Museum, Palma de Maiorca,
Barcellona, Madrid, Spain
2006 | "Revival: Nuova Arte ad Inchiostro” Diolum Museum of Modern Art di Shanghai, Cina
2005 | "Pittura ad Inchiostro Contemporanea Cinese e Coreana”, Art Museum, Seoul, Corea
2004 | “La 4° Biennale di Pittura ad Inchiostro, Art Museum, Shenzhen, Cina
2002 | "Triennale d'Arte Contemporanea” Museo d'Arte Moderna di Guangzhou, Cina
2001 | "20 Anni di Ricerca nella Tecnica dell Inchiostro Cinese", Guangdong Gallery, Guangdong,
2000 | "Biennale di Shanghai", Shanghai, Cina
1999 | "La Posizione dell'Arte nel Tempo Interattivo”, Sichuan Gallery, Chongqing, Cina
1995 | "Tradizione ed Innovazione”, Mostra Itinerante di pittura cinese del XX secolo, Hong Kong,
Singapore, Stati Uniti, Germania
1983-85 | "Pittura Contemporanea Cinese”, La mostra stata esposta negli Stati Uniti: Birmingham
Art Museum; Asian Society Galery, New York; Herebert F. Johnson Museum of Art
(Cornell University), Itahaca, New York.
1981 | "Mostra di 10 Pittori Cinesi”, NAMOC, Museo d'Arte Nazionale della Cina, Pechino
1944 | Born in Yibin, Sichuan, China
Lives and works in Chendu, Sichuan, China
Solo exhibitions
1995-1998 | Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco, United States and at Alisan Fine Arts, Hong
Kong, China
1992 | HanartTZ Gallery at the National Museum of Singapore
1991 | Hanart Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1990 | Hanart2 Gallery, the City Hall in Hong Kong, China
1987 | Harvard University Museum; Yale University Museum; Universit of Michigan; University
of Washington and University of Detroit, USA
Selected Group exhibition
2011 | “Espresion of Chinese Contemporary Art” Today's Art Museum, Beijing, China
2010 | “Assimilating Antiquity”, Depth in Space in Contemporary Chinese Painting, Yuan Art
Museum, Beijing, China
“The Great Celestial Abstraction – Cinese Art of the 21st Century, NAMOC, National Art
Museum of China, Beijing
“Reshaping History - Chinese art from 2000 – 2009”, China National Convention Center,
Beijing, China
“Masters: Ten Cases of Chinese Contemporary Art”, 800 Art Space, Beijing, China
2009 | "Color - Ink Contemporary Art Exhibition” , Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2008 | “2nd Taipei International Modern ink Painting Biennial, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 | “Ink-Not-Ink”:China Contemporary Ink painting Invitation Exhibition , Shenzhen
Art Museum, China; Philadephia,USA
2008 | "Is Intended to Send – Chinese Abstract Three Decades”, Wall Museum, Beijing, China
“Yi Pai - Thirty Years of Chinese Abstraction””, La Caixa Forum, Palma de Maiorca,
Barcelona, Madrid, Spain
2006 | "Revival of New Ink Art" Shanghai Doulum Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China
2005 | "Korean and Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting” Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
2004 | "The 4th International Ink Painting Biennial” , Shenzhen Art Museum, China
2002 | "The 1st Chinese Art Triennial Exhibition”, Guangzhou Fine Arts Musem, Guangzhou,
2001 | “20 Years of Ink Experiment in China”, Guangdong Gallery, Guangdong, China
2000 | "Shanghai Biennial", Shanghai, China
1999 | "Art Position in Interactive Time”, Sichuan Gallery, Chongqing, China
1995 | "Tradition and Innovation in the 20th Century”, Travelling Exhibition of Chinese Painting,
Hong Kong, China; Singapore; United States; Germany
1983-85 | "Contemporary Chinese Painting: Art Exhibition from the People's Republic of China, an
Exhibition organized by the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco, which traveled to
Birmingham Museum of Art,Birmingham, Alabama; Asian Society Gallery, NewYork;
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art (Cornell University), Ithaca, New York, United States
1981 | "China Painting Exhibition of Ten People", NAMOC, National Art Museum of China,