Fashion design italiano (anno accademico 2009/10)


Fashion design italiano (anno accademico 2009/10)
Knitwear: one year of project
A whole year engagement.
An intensive work full of passion.
The lectures in the classroom and the steady, practical learning in the labs.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29th from 9 to 12 am
Fashion & Textile Design One-Year intensive course students will show their creative pathway to Emma
Holborow and Lia Mondina with drawings, patterns, textile analysis and final clothes.
Technical and free-hand drawing, computer, tailoring and knitwear: traditional education and creative
activities for a whole year of project with the final production of a portfolio completely dedicated to Made in
Would You like to experience One-Year intensive course in Fashion & Textile Design with its project
approach by having a glance on students’ final presentations?
If so, Your appointment is at Knitwear Lab, located in Via Pompeo Leoni, 3 in Milan.
Emma Holborow was born in London. She graduated from Winchester School of Art with a
1 BA Hons Degree in Textile Design - Specialisation Knitted Textiles. Her career began in Italy designing
for the spinner Orlandi 21 in Milan. She gained experience with Dori Dietz designing for Italian and
European companies. She opened her own studio in Milan in 1993. Since she has worked as men’s and
women’s knitwear consultant and designer with major companies such as Prada, Fendi, Studio
Ferrè, CXD, Tricot Chic, Pier Antonio Gaspari & Amina Rubinacci. Teaching at IED since 2007 in Master
Programs, One-Year courses and in 2nd year of Three-Year courses.
Lia Mondina, graduate from Saint Martin’s School of Art, London, BA (hons) Fashion Design
and Textiles degree with specialization in knitwear. Freelance designer for the Giorgio Armani men’s and
women’s knitwear collections. Knitwear designer at Max Mara. Design of the men’s and
women’s knitwear collections at Verri (Milan). Research on new trends for spinners and for
textiles and jersey companies and development of their collections. Design and development of
knitwear stitches on industrial knitting machines.
In case You wish to partecipate, BOOK IMMEDIATELY YOUR PLACE confirming Your presence to phone
number +39-02-57.96.951 and asking about Student Information Office / One-Year courses or address
Your request to [email protected], with specific object “Knitwear: one year of project” and with Your
phone number indication or fill-in with big letters the form here below and send it to: ISTITUTO EUROPEO
DI DESIGN – Student Information Office / One-Year coursesr – Via Amatore Sciesa, 4 – 20135 Milano o al
numero di fax +39-02-54.69.045.
We’re waiting for You! 
How to reach IED Moda Lab:
Filobus: 90 from underground – line 3 LODI (three stops), 91 from underground – line 2 ROMOLO (7
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COGNOME (Last name): _______________________________________________________________________________
DATA e LUOGO DI NASCITA (Date and Place of Birth): ______________________________________________________
CITTADINANZA (Citizenship): ___________________________________________________________________________
RESIDENZA (Permanent address): _______________________________________________________________________
DOMICILIO (Actual address, only if different): _______________________________________________________________
CELL. (Mobile): __________________________________ E-MAIL: ____________________________________________
TEL.: __________________________________________________________________________________
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