Colonial America in the 18th century + American War of Independence


Colonial America in the 18th century + American War of Independence
Colonial America in the 18th century
In the early 18th century there was a great religious revival in the North American colonies.
Nei primi anni del 18° secolo vi fu una grande rinascita religiosa nelle colonie americane del Nord.
(Later it was given the name 'The Great Awakening').
Più tardi gli fu dato il nome di” Il grande risveglio”
The growth of North American colonies create tension within Britain. The British felt that the
La crescita delle colonie del Nord America creò tensione in Gran Bretagna. I britannici pensavano
colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country and this attitude was bound
che le colonie esistessero per il beneficio della madre patria e questo atteggiamento era destinato
to cause resentment.
a causare del risentimento.
In 1651 the British Parliament passed a navigation act. It stated that any goods
Nel 1651 il Parlamento Britannico approvò un atto di navigazione. Esso affermava che qualsiasi merce
grown or made outside Europe should be transported to England in English ships.
coltivata o fatta fuori dall’Europa doveva essere trasportata in Inghilterra in navi Inglesi.
Other Navigation Acts followed it. The 1660 Navigation Act stated
Un altro Atto di navigazione fece seguito a questo. L’Atto di Navigazione del 1660 dichiarava
that certain goods, (cotton, indigo, sugar and tobacco) could only be exported from the
che cert amerce(cotone, indaco, zucchero e tobacco) poteva essere esportata solamente dalle
colonies to England or to other colonies.
colonie verso l’Inghilterra o alter colonie.
It was followed by acts in 1670 and 1673. However the British made little attempt to
Ciò fu seguito dagli Atti del 1670 e del 1673. Tuttavia L’Inghilterra fece pochi tentativi per
enforce these acts and they were widely ignored by the colonists.
applicare questi atti e furono ignorati ampiamente dalle colonie.
The population of the North American colonies in the early 18th century
In the early 18th century the population of the North American colonies grew rapidly.
Nei primi anni del 18° secolo la popolazone delle colonie del Nord America crebbe rapidamente.
By 1760 it was over 1 million. By 1780 it had doubled.
Nel 1760 era di circa 1 milione. Nel 1780 essa era raddoppiata.
In the early 18th century the population was boosted by immigrants from Northern Ireland (most of them descended
from Scottish Presbyterians). There were also many immigrants from Scotland itself. Also in the early 18th century
there were many German immigrants. Land was cheap in North America and it attracted many people hoping for a
better life.
After 1763, relations between the colonists and the mother country turned sour.
Dopo il 1763, le relazioni tra i coloni
e la madre patria si inasprì
The British had just finished fighting the Seven Years War against France. They had won
I Britannici avevano appena finito di combattere la Guerra dei 7 anni contro la Francia. Avevano vinto
Canada but the war was very expensive. The British were keen to prevent any wars with the
il Canada ma la guerra fu molto dispendiosa. Gli inglesi volevano con tutta forza evitare la guerra
Native Americans, which might prove expensive. In 1763 a royal proclamation known as the
con i nativi americani, che poteva diventare costosa. Nel 1763 un proclama reale conosciuto come
Great Proclamation sought to ban any further westward expansion.
il Grande Proclama cercò di impedire qualsiasi ulteriore espansione verso ovest.
This proclamation was ignored by the colonists but it also caused great resentment.
Tale proclama fu ignorato dai coloni ma causò anche un grande risentimento.
In 1763 Americans paid few taxes, certainly less than the British.
Nel 1763 gli Americani pagavano poche tasse, certamente meno degli Inglesi.
The British felt that the Americans should pay a greater contribution
I Britannici erano del parere che gli americani dovessero pagare un contributo più alto
towards the cost of their defence.
per il costo della loro difesa.
In 1764 the British Prime Minister, George Grenville, passed the Sugar Act. (So called
Nel 1764 il Primo Ministro Britannico, George Grenville, emanò lo “Sugar Act”( così chiamato
because it affected imports of molasses from the West Indies -Caribbean Islands)
perchè colpiva le importazioni di melassa dai Caraibi
The sitation got worse with the Currency Act of 1764 which banned the issue
La situazione peggiorò con il Currency Act del 1764 che proibiva l’emissione
of paper money in the American colonies.
di carta moneta nelle colonie americane.
In 1765 the Stamp Act imposed duty on legal documents, newspapers and playing cards.
Nel 1765 l’Atto sugli stampati impose tasse sui documenti legali, sui giornali e sulle carte da gioco.
Owing to all these events, the Americans believed that since they were not represented in the
A causa di tutti questi eventi, gli americani credevano che finché essi non fossero rappresentati nel
British parliament it had no right to impose taxes on them.
Parlamento britannico, quest’ultimo non aveva il diritto di imporre loro delle tasse.
The Stamp Act soon proved to be unbearable for Americans. Colonial assemblies
l’Atto sugli stampati si dimostrò subito insopportabile per gli americani. Le assemblee dei coloni
denounced it and in October 1765 a number of colonies sent delegates to a 'Stamp act
lo criticarono e nell’ottobre del 1765 un certo numero di colonie inviarono dei delegate al
Congress' to organise resistance. Imports of British goods were boycotted and
“Congresso dell’atto sugli stampati”. L’importazione di merce Britannica furono boicottati
debts to British merchants were suspended. Rioters attacked tax collectors and
e i debiti verso i mercanti britannici sospesi. Dei rivoltosi attaccarono gli esattori delle tasse e le
their property. Eventually in March 1766 the British were forced to repeal the Stamp Act.
loro proprietà. Infine nel marzo del 1766 I britannici furono costretti ad abrogare l’atto sugli stampati.
However at the same time they passed the Declaratory Act, which said that
Tuttavia nello stesso tempo essi emanarono l’Atto dichiarativo, con il quale si affermava che
parliament was sovereign over all American colonies. This stupid act simply
il parlamento era sovrano su tutte le colonie americane. Quest’atto stupido fece semplicemente
annoyed and antagonised (ænˈtægənaɪz/) the colonists.
arrabbiare ed inimicare
i coloni.
Moreover the British, in 1767, imposed duties on lead, glass, paint, oil and tea.
Inoltre i Britannici, nel 1767, imposero tasse sul cuoio, sul vetro, sulla vernice, olio e tè.
Once again the colonists boycotted imports of British goods and the British
Ancora una volta i coloni boicottarono le importazioni della merce inglese e il governo
government was forced to back down. By March 1770 all duties except those on tea were
britannico fu costretto a ritrattare. Nel marzo del 1770 tutte le imposte tranne quelle sul tè
furono tolte.
The growth of the colonies
By the middle of the 18th century these colonies had absorbed (avevano assorbito) French, Dutch
and Spanish settlements. Important seaport towns(città portuali) were prospering(stavano
prosperando) including New York, Boston and Philadelphia. From here( da qui) merchants
profitably traded (commerciavano con profitto)with Europe.
Up to (fino a) the middle of 1700 Britain allowed (concedeva) the colonies to enjoy(godere)
relative freedom(libertà), but then it passed a series of laws (emanò una serie di leggi)
that severely restricted the colonies’ trade (limitarono seriamente il commercio delle colonie)
and imposed heavy(pesanti) taxes on imported goods. The colonies were allowed (alle colonie fu
concesso ) to export to Britain alone: English traders would then put(inserire, mettere) their
products on other markets.
As (quando)the Americans realized (si resero conto)they were economically strong (forti),
they felt ready (si sentirono pronti)for independence.
When in 1773 the British imposed a new tax on commodities (merci)that the colonists imported,
rebellion broke out(scoppiò): a cargo of tea that had just arrived at the Boston harbour (porto)
was dumped(scaricato) into the sea. This act of defiance(sfida), known as the Boston Tea Party,
is a landmark (importante punto di riferimento)in American history.
The Boston massacre and the Boston tea party
A group of people in Boston threw snowballs(tirò palle di neve) at British soldiers. The soldiers opened fire, killing 5
people and wounding (ferendone) 6.
The British failure to execute anybody (l’incapacità di giustiziare qualcuno) for the massacre outraged (indignò)
American opinion.
Then in 1773 the British East India Company sent tea to the American colonies to sell.
Three ships were sent(inviate) to Boston with 298 chests (casse)of tea.
On 16 December 1773 men dressed(vestiti) as Indians boarded the ships and threw the tea into the sea.
Coercive or Intolerable Acts
In 1774 a series of laws were passed called the Coercive( kəʊˈɜːsɪv/, coercitivi)or Intolerable
Acts. The port of Boston was closed and the seat (sede)of government was moved to Salem.
The Quebec Act of 1774
The Americans were also annoyed(irritati) by the Quebec Act of 1774 which extended the
boundaries (confini)of Quebec southward and westward. The Americans feared(temevano che) the
king intended to settle loyal French speaking Catholics (intendesse insediare i cattolici francesi)
in the West to increase (aumentare)his own power in the region.
In September 1774 a Continental Congress met (si riunì) to decide policy (condotta politica).
They demanded the repeal (l’abrogazione)of the Coercive Acts and of the Quebec Act.
The Congress also denounced British interference in American affairs and asserted (rivendicò)
the right (il diritto) of colonial assemblies to pass laws and raise taxes (approvare le leggi e alzare
le tasse). The British refused to compromise with the Americans.
1775. 5 February
On 5 February 1775 Massachusetts was in a state of rebellion. The American colonies’ militias(le
truppe delle colonie americane) made up (costituite)of civilians, resisted the British troops.
1775. 19 April
Fighting began on 19 April 1775 when British soldiers attempted to seize a colonial arms dump
( impadronirsi di un deposito di armi) near Concord.
The British were met (furono affrontati)by the militia at Lexington.
The British advanced to Concord and fired upon the militia but then withdrew(si ritirarono).
They retreated back to Boston with the Americans firing at them along the way.
During the march the British lost 73 dead and 200 wounded or missing.
The American Revolution had begun(era iniziata).
From April 1775 to March 1776
From April 1775 to March 1776 the British army was besieged (insediata )in Boston.
They could be supplied (potevano rifornirsi) by sea by the British navy.
Nevertheless (tuttavia)they soon ran short of supplies (rimasero a corto di rifornimenti).
On May 25 the British were reinforced (ottennero rinforzi) but they were unable (incapaci)
to break out (intervenire, irrompere). Eventually (infine)they were evacuated by sea to Canada.
May 1775. The Second Continental Congress
The Continental Congress met again in May 1775 and agreed to raise an army(costituire un
esercito). George Washington was made its commander in chief.
Congress hoped they could force (sperava di costringere) the British to negotiate but
George III refused to compromise. Instead in August 1775 he declared that all the American
colonies were in a state of rebellion.
May 1776
In May 1776 Congress decided that royal government should cease (cessare)and government
should be under the authority of the people. Subsequently the colonies drew up state
constitutions ( redassero delle costituzioni di stato) to replace their charters (statuti).
7 June 1776
On 7 June 1776 Richard Henry Lee of the Virginia Assembly presented Congress with resolutions
declaring the independence of the colonies, calling for (chiedendo) a confederation and expressed
the need to find foreign allies (la necessità di trovare alleati stranieri) for a war against Britain.
4 July 1776 - declaration of independence
On 11 June Congress appointed(nominò) a committee to write a declaration of independence. It
was signed (firmata)on 4 July 1776.
The United States Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Continental
Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war
with Great Britain, were now independent states, and thus no longer( e pertanto non più) a
part of the British Empire. Written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration is a
formal explanation of why Congress had voted on July 2 to declare independence from
Great Britain, more than a year after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War. The
birthday of the United States of America—Independence Day—is celebrated on July 4, the
day the wording (enunciazione)of the Declaration was approved by Congress.
The Declaration justified the independence of the United States by listing colonial
grievances (/ griːvns/ lamentele) against King George III, and by asserting (affermando)
certain natural rights, including a right of revolution.
American War of Independence
(un breve riepilogo di quanto scritto sopra)
The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) or American War of Independence
began (ebbe inizio)as a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen British colonies
in North America, and concluded in a global war between several European great powers.
The war was the culmination (segnò il culmine)of the political American Revolution,
whereby (attraverso cui) many of the colonists rejected the legitimacy of the Parliament of Great Britain to govern
them without representation, claiming that this violated the Rights of Englishmen.
The First Continental Congress met in 1774 to coordinate relations with Great Britain and the by-then thirteen selfgoverning and individual provinces, petitioning George III of Great Britain for intervention with Parliament,
organizing a boycott of British goods, while affirming loyalty to the British Crown. Their pleas (richieste)ignored, and
with British soldiers billeted (alloggiate)in Boston, Massachusetts, by 1775 the Provincial Congresses formed the
Second Continental Congress and authorized a Continental Army. Additional petitions to the king to intervene with
Parliament resulted in the following year with Congress being declared traitors and the states to be in rebellion. The
Americans responded in 1776 by formally declaring their independence as one new nation — the United States of
America — claiming their own sovereignty and rejecting any allegiance to the British monarchy.
France's government under King Louis XVI secretly provided supplies (dava rifornimenti),
ammunition and weapons (munizioni e armi)to the revolutionaries starting in (a cominciare dal)
1776. France to openly enter the war in early 1778.
Spain and the Dutch Republic – French allies – also went to war with Britain over the next two
years, threatening (minacciando) an invasion of Great Britain
Spain's involvement (coinvolgimento)culminated in the expulsion of British armies from West
Throughout the war, the British were able to use their naval superiority to capture and occupy
American coastal cities, but they didn’t take control of the countryside because of the relatively
small size of their land army.
French involvement proved ( si dimostrò)decisive, with a French naval victory in the Chesapeake
(Virginia) leading at the surrender of a second British army in Yorktown,1781.
1783, the Treaty of Paris
In 1783, the Treaty of Paris ended the war and recognized the sovereignty of the United States over
the territory bounded by what is now Canada to the north, Florida to the south, and the Mississippi
River to the west.