Prof. Mario Nicola Madau CLASSE 2 E Unit 1


Prof. Mario Nicola Madau CLASSE 2 E Unit 1
Anno Scolastico 2015\2016
Lingua Inglese
Docente: Prof. Mario Nicola Madau
Unit 1: Well-being - Talking about health - Giving and taking advice talking about obligations and permission
Unit 2: Move it! - Talking about keeping fit - Talking about experiences
Unit 3: The world around us - Talking about geographical location - Describing people, places and things Giving extra information
Unit 4: Getting on with people - Discussing relationships - Talking about hypothetical conditions - Making
wishes - Relationships discribing people
Unit 5: Don't panic! - Discussing fears and phobias - Talking about past habit - Talking about your
Unit 6: The cinema - Discussing films - Talking about unfinished actions - Making deductions - Film types Describing films
Unit 7: Describe it! - Describing everyday objects - Talking about news and events - Materials, shapes,
expressive dimensions
Unit 8: Celebrate! - Organizing an event - Describing past events - Talking about past conditions
Unit 9: Read it! - Discussing reading habits - Reporting statements - Reporting questions - Types of book Life choices
Unit 10: A global view - Discussing social and world problems - Reporting requests and instructions - Talking
about the past, present and future
Grammar: all the units are connected with the most important grammar arguments - Present simple, present
progressive, present perfect,past simple, past progressive, past perfect, intentional future, progressive
future, simple present future, shall and will, conditional zero, first conditional, second conditional and third
20 Giugno 2016
Prof. Mario Nicola Madau
Programma svolto: Classe 4 E Anno Scolastico 2015/2016
General revision of the Middle Ages.
Poetry as a Literary genre; rythm and scale of consonant sound ( rythm, feet,
Syllables, blank verse, words, pattern). Geoffrey Chaucer, his masterpiece the
Canterbury Tales. Comparation with
The Italian works of Boccaccio and Petrarca.
The Renaissance.
The rise of the Tudor Dinasty; the Reformation; The Reign of Elizabeth I ;
The beginning of the Stuart Dinasty; Microcosm and Macrocosm; sonnet and
blank verse; order and hierarchy; Humanism. Sir Thomas More, Utopia and the new
world. Drama as literary genre;
the origins of Drama; the elements of Drama; tragedy; the features of a
drammatic text; dramaticTechniques ;theatres and acting companies.
Authors and texts: Christopher Marlowe; Doctor Faustus; Faustus’s last
monologue.William Shakespeare; the sonnets; Shakespeare, Hamlet, the
“ to be or not to be”, psychological meanings and content.
Oristano 20 Giugno 2016
Il Professore
Prof. Mario Nicola Madau
Anno Scolastico 2015/2016
Lingua e letteratura inglese
Prof. Mario Nicola Madau
Dal testo in adozione Gateway- Macmillan
Destination b2
Unit 1: Identity match
Vocabulary and reading: Avatars and their creators
Present simple and present continuous exercises
Civilisation: English national idenyity
Unit2: Epic Journeys
Vocubulary and reading: By any meansPast Simple- past continuous- past perfect exercises- to be used to
History: Life at sea
Unit 3: City Life
Vocabulary and reading: the town of books.
Present perfect simple and past simple- present perfect continuous
Civilisation: London Pass
Unit 4: Food Thought
Vocabulary and reading: The future of food.
Will- be going to-present simple and present continuous for future.
Civisation: Food, American Style
Unit 5: Learning for Life
Vocabulary and reading:
Surviving the University application process
Modal verbs- First and second conditional
Civilisation: university Life in U.K
Unit 6: Appliance of Science
Vocabulary – Third conditional
Science: Robots
1 - Tne origins
2 – The transmission of legends
3 - The Story tellers
4 - The Scop figure
5 – Saturday morning in the market square
6 - From the church to the churchyard and the villages
7 - The structure of the Medieval society: The Church and the Court
8 - Medieval theatre: Mistery Plays, Miracle Plays, Morality Plays
9 - Beowulf plot – the first written literature
10 - Geoffrey Chaucer life and works
11 – Focus on the Canterbury Tales
Prof. Mario Nicola Madau
Oristano 20/06/2016
I Quadrimestre (unità 1 – 5)
Funzioni: Salutare;Presentare sé stessi ed altri; Iniziare conversazioni con
estranei; Accomiatarsi;Chiedere
E fornire informazioni; Descrivere persone; Parlare di stili di vita; Informarsi sullo
stato di salute; Esprimere rincrescimento; Distinguere i registri formali; Scandire
le lettere per fare numerazioni; Chiedere e fornire indicazioni;Dati personali e
pareri; Descrivere luoghi; Indicare la posizione nello spazio; Dire l’ora;
Chiedere l’ora; Esprimere cortesia.
Grammatica: Presente di to be e to have got; Articoli indeterminativi; Plurale
dei nomi;Pronomi personali
Soggetto; Possessivi; Genitivo sassone; Posizione dell’aggettivo; Costruzioni
delle forme: positiva, interrogativa
Negativa, e interonegativa, con i verbi to be e to have got; Verbo to do does;
costruzioni delle quattro forme;
Preposizioni di luogo; Dimostrativi;Avverbi di frequenza.
II Quadrimestre (unità 6 – 9)
Funzioni: Fornire e chiedere descrizioni di persone e cose; Parlare di
somiglianze; Combinare incontri e appuntamenti; Offrire, richiedere e
rispondere a offerte e richieste; Chiedere un permesso; Chiedere e
parlare di avvenimenti passati; Parlare delle capacità; Raccontare; Chiedere ed
esprimere opinioni;
Fare acquisti; Chiedere e dare indicazioni stradali.
Grammatica:Verbi modali; Passato di to be e to have got; Passato del verbo to
Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili; A lot of; Lots of; Much; Many;Aggettivi e
pronomi interrogativi;
Simple past; Forma positiva, interrogativa, interonegativa, negativa; To say and
to tell;
Comparativi di uguaglianza, maggioranza e minoranza.
I 4 tipi di futuro, present perfect.
Oristano 20 Giugno 2016
Il Professore
Prof. Mario Nicola Madau