SIMPLER NEWS Bandi e opportunità dalla rete


SIMPLER NEWS Bandi e opportunità dalla rete
Bandi e opportunità dalla rete Enterprise Europe Network
Gennaio 2012
In questo numero:
• Brokerage Event a Mobile World Congress, Barcellona – 27-29 febbraio 2012
• Company mission a IPACK IMA, Milano – 1-2 marzo 2012
• Ecobuild Matchmaking, Londra - 21 marzo 2012
• Horizon 2020: il futuro programma quadro europeo per la ricerca e l’innovazione
• Programma Innovazione e Competitività (CIP): ICT Policy Support Programme
Bandi per la
• Successful R&D in Europe: 4th European Networking EventDate, Dusseldorf – 8-9
marzo 2012
• 6th Central European Congress on Food, Novi Sad – 23-26 maggio 2012
• Ricerche Partner per bandi europei
Ricerche di
• Offerte e richieste di nuove tecnologie
• Offerte e richieste di collaborazioni commerciali
SIMPLER NEWS - Gennaio 2012
Brokerage Event
Mobile World Congress 2012
Barcellona, 27-29 Febbraio 2012
Cestec, coordinatore del consorzio SIMPLER, co-organizza - nell'ambito di Enterprise Europe Network - una iniziativa di
matching internazionale per i visitatori del Mobile World Congress, l'evento di riferimento per dispositivi e applicazioni
mobili che si svolgerà a Barcellona dal 27 febbraio al primo marzo 2012.
A seguito della registrazione sul sito, ciascun partecipante pubblicherà un profilo
che descrive sinteticamente la collaborazione cercata/offerta, selezionando quindi potenziali interlocutori mediante la stessa
Le scadenze previste sono:
20/01/2012: registrazione e inserimento dei profili
01/02/2012: richiesta degli incontri di interesse
Le richieste di incontro accettate verranno calendarizzate sulla base delle reciproche disponibilità e ciascun partecipante
riceverà una agenda personalizzata (massimo 10 incontri) alcuni giorni prima dell'evento, perché possa finalizzare il proprio
programma di vista.
Gli incontri si terranno in un'area appositamente attrezzata all'interno della fiera.
La quota di partecipazione di € 300 comprende l'assistenza nella preparazione degli incontri e l'ingresso alla manifestazione
principale (per chi non partecipa all’evento di matching il costo del biglietto di ingresso al MWC è di € 700).
Per informazioni: [email protected]
Company mission
Milano, 1-2 marzo 2012
In occasione di Ipack Ima 2012, uno dei più importanti eventi per il settore del packaging, il consorzio SIMPLER
organizza una company mission durante la quale i partecipanti avranno la possibilità di incontrare partner tecnologici,
commerciali e di ricerca internazionali che operano nel settore dell’imballaggio.
L’evento è focalizzato sulle seguenti tematiche:
- Imballaggi e processi per l’imballaggio
- Tecnologie dei materiali
- Tecnologie per l’industria alimentare
- Tracciabilità
L’evento si svolgerà a Milano l’ 1 e 2 marzo secondo il seguente programma:
1 marzo: Mattina: Presentazioni delle imprese
Pomeriggio: Incontri one to one
2 marzo: Mattina: Incontri one to one
Per partecipare all’evento è necessario registrarsi e inserire entro il 15 febbraio 2012 un proprio profilo sul sito:
La partecipazione all’evento è gratuita.
Per informazioni: [email protected]
Ecobuild Matchmaking
ExCel, Londra, 21 marzo 2012
Ecobuild Matchmaking si rivolge a imprese ed enti di ricerca interessati a individuare ed entrare in contatto diretto con
potenziali partner internazionali per l’avvio di collaborazioni scientifiche, tecnologiche e commerciali, come accordi/licenze di
distribuzione e vendita, joint ventures, sviluppo tecnologico congiunto, partecipazione a progetti di ricerca europei.
L’evento, che consente di programmare un’agenda di incontri selezionati in base ai profili inseriti nel catalogo on-line, è
focalizzato sulle tematiche:
- Design sostenibile
- Eco-tecnologie innovative per l’efficienza
- Nuovi materiali e tecnologie per le costruzioni
- Sistemi e apparecchiature per l’utilizzo di energia da fonti alternative (pannelli solari, pompe di calore, apparecchiature per
il raffreddamento e il recupero di calore, turbine eoliche, ecc.)
SIMPLER NEWS - Gennaio 2012
Per partecipare a Ecobuild Matchmaking è necessario registrarsi e inserire un proprio profilo sul sito, dove è disponibile il catalogo on-line dei profili che vengono via via inseriti. Ogni partecipante ha la possibilità
di richiedere gli incontri che desidera con le altre imprese registrate, e in base alle richieste effettuate viene predisposta
un’agenda di appuntamenti personalizzata per ogni ente.
Le scadenze previste sono:
02/03/2012: registrazione e inserimento dei profili
12/03/2012: richiesta degli incontri di interesse
La partecipazione a Ecobuild Matchmaking è gratuita.
Si segnala che all’atto della registrazione i partecipanti lombardi dovranno indicare SIMPLER (il nome del consorzio di
Enterprise Europe Network coordinato da Cestec) come Assisting Organisation di riferimento.
Cestec è a disposizione delle imprese lombarde per assisterle nelle fasi di preparazione e partecipazione agli incontri di
Ecobuild Matchmaking.
Per informazioni: [email protected]
Bandi per la ricerca
Horizon 2020: il futuro programma quadro europeo per la ricerca e l’Innovazione
La Commissione europea ha adottato l’atteso pacchetto di proposte sul futuro programma quadro per la ricerca e
l’innovazione - “Horizon 2020” – per il periodo 2014-2020.
Horizon 2020 integra, in un'unica cornice, gli attuali strumenti di finanziamento: il Settimo Programma Quadro di Ricerca
(7PQ), il Programma Innovazione e Competitività (CIP) e l'Istituto per l'innovazione e la tecnologia (IET). Tale programma
rappresenterà il nuovo principale strumento di finanziamento europeo nel settore della ricerca e dell'innovazione, chiamato
ad assicurare l’attuazione dell’iniziativa faro “L’Unione dell’Innovazione”, nell’ambito della strategia Europa 2020.
La Commissione propone che il programma sia dotato di ottanta miliardi di euro, ventisei in più rispetto alla
programmazione 2007-2013.
Le risorse di Orizzonte 2020 saranno destinate a tre tematiche principali:
1) Eccellenza scientifica (dotazione finanziaria: 24.6 miliardi di €). L’obiettivo è di incrementare la qualità della base
scientifica europea, sostenendo le migliori idee, sviluppando talenti in Europa, fornendo ai ricercatori l'accesso alle migliori
infrastrutture di ricerca
2) Leadership industriale (dotazione finanziaria: 17.9 miliardi di €). Saranno forniti importanti investimenti in settori
tecnologici industriali chiave, con particolare attenzione all’ICT - delle nanotecnologie, dei materiali avanzati, delle
biotecnologie e spaziale.
3) Sfide della società (dotazione finanziaria: 31.7 miliardi di €):
- Salute, cambiamento demografico e benessere;
- Sicurezza alimentare, agricoltura sostenibile e bio-economia;
- Energia sicura, pulita ed efficiente;
- Trasporto intelligente, integrato e pulito;
- Azioni per il clima, l'efficienza delle risorse e delle materie prime;
- Società innovative, sicure ed inclusive.
Orizzonte 2020 prevede una maggiore semplificazione di regole e procedure per i partecipanti ai programmi di ricerca e
Sarà garantita un’adeguata partecipazione delle imprese, in modo particolare delle PMI.
Per informazioni: [email protected]
Programma Innovazione e Competitività (CIP):
ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP)
Il 1 febbraio è prevista la pubblicazione del nuovo bando di gara ICT Policy Support Programme nell’ambito del Programma
Innovazione e Competitività dell’Unione Europea CIP con scadenza il 15 maggio 2012 (
Il programma ICT-PSP del CIP si pone come strumento di implementazione dell’Agenda Digitale per l’Europa con l’obiettivo
di stimolare una crescita intelligente ed inclusiva attraverso il sostegno a progetti in grado di stimolare lo sviluppo e l’utilizzo
ottimale di soluzioni innovative basate su ICT, testing e dimostrazione su ampia scala di nuove soluzioni per servizi pubblici
e privati in condizioni realistiche.
SIMPLER NEWS - Gennaio 2012
In particolare le due sfide principali di ICT-PSP riguardano la relativa lentezza dell’adozione di servizi ICT nella pubblica
amministrazione e l’eccessiva frammentazione del mercato di riferimento dovuta alla scarsa interoperabilità delle diverse
soluzione tecnologiche sviluppate negli stati membri.
ICT- PSP copre l’innovazione tecnologica e non tecnologica quindi l’eventuale adattamento tecnologico e l’integrazione
necessari a raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati, ma non sostiene attività di ricerca che sono invece finanziate nell’ambito
della tematica ICT del 7 Programma Quadro.
Il nuovo workprogramme (documento già disponibile in bozza e che descrive gli obiettivi specifici del bando) si basa su
un’attenta lettura di quanto svolto ad oggi e ne risulta che l’approccio per il 2012 sarà concentrato su un numero più
limitato di azioni chiave per assicurare un più ampio impatto.
Le tematiche coperte dal prossimo bando ICT-PSP sono:
ICT for smart cities
Digital Content and data creativity
ICT for health, ageing well and inclusion
ICT for Innovative government and public services
Trusted eServices and other actions
Tipologia di progetto :
Pilot A- focalizzato a favorire l’interoperabilità - Minimo 6 Stati membri (amministrazioni pubbliche) -Contributo UE 5-10
milioni per progetto
Pilota B – obiettivo implementazione di servizi innovativi - Minimo 4 organismi di 4 stati diversi - Contributo UE 2-4 milioni
€ per progetto
Thematic network - condivisione esperinze , costruzione del consenso- Minimo 7 organismi di 7 stati diversi- Contributo
UE circa 300.000-500.000 € per rete
La documentazione è disponibile presso il link
3 febbraio 2012 - Bruxelles
Simpler offre assistenza tecnica nelle diverse fasi di partecipazione ai bandi comunitari dalla
fattibilità dell’idea progettuale alla preparazione della proposta compresa la ricerca partners.
Per informazioni: Laura Savini
[email protected]
verifica di
Successful R&D in Europe: 4th European Networking EventDate:
Dusseldorf, 8-9 Marzo 2012
L’evento di networking internazionale Successful R&D in Europe: 4th European Networking Event che si terrà all’aeroporto
di Dusseldorf l’8 e 9 marzo p.v. offre ad imprese e ricercatori lombardi l’opportunità di attivare contatti e partnership
internazionali in vista dei prossimi bandi di luglio del 7 Programma Quadro.
L’evento è articolato in 5 sessioni parallele e copre 5 tematiche del 7 PQ:
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Energy
- Nanotechnology and Production Technologies
- Life Science/Health
- People (focus on ITN/ IAPP)
Durante le sessioni tematiche sono previste brevi presentazioni di idee progettuali e/o competenze ed expertise inerenti i
prossimi bandi (la call for presentation scade il 17 febbraio 2012).
I partecipanti avranno modo di approfondire individualmente i contatti che ritengono più utili.
E’ prevista la presenza di diversi funzionari della DG Ricerca della Commissione Europea e National Contact Point che
potranno fornire informazioni sui prossimi bandi.
Costo dell’iscrizione
55 € (40 € per 1 giorno) per persona inclusa IVA.
Gli alberghi hanno tariffe convenzionate
Per la registrazione:
Si segnala che un rappresentante di Simpler parteciperà all’evento, si prega pertanto gli interessati di voler segnalare la loro
partecipazione al fine di poter facilitare i contatti in loco con i partner stranieri.
Per informazioni: [email protected]
SIMPLER NEWS - Gennaio 2012
6th Central European Congress on Food
Novi Sad, Serbia, 23-26 Maggio 2012
Il 6° Central European Congress on Food che si svolgerà dal 23 al 23 maggio a Novi Sad, offre un’ottima opportunità per le
imprese del settore agroalimentare di incontrare ricercatori ed imprenditori di industrie alimentari e presentare i risultati
delle proprie ricerche e i possibili sviluppi futuri.
L’evento è focalizzato sulle seguenti tematiche:
Salute e nutrizione, alimenti funzionali
Analisi degli alimenti, qualità e sicurezza
Tecnologie per l’industria alimentare
Packaging alimentare
Biotecnologie alimentari
Alimenti tradizionali
Gestione della catena alimentare
E’ possibile registrarsi all’evento e presentare il proprio lavoro sul sito :
Le scadenze previste sono:
31/01/2012: registrazione e presentazione dell’abstract
29/02/2012: notifica dell’accettazione dell’abstract
15/03/2012: invio della presentazione completa
La quota di partecipazione è di 150 euro per la partecipazione ad una singola giornata e di 400 euro per la partecipazione
all’intero evento.
Per informazioni: [email protected]
Ricerche Partner per Bandi Europei
1) PS: FP7-ENV-2012-second-stage: Industrial partner required for testing new ceramic materials with
improved performances as better thermal and acoustic insulation (Ref: 11 ES 27F4 3NRM )
An Andalusian Technological Centre in the field of ceramic materials is looking for an industrial partner to be involved in a
proposal in second stage phase to be submitted to FP7-ENV-2012 call. The company contribution will be the industrial
testing of new raw materials which are obtained by means of mixing clay and waste rubbers. The objective is developing a
new ceramic product with better thermal and acoustic insulation.
2) PS-FP7_Development of new thermoplastic pultruded profiles for the transport sectors (Ref: 11 ES 23D1
3M7D )
A Spanish research centre searches partners for a project aimed to develop new thermoplastic pultruded profiles with
improved mechanical properties for applications in passenger or goods transport vehicles. They look for several SME
partners: engineering companies to design and automate the resin feeding to the pultrusion line, pultrusion mouldmakers,
manufacturers of pultrusion profiles and recycling companies of engineering thermoplastic resins.
3) PS- FP7-ICT-2012-9-Security and electronic payment. (Ref: 11 ES 24E1 3NFY )
This project proposal comes from a Spanish SME that is going to submit a project for the development of a new
methodology in order to provide an additional layer of security based on biometrics and, specifically, in face recognition
mechanisms, making a variety of business cases more secure by adding an additional layer of reliability to an authentication
This entity is looking for partners with expertise in biometric area.
4) PS-FP7 TURBOILSEN - Development of a robust and low cost in-line infrared spectroscopic sensor for
monitoring of the oil condition in industrial gas turbines (Ref: 11 HU 5010 3MVG )
A Hungarian research centre invites gas turbine operators and maintenance SMEs to the FP7 Research for the Benefit of
SME program. The aim is to develop an industrial grade IR sensor for the in-line monitoring of the thermal deterioration of
the lubricating oil. SMEs will have significant role in supporting the RTD partners in determining system specifications,
validating and testing the results as well as in dissemination to a wider audience. SMEs will own the IP rights for
5) PS-FP7: Isothermal indoor and outdoor furniture for the user-oriented comfort improvement (Ref: 11 ES
23D1 3N5K )
A Spanish technology centre looks for partners to participate in a proposal about applications of phase change materials to
be presented to the call FP7-NMP-2012-SME-6 (topic: novel materials and design-based solutions for the creative industry).
The partners searched can be outdoor furniture manufacturers and contract furniture manufacturers, product and industrial
designers specialized on furniture and interior design and PCM (phase change materials) manufacturers.
6) PS: Eco-innovation. UK SME seeks partners for a 2012 application relating to olive oil waste treatment using
vermiculture and phytoremediation (Ref: 11 GB 42O1 3MX9 )
SIMPLER NEWS - Gennaio 2012
A UK based SME with a proven, novel approach to the treatment of olive oil waste products using vermiculture and
phytoremediation is seeking partners to develop a proposal for the 2012 Eco-innovation call. The project requires an olive
oil grower (or processor) as well as an academic or research organisation with expertise in soil analysis or vermiculture.
Chi fosse interessato a richiedere:
• maggiori informazioni sui profili di ricerca partner sopra riportati
• la segnalazione di ulteriori profili sulla base di specifiche esigenze
• l’inserimento di propri profili di ricerca partner
può contattare: Laura Savini
[email protected]
Ricerche di Partner Tecnologici e Commerciali
Profili di ricerca/offerta di nuove tecnologie
Presentiamo di seguito alcuni profili di ricerca/offerta di nuove tecnologie di recente inserimento nella banca dati della rete
Enterprise Europe Network:
Richieste di tecnologia
1) Co-operation for improving energy efficient smart home building solutions (Ref: 10 EE 21C2 3K03 )
Estonian SME with experience in building energy efficient smart homes is looking for co-operation partners. They could be
companies that are producing doors, windows, ventilation or heating systems that are suitable for low energy buildings and
also developers of the smart home solutions (automation and monitoring the energy balance). Company is interested in
joint further development of the low energy/ passive house solutions.
2) Innovative material for building insulation. (Ref: 11 LT 57AB 3N3O )
Lithuanian company specialising in the fields of building construction and renovation seeks innovative technology or
material for new and renovated large buildings insulation. Company is looking for partners for the cooperation.
3) Materials for retrofitting of thermal insulation in private or industrial buildings (Ref: 09 DE 1592 3D0N )
An enterprise from northern Germany, active in the development and construction of blowing devices for bulk insulation
materials and also active as a distributor of insulation materials is searching for new insulation materials. The company is
searching for materials which can be blown into the hollow space of double-shell bricking. The company is searching for
solutions which are already on the market or available for the demonstration. The type of collaboration is negotiable.
4) Building materials based on photovoltaics or with photovoltaic properties (Ref: 11 ES 252K 3KB6 )
A Spanish Technological centre working in the construction sector is looking for construction materials based on
photovoltaic or photovoltaic materials with potential integration into or as building elements, to be integrated in
constructive solutions. This materials will be implemented or optimized to be part of materials building elements, and finally
into constructive solutions with high degree of industrialization. They are interested in a license agreement or technical
5) Solar-wind controller to be applied in lighting/illumination solutions is sought. (Ref: 11 PL 63BB 3NLQ )
A company from Western Poland is looking for compact solar-wind controller to be applied as a regulator (control unit) for
battery charging/discharging in the offered lighting/illumination sets (lanterns). The controller should make the company's
core products (park and street lanterns) more reliable and efficient.
6) Modernization of solar thermal collector (Ref: 11 RU 86FG 3MUH )
A small Russian company from Chelyabinsk, specialized in development of solar thermal technologies, is interested in
modernization of a solar thermal collector in order to expand the sphere of its application and improving its efficiency. The
company seeks partners for joint further development on the basis of the existing technology; the company is ready to
consider both already implemented technologies and new technical solutions.
7) Wireless energy transfer to domestic appliances at a distance. (Ref: 11 GB 41n7 3NJ9 )
The UK branch of a multinational manufactures electrical solutions. They are seeking concepts and technologies that will
enable to power several domestic appliances at a distance, without the need for wiring. It must not change the design of
appliances themselves. The company has the resource for product development, testing, approvals and launch on several
continents. The type of collaboration may vary and depends on the stage of development.
8) Mobile technology expertise sought for developing tourism applications (Ref: 11 BE 0315 3LPF)
A Belgian SME, involved in the design of tourism and leisure engineering solutions, is looking for a strategic partner in order
to be able to offer turnkey products, especially in the area of digital technology. The sought company should bring expertise
in different technologies areas such as enhanced reality, QR code or NFC/RFID applications, GPS platform and other
smartphone applications. The collaboration would take the form of a technical cooperation or a joint venture.
SIMPLER NEWS - Gennaio 2012
9) RFID-applications in industrial production and logistics planning (Ref: 11 SE 67CG 3KRF )
An SME from Northern Sweden is developing touch-free systems for monitoring and logging machines, items and products
for optimising production information and logistic control of process and production perfomance in heavy industries. The
company is looking for state-of-the-art technology in RFID applications and products with regard to range, energy
consumption, durability and cost.
The company wants to find partners to develop specific applications in heavy industrial applications.
10) Technology for logistic management based on cloud computing. (Ref: 11 PL 63AW 3ND6 )
Leader in logistics and forwarding services and container handling from Poland is looking for a technology for its logistics
management based on cloud computing. Delivered technology should allow to control the flow and positioning of the cargo
in various places and ports across the world.
License agreements and commercial agreements with technical assistance are sought.
11) Machine for production of cardboard packagings is sought. (Ref: 11 PL 64BH 3MLD )
A small company from south-east Poland is looking for a machine to produce cardboard packagings. The company is mainly
producing packages for food industry, like frozen products. Commercial agreement with technical assistance is sought.
Technology should be proven and ready for market application.
12) Environmentally friendly packaging solution required for a range of solvent based coating products (Ref:
11 GB 42O1 3N38 )
A UK based manufacturing organisation is looking for a new packaging system for their products that offer lower
environmental impact and better recycling routes than conventional metallic containers. Joint further development of new
packaging systems will be considered but fully developed container systems would be preferred.
Offerte di tecnologia
13) Software suite for integrated design process of sustainable building (Ref: 10 GB 44O7 3GZP )
A UK company (London) has developed a suite of software that supports sustainable building design. The software provides
analytics and decision support helps architects make rational decisions on building design. The company is looking for
partners in architecture to jointly adapt the system to climates, building codes and market preferences outside the UK.
14) Green Recyclable Hollow Fibre for House Building, Mattress Production and Home Ware. (Ref: 11 IL 80ER
3MJ7 )
An Israeli company has developed an environmentally friendly new composite material providing thermal and acoustic
insulation for all types of construction. Advantages over the materials on the market include its absolute friendliness &
recyclability, high insulation efficiency and simple installation. Looking for strategic industrial partners for cooperation based
on the new technology / product and local representatives. License, joint venture and commercial agreements are offered.
15) Elimination of liquid mercury inside a polymeric concrete optimum for building industry (Ref: 10 ES 28G2
3H53 )
A Spanish public research organisation has developed a stabilizing procedure for liquid mercury, a highly polluting material
produced in different industrial processes, by a method which allows its efficient elimination from the environment while
producing a material attractive for building purposes. The resulting sulphur polymeric concrete possesses interesting
mechanical properties. Partners interested in a patent license are sought.
16) Autonomous solar device for glazed building for heating and cooling (Ref: 11 FR 34k3 3MWT)
A French SME has conceived a novel system dealing with the solar power going through windows for highly glazed and/or
low energy buildings. The system stores up solar energy and releases it then during night providing heat or enhancing freecooling of the building. 30% to 70% of the solar load is transferred to after sunset in real condition.
The company offers to license the concept or engage technical cooperation with architectural or construction companies,
facade industrials.
17) New reliable solution of wireless sensor network for indoor air quality continuous monitoring and
traceability (Ref: 11 FR 34K2 3LO3 )
A French SME specialized in portable physico-chemical sensors has developed an innovative simple and efficient solution
based on a ZigBee communication network of wireless sensors for the physical (temperature, humidity, brightness, air flow
velocity...) and chemical (CO, CO2, COV, NH3, H2S, Methan...) continuous analysis of indoor air quality. The solution is
customizable for specific needs. Technical Cooperation, Commercial Agreement, Joint Venture and Financial ressources are
18) Cross-platform mobile application generator (Ref: 11 ES 28F9 3KW6 )
Spanish company focused in mobile solutions, has developed an innovative tool for easy generation of interactive mobile
applications. Developed for Java, Android, iOS, BlackBerry and WebApps (HTML5) platforms, the system provides a very
user-friendly web interface to manage multimedia contents: text, image, video, maps, etc., for multiple media and
marketing purposes. With the technology ready for the market, the company is looking for new developments, technological
and commercial agreements.
19) Novel optimization system solving mobile devices problems by network communications (Ref: 11 ES 27F3
3NEK )
An Andalusian University has developed a novel procedure for the mobile devices usability system based on Bluetooth used
to give computing power and the communications procedures. Manufacturers are sought, interested in exploiting this
funding under a patent licence.
SIMPLER NEWS - Gennaio 2012
20) Innovative Mobile technology for distributing location based on Tourism Information. (Ref: 11 IE 51S6
3MYX )
An Irish company has developed and marketed a platform technology that allows an individual in a tourist or similar setting
to simply point their phone at an object and receive more information about it. The platform also includes augmented
reality to give the user more information.
The company is offering the platform to partners who want to use this platform solution to offer geospatial/location based
mobile solutions to clients and prospects in their own region.
21) Food traceability systems using RFID and WSN (wireless sensor networks). (Ref: 11 ES 23C6 3NCX )
A spanish company is engaged in the IT sector. This is a spin-off company dedicated to advanced telecommunications
systems applied to food traceability. They offer a full traceability system by means of RFID and WSN technologies for
tracking the goods throughout the supply chain and allowing the clients and end customers to look up the information of
products. This technology makes possible to reduce wastes, optimize the logistics and to improve the quality of products
and services.
22) Solution to improve and monitor any industrial and logistics processes with RFID (Ref: 11 ES 27F4 3MK1)
A Spanish Company working in the field of mobile and wireless communications, has developed an innovative wireless
solution to improve, control and monitor industrial and logistic processes. This novel system uses Automated Identification
Technologies such as RFID, Datamatrix, etc combined with other complementary wireless and mobile communication
technologies. They are interested in technical cooperation or commercial agreements with technical assistance with final
23) A new biodegradable, water-soluble bio-plastic for bio-packaging. (Ref: 11 FR 33j6 3NL2 )
An academic French research laboratory has developed a new biodegradable, water-soluble bio-plastic for bio-packaging.
This bio-plastic is composed by milk proteins added with a plasticizer and a biodegradable polymer. This material can be
transformed using all conventional plastic industry techniques Various objects can be manufactured for many applications.
Industrial partners for technical cooperation and licence agreement are sought.
24) Two-in-one packaging and storage solution to extend the shelf life of minimally-processed food (Ref: 11 DE
0855 3LDK )
A small German company offers a Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) solution which combines a storage and transport
function in a standard-sized reusable plastic container. The system extends the shelf-life of food products in a more
economical and environmental-friendly way than conventional one-way MAP solutions. The company looks for food
processing/ logistics companies interested in implementing the solution in the frame of a commercial agreement with
technical assistance.
Offerte e richieste di collaborazioni commerciali
Presentiamo di seguito alcuni profili di ricerca/offerta di collaborazioni commerciali di recente inserimento nella banca dati di
Enterprise Europe Network:
1) Spanish company developer of software to improve production and energy efficiency is looking for partners (agent or
distributors) to create and maintain a new business line based on efficiency distributing and representing the tool. They are
looking also for investor partners to increase faster, safer and further the business in other countries through joint venture,
merger or exchange of shares, sale or acquisition of a complete company or part of it. (Ref. 20110310017)
2) Israeli company specializes in developing components and systems to improve and control energy generation and
efficiency of PhotoVoltaic fields and Battery Management systems for Electric vehicles and storage. The company is looking
for business partners for joint ventures and reciprocal production. (Ref. 20110502018)
3) A UK SME is engaged in the commercialization and development of renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable
transport and environmental protection/climate change adaptation and mitigation technologies, businesses, projects and
initiatives. Looking for partners and suppliers in most countries in Europe, North America and China. They offer services in
commercialization, funding, investment, insurance and risk management, technology partnering and marketing. As such
they offer and seek JV and other such cooperation agreements. (Ref. 20110413040)
4) Spanish company specialized in energetic efficiency, focused in the FV area, termical solar energy, electric car and
design of point or charge, eolical energy systems requires trade intermediary services, franchise, transport/logistics and
requires and offers joint venture with European countries. (Ref. 20110912021)
5) Russian company active in research and development field in creation materials and technologies for construction and
road building industries is looking for companies which are interested in R&D works on creation of materials and
technologies in these fields, offers its services as a subcontractor. (Ref. 20100901062)
6) A Lithuanian company specialized in manufacturing of building materials is looking for distributors interested in welded
details for building constructions. The company specialized in trading of building materials and steel products and is also
offering trade intermediaries services. (Ref. 20090626038)
SIMPLER NEWS - Gennaio 2012
7) A Finnish supplier of bioenergy ERP systems is searching for partners. Partner companies investing in biomass utilization
and providing ICT services to energy, forestry, and agriculture field are searched for trade intermediary agreements. Also
investment opportunity is offered through joint venture, exchange of shares or acquisition of a part of this Finnish company.
Also licensing is possible. (Ref. 20110628002)
8) A south west UK SME requires trade intermediaries to build a distribution network for a range of RFID solutions for
vehicles, logistics, and fleet operators that increase efficiency and effectiveness, providing accurate identification for safety,
security and asset management applications. (Ref. 20110325029)
9) The Slovenian company focused on the newest mobile technologies and their possibilities for business usage is offering
and looking for trade intermediares services, join-venture, merger or exchange of shares, sale/acquisition of a complete
company or a part of it and subcontracting/outsourcing activities. (Ref. 20110325008)
10) Israeli company specializes in mobile technology (mobile content distribution + unique streaming technology), is
looking for resellers/ distributors with connections in the telecommunications industry of territories outside Israel to sell
their products. (Ref. 20101122003)
Chi fosse interessato a richiedere:
- maggiori informazioni sui profili tecnologici e commerciali in evidenza in questo numero
- la segnalazione di ulteriori profili sulla base di specifiche esigenze
- l’inserimento di propri profili tecnologici e/o commerciali
può contattare:
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Cestec, società di Regione Lombardia, è coordinatore del consorzio SIMPLER, nodo di accesso per la Lombardia e l'Emilia
Romagna alla rete europea Enterprise Europe Network, costituita nel 2008 dalla Commissione Europea per supportare
l'innovazione e la competitività delle PMI.
Nell'ambito della rete Enterprise Europe Network, Cestec offre servizi gratuiti di informazione ed assistenza per:
individuare partner tecnologici e commerciali internazionali.
partecipare a bandi comunitari di ricerca ed innovazione.
accedere a nuovi mercati
ricevere informazioni sulla legislazione e le opportunità dell’Unione europea
SIMPLER è cofinanziato dalla Commissione Europea e da Regione Lombardia – D.G. Commercio,Turismo e Servizi.
Per informazioni:
Guido Dominoni
[email protected]
SIMPLER NEWS - Gennaio 2012