Editorial rules for PSI bibliography available at EVPSI and LAPSI


Editorial rules for PSI bibliography available at EVPSI and LAPSI
Editorial rules for PSI bibliography available at EVPSI and LAPSI web sites
1) The bibliography contains the titles of books, essays, articles and papers published in periodicals about
Public Sector information. These books, essays, articles and papers published in periodicals can concern
both European and national legislation about PSI.
2) A) The books are mentioned according this order: name of Author (in all caps), title of book (in
italics), name of publisher, place of publication, year of publication, number of edition (preferably the last
e.g. G. AICHOLZER - H. BURKERT, Public Sector Information in the Digital Age. Between Markets,
Public Management and Citizen’s Right, Edward Elgar Publishing, Celtenham, 2004.
B) The essays are mentioned according this order: name of Author (in all caps), title of essay (in italics),
in Review of publication (in italics) plus year (not in italics), numbers of pages where the essay begins
and ff. (following).
eg. P. GALLI, Museums and Data Bases, in IIC 2006, 452-467.
C) Essay in collective works are mentioned according this order: name of Author, title of essay (in
italics), Editors of collective work, title of collective work (in italics), and if the collective work is a book
like sub A);
eg. B. HUGENHOLTZ, Copyright and Freedom of Expression in Europe, in R. Cooper Dreyfuss -D.
Leenher-Zimmermann, Expanding the Boundaries of Intellectual Property: Innovation Policy for the
Knowledge Society, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001, 223-249 ff.
3) The Author is mentioned with the first letter of his/her name followed by a dot and his/her surname (in
all caps).
4) Below there is a list of most mentioned reviews and their abbreviations:
AIDA= Annali italiani del diritto d’autore, della cultura e dello spettacolo<xix>
Ant. LJ= Antitrust Law Journal
Ant. LR = Antitrust Law Review
C. merc.= Concorrenza e mercato
CIPAJ = The Journal of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents
CMLR= Common Market Law Report
Contr. e impr. = Contratto e impresa
Contr. e impr. Eur. = Contratto e impresa Europa
Corr. giur. = Il corriere giuridico
D. com. scambi internaz.= Il diritto comunitario degli scambi internazionali
D. comm. int. = Diritto del commercio internazionale
D.A.= Droit d’auteur
Danno e resp. = Danno e responsabilità
Dir. inf.= Il diritto dell’informazione e dell’informatica
ECLR = European Competition Law Review
ECLR = European Competition Law Review
EIPR = European Intellectual Property Review
ELR = European Law Review
Eur. d. priv. = Europa e diritto privato
Foro. it.= Foro italiano
Fordham= Fordham Corporation Law Institute
Giur. comm.= Giurisprudenza commerciale
G. cost.= Giurisprudenza costituzionale
Giur. it.= Giurisprudenza italiana
G. mer.= Giurisprudenza di merito
G. piem.= Giurisprudenza piemontese
GADI= Giurisprudenza annotata di diritto industriale
GRUR= Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht
GRUR Int.= Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht - Internationaler Teil
IDA= Il diritto d’autore
IDEA =IDEA The Journal of Law and Technology
IDI = Il diritto industriale
IIC = International review of industrial property and Copyright law
IIP = Italian Intellectual Property
Inf. e dir. = Informazione informatica e diritto
JCP = Juris Classeur Périodique – La semaine juridique
NJW= Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
NGCC= La Nuova Giurisprudenza Civile Commentata
NLCC= Le Nuove Leggi Civili Commentate
PTCJ = Patent-, Trademark & Copyright Journal
R. d. civ.= Rivista di diritto civile
R. d. civ.= Rivista di diritto privato
R. d. comm.= Rivista di diritto commerciale
R. dir. ind.= Rivista di diritto industriale
R. d. int. priv. e proc. = Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale
RIDA= Revue internationale de droit d’auteur
R. soc.= Rivista delle società
R. trim.= Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile
RRMUE = Revue du marché Unique Européen
SPI = Le Sezioni specializzate italiane della proprietà industriale e intellettuale