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BETANCOURT, Philip P., The Dams and Water. Menagement Systems of Minoan
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BOEHM, Isabelle; MÜLLER-CELKA, Sylvie (éd.), Espace civil, espace religieux en
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BOMBARDIERI, Luca, Pietre da Macina, Macine per Mulini. Definizione e
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CLINE, Eric H., The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean (ca. 3000-1000
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DOLCE Rita, Quale Oriente? Omaggio a un maestro. Studi di arte e archeologia del
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DUHOUX, Yves-MORPURGO DAVIES, Anna (Ed.), A Companion to Linear B.
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STRECK, Michael P. (hrsg.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen
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VIRLOUVET, Catherine, La plèbe frumentaire dans les témoignages épigraphiques.
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