The Linux Traffic Generator - Telecommunication Networks Group


The Linux Traffic Generator - Telecommunication Networks Group
Domenico Papaleo, Stefano Salsano
The Linux Traffic Generator
INFOCOM Department Report 003-004-1999
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
This report deals with the specification and realization of a synthetic traffic generator for IP
traffic, called LTG – Linux Traffic Generator. The LTG can generate multiple independent
UDP flows with given traffic profiles (i.e. CBR or VBR), with millisecond resolution. The
LTG works on a common PC with Linux Operating System. It is possible to evaluate a set of
performance metrics related to throughput, loss and delay. The LTG is a key component for
the experiments on IP QoS in the context of MURST Project “Tecniche per la garanzia di
qualità in reti di telecomunicazioni multiservizi”. In fact, the LTG is used to evaluate the
performance of IP traffic control mechanisms supporting QoS.
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2
2. Metric definition................................................................................................................... 2
3. Generation of traffic flows ................................................................................................... 5
4. Performance metric collection ............................................................................................. 8
5. LTG: List of command line options ................................................................................... 11
6. References.......................................................................................................................... 12
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
1. Introduction
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed QoS mechanisms for IP networks
(considering either the IntServ or the DiffServ model) one needs to develop powerful and
flexible tools for traffic generation and performance monitoring. The requirements for such
tools are:
to operate on a set of independent flow in parallel
to control packet generation with a granularity in the order of few milliseconds, for
data rates up to 100Mb/s
The LTG (Linux Traffic Generator) tool derives from the TTCP tool [1]. The LTG
allows to generate multiple independent flows of UDP traffic. For each flow one can define
the pattern of packet emission with millisecond resolution. The LTG evaluates the average
throughput and can log into a file the “instantaneous” throughput. By use LTG in combination
with “tcpdump” [4] and using additional post-processing tools, it is also possible to evaluate
the variable part of the end-to-end delay and the istantaneous packet delay variation (ipdv)
2. Metric definition
The IP Performance Metric (IPPM) working group of the IETF [1] is defining a set of
standard metrics to measure the Internet performance. These metrics aims at evaluating the
quality, performance, and reliability of Internet data delivery services, so they should provide
generic “unbiased” measures of the performance of the network. For example the one-way or
round-trip delay between two end-points, or the loss across an internet path are considered.
The goal is to define metrics which refer to the network and are not related to the different
single flows. For example the proposed methodology to measure the one-way delay is based
on the “poisson sampling”: a set of packets are sent as a probe, with random (poisson) interdeparture times and their delay is evaluated. While our work is related to the IPPM activities,
we follow a slightly different approach. We want to evaluate the performances (throughput,
loss, delay) specifically experienced by one or more test flows. This is needed to evaluate how
the traffic control mechanisms affect the quality perceived by the different flows. Therefore
we will generate a “syntetic” flow with given traffic characteristic and we will measure the
performace perceived by the flow itself. Only UDP flows are being considered, as the target
applications are real time ones.
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
Two kinds of metrics have been considered, respectively related to troughput and to
delay. The metrics related to throughput are: average throughput, loss, instantaneous
throughput, while the metrics related to delay are: variable part of the delay, ipdv.
Throughput related metrics
The definition of the metrics related to throughput is straightforward. Let Pt(j) and
Pr(j) respectively be the volume of payload data (bit) sent by the traffic source and received
by the sink related to flow j. The transmission time is Tt(j) and the reception time is Tr(j). The
transmitted and received average throughput at the UDP payload level are:
ΛtUDPpayload ( j ) =
Pr ( j )
Tr ( j )
[bit s]
ΛrUDPpayload ( j ) =
Pr ( j )
Tr ( j )
[bit s ]
Taking into account the length lj of the UDP payload and the IP and UDP header, the
average throughput at the IP level becomes:
ΛtIP ( j ) =
Pt ( j ) l j + 28
Tt ( j ) l j
[bit s]
ΛrIP ( j ) =
Pr ( j ) l j + 28
Tr ( j ) l j
[bit s ]
The loss percentage is:
L( j ) =
Pt ( j ) − Pr ( j )
⋅ 100%
Pt ( j )
For a given test the LTG on the sending side evaluates the transmitted bytes and the
transmitting time for each flow. The same happens on the receiving side with the transmitted
bytes and the receiving time. Hence the loss and average throughput can be evaluated.
The “istantaneous throughput” is defined as the received throughput for each flow
averaged over a small time interval ∆ (in the order of tens of milliseconds). If Pr ( j ) t −∆ 2 and
Pr ( j ) t + ∆ 2 represents the volume of received payload data (bit) at time t − ∆ 2 and t + ∆ 2 ,
we define the received instantaneous throughput Λir for UDP payload as:
ΛirUDPpayload ( j ) =
Pr ( j ) t + ∆ 2 − Pr ( j )
t−∆ 2
[bit s ]
and the received instantaneous throughput at the IP level as:
ΛirIP ( j ) = ΛirUDPpayload ( j )
l j + 28
[bit s ]
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
As an option, the LTG on the receiving side can record on a log file the
“instantaneous” throughput. The duration of the averaging interval ∆ can be defined as a
command line option.
Delay related metrics
In order to define and evaluate the metrics related to packet transfer delay, one should
take properly into account the problem of clock synchronization. For example the one-way
delay metric defined by the IPPM WG [2] assumes that the clocks on the transmitting and
receiving side are synchronous and provides the corrections to take into account the
synchronization errors which appear in the real measurements. In order to achieve good result,
hardware devices to synchronize the clocks are needed (typically based on GPS receivers).
On the contrary, we assume that clocks on the transmitting and receiving side are not
synchronous and we consider two metrics that can be evaluated under this hypothesis. These
metrics are the variable part of the delay and the instantaneous packet delay variation.
Let tsk be the departure time of k-th packet of a flow (time read on the source clock)
and trk the arrival time of the packet on the receiver host (time read on the receiver clock).
The measured one-way delay D'k includes the effective one-way delay Dk and the
error terms Ck which takes into account clock syncronization and Ek which accounts for all
other errors:
D 'k = trk − tik = Dk + Ck + Ek
A detailed discussion on these error terms is provided in [2]. As we even do not try to
synchronize the clocks, the synchronization error makes the D' k completely meaningless. But
if we want to consider the variable part of the delay we can subtract the minimum observed
delay. Let Dm = min D j = D'm +Cm + Em , then we define the variable part of the delay:
VPDk = D 'k − D 'm = Dk − Dm + (Ck − Cm ) + ( Ek − Em )
If we assume that the synchronization error is constant during the experiment
Ck = Cm , we have that the variable part of the delay is not sensible to this error.
According to [5], the instantaneous packet delay variation for a couple of packets
(k+1, k) is defined as the difference between the one way delay of packet k+1 and packet k.
Also in this case we can use the measured one way delay, assuming that the synchronization
error is constant:
IPDVk = D'k +1 − D 'k = Dk +1 − Dk + (Ck +1 − Ck ) + ( Ek +1 − Ek )
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
As we will describe later, in order to evaluate delay related metrics we need an
additional tool along with LTG. The LTG on the sender side will mark packets with a
sequence number in the UDP payload. The “tcpdump” tool will be used on both the sender
and the receiver side to capture packets with their time-stamp onto log files. Then a set of post
processing tool will be used to post-process the log files.
3. Generation of traffic flows
Internal behavior
The LTG supports both CBR and VBR flows. There are different mechanisms to
specify the traffic pattern of a source. The basic principle is that a “tick” of 1024 Hz regulates
the packet emission. For each tick the LTG can schedule a number of packets for each flow.
The size of the packet is fixed per each flow (different flows can have different packet size as
specified in the “data_len” file). A practical example of the generation of multiple CBR flows
is depicted in Figure 1. A set of j CBR flows are generated. For each kernel tick bj UDP
packet are sent. When the LTG has transmitted the packets for a tick, it asks the operating
system to sleep for a very short delay (D) in the order of few micorseconds. The operating
system sets a “timer” and it will check the expiration of the timer only on the next kernel tick.
This allow to have a precise control of the emission time of the packets. Obviously there
should be no other process in the PC hosting the traffic generator which compete for
processing time.
Let lj be the length in bytes of the UDP payload for packets of flow j, than the bit rate
at the IP level of flow j is given by:
Λ IP ( j ) =
b j (l j + 28) ⋅ 8
It is possible to notice that the 20 bytes IP header and the 8 bytes UDP header are
added to the UDP payload.
T = 1 / 1024 sec
b1 1
••• 1
T = 1 / 1024 sec
b1 1
••• 1
Figure 1: Packet generation for multiple CBR flows
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
In order to easily generate lower bit-rate CBR flows one can use a different
mechanisms where a packet of a given flow j is generated each Nj kernel ticks, as depicted in
Figure 2.
In this case the the IP level bit rate at the of flow j is given by:
Λ IP ( j ) =
+ 28) ⋅ 8
N jT
T = 1 / 1024
1 2
T = 1 / 1024
T = 1 / 1024
T = 1 / 1024
Figure 2: Packet generation for “low rate” CBR flows
The mechanisms described in Figure 1 and Figure 2 are used to generate CBR flow. A
more generic mechanism allows to generate VBR, based on the same principle that we can
define how many packets to send for each flow in each tick. The simplest mechanism is to
read the “emission profile” (number of packets per tick) of a given flow from an external data
file, and then to “play out” this emission profile periodically. The maximum duration of the
period is in the order of 100 seconds. For VBR flows it can happen that the scheduled packets
exceed the link capacity in one or more consecutive ticks. In this case the excess packets are
logically buffered and reported to the following ticks. During this overflow period the
available rate is roughly shared among the active flows with a sort of round robin. It is not the
purpose of the LTG to handle this congestion period with sophisticated mechanisms (e.g.
Weighted Round Robin…).
Available mechanisms for traffic generation and pratical usage
The first available mechanism is to use a file to describe the number of packets per tick
(one separate “datainxx” file for each source xx). The values are read into an array and
then “played out” periodically. The maximum size of the array is 100.000 elements,
therefore one can “play out” a periodic sequence with a period up to 97 seconds for each
flow. This mechanism of course can be used to produce CBR and VBR flows.
Example 1.1 and 1.2 - receiver side command line:
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
Example 1.1 - sender side command line:
./ltg5 -t -u –s5 –e10 dest_host
(in this case the packet length for each flow is read in the
“data_len” file)
Example 1.2 - sender side command line:
./ltg5 -t -u –s5 –l1000 –e10 dest_host
(in this case the packet length for each flow is 1000 bytes
UDP payload)
The second mechanism is useful to easily produce a set of CBR flows without providing a
separate datain file for each flow. This applies to CBR sources that emit one or more
packets (N) each tick. A single file called “data_sock” specifies the N value for a set of
Example 2 - receiver side command line:
Example 2 - sender side command line:
./ltg5 -t -u –s5 –f –l100 –e10 dest_host
The third mechanism is useful to easily produce a set of CBR flows without providing a
separate datain file for each flow. This applies to CBR sources that emit a packet each F
ticks. A single file called “data_freq” specifies the F value for a set of flows.
Example 3 - receiver side command line:
Example 3 - sender side command line:
./ltg5 -t -u –v5 –l100 –e10 dest_host
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
A fourth mechanism is to specify with a command line parameters the number of packets
to be sent by all the sources per each tick. This implies that we will have a set of identical
CBR sources.
Example 4 - receiver side command line:
Example 4 - sender side command line:
The fifth mechanism is to have a statistical generator for example to produce a markovian
ON/OFF flow that emulates a voice flow. This mechanism is still under development.
To a certain extent, the different mechanisms can coexist in the same measurement
session. The duration of the test can be specified in a couple of ways using command line
options on the sending side. The simplest way is to give the number of seconds (-e options).
The second possibility is to give the number of packets that must be transmitted by each flow
(this is not very flexible because there is a single value common for all the flows).
4. Performance metric collection
At the end of the test the LTG on the sending/receiving side prints the results on the
standard output. These results include for each flow the transmitted/received bytes, the
transmitting/receiving time and the throughput. Both throughput for UDP payload and IP
level throughput are recorded. The outputs are typical redirected to log files. As an option, the
LTG on the receiving side can record on a log file the “instantaneous” throughput only at the
UDP level for the moment. An example of the transmit and receive side output is reported
Transmit side:
ltg-t: port 2000
UDP payload packet len: 1000
ltg-t: 76627000 UDP payload bytes processed
ltg-t: UDP stats
20.0008 real sec =
3831.2 KB/real sec,
20.0008 real sec =
3938.47 KB/real sec,
ltg-t: IP stats
ltg-t: port 2001
UDP payload packet len: 1000
ltg-t: 36100000 UDP payload bytes processed
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
ltg-t: UDP stats
20.006 real sec =
1804.46 KB/real sec,
20.006 real sec =
1854.98 KB/real sec,
ltg-t: IP stats
Receive side:
ltg-r: port 2000
UDP payload packet len: 1000
ltg-r: 76627000 UDP payload bytes processed
ltg-r: UDP stats
20.001 real sec =
3831.16 KB/real sec,
20.001 real sec =
3938.43 KB/real sec,
ltg-r: IP stats
ltg-r: port 2001
UDP payload packet len: 1000
ltg-r: 36100000 UDP payload bytes processed
ltg-r: UDP stats
20.0023 real sec =
1804.79 KB/real sec,
20.0023 real sec =
1855.32 KB/real sec,
ltg-r: IP stats
Delay measures: tools for post-processing of dump files
The LTG tool in itself only allows the evaluation of the loss, average and
instantaneous throughput. Additional tools are needed to get information on the delay. The
idea is to use tcpdump on the sending and on the receiving side to record the transmitted and
received packets with their time stamps. Note that the packets are produced by LTG with an
increasing sequence number in the UDP payload. The post processing tools correlate the
dump files on the transmitting and receiving side to extract delay information. The lost
packets are neglected, and for all the received packets the variable part of the end-to-end
delay and the instantaneous packet delay variation are evaluated. The final phase of the post
processing calculates the distribution of the variable part of the delay and of the ipdv.
Assume that you want to evaluate delay metrics of one flow with destination UDP port
2000. The following steps must be accomplished:
1) Run the tcpdump on tx and rx side, listening on the specific UDP port of the flow that
you want to analyze:
Transmit side:
#tcpdump –x –s46 –i eth0 'port 2000' –w 'dump_tx_2000'
Receive side:
#tcpdump –x –s46 –i eth0 'port 2000' –w 'dump_rx_2000'
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
(packets on eth0 interfaces with UDP port 2000 will be dumped on the “binary” files
dump_tx_2000 on transmit side and dump_rx_2000 on receive side)
2) Run the ltg first on receiver side and then on transmitter side
3) Process the output files with tcpdump again to produce readable dump files
Transmit side:
#tcpdump –x –s46 –i eth0 'port 2000' –r 'dump_tx_2000' > asc_dump_tx_2000
Receive side:
#tcpdump –x –s46 –i eth0 'port 2000' –r 'dump_rx_2000'> asc_dump_rx_2000
(the readable text dump files asc_dump_tx_2000 on transmit side and
asc_dump_rx_2000 on receive side will be created)
4) Copy the asc_dump_tx_2000 and asc_dump_rx_2000 into a common post-processing
5) In the post-processing directory “clean” the readable dump files removing the
unneeded information
#clean asc_dump_tx_2000 ok_source_2000
#clean asc_dump_rx_2000 ok_dest_2000
6) Evaluate the variable part of the delay and then its distribution
#vp_delay ok_dest_2000 ok_source_2000 vp_delay_2000
(the file vp_delay_2000 contains the samples of the variable part of the delay)
#marg_positive 50 vp_delay_2000 distr_vp_delay_2000
(The first parameter represents the size (µs) of each interval of the distribution. In the
file distr_vp_delay_2000 the first column represents the center of each interval, the
second column represents the number of sample in that interval divided by the total
number of samples)
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
7) Evaluate the ipdv and then its distribution:
#calc_delta ok_dest_2000 ok_delta_dest_2000
#calc_delta ok_source_2000 ok_delta_source_2000
#calc_ipdv ok_delta_dest_2000 ok_delta_source_2000 ipdv_2000
(the file ipdv_2000 contains the samples of the variable part of the delay)
#marg_gener 50 ipdv_2000 distr_ipdv_2000
(The first parameter represents the size (µs) of each interval of the distribution. In the
file distr_ipdv_2000 the first column represents the center of each interval, the second
column represents the number of sample in that interval divided by the total number of
5. LTG: List of command line options
Lato ‘client’
indica il ‘client’.
indica uso di socket UDP, deve essere sempre presente
indica la porta UDP di destinazione del ‘server’ verso cui indirizzare il primo flusso
di dati da trasmettere; per n flussi di dati le porte saranno la p, p+1, …, p+(n-1);
per default, ove non precisata diversamente è fissata su entrambi pari alla 2000
sul ‘client’ indica la porta sorgente UDP da cui trasmettere il primo flusso di dati
verso il ‘server’; per n flussi di dati le porte saranno la x, x+1, …, x+(n-1); per
default, ove non precisata diversamente è fissata su entrambi pari alla 3000
indica il numero di pacchetti di dati che il ‘client’ intende trasmettere per ogni
flusso; per default è fissato a 1024.
sul ‘client’ indica il tempo di trasmissione ed è usato in alternativa a –n##.
indica il numero di socket che si intende aprire per effettuare una trasmissione cbr o
vbr; per default è fissato a 1.
indica il numero di socket che si intendono aprire per effettuare una trasmissione
cbr con trasmissione di un pacchetto ogni intervallo temporale letto da file.
indica la lunghezza del payload in bytes del singolo pacchetto trasmesso dal
‘client’. Se non è presente nella riga di comando la lunghezza del singolo pacchetto
per ogni flusso è letta da un file di nome “data_len”.
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
sul ‘client’ indica il numero di pacchetti trasmessi per ogni “tick” per ogni flusso. È
utilizzato solo per trasmettere un insieme di flussi CBR tutti uguali. Se non è
presente nella riga di comando indica trasmissione vbr.
sul ‘client’ indica che il numero di pacchetti di ogni blocco di dati per ogni flusso è
letto da un file di nome data_sock (esempio).(tale opzione va utilizzando con il
comando –b, ossia trasmissione CBR).
Sul ‘client’ è possibile oltre a specificare il nome o l’indirizzo ip di un unico ‘server’,
specificare gli indirizzi ip di diversi ‘server’ digitando ‘read_file’ al posto del nome o
dell’indirizzo IP dell’unico ‘server’, permettendo così la trasmissione tra un client e più
server. In questo caso la lettura degli indirizzi avviene dal file “data_addr”
Lato ‘server’
indica il ‘server’
indica uso di socket UDP, deve sempre essere presente
indica la porta UDP sulla quale mettersi ad ascoltare i dati in arrivo del primo
flusso; per n flussi di dati le porte saranno la p, p+1, …, p+(n-1); per default, ove
non precisata diversamente è fissata su entrambi pari alla 2000.
indica il numero di socket che si intendono aprire e deve essere pari al numero
complessivo di sockets aperto sul ‘client’.
corrisponde alla dimensione del buffer che è allocato sul ‘server’ (che viene
riempito con i dati del singolo blocco letto);
sul ‘server’ indica in ms l’intervallo temporale trascorso il quale l’applicazione
provvede a memorizzare in un array il troughput relativo sul link e il tempo in cui è
effettuata la misura; per default è fissato a 100 ms; tali valori sono, alla fine della
esecuzione dell’applicazione, scritti su file il cui nome è specificato dall’utente
come ultimo parametro nella riga di comando.
6. References
[1] IETF IP performance Metric (IPPM) Working Group
[2] RFC 2679 “A one-way delay metric for IPPM” September 1999
[4] V.Jacobson, C.Leres S.McCanne Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California,
Berkeley, CA “tcpdump”
D. Papaleo, S. Salsano: The Linux Traffic Gnerator
[5] C. Demichelis, P.Chimento “Instantaneous Packet Delay Variation for IPPM” – draft-ietf-ippmipdv-03.txt