Ministère de la Santé, de la Jeunesse et des Sports


Ministère de la Santé, de la Jeunesse et des Sports
Il Servizio Volontario Europeo è aperto a tutti i giovani tra i 18 e 30 anni compiuti, residenti
in Europa. Non sono normalmente richiesti requisiti specifici, se non una forte motivazione,
spirito d’adattamento e voglia di conoscere paesi e culture diverse. Possono partecipare,
quindi, tutti i giovani, senza distinzioni di estrazione sociale, e in particolare quei ragazzi che a
causa delle proprie condizioni economiche e ambientali difficilmente potrebbero vivere
altrimenti un’esperienza formativa all’estero.
In questo caso particolare il Servizio Volontario di breve periodo diventa un mezzo di
inclusione sociale.
Requisiti dei partecipanti:
* Età compresa tra i 18-30 anni
* Prima esperienza all'estero preferibile ma non necessaria
Condizioni di partecipazione
* spese vitto e alloggio coperte dal finanziamento del Programma
Erasmus+-EVS Short term
* spese di viaggio (a/r) coperte in base al fascia kilometrica 275 euro massimo
• un piccolo pocket money per il periodo del progetto
Progetti di SVE Breve periodo attivi in Francia
NOM DU PROJET : CBF01 Village des jeunes de Mettray
DATE DU PROJET : from July 26th to 11th of
Project: For several years, the Compagnons
Batisseurs France has been involved in the Village of
Youth of Mettray and has always received a very
warm welcome. The Village of Youth of Mettray used
to be a penal colony for youth, La Paternelle, created
in the 19th century. Today, it has found a new
meaning. Several decades ago, it was opened again
and turned into an educative center for professional
inclusion and medical support for youth. It hosts
around a hundred young people all year long, facing
many sorts of difficulties. This beautiful place is
classified as Historical Monument. The idea is to mix
the international volunteers group with the Insitute
of young people at some moments of the day in
order to reduce their marginalization, to ecourage
them to meet people from abroad and develop
exchanges with people from different backgrounds,
and to integrate them in a collective project of
tolerance and citizenship!
Works : This summer, you will restore low walls in stones around the place, and build some
fences in wood. Some of the work may be done on scaffolds.
Localisation: The small town of Mettray (about 2140 inhabitants) is located arond 10km
north west from Tours (Centre region), in the departement of Indre et Loire. It is not far from
several Loire castles. For more information on Mettray : And to
Tourraine :
Nearest Trainstation: Tours et Saint-Pierre-des-Corps
Nearest Airport: Paris, Nantes or Tours
Meeting point: at the train station
Picking up at the train station.
Accommodation: You will be accommodated in one of the buildings, with a kitchen, the
bathrooms and rooms for sleeping.
Language: english and french
Age: 18-30 years old
Activities : A team of leaders will be with you along the workcamp to invite you to
discover the region and its inhabitants. And the group will organise itself to cook, to
maintain the place clean and to decide about their collective activities.
NOM DU PROJET : CBF04 Comptoir des Savoirs
DATE DU PROJET : from July 6th to 26th of 2015
Project: “Comptoir des Savoirs” is a very new organization that gather old non-lucrative
organisations located in Rennes. The idea of "Comptoir des Savoirs" is what we call a "social
incubator" that is who gives the opportunity to the inhabitants and young people of the
suburbs to share their knowledge and ideas to create together projects for themselves and for
their suburbs. The aim of this workcamp is to construct a building together with local people
and 2 young architects by using wooden construction methods. Then this building will be used
by the inhabitants to meet and run projects trought out the year.
Works : Construction of a new building using wooden technics.
Localisation: Rennes is the capital of
the Britanny region.
Nearest Trainstation: Rennes
Nearest Airport: Paris, Nantes or
Meeting point: in Rennes’ train
Picking up at the train station.
Accommodation: in a building where
rooms and a kitchen will be arranged
for the workcamp.
Language: english and french
Age: 18-30 years old
Activities : A team of leaders will be
with you along the workcamp to invite you to discover the region and its inhabitants. And the
group will organise itself to cook, to maintain the place clean and to decide about their
collective activities.
Associazione di Promozione Sociale
Via Buonarroti 39, 00185, ROMA
+39 06 8841880
+39 06 84242487
+39 06 88983462
Per info sul Servizio Volontario Europeo scrivi a [email protected]