cap_7 bibliografia


cap_7 bibliografia
bibl iografia
Questo elenco è la collezione di buona parte del materiale bibliografico che è stato utile nello svolgimento della ricerca.
L’elenco è ordinato grossomodo per argomenti, seguendo l’ordine dei capitoli. Articoli, libri e pagine web non sono divisi in
gruppi distinti, ma ordinati per autore, quando l’autore è dichiarato.
Soprattutto nella parte relativa alla definizione del concetto e della descrizione di edge city/exurbia la bibliografia non intende
essere esaustiva – impresa difficile per l’enorme quantità del materiale prodotto-, ma selettiva, cioè esito di un processo di
selezione operato principalmente sotto la guida autorevole di Margaret Crawford per trovare quei testi, sono comunque un
numero considerevole, che hanno permesso una maggiore comprensione della questione o hanno fornito spunti interessanti.
Vorrei aggiungere che più di una volta mi è sembrato di leggere sempre lo stesso libro, poichè il contenuto di alcuni testi non
riesce a portare elementi nuovi al dibattito, ma ripete con leggere modulazioni concetti già affermati.
Carl Abbott, The new urban America, growth and politics in sunbelt cities, Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press
Paul Barker, Non-Plan revisited: or the real way cities grow, The Tenth Reyner Banham Memorial Lecture, Journal of Design
History, vol.12 n.2 1999
Randall Bartlett, The crisis of America's cities, M.E. Sharpe 1998
Alan Berube, Benjamin Forman, Living on the Edge: Decentralization Within Cities in the 1990s, The Brookings Institution
Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, Washington DC october 2002
Richard D. Bingham, William M. Bowen, Yosra A. Amara, Lynn W. Bachelor, Jane Dockery, Jack Dustin, Deborah Kimble,
Thomas Maraffa, David L. McGee, Kent P. Schwirian, Gail Gordon Sommers, Howard A. Stafford, Beyond edge cities, Garland
publishing, Inc. NY&London 1997
Roberta Brandez Gratz, Norman Mintz, Cities back from the edge, Preservation Press, John Wiley&Sons inc., 1998
John Brennan, Edward W.Hill, Where Are The Jobs? Cities, Suburbs, and the Competition for Employment, The Urban Center,
Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University, The Brookings Institution, Survey Series november 1999
Robert Bruegmann, The corporate landscape, Inland architect vol.33, n.5 1989
Robert Bruegmann, The new main street, Inland architect 1990 vol.34, n.6 1990
Robert Bruegmann, New metropolitan patterns and the planning profession, Society of American city and regional planning
history, Richmond 1991
Robert Bruegmann, The American city: urban aberration or glimpse of the future? in Preparing for the urban future, global
pressure and local forces, a cura di M.Cohen, B.Ruble, J.Tulchin, A.Garland, Woodrow Wilson 1996
Robert Bruegmann, Tim Davis, New centers on the periphery, Center: a journal for architecture in America, vol.7 1992 report on symposium "New Centers on the Periphery: the Case of Four Texas Metropolitan Areas"
Robert Bruegmann, The park: office and industrial, notes for Margaret Crawford
Built Environment, vol.17, n. 3/4 1991, numero monografico Theme: Post-suburban America
Built Environment, vol.24, n. 2/3 1998, numero monografico Building Cyberspace: information, place and policy
Brenda Case Scheer, The anatomy of sprawl, Places vol.14 n.2 2001, A Forum Of Environmental Design, Pratt Institute School
of architecture
Brenda Case Scheer, Mintcho Petkov, Edge city morphology, a comparison of commercial centers, APA Journal vol.64 n.3 1998
Chuihua Judy Chang, Jeffrey Inaba, Rem Koolhaas, Sze Tsung Leong editors, Harvard Design School Guide to shopping,
project on the city 2, Tashen 2001
Community Builders Handbook Series, Mixed-use development handbook, sponsored by the Executive Group of the Urban
Development/Mixed-Use Council of the ULI-The Urban Land Institute, Washington DC 1987
Does Place Matter? Placelessness and the Rise of "Edge Cities"
John M.Findlay, Magic lands Western cityscapes and American culture after 1940, Berkley, University of California Press 1992
Robert Fishman, Megalopolis unbound, Wilson Quarterly, winter 1990
Robert Fishman, Space, Time and Sprawl, Architectural Design Profile vol.64 n.314 1994 monografico The periphery
Robert Fishman, Bourgeois utopias: the rise and fall of suburbia, New York, Basic Books 1997
Robert Fishman, Cities after the end of cities, toward an urban pluralism, Harvard Design Magazine winter/spring 1997
Larry R.Ford, Cities and buildings, skyscrapers, skid rows and suburbs, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press 1994
Douglas Frantz, Catherine Collins, Celebration, USA, Living in Disney’s brave new town, New York, Henry Holt & Co. 1999
William Fulton, Rolf Pendall, Mai Nguyen, Alicia Harrison, Who Sprawls Most? How Growth Patterns Differ Across the U.S., The
Brookings Institution, Washington DC, Center On Urban And Metropolitan Policy luglio 2001,
Bruce Katz, Alan Berube, Cities Rebound — Somewhat, The Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy
June 2002
Mario Gandelsonas, X-Urbanism: Architecture and the American city, New York, Princeton Architectural Press 1999
Herbert J. Gans, Levittowners, ways of life and politics in a new suburban community, New York, Pantheon Books 1967
Joel Garreau, Edge City life on the new frontier, Anchor Book, Doubleday, NY 1991
Joel Garreau, Online presentation, The Edge City News, tools for the new frontier,
Joel Garreau, The Future of Edge City,
Joel Garreau, Hot Spots: A Field Guide to Your Local Economy. Some signs to look for suggesting a community's vitality and
opportunity, and those signaling economic collapse. State of Small Business, 1995
Joel Garreau, Postcards From the Edge City, Washington Post, Monday, November 8 1999
Joel Garreau, Edgier Cities, URL:
Oliver Gillham, The limitless city: a primer on the urban sprawl debate, aerial photographs by Alex McLean, The Center for
Resources Economics, Island Press 2002
Edward L. Glaeser, the Brookings Institution and Harvard University, Matthew Kahn, Tufts University, Chenghuan Chu,
Stanford University, Job Sprawl: Employment Location in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, The Brookings Institution, Survey Series
may 2001
Edward L. Glaeser, Jesse M. Shapiro, City Growth and the 2000 Census: Which Places Grew, and Why, The Brookings
Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, Washington DC may 2001
Edward L. Glaeser, Jesse M. Shapiro, Is there a new urbanism? The growth of US cities in the 1990s, Working Paper n.8357,
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2001
David R.Goldfield, Blaine A.Brownell, Urban America: from downtown to no town, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company 1979
Brian Goodey, Initial sources on edge city: bibliography, Joint Center For Urban Design, Oxford Brookes University, genn.1996
Richard E.Gordon, Katherine K.Gordon, Max Gunther, The split – level trap, Bernard Geis Associates 1960
Mark Gottdiener, Planned sprawl, private adn public interest in suburbia, Sage Library Of Social Research 1977
Jean Gottmann, Megalopolis; the urbanized northeastern seaboard of the United States, New York, Twentieth Century Fund
Peter Grant, Sprawl thins populations of older US suburbs, development at fringes leaves hollow cores, communities face flight
of capital, The Wall Street Journal 10 luglio 2001
Rosalind Greenstein, Wim Wiewel editors, Urban suburban interdependencies, Cambridge MA, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Hugh Hardy, La fine della città?, Spazio e Società anno XV n.58 1992
Louise Harpman, Evan M.Supcoff editors, Perspecta, Settlement patterns, The Yale Architectural Journal n.30 1999
John F.Hart editor, Our changing cities, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press 1991
Richard Ingersoll, Jumpcut Urbanism, Casabella n. 597/98 1992 numero momografico sullo spazio aperto
Richard Ingersoll, L’orizzonte perduto delle città nuove: The Woodlands e Almere nella vastità megalopolitana, Casabella 614
Richard Ingersoll, The disappearing suburb, Design Book Review n.26 1992
Richard Ingersoll, Utopia Limited, Cite: Architecture and design review of Houston n.31 1994
Mark Irving, La città scomparsa, Domus 841 2001
Kenneth T.Jackson, Crabgrass frontier: the suburbanization of the United States, New York, Oxford University Press 1985
John Keats, The crack in the picture window, Cambridge MA, The Riverside Press 1957
Rob Kling, Spencer Olin, Mark Poster editors, Postsuburban California: the transformation of Orange County since World War
II, Berkley and Los Angeles, University of California Press 1991
Rob Kling, Spencer Olin, Mark Poster, Beyond the edge: the dynamism of postsuburban regions, Irvine, University of California
1995, URL:
Rob Kling, Spencer Olin, Mark Poster, The emergence of Postsuburbia, Irvine, University of California 1991
James H.Kunstler, The geography of nowhere, the rise and decline of America's man-made landscape, Touchstone, 1993
James H.Kunstler, The city in mind, meditations on the urban condition, New York, Free Press, 2001 this book is for Andres
Duany, the restless warrior
Robert Lang, Edgeless cities: exploring the elusive metropolis, Fannie Mae Foundation december 2000
Robert Lang, Sprawl, the evolving geography of office space, Fannie Mae Foundation october 2000
Christopher B.Leinberger, How business is reshaping America, Atlantic ott.1986
bibl iografia
Christopher B.Leinberger, The six types of urban village cores, Urban Land vol.47 n.5 1988
Peirce Lewis, The Urban Invasion of Rural America: The Emergence of the Galactic City, in Emery N.Castle editor, The
changing American countryside : rural people and places, University Press of Kansas 1995
Setha M.Low, Behind the gates: the new American dream, The Graduate Center Of The City University Of New York, draft jan.
William H.Lucy, David L. Phillips, Suburbs and the Census: Patterns of Growth and Decline, The Brookings Institution Center
on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, Washington DC december 2001
Domenico Cecchini e Maurizio Marcelloni, Centor e periferia nella nuova città in USA, Urbanistica 80 1985
June Manning Thomas, The cities left behind, Built Environment vol.17 n.3/4 1992
Louis H.Masotti, Jeffrey K.Hadden editors, The urbanization of the suburbs, Beverly Hills, Sage Publications, urban affairs
annual review vol.7 1973
Louis H.Masotti, Jennifer K.Hadden editors, Suburbia in transition, New York Times book, 1974
Lee McAlester, Discover Dallas Forth Worth, a comprehensive guide to sightseeing, shopping, dining and entertainment,
Random House 1988
Patrick S.McGovern, San Francisco Bay area edge cities: new roles for planners and the general plan, Journal of planning
education and research, vol.17 n.3 spring 1998
Peter O. Muller, Contemporary suburban America, New Jersey, Prentice-hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs 1981
Arthur C.Nelson, Characterizing exurbia, Journal of Planning Literature, vol.6, n.4 1992
Kathryn J.Oberdeck, from model town to edge city, piety, paternalism and the politics of urban planning in the United States,
Journal of Urban History, vol.26 n.4 may 2000
Paolo Perulli, Computerlands: il caso della Route 128 a Boston, Urbanistica 80 1995
Philadelphia metropolitan area... today, ULI Fall Meeting Project Brochure, 1981, ULI – Urban Land Institute, Washington DC
Albert Pope, Ladders, Houston, Texas, Rice School of Architecture, New York Princeton Architectural Press, 1996
Edward Relph, The modern urban landscape, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press 1987
Andrew Ross, The Celebration Chronicles, life, liberty and the pursuit of property value in Disney’s New Town, Ballantine
Books, NY 1999
Peter G.Rowe, Making a middle landscape, Cambridge MA, MIT Press 1991
Graham Shane, "Enclaves" e recinti, Casabella n. 597/98 1992 numero monografico sullo spazio aperto
William Sharpe, Leonard Wallock, Bold new city or built up ‘burb?, American Quarterly vol.46 n.1 1994
Edward Soja, Postmetropolis, critical studies of cities and regions, Blackwell Oxford 1999
Deyan Sudjic, The 100 mile city, Flamingo/Harper Collins 1992
Jon C.Teaford, PostSuburbia: government and politics in the edge cities, John Hopkins University Press, 1997
Jacqueline Tatom, Lyon east and Boston west: a comparative study of suburban development, GSD Master Of Architecture in
Urban Design, thesis, advisor Peter Rowe may 22 1992
I numeri della rivista The Edge City News pubblicata da Joel Garreau…
Anne Vernez Moudon editor, Master-planned communities: shaping exurbs in the 1990s, proceedings of a conference held by
the Urban Design Program, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, oct.
20-21 1989
Anne Vernez Moudon, Paul Hess, Suburban cluster, the nucleation of multifamily housing in suburban areas of the Central
Puget Sound, APA Journal, vol.66 n.3 2000
Anne Vernez Moudon, Michael Hubner, Monitoring land supply with Geographic Information System, theory, practice and
parcel-based approaches, John Wiley and Son, 2000
Jennifer S.Vey, Benjamin Forman, Demographic Change in Medium-Sized Cities: Evidence from the 2000 Census, The
Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy luglio 2002
Donald J.Waldie, Holy land, A suburban memoir, New York, W.W.Norton & Co. 1996
Alex Wall, The dispersed city, Architectural Design Profile, vol.64 n.314 marzo-aprile 1994 The periphery
Melvin M. Webber, Order in diversity: community without propinquity, in Lowdon Wingo editor, Cities and space, the future
use of urban land, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press 1963
Melvin M. Webber, The urban place and the nonplace urban realm, in: Webber, Melvin M. et al., Explorations into urban
structure, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press 1964
Linton Weeks, Washington Post Staff Writer, Will the Web kill off cities? Interview with Joel Garreau, The Navigator - Live A R
C H I V E Hosted by Linton Weeks, Thursday, October 22, 1998
Richard West Sellar, Why make a trip to Bountiful – won’t Anaheim do?, Landscape vol.30 n.3 1990
William H. Whyte, The organization man, New York, Clarion book 1956
William H.Whyte editor, The exploding metropolis, New York, Doubleday 1958
Andrew Wood, Summary on Garreau and Davis URL:
America the ugly, searching for a better way to live, ABC News Nightline, films for the humanities & sciences, Princeton NJ
Howard Baetjer Jr, Why smart growth is not smart economics, Studies in social cost, regulation and the environment n.4
2000, Institute for research on the economics of taxation
Joel W.Barna, The rise and fall of smart growth in Austin, Cite 53 2000
Benfield, Kaid F., Terris, Jutka, Vorsanger, Nancy, Once There Were Greenfields: how urban sprawl is undermining Americas's
environment, economy, and social fabric, New York, Natural Resources Defense Council 1999
Kaid Benfield, Juika Terris, Nancy Vorsanger, Solving Sprawl: models of smart growth in American communities, Natural
Resources Defense Council, Inc. 2001
C. Binkley, Developers discover old values can bring astonishing returns, Wall Street Journal 4 december 1996
Charles C. Bohl, Place Making: Developing Town Centers, Main Streets and Urban Villages, conferenza ULI 2002
Geoffrey Booth et al., Transforming Suburban Business Districts, ULI 2001
Robert Cervero, Michael Duncan, Transit’s added value, at what point does locating near transit raise real estate value?, Urban
Land vol.61 n.2 2002
Chicago: farming on the edge, The power of place, unit 4: North America, the Annehberg/CPB collection 1996
Cities in the 21st century, smart growth, economy, community, environment, contributi di Robert Fishman, David Rusk,
Mitchell L. Moss, John D. Kasarda, Alex Krieger, Peter Katz, ULI on the future Series, Washington DC, Urban Land Institute
2000, sottoscritto da: Walt Disney Imagineering, Morgan Stanley dean witter, prudential home building investors Inc., Ernst &
Young Kenneth Leventhal Real Estate Group
Anthony Downs, What does smart growth really means?, Planning vol.67 n.4 2001
Anthony Downs, Opening up the suburbs, an urban strategy for America, New Haven, Yale University Press 1973
Anthony Downs, Arthur C. Nelson, William A. Fischel, Have Housing Prices Risen Faster in Portland Than Elsewhere?, Fannie
Mae Foundation, Housing Policy Debate Volume 13 Issue 1
Anthony Downs, New Visions for Metropolitan America, The Brookings Institution, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 1994.
Beth Dunlop, Building a dream: the art of Disney architecture, Harry N.Abrams 1996 introduzione di V.Scully
Steven Fader, Density by design: new directions in residential development, ULI, Washington 2000, introduzione di V.Scully
Robert H.Freilich, From sprawl to smart growth, successful legal, planning and environmental systems, Chicago, Section of
State and Local Govt. Law, American Bar Association 1999.
Dennis E.Gale, Eight state - sponsored growth menagement programs, a comparative analysis, APA Journal, vol.58 n.4 1992
Getting to smart growth, 100 policies for implementation, Smart Growth Network, International City/County Management
Association, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC 2000
Peter Gordon & Harry W. Richardson, Are Compact Cities a Desirable Planning Goal?, APA Journal vol.63 n.1 1997
Greetings from Smart Growth America, Smart Growth America 2000
Randall S. Guttery, The Effects of Subdivision Design on Housing Values: The Case of Alleyways, Department of Finance,
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Gerrit Knaap, Land Market Monitoring for Smart Urban Growth, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy november 2001
Christopher B.Leinberger, The beginning of the end of sprawl, Urban Land vol.59 n.1 2000
Stuart Meck, Growing smart legislative guidebook, model statutes for planning and the management of change, APA 2002
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Michael Burke, Maryland's Smart Growth Legislation, Smart Growth Network Library 1998
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