IVANA MILANJA, chitarrista Bambina prodigio. Frequenta la scuola


IVANA MILANJA, chitarrista Bambina prodigio. Frequenta la scuola
IVANA MILANJA, chitarrista
Bambina prodigio. Frequenta la scuola elementare di musica “F. Livadic” di
Samobor in Croazia, che termina in 3 anni invece dei sei prestabiliti mostrando
subito un spiccato talento. Da bambina vince numerosi concorsi e si esibisce in
vari concerti
Parallelamente al liceo linguistico continua la sua formazione musicale con M°
Istvan Roemer, Ratko Podvorac esibendosi in formazioni cameristiche, scrivendo
arrangiamenti per trio e quartetti di chitarre. Si esibisce in tutte le rassegne
chitarristiche a livello nazionale e per la rete televisiva e radiofonica croata.
Il suo talento musicale è paragonato a quello di oramai nota chitarrista Ana
Vince varie borse di studio.
Titolare della classe di chitarra classica presso due scuole medie statali a
Zagabria,collabora con SOS villaggi per i bambini orfani organizzando corsi di
Nel 1997 si trasferisce in Italia per studiare sotto la guida del M° Angelo Gilardino,
Conservatorio “ A.Vivaldi – Alessandria” in seguito si trasferisce a Milano e si
perfeziona con M° Claudio Ballabio “ nel 2006 si diploma presso il Conservatorio G.
Verdi Milano.
Durante tutti gli anni di studio partecipa alle master class dirette dai maggiori
esponenti chitarristi in Italia (Angelo Gilardino, Luigi Biscaldi, Matteo Mela, Lorenzo
Micheli, Emanuele Segre) portando avanti l’attività concertistica che si esplica in
esibizioni da solista in duetti, trii e quartetti. Ha suonato per MITO FRINGE 2011 e
E’ direttrice della scuola di musica “ Do you Music?” di Milano.
Milanja Ivana - guitarist and musical educator, born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1974.
She approaches to music as a child, attending elementary school musical
"F.Livadic" of Samobor, which ends in three years instead of the six established
(class of V. Haber).
She continued her musical education with Maestro I.Roemer and R.Podvorac,
performing in various chamber ensembles and writing arrangements for guitar
trios and quartettes.
Ivana performed at all national guitar festivals and for television and radio
Winner of multiple scholarships. In parallel, she graduated at language’s high
school with excellent results.
After 3 years of teaching and performing in 1997 she moved to the Italy in order to
continue with his musical studies under the guidance of Maestro A.Gilardino, at
the Conservatory "A. Vivaldi" in Alessandria.
Meanwhile she is involved in the music marketing throughout Europe for the
software house "Sincrosoft" in Milan continuing the musical and guitar studies
attending courses at the "Music School of Milan", under the guidance of Maestro
She graduated in 2006 at the G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan.
During the entire study period had participated in guitar master classes directed
by the leading exponents of the guitar in Italy (A.Gilardino, L.Biscaldi, M.Mela,
L.Micheli, E.Segre). In concerts is expressed in performances as a solist, in duets,
trios, quartets.
In 2009 became Professor of classical guitar and musical educator for the 3-5 years
old children at Ricordi Music School. Pretty soon she will become responsible for
one of the citie’s schools , where besides teaching, will manage the entire
education and organization area.
Ivana continued her studies for the 0-6 children attending the National Training
Course "The musical education for the 0-6 years through the Music Learning Theory
of Edwin E. Gordon" - AIGAM and in 2014 became a certificated teacher of
Audiation Institute.
2015 attended the course with Christopher Azzara -Eastman School of Music
(Rochester NY USA) "Improvisation through audiation" - E. Gordon's Music Learning
In 2011 has founded the Music Shool "Do You Music?" that she leads with great
passion enthusiasm.

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