1B Inglese Prof Paola Tonini As 2015


1B Inglese Prof Paola Tonini As 2015
1B Inglese Prof Paola Tonini
As 2015-16 Programma
Libri di testo: Success pre intermediate ed Longman, Concise grammar ed Zanichelli
Dal testo Success Unit 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
Who am I, globetrotter, growing up, inspiration, no place like home,eat up, look to the future, the world of
Argomenti grammaticali:
Alphabet, spelling, phonetic symbols, how to pronounce words, personal pronouns subject e object,
possessive adjectives e pronouns, to be forma interrogativa, negativa, positiva e int-negativa del presente
qualyfing adjectives, the date, question forms, wh-questions, plurals, present continuous, there is, there
are, present simple, have, have got, past simple, verbi regolari ed irregolari, past continuous, some, any no,
much, many, a lot of a few a little, futuro con will, be going to,espresso con il present continuous e
simple, what...like, comparatives e superlatives, present perfect, future perfect, have to must, can could,
may might, should, ought to, the article the, a, an, if clauses 1° tipo, want, wish, would like.
Listening: tutti listenings relativi alle units studiate.
Presentarsi, descrivere una persona, presentare la propria famiglia, raccontare una storia, descrivere
luoghi, dare consigli, parlare della propria scuola, discutere sul modo di risolvere problemi, roleplay, an
interview with a person, exchanging information, describing a video and an article.
Reading: describing a person, filling in forms, describing a place, writing a biography,writing paragraphs,
creating a story.
Writing: a personal introduction, emails, past events, a description of a room, a leaflet, an application
form, a paragraph.
 Nutella nutellae by R. Cassini
 See a video: the weather forecast, British and American pronounciation.
 Let’s read an article from NYT: times square kiss, bond’legacy, bake off, appearances matter,
paparazzi, the eagle Odin.
 A storyboard: lavoro di gruppo su i seguenti argomenti: sport, friendship, work, fun, travel, music.
 Let’s make a video: weather, cooking.
 Let’s take a picture: my house and my place.
 Biblioteca circolante di classe: the secret garden, Gulliver’s travels, White fangs, Sehrlock Holmes
stories, murders in the rue Morgue, Dr Jekill and mr Hyde,treasure island, kidnapped, pippi
longstocking, Beowulf, wuthering heights.
 Let’s see a movie: step up 3
Gli alunni