Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese Liceo Scientifico `A. Labriola


Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese Liceo Scientifico `A. Labriola
Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese
Liceo Scientifico ‘A. Labriola’ - Classe I P
Anno scolastico 2014-2015
Prof.ssa Elide P. Di Fortunato
Libri di testo:
Success – Pre-intermediate - Student’s book e Workbook – Longman
Present simple and present continuous
Past simple – all forms
Unit 1
Who am I?
Has Britain got an identity crisis?
Personality adjectives
Adverbs of frequency and time expressions
Unit 3
A piece of personal writing about the first day
at school
School and education
Time expression with the past simple
Unit 4
Past continuous and past simple
Eureka moments
The invention of TV
Comparative and superlative of adjectives –
too/not….enough/not as….(as)/…..than
Relative pronouns
A magazine
Countable and uncountable nouns
Going to and will
Adverbs of probability with may, might and will
First conditional
Present perfect
Contrast present perfect with past simple
Present perfect for things still happening now
Unit 5
article about
Music and literature
Describing feelings and emotions
Time expressions: sequencers
Unit 6
You are what you eat.
Was F. Flintstone a vegetarian?
Unit 7
An article about the future
Election leaflets
Unit 9
Love and trust: a family argument
An interview about a 50th wedding anniversary
Sunshine: a short story about a family
A song text: Ain’t no sunshine
Houses and gardens
Rooms and furniture
Adjectives describing places/
Types of housing
Food and drink
Types of diet and lifestyles.
Science and technology
Adverbs of probability
Ecology and the environment
Verb-noun collocations (the environment)
Time adverbials used with the present perfect
Phrasal verbs
Text message abbreviations
Writing activities:
How to sum up a text
A personal introduction
Describing one’s daily routine
Describing relationships
Describing places and people
Describing a room or a house
Telling past events
Speaking activities:
Sono state svolte attività di speaking in coppia e/o in gruppo relative agli argomenti affrontati nelle units suindicate.
Reading activities:
The Willing ghost - Cideb
Inoltre ogni studente ha letto un libro a scelta (versioni semplificate di classici della letteratura inglese) di livello B1.1 o B1.2.
Su questi testi è stata proposta agli studenti una verifica consistente in una relazione scritta e/o orale seguita da breve commento personale.
Listening activities:
Sono state svolte le attività di listening comprehension contenute nelle unità trattate.
From Success – Pre-intermediate – Workbook
Sono state svolte tutte le attività contenute nelle Units trattate.
Roma, 8 giugno 2015
Prof.ssa Elide P. Di Fortunato