Veronica Riniolo - Fondazione ISMU


Veronica Riniolo - Fondazione ISMU
Veronica Riniolo
Curriculum Vitae
Veronica Riniolo
Ph.D. in Sociology & Social Research Methods
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano & ISMU Foundation
Nationality: Italian
Date of birth: 24 September 1983
Languages: Italian (Native); English (Fluent); Portuguese (Fluent); French (Good)
E-mail: [email protected]
Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research Methods (Ph.D. with scholarship) from
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano.
Ph.D. thesis: “Migrant Integration Processes and Indicators of Citizenship
Practices. The Case of Sweden”.
Master’s Degree in International Relations and European Integration with the
thesis “Toward an international regime for the protection and assistance to
internally displaced persons. Case study: Colombia" (110/110 cum laude)
Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science with the thesis: “Le scelte del governo
italiano in materia di immigrazione” (110/110 cum laude)
Teaching Assistant in Sociology at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan,
Italy; Professor Rita Bichi
2009 – present
Teaching Assistant in Sociology and Social Changes at Università Cattolica del
Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy; Professor Vincenzo Cesareo.
Teaching Assistant in Sociology at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan,
Italy; Professor Vincenzo Cesareo
 ISMU FOUNDATION (2008 – present)
I work as researcher at Ismu Foundation, a private scientific research institute that promotes
research and projects on migration and ethnicity issues, with a specific focus on international
migrations. Among other activities, I am working/worked in the following projects:
 2013-2015: “Promoting digital literacy of Roma people toward their active citizenship”,
Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig Learning Partnership, funded by European
Commission. Role: Scientific coordinator of the project.
 2013-2015: “KING – Knowledge for Integration Governance”, funded by European
Commission, DG Home Affairs. Role: member of the Steering Group, elaboration of work
documents, organization of seminars and international events.
 2013-2014: “International Metropolis Project”, member of the Organizational Committee of
the International Metropolis Project, an international network for comparative research and
public policy development on migration, diversity, and migrant integration. Role: member of
the Organization Committee for the Metropolis 2014 International Conference in Milan (3-7
November 2014). Role: in charge of the schedule of the 80 workshops and of the contacts
with organizers and presenters.
 2011-2013: “RED Network Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance”, EU Funding
JLS/2009-2010/FRAC/AG, DG JFS. The RED network is composed by 27 research partner
organizations from 20 Member States of the European Union. Role: national coordinator.
(2009 – present)
I work as Assistant to General Coordinator at Regional Observatory for Integration and
Multiethnicity (ORIM) of Lombardy Region, organisation devoted to the study of migration flows
and their impact at local level. In addition to this, I participated in the following projects as
Assistant Scientific Coordinator:
 2011-2012: project “Pathways toward immigrants’ integration and housing inclusion” funded
by Italian Ministry of Employment and promoted by Lombardy Region. Role: support to the
coordination of the project; in charge of the relation between Ismu foundation and Lombardy
Region Administration, organization of the final event, elaboration of work documents.
 2009- 2010: project “Valore Lavoro. Pathways toward job inclusion of Roma people”, funded
by the Italian Ministry of Employment and promoted by Lombardy Region. Role: support to
the coordination of the project, in charge of the relation between Ismu foundation and
Lombardy Region Administration, organization of the final event, elaboration of work
documents, drafting of a chapter in the final publication.
 2008-2010: project “RADICI. Rules for housing market: sharing information and
interventions” funded by Italian Ministry of Employment and promoted by Lombardy Region.
Role: support to the coordination of the project, in charge of the relation between Ismu
foundation and Lombardy Region Administration, organization of the final event, elaboration
of work documents, drafting of a chapter in the final publication.
 2008-2010: project “Monitoring and assessing outcomes of integration interventions”, funded
by Italian Ministry of Employment and promoted by Lombardy Region. Role: support to the
coordination of the project, in charge of the relation between Ismu foundation and Lombardy
Region Administration, organization of the final event, elaboration of reports on project’s
outcome, drafting of a chapter in the final publication.
Member, editorial board Visioni LatinoAmericane (2013)
Member, editorial board Anuario Americanista Europeo (2013)
April – May 2013
Visiting research student at Stockholm University (Sweden),
Department of Sociology
August 2012 - October 2012
Visiting research student at Stockholm University (Sweden),
Department of Sociology
ESA (European Sociological Association)
AIS (Associazione Nazionale di Sociologia)
Articles in refereed journals
 Riniolo V. (2013), Sul concetto di coesione sociale oggi, in Studi di Sociologia, 3-4, pp. 355364.
 Riniolo V. & F. Marcaletti (2012), Active participation of Roma. An experience of
participatory planning toward labour integration, in Roma Rights Journal of the European
Roma Rights Centre, pp. 59-64.
 Riniolo V. (2012), L’immigrazione femminile sudamericana in Italia, in Visioni
Latinoamericane, n. 6, pp. 91-98.
 Marcaletti F., S. Pozzi S. & V. Riniolo (2011), Percorsi di empowerment e integrazione
lavorativa di Rom e Sinti: l’esperienza del progetto Valore Lavoro, in Autonomie Locali e
Servizi Sociali, pp. 287-300.
Book chapters
 Riniolo V. & Bergnehr-Moscatelli P. (2014), Flussi migratori e politiche di integrazione in
Svezia: l’evoluzione dagli anni Novanta a oggi, in Ventesimo Rapporto sulle migrazione
2014, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 271-285.
 Bergnehr-Moscatelli P. & V. Riniolo (2013), La Svezia e le rivolte degli immigrati: fine di un
ideale di welfare e integrazione?, in Diciannovesimo Rapporto sulle migrazione 2013,
FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 215-227.
 Riniolo V. (2013), “Uno studio di caso europeo: immigrazione e politiche abitative in
Svezia”, in A. Alietti A. & A. Agustoni, Integrazione, casa e immigrazione. Esperienze e
prospettive in Europa, Italia e Lombardia, Quaderni ISMU, Milan, pp. 89-101.
 Alietti A. & V. Riniolo (2011), Analisi e prospettive dei processi di insediamento abitativo
dei migranti in Lombardia in Agustoni A. & A. Alietti (eds), Migrazioni, politiche urbane e
abitative: dalla dimensione europea alla dimensione locale, Osservatorio Regionale per
l’integrazione e la multietnicità, Fondazione ISMU, Regione Lombardia, Milano, pp. 130118.
 Riniolo V. (2010), L’inclusione sociale dei rom nel contesto europeo e nazionale in
Marcaletti F. (ed.), Valore Lavoro: integrazione e inserimento lavorativo di rom e sinti,
Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e la multietnicità, Fondazione ISMU, Regione
Lombardia, Milano, pp. 19-34.
 Agustoni A., A. Alietti & V. Riniolo (2010), Processi insediativi, regole per il mercato
dell’alloggio e strategie di governante: il progetto Radici in Vergani A., F. Locatelli & V.
Riniolo (eds), Tra inserimento sociale e sostenibilità dei flussi migratori. Una
sperimentazione in Lombardia, Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e la multietnicità,
Fondazione ISMU, Regione Lombardia, Milano, pp. 23-43.
 Vergani A., F. Locatelli & V. Riniolo (2010), Il monitoraggio e la verifica degli interventi in
Vergani A., F. Locatelli & V. Riniolo (eds), Tra inserimento sociale e sostenibilità dei flussi
migratori. Una sperimentazione in Lombardia, Osservatorio Regionale per l’integrazione e la
multietnicità, Fondazione ISMU, Regione Lombardia; Milano, pp. 173-204.
 Riniolo V. (2009), Lo sfollamento interno, in Codini E., D'Odorico M., Gioiosa M (eds), Per
una vita diversa. La nuova disciplina italiana dell'asilo, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp. 191-212.
Edited works
 Vergani A., F. Locatelli & V. Riniolo (eds) (2010), Tra inserimento sociale e sostenibilità dei
flussi migratori. Una sperimentazione in Lombardia, Osservatorio Regionale per
l’integrazione e la multietnicità, Fondazione ISMU, Regione Lombardia, Milano.
Conference Proceedings
 Riniolo V. 2013, Imigrações femininas sulamericas para a Itália, Reforzar las relaciones
entre la Union Europea – America Latina y Caribe (2010-2012), Euro-Latin America
Parliamentary Assembly, Verona, pp. 101-104.
Book reviews
 Marques E., Opportunities and Deprivation in the Urban South. Poverty, Segregation and
Social Networks in São Paulo, Ashgate, Surrey, 2012, pp. 186 in Visioni Latinoamericane,
no. 6, January 2013.
 Casella Paltrinieri A., Sapori & Saperi. Cibi, ricette e culture del mondo, Editpress, Firenze,
2012, pp. 233 in Visioni Latinoamericane, no. 9, Luglio 2013.
Articles in non-refereed journals
 Riniolo V. (2013), L’esclusione sociale e le sue conseguenze: le rivolte urbane in Svezia, in
Libertà Civili, Settembre-Ottobre, pp. 69-77.
 Riniolo V. & P. Van Wolleghem (2013), Il dibattito internazionale sulle migrazioni:
Metropolis da Tampere e Milano, in Libertà Civili, Luglio-Agosto, pp. 87-95.
 Alietti A. & V. Riniolo (2012), Italia vs razzismo, xenofobia e discriminazioni: luci e ombre
dal Rapporto RED, in Libertà Civili, Bimestrale di studi e documentazioni sui temi
dell’immigrazione, March-April, pp. 130-138.
 Riniolo V. (2011), Il futuro dell’immigrazione e cambiamenti globali, in Libertà Civili,
Bimestrale di studi e documentazioni sui temi dell’immigrazione, September-October, pp. 8387.
Submitted publications
 Marcaletti F. & V. Riniolo, A participatory governance model toward the inclusion of ethnic
minorities: an action research experience in Italy, in Revue Interventions économiques
Special Issue 2013.
“Women and migration: integration processes of migrants in Italy”. Paper presented at
the conference L’Europa è per le donne, European Parliament - Milan Office, Italy,
March 28.
“Integrazione e genere: l’immigrazione femminile sudamericana in Italia” (“Integration
and gender: female South-American migration to Italy”). Paper presented at the seminar
Percorsi di integrazione della comunità latino americana in Italia. Elementi per un nuovo
dialogo italo - latino americano, organized by IOM- International Organization for
Migration, Palazzo Chigi, Roma, Italy, October 9.
“Uno sguardo europeo su immigrazione e integrazione in Italia” (“An European glance
on immigration and integration in Italy”). Paper presented at the conference L’Europa è
per le donne, European Parliament - Milan Office, Italy, March 30.
“Imigrações femininas sulamericas para a Itália”. Paper presented at the V Assemblea
Parlamentare Euro-Latinoamericana, Foro Euro-Latinoamericano delle Donne,
Montevideo, Uruguay, May 16.
Processi di integrazione dei migranti e indicatori delle pratiche di cittadinanza. Il caso
svedese. Paper presented at the XIV Incontro Giovani, Pontignano, Siena, Italy, July 5.
Measuring migrant integration in Europe. Indicators of citizenship practices. Paper
presented at the 3rd Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social
Integration: Migration trends over the past quarter century, Ruppin Academic Center,
Netanya, Israel, May 19-20.
Migrants’ trade union membership, employment status and citizenship practices. A
comparison of different European countries (with F. Marcaletti). Paper presented at the
CRIMT 2014 International Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 12-14.
The evaluation of integration policies: outcome indicators of immigrants’ active
citizenship. Paper presented at the 2013 International Metropolis Conference, Tampere,
Finland, September 11.
Social cohesion, integration and indicators of immigrants’ active citizenship.
The case of Sweden. Paper presented at ESA 11th Conference, PhD workshop, Turin,
Italy, August 26.
Social cohesion, integration and indicators of immigrants’ active citizenship. The case
of Sweden. Paper presented at the Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, May 20.
Those who are not forever young. Implications of immigrant population ageing in
hosting societies (with F. Marcaletti). Paper presented at ESA RN 1 Mid-term
Conference Ageing in the light of crises, Umeå, Sweden, October 5.
Dimensions affecting integration processes: age and length of immigrants’permanence.
The case of a local context in northern Italy (with F. Marcaletti). Paper presented at the
2nd Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Integration: New Frontiers in
Research & Policy making, Ruppin Academic Center, Netanya, Israel, May 23.
Active participation of Roma minorities. An experience of participatory planning in a
local Italian context (with F. Marcaletti). Paper presented at the 2nd nternational
Multidisciplinary Conference on Political and Civic Participation”, University of Surrey,
Surrey, UK, April 16-17.
Combating Racism, Intolerance and Xenophobia. Paper presented at the seminar Una
rete contro il razzismo, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milan, Italy, March 21.
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24 February 2015, Milan