Variazioni e disposizioni speciali per batterie al litio


Variazioni e disposizioni speciali per batterie al litio
Riportiamo elenco delle State & Operator Variations relativamente al trasporto di batterie al litio. I commenti da
parte nostra sono riportati in corsivo ed evidenziati dal logo DGM. Per brevità e migliore comprensione si sono
omesse quelle parti delle Variations non riguardanti le batterie al litio. Sono riportate anche le Disposizioni Speciali
opportunamente commentate.
Il documento è stato redatto sulla base della 54ed. manuale IATA DGR (2013) e dell’ Addendum I (pubblicato
il 27/12/2012) e dell’Addendum II (pubblicato il 14/02/2013).
Primary (non-rechargeable) lithium metal batteries and cells, (UN 3090), are forbidden for
transportation aboard passenger-carrying aircraft. Such batteries transported in accordance
with Section IA or IB of Packing Instruction 968 must be labelled with the CARGO AIRCRAFT
ONLY label. Such batteries transported in accordance with Section II of Packing Instruction
Primary (non-rechargeable) lithium metal batteries and cells contained in or packed with
equipment (UN 3091) are forbidden for transportation aboard passenger-carrying aircraft
1. the equipment and the batteries and cells are transported in accordance with Packing
Instruction 969 or 970, as appropriate;
2. the package contains no more than the number of lithium metal batteries or cells
necessary to power the intended piece of equipment;
3. the lithium content of each cell, when fully charged, is not more than 5 grams;
the aggregate lithium content of the anode of each battery, when fully charged, is
not more than 25 grams; and
5. the net weight of lithium batteries does not exceed 5 kg (11 lb).
Primary (non-rechargeable) lithium metal batteries and cells contained in or packed with
equipment (UN 3091) and transported in accordance with Section I of Packing Instruction 969
or 970 that do not conform to the above provisions are forbidden for transportation aboard
passenger-carrying aircraft and must be labelled with the CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY label.
Primary (non-rechargeable) lithium metal batteries and cells contained in or packed with
equipment (UN 3091) and transported in accordance with Section II of Packing Instruction
969 or 970 that do not conform to the above provisions are forbidden for transportation
aboard passenger-carrying aircraft and must be marked “PRIMARY LITHIUM BATTERIES—
Proibito il trasporto di batterie e celle al litio metallico (UN3090) su aereo passeggeri.
Quelle classificate nelle Sezioni IA e IB della PI 968 potranno essere caricate solo su aereo
cargo con relativa etichetta CAO. Quelle classificate nella Sezione II della PI 968 dovranno
essere caricate su aereo cargo a patto di essere marcate: “PRIMARY LITHIUM
Le batterie e celle al litio metallico “contained in” and “packed with” (UN3091) potranno
essere trasportate su aereo passeggeri solo se le 5 condizioni sopra riportate sono applicate
in alternativa potranno essere trasportate solo su aereo cargo alle stesse condizioni di UN
USG 03
The following provisions apply to substances listed in Subsection 4.2—List of Dangerous
(c) prototype lithium batteries and cells transported in accordance with special provision A88
and organic peroxides and self-reactive substances that are not identified by technical name
in 49 CFR 173.225(b) may not be transported to, from, or within the United States aboard a
passenger or cargo aircraft without the prior approval of the appropriate authority of the US
(see USG-01);
le batterie e le celle prototipi che non hanno superato le prove indicate nel manuale “Tests &
Criteria” Parte III 38.3 generalmente hanno bisogno dell’autorizzazione del solo Stato di
origine (Special Provision A88) ma nel caso di trasporto negli USA sarà necessario chiedere
l’approvazione anche dell’autorità americana anche se non risultasse lo Stato di origine.
UPS (United Parcel Service)
Exports or imports of Dangerous Goods in the UPS Small Package service including shipments
of Excepted Quantities, and Biological Substances, Category B, will be accepted by contract
only. When shipping packages requiring an IATA Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods,
combination packagings must be used and packages must not exceed 30 kg gross weight.
When applicable, not more than three compatible different dangerous goods may be contained
in one outer packaging ( Other than specifically approved shipments of Dangerous
Goods in Excepted Quantities, the following classes/divisions of Dangerous Goods are
prohibited from UPS international small package service:
Class 9 A contract is required for shipments of UN 3480, Lithium ion batteries, and UN 3090,
Lithium metal batteries, prepared in accordance with Section IB of Packing Instructions 965 and
968, respectively. Such shipments must be tendered with a fully completed Shipper's Declaration
for Dangerous Goods with "IB" indicated in the "Authorizations" area of the document following
the packing instruction number.
UPS accetta di trasportare UN 3480 e UN 3090 preparate come indicato alla Sezione IB solo
dietro l’esistenza di un contratto e avendo presentato una DGD completata con la scritta “IB” nel
riquadro “Authorizations”.
The following limitations apply to the commodities identified here:
omissis Shipments of refurbished lithium batteries, or refurbished lithium batteries packed with or
contained in equipment are not accepted unless specifically approved by the UPS Air Dangerous
Goods Department (SDF);
UPS rifiuta il trasporto di batterie da sole, “montate in” un dispositivo oppure “imballate con” nel
caso di batterie rigenerate a meno che il trasporto venga specificamente approvato dal
dipartimento merci pericolose di UPS.
AC (Air Canada)
The number of packages of Section II Lithium Batteries in Packing Instructions 965–970 must be
indicated on the Air Waybill.
AC vuole che sull’AWB sia indicato il numero dei colli spediti secondo la Sezione II delle PI 965 –
All shipments of Lithium Ion Batteries, UN3480 prepared in accordance with Section IB of
Packing Instruction 965 and shipments of Lithium Metal Batteries, UN3090 prepared in
accordance with Section IB of Packing Instruction 968 must be tendered with a completed
Shipper’s Declaration of Dangerous Goods.
AC vuole che per UN 3090 e per UN 3480 preparate secondo la Sezione IB delle rispettive PI sia
preparata la Shipper’s declaration.
Class 9, commodities pertaining to this class will not be accepted for carriage, with the exception
of the following products (Exception: COMAT parts and supplies):
AM non accetta qualsiasi tipo di batterie al litio.
In case of shipments transported under State exemptions or approvals (e.g. required by Special
Provision A1, A2, A88, A99 or A106), Strategic Partner of Aero Mexico Cargo must be contacted
and copies of the DGD and approval or exemption, as applicable, must be provided by fax or
other means. Shipments will not be accepted unless approval is granted by the Logistics
Management Strategic Partner of Aeromexico Cargo ([email protected]).
AM accetta le spedizioni coperte da A88 (batterie al litio spedite senza che abbiano superato le
prove richieste dal Manuale “Tests & Criteria”) e A99 (batterie al litio che superano i 35 kg di
peso) solo se precedentemente approvati dagli esperti dell’AM.
BA (British Airways)
UN 3090 Lithium batteries. Primary (non- rechargeable) lithium (metal) batteries and cells are
prohibited from carriage as cargo on BA passenger carrying aircraft (see Packing Instruction
This prohibition does not apply to:
● UN 3091, UN 3480, UN 3481
● Lithium batteries (rechargeable and non- rechargeable) covered by the Provisions for
Danger-ous Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew (see Table 2.3.A).
BA non accetta batterie al litio metalliche (UN 3090) come cargo su aereo passeggeri . Nessuna
restrizione per le batterie identificate come UN 3091, UN 3480 e UN 3481.
CI (China Airlines)
The following dangerous goods as shown in Subsection 4.2 of these Regulations will not be
accepted for carriage on China Airlines passenger flights:
2. fully regulated lithium ion batteries as per Section I of PI 965–PI 967 (RLI);
3. fully regulated lithium metal batteries as per Section I of PI 968–PI 970 (RLM).
Note: The above prohibitions do not apply to CI company material.
China Airlines non accetta batterie al litio classificate nella sezione I su aerei passeggeri a meno
che non si tratti di materiale di compagnia.
CX (Cathay Pacific Airways)
UN 3090 Lithium metal batteries. Lithium metal cells and batteries are prohibited from carriage
as cargo on Cathay Pacific Airways aircraft. This applies to Section IA, IB and Section II of
Packing Instruction 968. This prohibition does not apply to:
• lithium metal cells and batteries packed with or contained in equipment (UN 3091) in
accordance with PI 969 and PI 970 and lithium ion cells and batteries (UN 3480 and UN 3481) in
accordance with PI 965 to PI 967; or
• lithium batteries (rechargeable and non-rechargeable) covered by the Provisions for Dangerous
Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew (see 2.3.2 to 2.3.5 and Table 2.3.A).
CX non accetta UN 3090 sia su aereo passeggeri che cargo. UN 3091, UN 3480 e UN 3481 le
accetta normalmente.
CX-08 All shipments of lithium batteries contained in equipment prepared in compliance with
Section II of PI 967 or PI 970 must include the mandatory wording on the air waybill as shown in
Section II (“Lithium ion batteries in compliance with Section II of PI 967” or “Lithium metal
batteries in compliance with Section II of PI 970”). This applies even to shipments where no
lithium battery handling label is required to be affixed to the package(s).
Nel caso di batterie “contained in” esiste la generale esenzione di applicare l’etichetta di batteria
al litio nel caso il dispositivo non contenga più di due batterie o quattro celle. In tale caso non
occorre riportare nessuna frase sulla AWB, Cathay Pacific richiede che la frase appaia anche in
caso non ci sia da riportare l’etichetta.
CZ (China Southern)
Lithium metal or lithium alloy cells and batteries (UN 3090) are forbidden for transportation as
cargo aboard passenger aircraft or cargo aircraft unless:
● Lithium metal or lithium alloy cells and batteries contained in or packed with equipment (UN
3091) are transported in accordance with Section II of Packing Instruction 969 or 970;
● Lithium metal or lithium alloy cells and batteries packed with or contained in equipment (UN
3091) that fall into the category of company materials (COMAT);
CZ non accetta su aereo passeggeri e cargo UN 3090 (qualsiasi sezione di PI 968) e UN 3091 in
Sezione I. Accettano come COMAT ma solo UN 3091.
DL (Delta Airlines)
UN 3480, Lithium Ion Batteries, Packing Instruction 965, Sections IA and IB will not be accepted
for transport. UN 3480, lithium ion batteries offered under Section II provisions will be accepted.
Nessun problema per UN 3090, UN 3091 e UN 3481.
UN 3480 viene solo accettata se in Sezione II.
D0 (DHL Air Limited–DHL)
All lithium batteries, including refurbished, prepared under Section II of packing instructions 965–
970 will only be accepted for carriage with the approval of Regional/Global Restricted
Commodities Group–DHL Express Europe Headquarters.
Limitazione solo per le batterie spedite come Sezione II delle PI 965 – 970, in caso di Sezione I,
IA e IB nessuna limitazione.
EY (ETIHAD Airways)
Fully Regulated Lithium Batteries (RLI/RLM) will not be accepted (see PI 965—PI 970).
EY non accetta le batterie classificate in sezione I e IA.
FX (Federal Express)
Lithium batteries (Section I, Section IB and Section II) must not be shipped in the same package
as the following dangerous goods classes/divisions: 1.4, 2.1, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2 and 8, and
2.2 with a Cargo Aircraft Only label. This includes All Packed in One, Overpacks and
combination All Packed in One/Overpacks.
Lithium metal batteries, (primary non-rechargeable) UN 3090 which are shipped either fully
regulated or in accordance with Section I, Section IB and Section II of Packing Instruction 968
require pre-approval. See; keyword: lithium batteries (search field).
Effective January 1, 2013, UN 3480 Lithium Ion Batteries and UN 3090 Lithium Metal Batteries
prepared in accordance with Section IB will require a Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous
Goods (DGD) with each shipment. “IB” must be indicated in the Authorization Column or the
Additional Handling Information. Alternative documentation will not be allowed.
Non sono accettate le batterie al litio imballate nello stesso imballaggio o sovrimballaggio con
varie classi (1.4, 2.1, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2 and 8) preparate per aereo passeggeri o cargo o
con classe 2.2 preparata per aereo cargo.
E’ poi richiesta una pre approvazione al trasporto per UN 3090.
Infine, da gennaio 2013 le batterie UN 3480 e UN 3090 spedite in sezione IB richiedono la
compilazione della DGD completata con l’indicazione “IB” nel riquadro “Authorization”.
KA (Hong Kong Dragon Airlines (Dragonair))
UN 3090 Lithium metal batteries. Lithium metal cells and batteries are prohibited from carriage
as cargo on Cathay Pacific Airways passenger carrying aircraft. This applies to Section IA, IB
and Section II of Packing Instruction 968.
This prohibition does not apply to:
lithium metal cells and batteries packed with or contained in equipment (UN 3091) in
accordance with PI 969 and PI 970 and lithium ion cells and batteries (UN 3480 and UN
3481) in accordance with PI 965 to PI 967; or
lithium batteries (rechargeable and non-rechargeable) covered by the Provisions for
Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew (see 2.3.2 to 2.3.5 and Table 2.3.A).
KA non accetta su aereo passeggeri UN 3090, qualsiasi sezione.
All shipments of lithium batteries contained in equipment prepared in accordance with Section II
of PI 967 or PI 970 must include the mandatory wording on the air waybill as shown in Section II
(“Lithium ion batteries in compliance with Section II of PI 967” or “Lithium metal batteries in
compliance with Section II of PI 970”). This applies even to shipments where no lithium battery
handling label is required to be affixed to the package(s).
KA non accetta che le batterie contenute in (se non più di 2 per dispositivo) siano esentate dalla
scritta sull’AWB.
LD (Air Hong Kong)
All shipments of lithium batteries contained in equipment prepared in accordance with Section II
of PI 967 or PI 970 must include the mandatory wording on the air waybill as shown in Section II
(“Lithium ion batteries in compliance with Section II of PI 967” or “Lithium metal batteries in
compliance with Section II of PI 970”). This applies even to shipments where no lithium battery
handling label is required to be affixed to the package(s).
LD non accetta che le batterie “contained in” (se non più di 2 per dispositivo) siano esentate
dalla scritta sull’AWB.
UN 3090 Lithium metal batteries. Lithium metal cells and batteries are prohibited from carriage
as cargo on Cathay Pacific Airways passenger carrying aircraft. This applies to Section IA, IB
and Section II of Packing Instruction 968.
This prohibition does not apply to:
lithium metal cells and batteries packed with or contained in equipment (UN 3091) in
accordance with PI 969 and PI 970 and lithium ion cells and batteries (UN 3480 and UN
3481) in accordance with PI 965 to PI 967; or
lithium batteries (rechargeable and non-rechargeable) covered by the Provisions for
Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew (see 2.3.2 to 2.3.5 and Table 2
LD non accetta su aereo passeggeri UN 3090, qualsiasi sezione.
LY (El Al Israel Airlines)
Dangerous Goods not acceptable on El Al passenger aircraft:
Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous goods.
Lithium batteries:
1. Fully regulated lithium ion batteries as per Section I of PI 965–967;
2. Fully regulated lithium metal batteries as per Section I of PI 968–970
LY accetta batterie al litio sono se in Section I.
OS (Austrian Airlines)
UN3481 Lithium ion batteries contained in equipment, PI 967 Section I (battery/pack more than
100 Wh) will not be accepted for carriage as cargo.
OS non accetta batterie al litio ionico “contained in” quando superano i 100 Wh.
QR (Qatar Airways)
The following will not be accepted for carriage on Qatar Airways passenger flights:
● UN 3090—lithium metal batteries;
● UN 3091—lithium metal batteries contained in equipment;
● UN 3091—lithium metal batteries packed with equipment.
The above include both Section I (fully regulated) and Section II (excepted) (see PI 968–970).
QR non accetta nessun tipo di batterie al itio metallico.
QY (European Air Transport Leipzig GmbH–DHL)
All lithium batteries, including refurbished, prepared under Section II of packing instructions 965–
970 will only be accepted for carriage with the approval of Regional/Global Restricted
Commodities Group–DHL Express Europe Headquarters.
QY non accetta le batterie in esenzione a meno che siano approvate in precedenza.
SK (SAS—Scandinavian Airline System)
UN 3090 Lithium metal batteries. Primary (non-rechargeable) lithium (metal) batteries and cells
are prohibited from carriage as cargo.
This prohibition does not apply to:
Those permitted in compliance with packing instruction 968 Section II;
Those permitted in compliance with packing instruction 968 Section IB;
Lithium batteries (rechargeable and non-rechargeable) covered by the Provisions for
Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew (see Table 2.3.A).
SK non accetta UN 3090 classificate in Sezione IA.
Singapore Airlines/Singapore Airlines Cargo
UN 3090 Lithium metal batteries. Lithium metal cells and batteries are prohibited from carriage
as cargo on Singapore Airlines aircraft. This applies to Section IA, IB and Section II of Packing
Instruction 968.
This prohibition does not apply to:
• lithium metal cells and batteries packed with or contained in equipment (UN 3091) in
accordance with PI 969 and PI 970 and lithium ion cells and batteries (UN 3480 and UN 3481) in
accordance with PI 965 to PI 967; or
• lithium batteries (rechargeable and non-rechargeable) covered by the Provisions for Dangerous
Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew (see 2.3.2 to 2.3.5 and Table 2.3.A).
SQ non accetta UN 3090.
US (US Airways)
US Airways will not accept shipments for carriage which contain articles and substances listed in
these Regulations and/or DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations and revisions thereto, except
for the following on mainline aircraft:
omissis…..Class 9 Dangerous Goods, with the exception of the following which will not be
accepted for transportation UN 2807, Magnetized Material; UN 2211, Polymeric beads,
expandable; UN 3082, Waste Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.; UN 3077,
Waste Environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s.; UN 3480, Lithium ion batteries; UN
3481, Lithium ion batteries contained in, or packed with equipment; UN 3090, Lithium
metal batteries; and UN 3091, Lithium metal batteries contained in, or packed with
US non accetta alcun tipo di batterie al litio.
VO (Tyrolean Airways)
UN3481 Lithium ion batteries contained in equipment, PI 967 Section I (battery/pack more than
100 Wh) will not be accepted for carriage as cargo.
VO non accetta UN 3481 “contained in” quando l’energia della batteria supera I 100 Wh.
Ed. 2013 54° IATA DGR (le parti in rosso sono quelle modificate rispetto alla ed.53°):
Irrespective of the limit specified in Column J in Subsection 4.2–List of Dangerous Goods,
aircraft batteries may be transported on passenger aircraft as follows:
(a) wet cell batteries, UN 2794 or UN 2795, up to a limit of 100 kg net gross weight per
(b) lithium ion batteries, UN 3480, packages containing a single aircraft battery with a net
weight not exceeding 35 kg; and
(c) transport in accordance with this Special Provision must be noted on the Shipper's
Declaration for Dangerous Goods.
Come modificato dall’Addendum II del 14/02/2013:
Irrespective of the limit specified in Column J in Subsection 4.2–List of Dangerous Goods,
aircraft batteries up to a limit of 100 kg net weight per package may be transported. Transport in
accordance with this Special Provision must be noted on the Shipper's Declaration for
Dangerous Goods.
Note: This special provision applies to UN 2794, Batteries, wet, filled with acid and UN 2795, Batteries,
wet, filled with alkali only.
ICAO, con procedura di urgenza, ha modificato la norma appena inserita nella normativa che
avrebbe permesso di caricare su aereo passeggeri batterie al litio ionico sino a un massimo di
35 kg per collo. Ora si è tornati alla situazione esistente sino al 31 Dicembre 2012, le batterie UN
3480 pesanti più di 5 kg per collo ma meno di 35 kg possono essere trasportate solo su aereo
Prototype or low production, (i.e. annual production runs consisting of no more than 100 lithium
cells or batteries) lithium cells or batteries that have not been tested to the requirements in
subsection 38.3 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria may be transported aboard cargo
aircraft, if approved by the appropriate authority of the State of origin and the following
requirements are met:
(a) except as provided in paragraph (c), the cells or batteries must be transported in an
outer packaging that is a metal, plastic or plywood drum or a metal, plastic or wooden
box and that meets the criteria for Packing Group I packagings;
(b) except as provided in paragraph (c), each cell or battery must be individually packed in
an inner packaging inside an outer packaging and surrounded by cushioning material
that is non-combustible, and non-conductive. Cells or batteries must be protected
against short-circuiting;
(c) lithium batteries with a mass of 12 kg or greater and having a strong outer packagings or
protective enclosures not subject to the requirements of Section 6 of these Regulations.
The batteries or battery assemblies must be protected against short circuiting; and
(d) a copy of the document of approval showing the quantity limitations must accompany the
Irrespective of the limit specified in Column L of Table 4.2, the battery or battery
assembly as prepared for transport may have a mass exceeding 35 kg.
La A88 permette di trasportare batterie al litio che non sono state sottoposte alle prove previste
dal Manuale “Tests & Criteria” delle Nazioni Unite o perché sono ancora dei prototipi o perché
rappresentano i pochi esemplari di una produzione annua.
Schematizzando, le condizioni necessarie per la sua applicazione sono tre:
1) il materiale deve viaggiare su aereo cargo,
2) all’interno di un imballo speciale come specificato ai punti a) e b) e
3) occorre chiedere l’autorizzazione al trasporto all’autorità dello Stato di origine.
Irrespective of the per package quantity limit for cargo aircraft specified in Column L of the List of
Dangerous Goods (Subsection 4.2), and in Section I of Packing Instructions 965, 966, 967, 968,
969 or 970, a lithium battery or battery assembly (UN 3090 or UN 3480), including when packed
with, or contained in equipment (UN 3091 or UN 3481) that meets the other requirements of
Section I of the applicable packing instruction may have a mass exceeding 35 kg, if approved by
the appropriate authority of the State of origin. A copy of the document of approval must
accompany the consignment.
A99 permette di trasportare su aereo cargo batterie al litio che superino i 35 kg netti di peso,
anche in questo caso serve l’autorizzazione dello stato di origine.
Lithium batteries identified by the manufacturer as being defective for safety reasons, or that
have been damaged, that have the potential of producing a dangerous evolution of heat, fire or
short circuit are forbidden for transport (e.g. those being returned to the manufacturer for safety
A154 proibisce il trasporto aereo di batterie al litio che sono danneggiate o difettose e che
possono rappresentare un rischio per la sicurezza perché hanno il potenziale di produrre
evoluzione pericolosa di calore, incendio o corto circuito. Invece batterie che sono state
“recalled” richiamate non per ragioni di sicurezza, perché per esempio la spia di ricarica indica
che non si ricarica oppure non tiene abbastanza a lungo la carica, possono essere spedite.
Any electrical battery or battery powered device, equipment or vehicle having the potential of a
dangerous evolution of heat must be prepared for transport so as to prevent:
(a) a short circuit (e.g. in the case of batteries by the effective insulation of exposed
terminals; or in the case of equipment, by disconnection of the battery and protection of
exposed terminals); and
(b) unintentional activation.
A164 indica come devono essere preparati al trasporto veicoli oppure equipaggiamenti montanti
batterie che potrebbero produrre un pericolo.
When a package contains a combination of lithium batteries contained in equipment and lithium
batteries packed with equipment, the package must be marked UN 3091 Lithium metal batteries
packed with equipment, or UN 3481 Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment as appropriate.
If a package contains both lithium ion batteries and lithium metal batteries, the package must be
marked as required for both battery types. However, button cell batteries installed in equipment
(including circuit boards) need not be considered.
A181 indica come deve essere descritto un collo che contenga sia batterie al litio ionico che al
litio metallico. Analogamente indica che eventuali batterie (celle) a bottone installate
nell’equipaggiamento non devono essere considerate.
Equipment containing only lithium batteries must be classified as either UN 3091 or UN 3481.
Vehicles only powered by lithium metal batteries or lithium ion batteries must be consigned
under the entry UN 3171, Battery-powered vehicle.
A182 e A185 devono essere esaminate insieme, sotto riportiamo un grafico per meglio chiarire
queste due disposizioni.
Vignate, 17 Marzo 2013
Ing. Andrea Pellas