Storino curriculum inglese


Storino curriculum inglese
Curriculum vitae
Mariateresa Storino studied Musicology at the University of Bologna and earned a Ph.
Degree in Science of Music at the Trento University, where she completed a dissertation on
the perception of musical style.
She was rewarded with the prize “Psicologia e musica” (2008) thanks to her PhD thesis
and with the “Premio Liszt” (1999) thanks to her degree thesis. After different researches
in the field of the psychology of music, she chose the historical musicology as her elected
field, with a particular interest towards the work of Liszt and the form of the symphonic
PhD. Storino has done extensive research on the life and music of Franz Liszt: Attorno al
Simon Boccanegra: la trascrizione da Verdi nel contesto dell’opera dell’ultimo Liszt
(2014), The never-ending story: Jeanne d’Arc au bûcher (Studia Musicologica 2013), New
Liszt Letters to Jessie Laussot (Herrmann 2013), Franz Liszt and Augusta Holmès:
Portrait of a musical friendship (Vrin 2012), De l’orchestre aux claviers: Die Ideale de
Liszt (Analyse musicale 2011), Chère Illustre: Franz Liszt ad Augusta Holmès (Rugginenti
2010), Il Konzertstück di Weber nell’interpretazione lisztiana (Rugginenti 2007). In these
essays she studied unknown aspects of Liszt as man and composer. In 2006 she edited the
first edition of the unpublished Lisztian autograph for piano Concerto sans orchestre
(Rugginenti). In 2009 she published the monograph Franz Liszt. Sonata in si minore, well
received by the international critic.
She won different grants to fulfil many researches in the field of the historical musicology
(Borsa MIRA - Conseil Régional Rhone-Alpes; Borsa di studio Alpe-Adria -Bayerischen
Staatministerium für Unterricht, Kunst, Wissenschaft); she refined her knowledge
attending academic masters (“Musical Cultures in the 1900s”, “Music and the Sacred” at
the Tor Vergata University - Roma), annual advanced post-degree courses
(“Communicating with the interactive multimedia board – LIM”, “Communicating in the
classroom: dynamics and models” at the University of Florence), professional training
courses (“Orchestral Musicians”, “Musical criticism”) and seminars.
She participated in national and international conferences as a lecturer with papers
about historical musicology, analysis and psychology of music: “Nineteenth-Century Music
Criticism”, Centro Studi Opera Omnia Boccherini – Palazzetto BruZane, Lucca 2015;
“Music and War in Europe from the Napoleonic Era to WWI”, Centro Studi Opera Omnia
Boccherini – Palazzetto BruZane, Lucca 2014; I Congres Avamus, Valencia 2014; 12th
Annual Conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland, Dublino 2014; XX Colloquio di
musicologia della SIDM, Foggia 2013; 9th ICMPC, Bologna 2006; 5th ESCOM, Hannover
2003; 2. Jahrekongresses der Deutschen gesellschaft für Musiktheorie, Monaco 2002; Il
Saggiatore Musicale, Bologna 2001 e 2007; etc.. In particular, in 2011, given the
anniversary of Franz Liszt bicentenary, she was invited to participate in national and
international conferences and her proposed abstracts were selected for international
conventions (VII EUROMAC 2011, Roma; International Liszt Conference, Utrecht;
Colloque International “Franz Liszt et la France”, Dijon; Triple Colloque “Franz Liszt:
Miroir d’une société européenne en évolution”, Villecroze; International Liszt Conference
“Liszt and the Arts”, Budapest). She was also invited by musical institutions for
conferences and stages about the Ungarish composer (Conservatory of Verona,
Department of Culture of Florence, Institute of Musical Studies “F. Vittadini” of Pavia,
Honorary Consulate of Hungary).
Recent publications are essays about the piano works by Marco Enrico Bossi (A un’altra
tastiera: il pianoforte di un organista, Clueb 2012), the German instrumental music in
Bologna in the second half of the Eighteen century (Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin: solo
nomi?, LIM 2013), Le quatuor en mi mineur de Verdi entre réminiscences motiviques et
emprunts formels (Analyse Musicale 2013).
Upcoming publications: the volume Franz Liszt – Jessie Laussot: un capitolo inedito
della storia musicale italiana dell’Ottocento (LIM 2016); the essays Le Roi Lear de
Shakespeare dans la lecture de Felix Weingartner (Le Paon d’Hera 2015); Liszt,
Sgambati, Jessie Laussot (Accademia di Santa Cecilia, 2015); Solidarity of Peoples and the
Idea of Fatherland: The Symphonic Poems by Augusta Holmès (Brepols 2015).
In 2005-2008 she taught in Laboratories of Musical Diffusion, pointed to students of the
secondary school and to adults (LADIMUS), for the ‘Casa della Musica’ of Parma. Since
2001 she has been collaborating with the Liszt Institute Foundation - Fondazione Istituto
Liszt (Bologna).
She is now working as teacher of History of music at the Conservatory of Musical Studies
“V. Bellini” of Caltanissetta.
E-mail: [email protected]