Tematiche di ricerca Sezione Biochimica e Biologia


Tematiche di ricerca Sezione Biochimica e Biologia
Tematiche di ricerca Sezione Biochimica e Biologia Applicate
Identificazione della funzione di geni in vari organismi.
Castegna, A., Scarcia, P., Agrimi, G., Palmieri, L., Rottensteiner, H.,
Spera, I., Germinario, L., Palmieri, F. Identification and functional
characterization of a novel mitochondrial carrier for citrate and
oxoglutarate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2010) Journal of Biological
Chemistry, 285 (23), pp. 17359-17370.
Fiermonte, G., Paradies, E., Todisco, S., Marobbio, C.M.T., Palmieri, F. A
novel member of solute carrier family 25 (SLC25A42) is a transporter of
coenzyme A and adenosine 3′,5′-diphosphate in human mitochondria
(2009) Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (27), pp. 18152-18159.
Palmieri, L., Picault, N., Arrigoni, R., Besin, E., Palmieri, F., Hodges, M.
Molecular identification of three Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial
dicarboxylate carrier isoforms: Organ distribution, bacterial expression,
reconstitution into liposomes and functional characterization (2008)
Biochemical Journal, 410 (3), pp. 621-629.
Identificazione di geni responsabili di patologie umane.
Molinari, F., Raas-Rothschild, A., Rio, M., Fiermonte, G., Encha-Razavi,
F., Palmieri, L., Palmieri, F., Ben-Neriah, Z., Kadhom, N., Vekemans, M.,
Attié-Bitach, T., Munnich, A., Rustin, P., Colleaux, L. Impaired
mitochondrial glutamate transport in autosomal recessive neonatal
myoclonic epilepsy (2005) American Journal of Human Genetics, 76 (2),
pp. 334-339.
Rosenberg, M.J., Agarwala, R., Bouffard, G., Davis, J., Fiermonte, G.,
Hilliard, M.S., Koch, T., Kalikin, L.M., Makalowska, I., Morton, D.H., Petty,
E.M., Weber, J.L., Palmieri, F., Kelley, R.I., Schäffer, A.A., Biesecker,
L.G. Mutant deoxynucleotide carrier is associated with congenital
microcephaly (2002) Nature Genetics, 32 (1), pp. 175-179.
Napolioni, V., Persico, A.M., Porcelli, V., Palmieri, L. The mitochondrial
aspartate/glutamate carrier AGC1 and calcium homeostasis:
Physiological links and abnormalities in autism (2011) Molecular
Neurobiology, 44 (1), pp. 83-92.
Studio della regolazione dell’espressione di geni in condizioni
normali e patologiche. Interazione
Menga, A., Infantino, V., Iacobazzi, F., Convertini, P., Palmieri, F.,
Iacobazzi, V. Insight into mechanism of in vitro insulin secretion increase
Iacobazzi, V., Convertini, P., Infantino, V., Scarcia, P., Todisco, S.,
Palmieri, F. Statins, fibrates and retinoic acid upregulate mitochondrial
acylcarnitine carrier gene expression (2009) Biochemical and Biophysical
Research Communications, 388 (4), pp. 643-647.
Infantino, V., Convertini, P., Iacobazzi, F., Pisano, I., Scarcia, P.,
Iacobazzi, V. Identification of a novel Sp1 splice variant as a strong
transcriptional activator (2011) Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communications, 412 (1), pp. 86-91.
Caratterizzazione molecolare e analisi mutazionale di pazienti
affetti da deficienza della traslocasi di carrier mitocondriali.
induced by antipsychotic clozapine: Role of FOXA1 and mitochondrial
citrate carrier (2012) European Neuropsychopharmacology, . Article in
Infantino, V., Castegna, A., Iacobazzi, F., Spera, I., Scala, I., Andria, G.,
Iacobazzi, V. Impairment of methyl cycle affects mitochondrial methyl
availability and glutathione level in Down's syndrome (2011) Molecular
Genetics and Metabolism, 102 (3), pp. 378-382.
Wibom, R., Lasorsa, F.M., Töhönen, V., Barbaro, M., Sterky, F.H.,
Kucinski, T., Naess, K., Jonsson, M., Pierri, C.L., Palmieri, F., Wedell, A.
AGC1 deficiency associated with global cerebral hypomyelination (2009)
New England Journal of Medicine, 361 (5), pp. 489-495.
Edvardson, S., Porcelli, V., Jalas, C., Soiferman, D., Kellner, Y., Shaag,
A., Korman, S.H., Pierri, C.L., Scarcia, P., Fraenkel, N.D., Segel, R.,
Schechter, A., Frumkin, A., Pines, O., Saada, A., Palmieri, L., Elpeleg, O.
Agenesis of corpus callosum and optic nerve hypoplasia due to mutations
in SLC25A1 encoding the mitochondrial citrate transporter (2013) Journal
of Medical Genetics. Article in Press.
Lindhurst, M.J., Fiermonte, G., Song, S., Struys, E., De Leonardis, F.,
Schwartzberg, P.L., Chen, A., Castegna, A., Verhoeven, N., Mathews,
C.K., Palmieri, F., Biesecker, L.G. Knockout of Slc25a19 causes
mitochondrial thiamine pyrophosphate depletion, embryonic lethality, CNS
malformations, and anemia (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences of the United States of America, 103 (43), pp. 15927-15932.
Analisi molecolare di pazienti affetti da malattie genetiche
autosomiche recessive: chetoadipato acidemia, microcefalia di
Amish, sindrome HHH e citrullinemia di tipo II.
Tessa, A., Fiermonte, G., Dionisi-Vici, C., Paradies, E., Baumgartner,
M.R., Chien, Y.-H., Loguercio, C., De Baulny, H.O., Nassogne, M.-C.,
Schiff, M., Deodato, F., Parenti, G., Rutledge, S.L., Antonia Vilaseca, M.,
Melone, M.A.B., Scarano, G., Aldamiz-Echevarria, L., Besley, G., Walter,
J., Martinez-Hernandez, E., Hernandez, J.M., Pierri, C.L., Palmieri, F.,
Santorelli, F.M. Identification of novel mutations in the SLC25A15 Gene in
hyperornithinemia-hyperammonemia-homocitrullinuria (HHH) syndrome:
A clinical, molecular, and functional study (2009) Human Mutation, 30 (5),
pp. 741-748.
Fiermonte, G., Parisi, G., Martinelli, D., De Leonardis, F., Torre, G., Pierri,
C.L., Saccari, A., Lasorsa, F.M., Vozza, A., Palmieri, F., Dionisi-Vici, C. A
new Caucasian case of neonatal intrahepatic cholestasis caused by citrin
deficiency (NICCD): A clinical, molecular, and functional study (2011)
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 104 (4), pp. 501-506.
Fiermonte, G., Soon, D., Chaudhuri, A., Paradies, E., Lee, P.J.,
Krywawych, S., Palmieri, F., Lachmann, R.H. An adult with type 2
citrullinemia presenting in Europe (2008) New England Journal of
Medicine, 358 (13), pp. 1408-1409.
Molinari, F., Kaminska, A., Fiermonte, G., Boddaert, N., Raas-Rothschild,
A., Plouin, P., Palmieri, L., Brunelle, F., Palmieri, F., Dulac, O., Munnich,
A., Colleaux, L. Mutations in the mitochondrial glutamate carrier
SLC25A22 in neonatal epileptic encephalopathy with suppression bursts
(2009) Clinical Genetics, 76 (2), pp. 188-194. 11.
Ruolo dello stress ossidativo nella distrofia muscolare e nelle
Castegna, A., Palmieri, L., Spera, I., Porcelli, V., Palmieri, F., Fabis
Pedrini, M.J., Kean, R.B., Barkhouse, D.A., Curtis, M.T., Hooper, D.C.
Oxidative stress and reduced glutamine synthetase activity in the
absence of inflammation in the cortex of mice with experimental
allergic encephalomyelitis (2011) Neuroscience, 185, pp. 97-105.
Palmieri, L., Alberio, S., Pisano, I., Lodi, T., Meznaric-Petrusa, M.,
Zidar, J., Santoro, A., Scarcia, P., Fontanesi, F., Lamantea, E.,
Ferrero, I., Zeviani, M. Complete loss-of-function of the heart/musclespecific adenine nucleotide translocator is associated with
mitochondrial myopathy and cardiomyopathy (2005) Human Molecular
Genetics, 14 (20), pp. 3079-3088.
Studio dei meccanismi patogenetici di patologie umane in modelli
Marobbio, C.M.T., Pisano, I., Porcelli, V., Lasorsa, F.M., Palmieri, L.
Rapamycin reduces oxidative stress in frataxin-deficient yeast cells
(2012) Mitochondrion, 12 (1), pp. 156-161.
Galassi, G., Lamantea, E., Invernizzi, F., Tavani, F., Pisano, I., Ferrero, I.,
Palmieri, L., Zeviani, M. Additive effects of POLG1 and ANT1 mutations in
a complex encephalomyopathy (2008) Neuromuscular Disorders, 18 (6),
pp. 465-470.
Mutagenesi sito diretta dei trasportatori mitocondriali e relazione
struttura-funzione dei carrier mitocondriali
Agrimi, G., Brambilla, L., Frascotti, G., Pisano, I., Porro, D., Vai, M.,
Palmieri, L. Deletion or overexpression of mitochondrial NAD + carriers in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae alters cellular NAD and ATP contents and
affects mitochondrial metabolism and the rate of glycolysis (2011) Applied
and Environmental Microbiology, 77 (7), pp. 2239-2246.
Ingegneria metabolica di lieviti e altri microrganismi applicata al
miglioramento di processi biotecnologici di interesse industriale
Palmieri, F., Pierri, C.L. Mitochondrial metabolite transport. (2010) Essays
in biochemistry, 47, pp. 37-52.
Palmieri, F., Pierri, C.L. Structure and function of mitochondrial carriers Role of the transmembrane helix P and G residues in the gating and
transport mechanism (2010) FEBS Letters, 584 (9), pp. 1931-1939.
Palmieri, F., Pierri, C.L., De Grassi, A., Nunes-Nesi, A., Fernie, A.R.
Evolution, structure and function of mitochondrial carriers: A review with
new insights (2011) Plant Journal, 66 (1), pp. 161-181.
Falconi, M., Chillemi, G., Di Marino, D., D'Annessa, I., Morozzo Della
Rocca, B., Palmieri, L., Desideri, A. Structural dynamics of the
mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier revealed by molecular dynamics
simulation studies (2006) Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 65
(3), pp. 681-691.
Studio dei network cellulari e ruolo del trasporto mitocondriale
nella regolazione dei flussi metabolici di Saccharomyces
Fontanesi, F., Palmieri, L., Scarcia, P., Lodi, T., Donnini, C., Limongelli,
A., Tiranti, V., Zeviani, M., Ferrero, I., Viola, A.M. Mutation in AAC2,
equivalent to human adPEO-associated ANT1 mutations, lead to
defective oxidative phosphorylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and
affect mitochondrial DNA stability (2004) Human Molecular Genetics, 13
(9), pp. 923-934.
Agrimi, G., Pisano, I., Palmieri, L., Process development and metabolic
engineering for bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass (2012)
In: Biorefinery. p. 207-230, BERLINO:de Gruyter, ISBN: 978-3-11026028-1, doi: 10.1515/9783110260281.207
Modellistica delle macromolecole biologiche e metodi
computazionali per la predizione della funzione di una proteina,
analisi comparativa di sequenze amminoacidiche, predizione di
siti di binding, screening virtuale di librerie chimiche basato sul
docking molecolare e dinamica molecolare.
Pierri, C.L., Parisi, G., Porcelli, V. Computational approaches for protein
function prediction: A combined strategy from multiple sequence
alignment to molecular docking-based virtual screening (2010)
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics, 1804 (9), pp.
Sonnante, G., D'Amore, R., Blanco, E., Pierri, C.L., de Palma, M., Luo, J.,
Tucci, M., Martin, C. Novel hydroxycinnamoyl-coenzyme a quinate
transferase genes from artichoke are involved in the synthesis of
chlorogenic acid (2010) Plant Physiology, 153 (3), pp. 1224-1238.
De Paola, D., Blanco, E., Pierri, C.L., Sonnante, G. Isolation and
characterization of novel variants of BBI coding genes from the legume
Lathyrus sativus (2012) Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 57, pp. 4553.
Metodi ab initio per lo studio del folding di proteine. Utilizzo di
modelli proteici semplificati e reticoli tridimensionali.
Pierri, C.L., De Grassi, A., Turi, A. Lattices for ab initio protein
structure prediction (2008) Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics,
73 (2), pp. 351-361.
Relazione tra variabilità e funzione del genoma umano con
approcci di bioinformatica e sequenziamento massivo.
De Grassi, A., Ciccarelli, F.D. Tandem repeats modify the structure of
human genes hosted in segmental duplications (2009) Genome
Biology, 10 (12), art. no. R137, .
De Grassi, A., Segala, C., Iannelli, F., Volorio, S., Bertario, L., Radice,
P., Bernard, L., Ciccarelli, F.D. Ultradeep sequencing of a human
ultraconserved region reveals somatic and constitutional genomic
instability (2010) PLoS Biology, 8 (1), art. no. e1000275.
Stranger, B.E., Forrest, M.S., Dunning, M., Ingle, C.E., Beazlsy, C.,
Thorne, N., Redon, R., Bird, C.P., De Grassi, A., Lee, C., Tyler-Smith,
C., Carter, N., Scherer, S.W., Tavaré, S., Deloukas, P., Hurles, M.E.,
Dermitzakis, E.T. Relative impact of nucleotide and copy number
variation on gene phenotypes (2007) Science, 315 (5813), pp. 848853.
Incorporazione di peptidi e proteine in membrane modello
Meleleo, D., Galliani, A., Notarachille, G. AβP1-42 incorporation and
channel formation in planar lipid membranes: the role of cholesterol
and its oxidation products (2013) Journal of Bioenergetics and
Biomembranes, pp. 1-13. Article in Press.
Meleleo, D., Gallucci, E., Notarachille, G., Sblano, C., Schettino, A.,
Micelli, S. Studies on the effect of salts on the channel activity of
kissper, a kiwi fruit peptide (2012) Open Nutraceuticals Journal, 5
(SUPPL.1), pp. 136-145.
Micelli, S., Meleleo, D., Picciarelli, V., Gallucci, E. Effect of Sterols on
β-Amyloid Peptide (AβP 1-40) Channel Formation and their Properties
in Planar Lipid Membranes (2004) Biophysical Journal, 86 (4), pp.
Studio delle patologie degenerative su base infiammatoria.
Infantino, V., Convertini, P., Cucci, L., Panaro, M.A., Di Noia, M.A.,
Calvello, R., Palmieri, F., Iacobazzi, V. The mitochondrial citrate
carrier: A new player in inflammation (2011) Biochemical Journal, 438
(3), pp. 433-436.
Cianciulli, A., Calvello, R., Cavallo, P., Dragone, T., Carofiglio, V.,
Panaro, M.A. Modulation of NF-κB activation by resveratrol in LPS
treated human intestinal cells results in downregulation of PGE2
production and COX-2 expression (2012) Toxicology in Vitro, 26 (7),
pp. 1122-1128.
Panaro, M.A., Cianciulli, A. Current opinions and perspectives on the
role of immune system in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease
(2012) Current Pharmaceutical Design, 18 (2), pp. 200-208.
Calvello, R., Panaro, M.A., Carbone, M.L., Cianciulli, A., Perrone,
M.G., Vitale, P., Malerba, P., Scilimati, A. Novel selective COX-1
inhibitors suppress neuroinflammatory mediators in LPS-stimulated
N13 microglial cells (2012) Pharmacological Research, 65 (1), pp.
Panaro, M.A., Carofiglio, V., Acquafredda, A., Cavallo, P., Cianciulli, A.
Anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol occur via inhibition of
lipopolysaccharide-induced NF-κB activation in Caco-2 and SW480
human colon cancer cells (2012) British Journal of Nutrition, 108 (9),
pp. 1623-1632.