Modulo di richiesta per la conformita` di traduzione della “Scheda


Modulo di richiesta per la conformita` di traduzione della “Scheda
Modulo di richiesta per la conformita’ di traduzione della “Scheda Tecnica” della Patente di
Guida italiana (“Letter of Entitlement”)
Application Form for a certified translation of the “Letter of Entitlement” of the Italian Driving Licence
Nome e cognome del richiedente (Name and Surname of the applicant)
Indirizzo (Address)
Documentazione obbligatoria da inviare per posta elettronica/required documents to be sent by
email [email protected] :
Modulo di richiesta/application form
2) Fotocopia della “Scheda Tecnica” della patente di guida/copy of the Letter of Entitlement
of the Italian driving licence
3) Fotocopia della traduzione/copy of the translation
4) Fotocopia del documento d’identita’ (passaporto o carta d’identita’) in corso di
validita’/copy of a valid passport/identity card
- La “Letter of Entitlment” ovvero la “Scheda Tecnica” della Patente di Guida italiana
dovra’ essere richiesta direttamente alla Motorizzazione Civile in Italia di
competenza e non a questa Ambasciata/the “letter of Entitlement” of the Italian driving licence
must be requested directly from the relevant Motor office in Italy (“Motorizzazione civile”) and not from
this Embassy
Dopo il controllo della richiesta, l’ufficio addetto inviera’ un’email di conferma della
conformita’ della traduzione. Il ritiro della documentazione potra’ avvenire:/after the
translation has been verified, an email of confirmation will be sent. The collection of the documentation
will proceed as follow:
o allo sportello, durante orario di apertura al pubblico, portando l’email di
conferma della conformita’, passaporto o carta d’identita’ in corso di validita’,
pagamento in contanti e il certificato originale assieme alla traduzione
originale/at the Consular Office, during the opening hours, bringing a valid passport or
id.card, payment in cash and the original certificate with the original translation;
Per posta. Inviare l’email di conferma della conformita’, copia del passaporto
o carta d’identita’ in corso di validita’, postal order per il pagamento, il testo
originale assieme alla traduzione originale e busta preaffrancata (francobollo
di 0,70 cents) con l’indirizzo completo. Se si desidera invece ricevere la
documentazione per raccomandata, e’ necessario inviare un busta
preaffrancarta (con francobollo di euro 6,10) con l’indirizzo completo/By post.
Please send the email of confirmation, copy of a valid passport or id.card, postal order for the
payment, the original certificate with the original translation and an envelop with your full
address with a stamp of 0,70 cents. If you wish to receive the documentation by registered
post, please send an envelop with your full address and a stamp of euro 6,10.
Per la traduzione, si consiglia di consultare le allegate versioni/for the translation, we
suggest you to consult the attached versions
Il costo per foglio e’/ the cost per page is: 20 euro
Ambasciata d’Italia a Dublino, 63-65 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4,]
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Territorial Directorate for
Civil Motorization Office
Certificate of Validity
of the driving licence n.:
1. Personal data of the holder of the driving licence
Date of birth:
Place of birth (with an indication also of the country):
2. Category:
Limitations (mark with X the relevant case and specify the limitations, if any)
No limitations
( )
Limitations (ie glasses/contacts, hearing aids)
( )
Required to wear glasses/contacts
4. The driving licence is not currently valid, it expired on:
5. First issued on:
6. The driving licence has not been obtained on foot of an exchange of another
licence issued by:
7. RESTRICTIONS (mark with X the relevant case and specify the restriction, if any)
No restrictions
( )
Issued for uses permitted by the law
Place and Date:
Signed and with the office stamp: Technical Director
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Territorial Directorate for
Office of Civil Motor Vehicles
Certificate of Validity
of the driving licence n.:
1. Personal data of the holder of the driving licence
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
2. Category:
3. Limitations (mark with X the relevant case and specify the limitations, if any)
No limitations
( )
Limitations (ie glasses/contacts)
4. The driving licence is currently valid, it expires on: expires
5. First issued on:
6. The driving licence has been obtained on foot of an exchange of another
licence issued by:
7. RESTRICTIONS (mark with X the relevant case and specify the restriction, if any)
No restrictions
( )
Issued for uses permitted by the law
Place and Date:
Signed and with the office stamp: Head of the Office