
Filippo Bignami, born in Bologna, Italy, 2nd October 1970. Resident in via Losanna 12 – 6900 Lugano,
Switzerland. Mobile tel. CH: +41 (0)76 5934449; E-mail: [email protected].
Secondary school: Scientific high school diploma.
University: Degree in political sciences, political-administrative direction, attained on 20 October 1995 at the
Bologna Faculty of Political sciences.
Thesis “Economy and policy in the russian transiction”, supervisor Prof. G. Alberti, co-supervisor Prof. R.
Languages: Italian mother tongue. English: fluent level spoken and written. French: medium level spoken and
good level written. Spanish: medium level spoken and written. German: basic level.
Other academic titles
PhD in final phase at the École doctorale en études européenne of the Sorbonne University Paris III.
Post-graduate advanced degree “International cooperation and intervention policies in developing
Countries” at the University of Bologna, Political sciences faculty in the academic year 1995-96, (Bologna,
18 December 1996). Thesis: “Polish transition: economy, finance and internationalisation”, supervisor Prof.
R. Benini, Nomisma S.p.A., East Area.
Executive master “Responsable de projet de recherche”. Issued from CNAM Conservatorie National des
Arts et Métiers, centre régional Pays de la Loire, France. Academic year 2003-2004 (Nantes, 15 April 2004).
Certificate of ability in english language TOEFL issued from University of San Diego, California, USA (JulyAugust 1992).
Other titles
Certificate of “Management of didactic communication processess in the e-learning activities, in projectation
and definition of training contents for on-line uses on network platform” issued from RCS Education
(Milano, February-April 2004).
Member of the italian national Journalists organisation.
Trainer title at course “Training trainers A.Cant.O.”, within the Raedes project A.Cant.O.- Architetti di
Cantiere (Bologna, May-June 2003).
Title of “Internal auditor for implementation of Quality systems” at a course on Quality – ISO standards and
organisational principles- (Modena, January-May 1999).
Scientific experiences
• From May 2011 to current, senior researcher at the University of applied sciences of Souther Switzerland,
Health dept.
• From October 2004 to current, senior researcher at “IUFFP – Swiss Federal Universitary Institute for
Vocational Education and training” for projects “GECO – Management of competencies in enterprises: new
roles and new professional profiles”, “ARI” and “ValutARI”.
• From January 2010 to current, scientific consultant for United Nations – International Labour Office (ILO)
for the Labour administration and inspection Programme.
• From 2003 to current, Lecturer for the advanced degree “Administrative sciences and definition of development
policies” held for CESDE – Centro europeo di studi sulla democratizzazione dell’Università di Bologna
(European centre for democratisation studies of the Bologna University). Session of 60 hours each academic
• From January 2005 to current, researcher consultant for Study and research Office of ECAP Foundation
Switzerland, for several European projects.
• From August 2002 to 2009, researcher at University Politecnico di Milano, Department “Building and
environment science and technology – BEST”, for the project “Definition of a Competitive Intelligence model
to support innovation and technology transfer for SMEs”.
• From February 1997 to January 2005, researcher and senior researcher at Universitary service and research
Institute QUA.S.CO. -QUAlificazione e Sviluppo del Costruire-, Service “Market, Enterprise, Work”.
- Activities: Project and management european initiatives; coordination of projects; researches in the field of
organisational, human resources and industrial asset of building sector; researches on industrial relations.
- Responsible and author of research “Home needs of immigrant workers”.
- Responsible and author of the research “Presence and features of immigrant building workers in the
Bologna area”.
- Coordinator of project “F@SE – Formazione Adulti Sistema Edilizia (Training of adults in building
- Responsible of two projects:
“PR.I.M.E – PRogetto Integrato Maestranze Edili (Integrated project for building workers)”;
“Rimodulating the approach to training: the social and economic dialogue”.
• From September 2003 to December 2004, scientific consultant for the Lombardia’s network of building
schools for the project “Innovation and integration of instruction, public services and vocational processes”.
Project EU funded, promoted from ESEM (Ente Scuola Edile di Milano) in partnership with Technical
national Institutes for building surveyor of Regione Lombardia.
• From September 2003 to March 2004 research coordinator and project manager in the project “Partnership
for quality in Social dialogue” promoted by ELBA-Ente Lombardo Bilaterale dell’Artigianato.
• From November 1995 to June 2000, junior researcher at socio-economic research Institute NOMISMA S.p.A.,
Area Public services and public policies.
- Activities: researches on public services, industrial development and socio-economic developing strategies
for eastern Countries; development of human resourses and matching demand offer in Eastern areas;
researches related to projects ACE-PHARE and ACE-TACIS of European Union.
• Journalistic collaborations, articles and reporting for many magazines and reviews.
Further experiences
Coordinator in the definition of the hypertext for distance learning “Factor Q” about the quality in
building sector.
Member of the Laboratory of pathologies of work of the OSC – Organizzazione sociopsichiatrica
cantonale of Cantone Ticino, Switzerland.
Participation with interventions and speeches at several conveigns, meetings and seminars.
October, 2011